Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Why? Other than political points.... why?

That's exactly why. If you're saying it's just done to score political points, he could have scored those political points early on.

Instead, he minimized the seriousness of the virus, got infected with the virus, and NOW decides to wear a mask, making his previous stances look ridiculous.

He minimized the seriousness of the virus...... because it wasn't serious. Covid-19 isn't serious.

Trump was right. The CDC proved that.

Did you miss the numbers put out by the CDC? I'll post them again.
View attachment 397215

In the absolute worst case scenario, with the highest risk age group of 70+.... the maximum recorded fatality rate was 0.093.

Influenza in comparison is 0.1.

So you are trying to tell me that Covid-19 is so serious we have to have lock downs, and ban gatherings, and have people in masks..... for a fatality rate for the worst possible cases, in the highest risk age group..... of 0.093...... when the flu has an OVER ALL fatality rate of 0.1?

By that logic, we should have shut down the country for the last 200 years, over the flu.

Because if you look at the average fatality rate of all scenarios for all age groups... it's way way way lower than the flu.

Trump was dead on right. He was right about the whole thing. That is not opinion... that's fact based on the evidence we have.
These dem loving trolls of course have never had an interest to facts Ollie these thst you just posted of course cause they all hate America and want it destroyed.
You say about the Dem “they all hate America and want it destroyed.” And they are the ones that love trolling?! Get a mirror man
I got that mirror here for you to hold in your
Why do I need to hold a mirror?
Damn you got memory comprehension problems,lol
I think you have a problem making complete arguments and explaining yourself. You can keep making these lazy insult arguments but if you’re looking for engagement then you’re going to have to step up your game
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.
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Your post of course will fall on death ears by the dem worshipping Trump haters here of course the fact that whistle blowing doctors mean nothing to them as evidence just what the idiot box in the living room is the only evidence they are interested in.they sure provide comedy relief in their exrtrenme hate of trump don’t they? The logic they
just know, in a demofks head, one is only an expert if said expert agrees with the demofks. hahahahahhaahahaha insanity by the plenty with them pricks.
I think you have a problem making complete arguments and explaining yourself. You can keep making these lazy insult arguments but if you’re looking for engagement then you’re going to have to step up your game
son, you have no idea on how to banter in here. you have almost never presented evidence to support your shit. Opinionated is all you are. and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.
what is it that has you confused? the dude said emergency rooms aren't full. You know what? he's right. been discussed for five months now. where you been? what evidence do you have that the virus is serious in way shape or form? cause someone told you? now son, that's laughable.
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I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.
what is it that has you confused. the dude said emergency rooms aren't full. You know what? he's right. been discussed for five months now. where you been? what evidence do you have that the virus is serious in way shape or form? cause someone told you? now son, that's laughable.

Sorry, I'm not interested in your opinion.
You mean how foolish you are to ignore patriotic whistle blowing experts doctors who if they don’t conform to the government,they lose their jobs for being brave to expose their lies,how foolish of you to ignore that the CDc themselves admitted the numbers are inflated,only going by everything the idiot box in the living room tells you,foolish indeed.dont you ever get tired of showing how biased and closed minded you are thst your being lied to by the government as they have for decades to us? Foolish indeed of you that you are correct
it's all a theat. if a business doesn't care if one wears a mask or not, they lose their license. It's there business, not the local fks. Businesses are only conforming because of the threat of being put out of business. real fking nice huh?
I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.
what is it that has you confused. the dude said emergency rooms aren't full. You know what? he's right. been discussed for five months now. where you been? what evidence do you have that the virus is serious in way shape or form? cause someone told you? now son, that's laughable.

Sorry, I'm not interested in your opinion.
nor are we interested in yours.

