Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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I also feel a little "karen" coming up when I'm wearing a mask like a good boy but someone else isnt or their damn nose is exposed (what the hell is the point), but that's ONLY because I feel forced to follow the rules while others flaunt them, not because I'm afraid of catching the disease.

I personally like the 6 foot rule though and hope it catches on forever. I like my space.
It all depends on where I am. I live in a rural-mountain area and folks around here do as they feel appropriate. The few local stores we have all have mask mandates posted but, lots of old time residents here who have been through other epidemics, polio, TB etc. never wear masks and the stores don't really enforce. I actually feel a little ashamed if I am wearing a mask. I have not heard of 1 case here.

When I travel to a metropolitan area most people are wearing masks and that, IMO, is because they live in high density population areas where one is more likely to come into contact with individuals from varied locations and close living proximity promotes the spread of disease. Most businesses in that area will not allow one to enter if they are not wearing a mask. I comply like a 'good boy' too but try to minimize my time masked up.
I grew up in the days of those real plagues, polio, TB, measles and chickenpox. This is nothing (oops, not supposed to say that)
The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

Country didn't shut down...........and ratio to the current population not much different.

ASSUME definition for Covid death.............let that sink in.............the definition on the death certificate was BS this time.

Did that reach 214,000 American deaths? No.

Try again.

So you do understand what per-capita means? Like how if there are only 170 Million people, and 100,000 die, that this is nearly identical to having 330 million people, and having 200,000 die? With the difference being that that 1968 flu, killed 4 million people globally, and Covid-19 has killed less than 1/4th as many?

Do you not get that? Is that too hard? For most of us, we get it. Do you not get it?

Man public school education really does suck....

I do understand what it means.

Since you’re going to be condescending, then I’m going to ask you to run some numbers for me. Check the per capita death rate for Americans for both the 1968 flu and Covid.

Tell me which number is higher.

Don’t be shy now. You accused me of not understanding this concept. Let’s have you run the numbers and tell me which one was more devastating for Americans at the time, when talking per capita death rates.

Don’t try to weasel out of this one. Answer the question.

You mean which number was served up on a Leftist misinformation platter was higher?
Are you one of those who considers the CCP a solid source of news???
Gon' say it believe all the BS you hear and read (even from govt sources), and you become a fool.

I visit major hospitals in big democrat cities...... I have YET to find one full of covid patients during this pandemic.
All those refrigerated mobile morgues? Props to scare people who WANTED to believe. Like a Cult.
You've been lied to. It's up to you to be a sucker.
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You've been sold a rotten product.
And you bought it a full retail.

Yeah, some INSIST on worshipping at the alter of government misinformation. Sad.

Yea. How foolish of me to listen to the experts on this subject. CNN and MSNBC. Real "experts"
And don't hand me your but...but....but....."the CDC says".......

You obviously lack any skills to disseminate the truth from propaganda

You WANT to believe covid19 was a national crisis, and then you swallow all the misinformation you need to be convinced.

What happened to all you doomsayers cheering that Trump was about to die a week ago?

I have a bridge for sale.......
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The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

You didn't say that. You said it was serious if they went to a hospital. The common cold, sends people to the hospital. Not even the flu... just the common cold.

As for in a single year.... Not relevant.

Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that.

Besides that, we already know the death rates for Covid-19 are drastically over blown. We know that for a fact, because hospitals were paid more money if they claimed any given death was covid-19, and so they were labeling every single death they could as being a Covid death, even without even testing to see if the person had Covid.

So not worried about it.

Has Trump been hospitalized during his presidency for days due to a cold? What about the flu?

You were comparing the death rates of the flu and Covid. If you’re using the data from cdc, then you would realize the obvious truth that Covid is far more deadly. Im not sure what to make of your argument about 0.093 vs 0.1, but the deaths alone should be an indicator that you’re not interpreting that correctly.

Complaining about faulty numbers is just moving the goal posts. According to the cdc numbers that you posted, covid is far more deadly than the flu. It’s that simple.
That moron screwed up the stats to work for him. He claimed the fatality rate for the flu is 0.1 but it's really 0.001.
You've been sold a rotten product.
And you bought it a full retail.

Yeah, some INSIST on worshipping at the alter of government misinformation. Sad.

Yea. How foolish of me to listen to the experts on this subject.
You mean how foolish you are to ignore patriotic whistle blowing experts doctors who if they don’t conform to the government,they lose their jobs for being brave to expose their lies,how foolish of you to ignore that the CDc themselves admitted the numbers are inflated,only going by everything the idiot box in the living room tells you,foolish indeed.dont you ever get tired of showing how biased and closed minded you are thst your being lied to by the government as they have for decades to us? Foolish indeed of you that you are correct
You've been sold a rotten product.
And you bought it a full retail.

Yeah, some INSIST on worshipping at the alter of government misinformation. Sad.

Yea. How foolish of me to listen to the experts on this subject. CNN and MSNBC. Real "experts"
And don't hand me your but...but....but....."the CDC says".......

