Trump and Russia

Modernizing it by letting Russia take Ukraine? Hmmm.....and when you add in the interesting timing of the hacked DNC emails....sure...

Trump has close ties with Russian interests and Russia is not exactly an ally. Would you be singing the same tune if it were Iran?

When would you release those emails, if you had them? After the election? September? Just before the DNC convention. If you see value in their release, the time was now. You don't have to be for Trump, just against Hillary.

I don't think so. In this election - it's the same thing. You want Trump to win. The DNC emails are really relatively minor - no crimes committed except for one. Hacking it. People ought to be outraged that a foreign power committed a crime in order to influence our elections. If it had been done to someone other than Hillary I think they would be.

It should concern you that media outlets are sending draft articles to the DNC for approval and tweaking before publication. That is the most egregious election swaying here.

Hillary has closer ties to Putin than Trump. She also has close ties to China and ME countries who abuse women and LGBT.

Since the left hasn't given a crap about protecting Ukraine from Russian aggression for the past 2 years, I'm not going to expect the next administration to fight Russia on Ukraine's behalf. We all know the left would oppose it anyway. It is just being used as a "gotcha." This administration has no problem lifting sanctions on Cuba and Iran, so their stand on sanctions against Russia after the reset are pretty comical. The left has insisted this isn't the 80's, the Cold War is over, and Russia is not our enemy.

We are much better off with friendly relations with Russia or they will continue strengthening alliances with the likes of China, affecting our dollar negatively.
Trump is a fucking businessman. He deals with countries all over the world. What dots are there to connect to what?

yes he does, in fact, he buys everything from foreign countries, and not American $ 200.00 Trump tie made in China (for $3.00) anyone?


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Modernizing it by letting Russia take Ukraine? Hmmm.....and when you add in the interesting timing of the hacked DNC emails....sure...

Trump has close ties with Russian interests and Russia is not exactly an ally. Would you be singing the same tune if it were Iran?

When would you release those emails, if you had them? After the election? September? Just before the DNC convention. If you see value in their release, the time was now. You don't have to be for Trump, just against Hillary.

I don't think so. In this election - it's the same thing. You want Trump to win. The DNC emails are really relatively minor - no crimes committed except for one. Hacking it. People ought to be outraged that a foreign power committed a crime in order to influence our elections. If it had been done to someone other than Hillary I think they would be.

PS: Why aren't you outraged that anti-Trump foreign nationals are influencing this election openly (Mexico, Canada, UK)?
The intelligence community will never let trump take the white house and have access to our nukes , after what he has said ,even though he tried to back track saying it was a joke
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.

Almost as bad as the USA being buddy buddy with Israel at least Russia is a fellow European nation who has a strong leader :)
the only reason Pootin' tolerates Trump is because Donnie has man tits...

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The intelligence community will never let trump take the white house and have access to our nukes , after what he has said ,even though he tried to back track saying it was a joke

Haha! But, they are OK with Hillary, who has already been PROVEN to be EXTREMELY CARELESS with national security, having access? It seems every splinter in Trump's eye has a corresponding PLANK in Hillary's. The more the political machine spews, the more insulting they become. I think they know it, too, or Hillary would be having press conferences like presidential candidates generally do. She knows the fewer questions she answers, the better her chances.
Trump is a fucking businessman. He deals with countries all over the world. What dots are there to connect to what?

yes he does, in fact, he buys everything from foreign countries, and not American $ 200.00 Trump tie made in China (for $3.00) anyone?


Almost as if he was running a business. He did it for the same reasons most do, it's too expensive and regulated here.
The propaganda is strong with this one. Trump won't run the business when he's in the White House. American businesses should be in Russia, why not? Trade is the best way to have a relationship. He wants NATO modernized for terrorism since it was designed for countries and he wants members to pay their bills.

Putin has said favorable things about him and they tried to meet but the schedules conflicted so I don't think they ever personally met. Is this a slow news day for you?

Modernizing it by letting Russia take Ukraine? Hmmm.....and when you add in the interesting timing of the hacked DNC emails....sure...