Still waiting on your evidence dude.
oh my.gif
And I care why?
The Mods here have requested Forum members do so because of a software glitch. Threads with tons of replies take too long to scroll especially on a phone. Some of your replies just won't get read.
If the hospital would allowed him to go unmasked, he probably would because he doesn't care who he infects. He's the president you know, he can do anything. Covid patients have to wear masks in the hospital except in their room which has special ventilation to prevent the spread of the disease
Who writes your nonsense?
It's not even that. Hospitals were labeling deaths, as covid deaths.... WITHOUT detecting the virus. We know this, because some hospitals were getting money for Covid deaths, before the hospital even had tests available to verify patients had covid.

How can you label someone as dying of Covid.... when you don't even have a test to find out if they have Covid?

Well, easily.. You just call it a Covid death, and get paid by the government.
That is what I have been saying all along. The data is contaminated so any reliable statistical analysis is impossible. It's the old computer programmer's meme "Garbage in, Garbage out" these brain damaged TDSers drink up that garbage swill like mother's milk.
You both are trying sooooo hard to downplay this thing. Why? You realize your side of the argument results in more people literally dying right?

We're not trying.... We're looking at the facts. You are the one trying to up-play this, contrary to the facts.

We have done your plan. And it didn't prevent a single death. In fact, your freak out plan, likely killed more people than us stating the facts.

We know that ventilators killed people, even though Cuomo and the Democrats attacked Trump over supplying ventilators.

We know that Cuomo forcing known sick people back into nursing homes with the highest risk people in the country, resulted in more deaths. And the reason Cuomo did that, was because he wanted to keep hospital beds open for the millions of people everyone assumed from their freak out session, would be flooding into NYC hospitals.

So again... looking at the facts, not a partisan opinion.... your side of this argument has without question killed more people.
And no, more people are not dying from the Flu than covid in the US. 207,000 deaths from covid so far this year which many researchers say is low. On an annual basis it's 276,000/yr. The only flu that was more deadly than Covid was the Spanish Influenza which killed
Are you sure? Cause you can’t prove the numbers. There’s that
Everything you just posted. You made it up.

One example: "Tell us more about how covid isn't serious even though you were hospitalized over it."

Trump never said Covid was not serious. That is a blatant lie as is the rest of your nasty screed.

Oh please. Trump has been minimizing the seriousness of this virus and he's even on tape admitting to that. Here are several of his quotes minimizing the seriousness of the virus.

"This is a flu. This is like a flu."

“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”

“Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild.”

“If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”

"I intended to always play it down."
Everyone is this way until they get it, then they're made believers of the best kind. The thing is this, we are all lost in the weeds trying to blame each other or politicizing the thing, meanwhile China got away with an attack on our country with no repercussions. Strong tariffs or sanction's should be levied against Chinese goods in order to pay for the damages and resources to fix what they have since broken. Blaming Trump is petty, anti-American, outright disgusting, and it shows how desperate the leftist are in the situation.
The is no evidence that China purposefully released the virus in their own country and your statement that it was an attack on America is just a conspiracy theory. Just because the virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan is no reason to conclude it was an attack on America or the rest of world.

Trump is not being blamed for the virus. He's being blamed for a lack of leadership in controlling it. Practically every nation on earth has been hit by the virus. Some nations such as South Korea were able to control the spread of the versus with minimum loss of life and impact on the economy. Other nations such as the US failed miserably in their efforts to control the virus. The failure in almost every case lies with the inability of the central government to deal with the threat rapidly within the first 30 days following the first outbreak. In the US during January and February, the president was downplaying the virus and actually opposing the efforts of the pandemic response team. It wouldn't be until the end of March when we had over 4,000 deaths, over 30,000 new cases a day, and active cases were in most of the states would the administration be ready to deal with the virus. It was then impossible to stop the virus. The Trump administration had wasted those few months fighting a pollical battle when it should have been fighting a battle against the virus.
Everything you just posted. You made it up.

One example: "Tell us more about how covid isn't serious even though you were hospitalized over it."

Trump never said Covid was not serious. That is a blatant lie as is the rest of your nasty screed.

Oh please. Trump has been minimizing the seriousness of this virus and he's even on tape admitting to that. Here are several of his quotes minimizing the seriousness of the virus.