You obviously lack any skills to disseminate the truth from propaganda

You WANT to believe covid19 was a national crisis, and then you swallow all the misinformation you need to be convinced.

What happened to all you doomsayers cheering that Trump was about to die a week ago?

Tell me about your medical degrees and what you think makes youre qualified to correct the CDC.

Personally, I’m going to listen to the words of the medical experts before I listen to your input. Thanks though. It was a REALLY difficult decision.
You've been sold a rotten product.
And you bought it a full retail.

Yeah, some INSIST on worshipping at the alter of government misinformation. Sad.

Yea. How foolish of me to listen to the experts on this subject. CNN and MSNBC. Real "experts"
And don't hand me your but...but....but....."the CDC says".......

You obviously lack any skills to disseminate the truth from propaganda

You WANT to believe covid19 was a national crisis, and then you swallow all the misinformation you need to be convinced.

What happened to all you doomsayers cheering that Trump was about to die a week ago?
It's a global crisis. You're just another fucked in the head con.
Before they closed only 5 cases happened at a church in Rural Ralls County Missouri until School started, then 150 more came down with the virus 2 weeks later.
Lots of folks 'come down' with the flu....Happens every year. Most are not serious and most Covid cases are not serious. Trump will prove that.
Patriot. Brave whistle blower doctors have exposed the truth the yearly flu virus is five times more deadly than Covid,these brainwashed dem zombies are too stupid to use logic and common sense that if this virus was as deadly as the corporate media and government claim,masks would be totally useless,the only way you could be protected is if you wore a special suit like you see in the movies when a deadly virus has been released,logic and common sense and being objective is not the trump haters strong point though
You've been sold a rotten product.
And you bought it a full retail.

Yeah, some INSIST on worshipping at the alter of government misinformation. Sad.

Yea. How foolish of me to listen to the experts on this subject. CNN and MSNBC. Real "experts"
And don't hand me your but...but....but....."the CDC says".......

You obviously lack any skills to disseminate the truth from propaganda

You WANT to believe covid19 was a national crisis, and then you swallow all the misinformation you need to be convinced.

What happened to all you doomsayers cheering that Trump was about to die a week ago?

Tell me about your medical degrees and what you think makes youre qualified to correct the CDC.

Personally, I’m going to listen to the words of the medical experts before I listen to your input. Thanks though. It was a REALLY difficult decision.
The only medical doctors you are interested in hearing are the ones that have caved into greed that are taking payoffs to rule deaths like a fatal gunshot wound as Covid,you have no interest in hearing from the patriot medical doctors who have a conscience that have exposed those criminals monsters.comedy relief from you as
You've been sold a rotten product.
And you bought it a full retail.

Yeah, some INSIST on worshipping at the alter of government misinformation. Sad.

Yea. How foolish of me to listen to the experts on this subject. CNN and MSNBC. Real "experts"
And don't hand me your but...but....but....."the CDC says".......

You obviously lack any skills to disseminate the truth from propaganda

You WANT to believe covid19 was a national crisis, and then you swallow all the misinformation you need to be convinced.

What happened to all you doomsayers cheering that Trump was about to die a week ago?

Tell me about your medical degrees and what you think makes youre qualified to correct the CDC.

Personally, I’m going to listen to the words of the medical experts before I listen to your input. Thanks though. It was a REALLY difficult decision.

No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.
The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

Country didn't shut down...........and ratio to the current population not much different.

ASSUME definition for Covid death.............let that sink in.............the definition on the death certificate was BS this time.

Did that reach 214,000 American deaths? No.

Try again.

So you do understand what per-capita means? Like how if there are only 170 Million people, and 100,000 die, that this is nearly identical to having 330 million people, and having 200,000 die? With the difference being that that 1968 flu, killed 4 million people globally, and Covid-19 has killed less than 1/4th as many?

Do you not get that? Is that too hard? For most of us, we get it. Do you not get it?

Man public school education really does suck....

I do understand what it means.

Since you’re going to be condescending, then I’m going to ask you to run some numbers for me. Check the per capita death rate for Americans for both the 1968 flu and Covid.

Tell me which number is higher.

Don’t be shy now. You accused me of not understanding this concept. Let’s have you run the numbers and tell me which one was more devastating for Americans at the time, when talking per capita death rates.

Don’t try to weasel out of this one. Answer the question.

You mean which number was served up on a Leftist misinformation platter was higher?
Are you one of those who considers the CCP a solid source of news???
Gon' say it believe all the BS you hear and read (even from govt sources), and you become a fool.

