Trump and Russia

Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Oooh ooh -- I love connect the dots. Let's play. You could have a case. I dunno. But I'm pretty certain that everything you hear in media right now is suspect and charged with partisanship. Like Trumps' admission that he met with Putin at the NPClub. He hosted a Miss Universe contest in Moscow. That's what he does. Maybe he offered Putin a back stage pass or a photo shoot with the women or something -- but I DOUBT at that point -- they were conspiring to divide up Eastern Europe and dismantle NATO. So --- we need a STRAIGHT answer from him. Good Luck with that !!!

And second --- and more importantly -- I've heard dozens of purposely wrong things said about "Trumps influence on the RNC platform". With regards to Ukraine --- I post the ACTUAL RNC positions below. The left wing of the press has blown this "slap" to Ukraine all out of proportion. What was ACTUALLY removed was an existing statement about supplying WEAPONS to the Ukraine. What REMAINS is a totally adequate defense of Ukrainian sovereignty that's virtually INDISTINGUISHABLE from the Obama admin.. To wit.

RNC Platform

We support maintaining and, if warranted, increasing sanctions, together with our allies, against Russia unless and until Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are fully restored. We also support providing appropriate assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine and greater coordination with NATO defense planning.

For the people of Russia, we affirm our respect and our determination to maintain a friendship beyond the reach of those who wish to divide us. We have common imperatives: Ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation, promoting trade, and more. We also have a common problem: The continuing erosion of personal liberty and fundamental rights under the current officials in the Kremlin. Repressive at home and reckless abroad, their policies imperil the nations which regained their self-determination upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed by force, in Ukraine, Georgia, or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate constitutional measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination.

Seems strong enough to me considering what THIS admin has allowed to transpire.

I believe there is a DESIRE to pull closer to Putin. Because Putin is a rare "leader" in the world right now. He (and Russia) have an amazing track record of warning us about making mistakes BEFORE we make them.

1) We were wrong to oppose to Russia when they were in Afghan. And to ally with Jihadists and the Taliban.

2) He stopped Obama/Kerry from blowing yet another smoking crater into the ME with Obama's "Syrian redline" standoff.

3) He has consistently cooperated in the war on terrorism by supplying timely tips which included one of the Tsarnaev bros -- which we apparently ignored.

So -- there MAYBE some love being groomed here. But I doubt its as nefarious as the current press makes it sound.

After the revelation that some media are colluding with the DNC, I think the media is doing more than steering the public. They may as well be Pravda as far as I'm concerned.

I think Trump was correct that the media would pay dearly for Clinton's emails, but not in order to expose her. Rather, in order to bury the emails to protect her.

So I'm not the only one thinking that the media IS sounding a bit like Pravda lite? :badgrin:

All this cronyism at the DNC and selection of super delegates kinda reminds me how seats on the Politburo were assigned as well.. Maybe we ARE closer to Putin and Russia that we think.. Or at least to the old Soviets.
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Oooh ooh -- I love connect the dots. Let's play. You could have a case. I dunno. But I'm pretty certain that everything you hear in media right now is suspect and charged with partisanship. Like Trumps' admission that he met with Putin at the NPClub. He hosted a Miss Universe contest in Moscow. That's what he does. Maybe he offered Putin a back stage pass or a photo shoot with the women or something -- but I DOUBT at that point -- they were conspiring to divide up Eastern Europe and dismantle NATO. So --- we need a STRAIGHT answer from him. Good Luck with that !!!

And second --- and more importantly -- I've heard dozens of purposely wrong things said about "Trumps influence on the RNC platform". With regards to Ukraine --- I post the ACTUAL RNC positions below. The left wing of the press has blown this "slap" to Ukraine all out of proportion. What was ACTUALLY removed was an existing statement about supplying WEAPONS to the Ukraine. What REMAINS is a totally adequate defense of Ukrainian sovereignty that's virtually INDISTINGUISHABLE from the Obama admin.. To wit.

RNC Platform

We support maintaining and, if warranted, increasing sanctions, together with our allies, against Russia unless and until Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are fully restored. We also support providing appropriate assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine and greater coordination with NATO defense planning.

For the people of Russia, we affirm our respect and our determination to maintain a friendship beyond the reach of those who wish to divide us. We have common imperatives: Ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation, promoting trade, and more. We also have a common problem: The continuing erosion of personal liberty and fundamental rights under the current officials in the Kremlin. Repressive at home and reckless abroad, their policies imperil the nations which regained their self-determination upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed by force, in Ukraine, Georgia, or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate constitutional measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination.

Seems strong enough to me considering what THIS admin has allowed to transpire.