"This is a flu. This is like a flu."

“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”

“Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild.”

“If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”

"I intended to always play it down."
Everyone is this way until they get it, then they're made believers of the best kind. The thing is this, we are all lost in the weeds trying to blame each other or politicizing the thing, meanwhile China got away with an attack on our country with no repercussions. Strong tariffs or sanction's should be levied against Chinese goods in order to pay for the damages and resources to fix what they have since broken. Blaming Trump is petty, anti-American, outright disgusting, and it shows how desperate the leftist are in the situation.
The is no evidence that China purposefully released the virus in their own country and your statement that it was an attack on America is just a conspiracy theory. Just because the virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan is no reason to conclude it was an attack on America or the rest of world.

Trump is not being blamed for the virus. He's being blamed for a lack of leadership in controlling it. Practically every nation on earth has been hit by the virus. Some nations such as South Korea were able to control the spread of the versus with minimum loss of life and impact on the economy. Other nations such as the US failed miserably in their efforts to control the virus. The failure in almost every case lies with the inability of the central government to deal with the threat rapidly within the first 30 days following the first outbreak. In the US during January and February, the president was downplaying the virus and actually opposing the efforts of the pandemic response team. It wouldn't be until the end of March when we had over 4,000 deaths, over 30,000 new cases a day, and active cases were in most of the states would the administration be ready to deal with the virus. It was then impossible to stop the virus. The Trump administration had wasted those few months fighting a pollical battle when it should have been fighting a battle against the virus.
There’s no evidence of anything. You can’t prove shit from shitola dude.
The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

You didn't say that. You said it was serious if they went to a hospital. The common cold, sends people to the hospital. Not even the flu... just the common cold.

As for in a single year.... Not relevant.

Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that.

Besides that, we already know the death rates for Covid-19 are drastically over blown. We know that for a fact, because hospitals were paid more money if they claimed any given death was covid-19, and so they were labeling every single death they could as being a Covid death, even without even testing to see if the person had Covid.

So not worried about it.
"Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that."

From where do you numbnuts get your info??

2016-2017, the flu claimed as many as 61,000 out of 29 million infected. That's 1 out of every 475 cases.

Whereas COVID-19 has claimed 214,611 out of 7,636,912 infected. 1 out of 36 cases.

The numbers I gave were directly from the CDC, which recently released their new stats.

Screenshot_2020-09-24 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).png

Worst case scenario, in the highest risk age group, is 0.093.

From September 10th. If you have newer stats, I'll look at them.

Millions of people have contracted Covid, while wearing masks, and social distancing, and not going to social gatherings, and washing their hands.

"Karma" for those that followed all the rules? Dumb post.

Karma for those who didn't.

Right.... what about the millions who did, and still got it? Like me? I followed all your dumb rules, and still got it.

Please explain.

If everyone who followed the rules didn't get it, and the one who didn't got the virus.... then it's Karma.

If people get the virus, whether they follow the rules or not, that's not Karma. That's a bunch of rules that are stupid and ineffective. catches up to you.
When you do nothing but put hate out in the world--like you do--it comes back and hits you.
Don't like it...change if you can.
Its as simple as that.

So take your own advice? I've seen you spread hate on here multiple times in the last 2 days.

But again, if Corona is hitting everyone, whether they follow the rules or not, then it isn't Karma. It's just bad ineffective rules, that do nothing.
I’m not saying you are causing anything... unless of course you are one of the people who have spread the virus by going out and acting irresponsibly. There of course are people who have done that and deaths have resulted. You see that don’t you?
Yet another case of you blathering and then denying what you said. Your game is getting pretty old. You make stupid TDS statements then claim you didn't mean what you said. As I said, you hate Trump, why should anyone take you seriously?
Haha. Says the guy who constantly mischaracterizes the things I say. I can’t help it if you need to lie to mold the argument into something you can win. That’s your problem
Mischaracterize? Naw. You don’t have any point that could be considered character worthy.
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