I visit major hospitals in big democrat cities...... I have YET to find one full of covid patients during this pandemic.
All those refrigerated mobile morgues? Props to scare people who WANTED to believe. Like a Cult.
You've been lied to. It's up to you to be a sucker.
That’s cool we have you here to verify what I have heard patriot doctors say the same thing you just said that they also have not seen any hospitals full of Covid patients,independent investigators not on the payroll of the corporate controlled media,have also exposed what you just said so well,that these alleged morgues,are indeed props.well done,gives standing ovation.
Mask, mask, mask, and there are so many cracks in the testing system that it ain't even funny .. There is no way to achieve perfect quarantine. People get tested, then the wait is what 3 days for results ?? Ok during those 3 days they might somehow contact the thing even though quarantining for 3 days where ever they think that it's not while awaiting the results. So when the test results do finally come back, wouldn't the negative that the old test might bring forth, actually change over the waiting period to possibly a positive without the person realizing it ??? Other words you can't hide from a microbe period. The only sure way to get a handle on the thing as far as testing goes, is to have test that give instant results on the spot. Asymptomatic are the worst in the situation, because they carry the germ, but have no symptoms. A vaccine is the only hope in resolving the issue period, but the left fought the battle of delay, delay, delay, hard because Trump is in power. They don't want him to be credited with anything, so it mattered not to them upon how many would suffer. Funny how vaccines fell off the chart for a while. The reporting should be none stop on the progress. Trump had to tell us about all the wonderful New therapeutic treatments and such from his bedside. We should be briefed by the medical industry constantly about this thing. No politics allowed.
Why do you think Trumps doctors, the best in the world, are wearing non surgical masks in this photo. Please enlighten us.

Why? Other than political points.... why?

That's exactly why. If you're saying it's just done to score political points, he could have scored those political points early on.

Instead, he minimized the seriousness of the virus, got infected with the virus, and NOW decides to wear a mask, making his previous stances look ridiculous.

He minimized the seriousness of the virus...... because it wasn't serious. Covid-19 isn't serious.

Trump was right. The CDC proved that.

Did you miss the numbers put out by the CDC? I'll post them again.
View attachment 397215

In the absolute worst case scenario, with the highest risk age group of 70+.... the maximum recorded fatality rate was 0.093.

Influenza in comparison is 0.1.

So you are trying to tell me that Covid-19 is so serious we have to have lock downs, and ban gatherings, and have people in masks..... for a fatality rate for the worst possible cases, in the highest risk age group..... of 0.093...... when the flu has an OVER ALL fatality rate of 0.1?

By that logic, we should have shut down the country for the last 200 years, over the flu.

Because if you look at the average fatality rate of all scenarios for all age groups... it's way way way lower than the flu.

Trump was dead on right. He was right about the whole thing. That is not opinion... that's fact based on the evidence we have.
These dem loving trolls of course have never had an interest to facts Ollie these thst you just posted of course cause they all hate America and want it destroyed.
You say about the Dem “they all hate America and want it destroyed.” And they are the ones that love trolling?! Get a mirror man
I got that mirror here for you to hold in your
Why do I need to hold a mirror?
You've been sold a rotten product.
And you bought it a full retail.

Yeah, some INSIST on worshipping at the alter of government misinformation. Sad.

Yea. How foolish of me to listen to the experts on this subject. CNN and MSNBC. Real "experts"
And don't hand me your but...but....but....."the CDC says".......

You obviously lack any skills to disseminate the truth from propaganda

You WANT to believe covid19 was a national crisis, and then you swallow all the misinformation you need to be convinced.

What happened to all you doomsayers cheering that Trump was about to die a week ago?

I have a bridge for sale.......
Him and everyone of the trump haters that have posted on this thread have ALL demonstrated in spades,they are incapable of disseminating truth from propaganda,they never addresses any of the evidence or facts we bring up,they just pretend we did not mention those facts and deflect always bringing up something else irrelevent that never addresses the evidence or facts you present.
Why? Other than political points.... why?

That's exactly why. If you're saying it's just done to score political points, he could have scored those political points early on.

Instead, he minimized the seriousness of the virus, got infected with the virus, and NOW decides to wear a mask, making his previous stances look ridiculous.

He minimized the seriousness of the virus...... because it wasn't serious. Covid-19 isn't serious.

Trump was right. The CDC proved that.

Did you miss the numbers put out by the CDC? I'll post them again.
View attachment 397215

In the absolute worst case scenario, with the highest risk age group of 70+.... the maximum recorded fatality rate was 0.093.

Influenza in comparison is 0.1.

So you are trying to tell me that Covid-19 is so serious we have to have lock downs, and ban gatherings, and have people in masks..... for a fatality rate for the worst possible cases, in the highest risk age group..... of 0.093...... when the flu has an OVER ALL fatality rate of 0.1?

By that logic, we should have shut down the country for the last 200 years, over the flu.

Because if you look at the average fatality rate of all scenarios for all age groups... it's way way way lower than the flu.

Trump was dead on right. He was right about the whole thing. That is not opinion... that's fact based on the evidence we have.
These dem loving trolls of course have never had an interest to facts Ollie these thst you just posted of course cause they all hate America and want it destroyed.
You say about the Dem “they all hate America and want it destroyed.” And they are the ones that love trolling?! Get a mirror man
I got that mirror here for you to hold in your
Why do I need to hold a mirror?
Damn you got memory comprehension problems,lol
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