Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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You both are trying sooooo hard to downplay this thing. Why? You realize your side of the argument results in more people literally dying right?
I, for one, am trying to present the other side of the argument which you and your fellow TDSers regurgitate on a daily basis here on the Forum. Look, we know you hate Trump you have made no bones about that so, anything you post is suspect in the first place. Your hysteria in trying to accuse me and others who disagree with you of causing people to die only provides further evidence of your unfounded and unbridled hatred of one man and your unstable mental state.
I’m not saying you are causing anything... unless of course you are one of the people who have spread the virus by going out and acting irresponsibly. There of course are people who have done that and deaths have resulted. You see that don’t you?
I’m not saying you are causing anything... unless of course you are one of the people who have spread the virus by going out and acting irresponsibly. There of course are people who have done that and deaths have resulted. You see that don’t you?
Yet another case of you blathering and then denying what you said. Your game is getting pretty old. You make stupid TDS statements then claim you didn't mean what you said. As I said, you hate Trump, why should anyone take you seriously?
I’m not saying you are causing anything... unless of course you are one of the people who have spread the virus by going out and acting irresponsibly. There of course are people who have done that and deaths have resulted. You see that don’t you?
Yet another case of you blathering and then denying what you said. Your game is getting pretty old. You make stupid TDS statements then claim you didn't mean what you said. As I said, you hate Trump, why should anyone take you seriously?
Haha. Says the guy who constantly mischaracterizes the things I say. I can’t help it if you need to lie to mold the argument into something you can win. That’s your problem
Haha. Says the guy who constantly mischaracterizes the things I say. I can’t help it if you need to lie to mold the argument into something you can win. That’s your problem
I realized early on that is your game. To make slightly vague statements then claim that wasn't what you meant when someone nails you. Now I'm going to say you called me a liar and you will post something to the effect that wasn't what you meant. How about you stop playing games and just admit you hate Trump and toddle off now?

Millions of people have contracted Covid, while wearing masks, and social distancing, and not going to social gatherings, and washing their hands.

"Karma" for those that followed all the rules? Dumb post.

Karma for those who didn't.

Right.... what about the millions who did, and still got it? Like me? I followed all your dumb rules, and still got it.

Please explain.

If everyone who followed the rules didn't get it, and the one who didn't got the virus.... then it's Karma.

If people get the virus, whether they follow the rules or not, that's not Karma. That's a bunch of rules that are stupid and ineffective. catches up to you.
When you do nothing but put hate out in the world--like you do--it comes back and hits you.
Don't like it...change if you can.
Its as simple as that.
I guess you think healthcare workers and patients with communicable diseases wear them to hide their face
Am I protected throwing on the same disposable mask that I've had sitting in my car for 2 or 3 months every time I enter the store really doing any good, or am I just pacifying the "karens" who will be upset if they see me without one?
Everything you just posted. You made it up.

One example: "Tell us more about how covid isn't serious even though you were hospitalized over it."

Trump never said Covid was not serious. That is a blatant lie as is the rest of your nasty screed.

Oh please. Trump has been minimizing the seriousness of this virus and he's even on tape admitting to that. Here are several of his quotes minimizing the seriousness of the virus.

"This is a flu. This is like a flu."

“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”

“Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild.”

“If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”