I believe there is a DESIRE to pull closer to Putin. Because Putin is a rare "leader" in the world right now. He (and Russia) have an amazing track record of warning us about making mistakes BEFORE we make them.

1) We were wrong to oppose to Russia when they were in Afghan. And to ally with Jihadists and the Taliban.

2) He stopped Obama/Kerry from blowing yet another smoking crater into the ME with Obama's "Syrian redline" standoff.

3) He has consistently cooperated in the war on terrorism by supplying timely tips which included one of the Tsarnaev bros -- which we apparently ignored.

So -- there MAYBE some love being groomed here. But I doubt its as nefarious as the current press makes it sound.

After the revelation that some media are colluding with the DNC, I think the media is doing more than steering the public. They may as well be Pravda as far as I'm concerned.

I think Trump was correct that the media would pay dearly for Clinton's emails, but not in order to expose her. Rather, in order to bury the emails to protect her.

So I'm not the only one thinking that the media IS sounding a bit like Pravda lite? :badgrin:

All this cronyism at the DNC and selection of super delegates kinda reminds me how seats on the Politburo were assigned as well.. Maybe we ARE closer to Putin and Russia that we think.. Or at least to the old Soviets.

Yeah. I'm kinda pissed we gave that reset button to Russia. The US could sure use it right about now. I want a do-over.
What evidence do you have that they were hacked?

Plenty of evidence indicating close ties with Russia and Trump. Maybe Trump should release his taxes.

I said that they may have been hacked. This poses a potential national security risk of such magnitude that Hillary wouldn't be cleared for the lowest level of classifieds information. Can you not comprehend the potential risk if she became President?

P.S. Are you familiar with the word "dissembling?" Your avatar is next to the definition.

Ok no evidence then.

Any one can be hacked, and have been, incuding government entities.

Why wont Trump release his taxes?

There are two reasons in my opinion why he has not released his tax returns:

1. The connections of him not only working with the Russians but also Muslim countries too.

2. He is a paper tiger and after you remove all his debt and credit he might not be worth the actual amount he claims...
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.

Again, why isn't this in Conspiracy Theories?

You're a mod, right?

because all the Obama/Clinton RW bs conspiracy never made it there either?
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.

Again, why isn't this in Conspiracy Theories?

You're a mod, right?

because all the Obama/Clinton RW bs conspiracy never made it there either?
There is legitimate speculation based on solid facts and deceit, and then there's the goofy paranoid world where Coyote resides. I just think a mod would be more concerned with his own integrity when it comes to obvious administrative matters.

Connect the dots, my ass.

well ok then, lets go with nobody gives a fuck.
well ok then, lets go with nobody gives a fuck.
Agreed. You are nobody.

It's Coyote that should be a somebody.

its obvious you're whining about nothing. you should be flattered I lowered myself to dignify you with a response of any kind.;

from Coyotes op

Still, the weekend was fruitful for Trump. He received a portion of the $14 million paid by Agalarov and other investors to bring the pageant to Moscow. Agalarov said he and Trump signed an agreement to build a Trump Tower in the heart of Moscow — at least Trump’s fifth attempt at such a venture

no conspiracy ... FACT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

now go back to your playpen and whine
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Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Connect the dots hell, I'm still looking for topic related original content as required by the posting rules. What is the topic anyways, links or satire?
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


did you know that in the 90s the relations between Russia and America was so close

that Americans farmed in Russia did all sorts of business in Russia

and the Russians would fly at air shows all across the USA

what happened with the reset button
  • Thread starter
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  • #70
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Oooh ooh -- I love connect the dots. Let's play. You could have a case. I dunno. But I'm pretty certain that everything you hear in media right now is suspect and charged with partisanship. Like Trumps' admission that he met with Putin at the NPClub. He hosted a Miss Universe contest in Moscow. That's what he does. Maybe he offered Putin a back stage pass or a photo shoot with the women or something -- but I DOUBT at that point -- they were conspiring to divide up Eastern Europe and dismantle NATO. So --- we need a STRAIGHT answer from him. Good Luck with that !!!

And second --- and more importantly -- I've heard dozens of purposely wrong things said about "Trumps influence on the RNC platform". With regards to Ukraine --- I post the ACTUAL RNC positions below. The left wing of the press has blown this "slap" to Ukraine all out of proportion. What was ACTUALLY removed was an existing statement about supplying WEAPONS to the Ukraine. What REMAINS is a totally adequate defense of Ukrainian sovereignty that's virtually INDISTINGUISHABLE from the Obama admin.. To wit.

RNC Platform

We support maintaining and, if warranted, increasing sanctions, together with our allies, against Russia unless and until Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are fully restored. We also support providing appropriate assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine and greater coordination with NATO defense planning.