Trump has close ties with Russian interests and Russia is not exactly an ally. Would you be singing the same tune if it were Iran?
I don't know what close ties with Russian interests means, sounds like a smear. So you are worried Trump won't undo everything bad that happened on obama's watch? Why is it OK now but what he might do or not do is harmful? Makes no sense.
Trump is a fucking businessman. He deals with countries all over the world. What dots are there to connect to what?

yes he does, in fact, he buys everything from foreign countries, and not American $ 200.00 Trump tie made in China (for $3.00) anyone?


Almost as if he was running a business. He did it for the same reasons most do, it's too expensive and regulated here.

yup, almost running a business ... you said it, not me.
Trump is a fucking businessman. He deals with countries all over the world. What dots are there to connect to what?

yes he does, in fact, he buys everything from foreign countries, and not American $ 200.00 Trump tie made in China (for $3.00) anyone?


Almost as if he was running a business. He did it for the same reasons most do, it's too expensive and regulated here.

yup, almost running a business ... you said it, not me.
That's your response? You don't have much to operate with.
Trump is a fucking businessman. He deals with countries all over the world. What dots are there to connect to what?

yes he does, in fact, he buys everything from foreign countries, and not American $ 200.00 Trump tie made in China (for $3.00) anyone?


Almost as if he was running a business. He did it for the same reasons most do, it's too expensive and regulated here.

yup, almost running a business ... you said it, not me.
That's your response? You don't have much to operate with.

four bankruptcies, shafted contractors getting pennies on the dollar for their work, disgruntled "students", FRAUD trial, pending, all due to ALMOST RUNNING A BUSINESS..

Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Connect the dots?

Trump first wife Ivana and third wife are from former Soviet Bloc nations and Trump limp his wrist every time Putin talks about him...

So hope you like the New Amerika!!!

What evidence do you have that they were hacked?

Plenty of evidence indicating close ties with Russia and Trump. Maybe Trump should release his taxes.

I said that they may have been hacked. This poses a potential national security risk of such magnitude that Hillary wouldn't be cleared for the lowest level of classifieds information. Can you not comprehend the potential risk if she became President?

P.S. Are you familiar with the word "dissembling?" Your avatar is next to the definition.
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What evidence do you have that they were hacked?

Plenty of evidence indicating close ties with Russia and Trump. Maybe Trump should release his taxes.

I said that they may have been hacked. This poses a potential national security risk of such magnitude that Hillary wouldn't be cleared for the lowest level of classifieds information. Can you not comprehend the potential risk if she became President?

P.S. Are you familiar with the word "dissembling?" Your avatar is next to the definition.

Ok no evidence then.

Any one can be hacked, and have been, incuding government entities.

Why wont Trump release his taxes?
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Modernizing it by letting Russia take Ukraine? Hmmm.....and when you add in the interesting timing of the hacked DNC emails....sure...

Trump has close ties with Russian interests and Russia is not exactly an ally. Would you be singing the same tune if it were Iran?

When would you release those emails, if you had them? After the election? September? Just before the DNC convention. If you see value in their release, the time was now. You don't have to be for Trump, just against Hillary.

I don't think so. In this election - it's the same thing. You want Trump to win. The DNC emails are really relatively minor - no crimes committed except for one. Hacking it. People ought to be outraged that a foreign power committed a crime in order to influence our elections. If it had been done to someone other than Hillary I think they would be.

It should concern you that media outlets are sending draft articles to the DNC for approval and tweaking before publication. That is the most egregious election swaying here.

Hillary has closer ties to Putin than Trump. She also has close ties to China and ME countries who abuse women and LGBT.

Since the left hasn't given a crap about protecting Ukraine from Russian aggression for the past 2 years, I'm not going to expect the next administration to fight Russia on Ukraine's behalf. We all know the left would oppose it anyway. It is just being used as a "gotcha." This administration has no problem lifting sanctions on Cuba and Iran, so their stand on sanctions against Russia after the reset are pretty comical. The left has insisted this isn't the 80's, the Cold War is over, and Russia is not our enemy.

We are much better off with friendly relations with Russia or they will continue strengthening alliances with the likes of China, affecting our dollar negatively.
Trump has .uch closer ties to Russia then Hillary. Has Cuba invaded any countries lately?

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