"I intended to always play it down."
Everyone is this way until they get it, then they're made believers of the best kind. The thing is this, we are all lost in the weeds trying to blame each other or politicizing the thing, meanwhile China got away with an attack on our country with no repercussions. Strong tariffs or sanction's should be levied against Chinese goods in order to pay for the damages and resources to fix what they have since broken. Blaming Trump is petty, anti-American, outright disgusting, and it shows how desperate the leftist are in the situation.
I guess you think healthcare workers and patients with communicable diseases wear them to hide their face
Am I protected throwing on the same disposable mask that I've had sitting in my car for 2 or 3 months every time I enter the store really doing any good, or am I just pacifying the "karens" who will be upset if they see me without one?
Good points, because that is exactly what's going on in alot of ways. Now personally I don't like seeing anyone sneezing, coughing and such in the public without a mask on, but that's just me. You want people to be responsible, but these days with so many participation trophy holders out there, it's a frustrating situation. I've seen some stupid crap.
Trump had a dangerous mental state before he contracted COVID-19, but now with his body pumped full of experimental chemicals - he will be even more dangerous and unpredictable. I hope sane people are keeping a close watch on the nuclear suitcase.
Now personally I don't like seeing anyone sneezing, coughing and such in the public without a mask on, but that's just me
I also feel a little "karen" coming up when I'm wearing a mask like a good boy but someone else isnt or their damn nose is exposed (what the hell is the point), but that's ONLY because I feel forced to follow the rules while others flaunt them, not because I'm afraid of catching the disease.

I personally like the 6 foot rule though and hope it catches on forever. I like my space.
Haha. Says the guy who constantly mischaracterizes the things I say. I can’t help it if you need to lie to mold the argument into something you can win. That’s your problem
I realized early on that is your game. To make slightly vague statements then claim that wasn't what you meant when someone nails you. Now I'm going to say you called me a liar and you will post something to the effect that wasn't what you meant. How about you stop playing games and just admit you hate Trump and toddle off now?
I make pretty clear statements which you should take at face value instead of doing your normal distorting interpretations.
Good points, because that is exactly what's going on in alot of ways. Now personally I don't like seeing anyone sneezing, coughing and such in the public without a mask on, but that's just me. You want people to be responsible, but these days with so many participation trophy holders out there, it's a frustrating situation. I've seen some stupid crap.
I was in a store the other day and watched a woman pull down her mask and sneeze. Apparently she did not want to subject herself to her own sputum. Most people sneeze into the crook of their arm. Experiments have shown that will stop droplets from spreading.

We are being led down a dangerous path with these mask wearing nazis. Whey you put on a mask you touch your head by necessity. Apparently "maskers" don't believe one's hands can carry pathogens but, historically that is how viruses are transmitted, not through the air. So "maskers" go ahead and wear your infernal masks, touch them, stuff them in your pockets, put your hands all over them and strap them to your face where those pathogens you transmitted from your unwashed hands to your face have a direct path into your nose. Good luck with that.
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I also feel a little "karen" coming up when I'm wearing a mask like a good boy but someone else isnt or their damn nose is exposed (what the hell is the point), but that's ONLY because I feel forced to follow the rules while others flaunt them, not because I'm afraid of catching the disease.

I personally like the 6 foot rule though and hope it catches on forever. I like my space.
It all depends on where I am. I live in a rural-mountain area and folks around here do as they feel appropriate. The few local stores we have all have mask mandates posted but, lots of old time residents here who have been through other epidemics, polio, TB etc. never wear masks and the stores don't really enforce. I actually feel a little ashamed if I am wearing a mask. I have not heard of 1 case here.

When I travel to a metropolitan area most people are wearing masks and that, IMO, is because they live in high density population areas where one is more likely to come into contact with individuals from varied locations and close living proximity promotes the spread of disease. Most businesses in that area will not allow one to enter if they are not wearing a mask. I comply like a 'good boy' too but try to minimize my time masked up.
I also feel a little "karen" coming up when I'm wearing a mask like a good boy but someone else isnt or their damn nose is exposed (what the hell is the point), but that's ONLY because I feel forced to follow the rules while others flaunt them, not because I'm afraid of catching the disease.

I personally like the 6 foot rule though and hope it catches on forever. I like my space.
It all depends on where I am. I live in a rural-mountain area and folks around here do as they feel appropriate. The few local stores we have all have mask mandates posted but, lots of old time residents here who have been through other epidemics, polio, TB etc. never wear masks and the stores don't really enforce. I actually feel a little ashamed if I am wearing a mask. I have not heard of 1 case here.

When I travel to a metropolitan area most people are wearing masks and that, IMO, is because they live in high density population areas where one is more likely to come into contact with individuals from varied locations and close living proximity promotes the spread of disease. Most businesses in that area will not allow one to enter if they are not wearing a mask. I comply like a 'good boy' too but try to minimize my time masked up.
I grew up in the days of those real plagues, polio, TB, measles and chickenpox. This is nothing (oops, not supposed to say that)
I also feel a little "karen" coming up when I'm wearing a mask like a good boy but someone else isnt or their damn nose is exposed (what the hell is the point), but that's ONLY because I feel forced to follow the rules while others flaunt them, not because I'm afraid of catching the disease.

I personally like the 6 foot rule though and hope it catches on forever. I like my space.
It all depends on where I am. I live in a rural-mountain area and folks around here do as they feel appropriate. The few local stores we have all have mask mandates posted but, lots of old time residents here who have been through other epidemics, polio, TB etc. never wear masks and the stores don't really enforce. I actually feel a little ashamed if I am wearing a mask. I have not heard of 1 case here.

When I travel to a metropolitan area most people are wearing masks and that, IMO, is because they live in high density population areas where one is more likely to come into contact with individuals from varied locations and close living proximity promotes the spread of disease. Most businesses in that area will not allow one to enter if they are not wearing a mask. I comply like a 'good boy' too but try to minimize my time masked up.
Before they closed only 5 cases happened at a church in Rural Ralls County Missouri until School started, then 150 more came down with the virus 2 weeks later.

Before they closed only 5 cases happened at a church in Rural Ralls County Missouri until School started, then 150 more came down with the virus 2 weeks later.
Lots of folks 'come down' with the flu....Happens every year. Most are not serious and most Covid cases are not serious. Trump will prove that.
Trump’s COVID-19 diagnoses is the consequence of a WH engaged in reckless, irresponsible behavior during a pandemic – where the wearing of masks was shunned, social distancing not practiced, and the health and safety guidelines ignored.

As a result of this administration’s willful ignorance and utter incompetence, the president has been hospitalized, other WH staff have been likewise infected, and scores of other individuals have been placed at needless risk.

Indeed, we continue to receive reports of individuals who have come into contact with Trump being infected with COVID-19.

This administration is clearly incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Really? Like Denmark shunned masks? Sweden shunned masks?

You do realize that everything we know, suggests masks are not effective.... you know that, right?

Masks are not to protect the wearer. They are extremely useful in protecting people from the person wearing the mask. The most common means of transmission is frankly spittle. When you speak hundreds or even thousands of tiny droplets of spittle are launched. At least if you are human it is. The masks catch a hell of a lot of this spittle.

Picture it this way. Omaha Beach on D-day. We have all seen the pictures and movies. We can barely imagine the horror of that day. Now imagine that day with half as many machine guns firing on our troops. More troops get off the beach alive right? So if everyone is wearing a mask the reduction in produced droplets of spittle infected with COVID is at least cut in half.

These are similar to the masks worn by the surgical team in a sterile environment trying to remove your head from your ass. Why don’t they shrug and say it is no use since the masks do not stop the virus particles?

Masks are not to protect the wearer. They are extremely useful in protecting people from the person wearing the mask.

Then you didn't read the article. The whole point of the article was that they tested a person who had Covid-19, and were sick, and they had the mask on.

What they found is that Covid-19 was still released into the environment. The masks did nothing. That was whole entire point of the article, if you had read it. There was zero evidence that even surgical masks prevented the spread, let alone the N95.

As for your link.... did you read your link? It's ridiculous. "but that nearly all these droplets were blocked when the mouth was covered by a damp washcloth."

Really? Damp washclothes? First, no kidding. Having a damp cloth over your mouth, like you are being water boarded, does reduce covid-19 dropplets being released.

Please show me the number of people wearing damp face masks? I'll help you out. The number is somewhere below one.

No one is walking around with damp face masks, so using that as a reason to say masks work is idiotic.

Another study of people who had influenza or the common cold found that wearing a surgical mask significantly reduced the amount of these respiratory viruses emitted in droplets and aerosols.

Which begs a huge question if you read the data. According to this data, influenza is getting through the masks far more than Common Cold Covid. (notice they did not test Covid-19 specifically, just other corona illnesses).

So influenza is getting through the mask.... but influenza is far less contagious than Covid-19, which the mask prevents. Yet we already know Covid is far more contagious than influenza.

See a problem there sparky? Influenza is making it through the masks, but influenza is less contagious than Covid-19. That means one of two things... either the primary method of transmission is not through coughing and breathing, thus the masks are pointless, or the test is bad, and they are simply not detecting the virus being transmitted. Because we know for a fact that Covid-19 is far more contagious, and yet Influenza according to that research is more contagious.

A recent study published in Health Affairs, for example, compared the COVID-19 growth rate before and after mask mandates in 15 states and the District of Columbia. It found that mask mandates led to a slowdown in daily COVID-19 growth rate, which became more apparent over time. The first five days after a mandate, the daily growth rate slowed by 0.9 percentage-points compared to the five days prior to the mandate; at three weeks, the daily growth rate had slowed by 2 percentage-points.

Now this is ridiculous. This is just shockingly dumb.

You know what else happened at exactly the same time as the mask mandates? And I mean the EXACT SAME TIME....? The lock down. Stopping large meetings, and large social gatherings.

I don't know of a single state anywhere, that has zero lock down, zero restrictions, but promoted mask wearing alone.

So how do you even think you can tease out the effects of the lock down, and separate them from the effects of the mask wearing?

Of course you can't. Of course you can't! It is impossible. If they even attempt to claim they can, they are liars.

How do I know this? Denmark. Denmark actually discouraged use of masks. I don't see the Denmark had drastically higher death rates, or infection rates, than the rest of Europe, or the US.

So no. Dumb dumb dumb article.
First of all the study was focusing on a hospital environment, not usage by the general public. There is a huge difference. The study was making a comparison N95 respirator masks and surgical masks, certainly not what the general public wears. The viral load in covid 19 wards is far far greater than that of your neighborhood grocery or local restaurants so the masks to be used by the public do not need to be same as in hospitals. Since the viral load in retail establishments is likely to very low, a mask with only 40% or 50% efficiently is sufficient to drop the concentration of the virus to such low level that infection becomes very unlikely. Anything the public does to reduce concentration levels of the virus in public places will reduce infection and save lives.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The study upon which this article was based has since been retracted by the Annals of Internal Medicine. Here is the Retraction Notice.
Correct, masks don’t work

The Mask wearing mantra, is the modern day equivalent to having child practice hiding under their desk in the 1960s for possible nuclear attacks.

Does absolutely nothing, but it's a nice placebo for ignorant people who want to freak out.

Actually. Hiding under the desk was a good idea. Let me explain. Nothing would save you from a ground zero attack. If you are there. You are dead. No question. But outside that area is where shock wave damage is incurred. The worst thing you can do is stand there and stare at the light and mushroom cloud.

When I was in the Army during the tail end of the Cold War we trained for Nukes. The training was to lay down head towards the flash Rifle under your body. Hands over your ears, eyes tightly closed. Face down of course. We had Dosimeters in those days. After the shockwave passed stay down. The reverse wave was coming.

It would not save us from Radiation. If we were ground zero we were dead. But outside that zone we improved our odds of survival by limiting the blast damage we would take.

So hiding under the desk to allow the blast wave to pass over you increased the odds of survival. Not guaranteed them. Just increased them. We tell the kids to do much the same thing with an active shooter or bomb don’t we? Get down. Stay down. A nuke is not a giant extinction ball. Each of the effects covers a finite area.

The further away from the blast point you go the better your odds of survival increase. Especially if you are low, and not looking at the blast in stunned disbelief.

Laying on the ground, or even hiding under your desk improves your odds. Nothing will ever make it a guarantee. But it can be higher.

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