For the people of Russia, we affirm our respect and our determination to maintain a friendship beyond the reach of those who wish to divide us. We have common imperatives: Ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation, promoting trade, and more. We also have a common problem: The continuing erosion of personal liberty and fundamental rights under the current officials in the Kremlin. Repressive at home and reckless abroad, their policies imperil the nations which regained their self-determination upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed by force, in Ukraine, Georgia, or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate constitutional measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination.

Seems strong enough to me considering what THIS admin has allowed to transpire.

I believe there is a DESIRE to pull closer to Putin. Because Putin is a rare "leader" in the world right now. He (and Russia) have an amazing track record of warning us about making mistakes BEFORE we make them.

1) We were wrong to oppose to Russia when they were in Afghan. And to ally with Jihadists and the Taliban.

2) He stopped Obama/Kerry from blowing yet another smoking crater into the ME with Obama's "Syrian redline" standoff.

3) He has consistently cooperated in the war on terrorism by supplying timely tips which included one of the Tsarnaev bros -- which we apparently ignored.

So -- there MAYBE some love being groomed here. But I doubt its as nefarious as the current press makes it sound.
The thing is, IS Putin the kind of leader we should be drewing closer to when his ambitions include invading our allies...sort of sends the wrong message. As does Russias bombing of groups we are attempting to ally with and the targeting of hospitals and civilians. Or the hacking of emails and attempting to influence our elections.
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  • #71
Funny how this campaign reminds me of Reagan vs Carter. What was it they said? Reagan will push the button and cause a nuclear war, a dangerous tired old saber rattler, he's a fascist, no foreign policy experience, his economic plan was smoke and mirrors......
Reagan wasnt a thin skinned loose cannon. Has trump yet shown any indication he can moderate himself?
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  • #72
I don't think Trump is against DC. He's for Trump. It would be good to know how honest his money is, but unlike Clinton, he won't release his taxes.

So releasing bogus tax returns is a good thing? $38 million at LEAST unaccounted for, how awesome you can overlook that.
At least youve seen it. What is unaccounted for in Trumps?
Funny how this campaign reminds me of Reagan vs Carter. What was it they said? Reagan will push the button and cause a nuclear war, a dangerous tired old saber rattler, he's a fascist, no foreign policy experience, his economic plan was smoke and mirrors......

True. Though unlike Trump, Reagan was a free market capitalist
What evidence do you have that they were hacked?

Plenty of evidence indicating close ties with Russia and Trump. Maybe Trump should release his taxes.

I said that they may have been hacked. This poses a potential national security risk of such magnitude that Hillary wouldn't be cleared for the lowest level of classifieds information. Can you not comprehend the potential risk if she became President?

P.S. Are you familiar with the word "dissembling?" Your avatar is next to the definition.

Ok no evidence then.

Any one can be hacked, and have been, incuding government entities.

Why wont Trump release his taxes?

There are two reasons in my opinion why he has not released his tax returns:

1. The connections of him not only working with the Russians but also Muslim countries too.

2. He is a paper tiger and after you remove all his debt and credit he might not be worth the actual amount he claims...

Tax returns don't state your wealth, they state your income. Don't you pay taxes? Why do you people keep saying that?

And the reason he isn't releasing them is he knows why Democraps want them, to scour them for talking points. They don't care what the taxes actually show
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  • #75
I dont think there is that much of value in th dnc hacked emails

Why are Hillary's emails less likely to have been hacked? You are obviously terrified of this issue, and you should be.
I'm saying no evidence.

I'm not going to run yelling the sky is falling without reasonable evidence. No, I'm not concerned at this point.

I am concerned about Trumps potentially close ties to Russia, because that combined with an isolationist stance could give Russia free rein to invade it's former satellites and our current allies.
I dont think there is that much of value in th dnc hacked emails

Why are Hillary's emails less likely to have been hacked? You are obviously terrified of this issue, and you should be.
I'm saying no evidence.

I'm not going to run yelling the sky is falling without reasonable evidence. No, I'm not concerned at this point.

I am concerned about Trumps potentially close ties to Russia, because that combined with an isolationist stance could give Russia free rein to invade it's former satellites and our current allies.

You think Obama's been a deterrent?


Yeah. Ask The Ukraine about that ...
  • Thread starter
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  • #77
What evidence do you have that they were hacked?

Plenty of evidence indicating close ties with Russia and Trump. Maybe Trump should release his taxes.

I said that they may have been hacked. This poses a potential national security risk of such magnitude that Hillary wouldn't be cleared for the lowest level of classifieds information. Can you not comprehend the potential risk if she became President?

P.S. Are you familiar with the word "dissembling?" Your avatar is next to the definition.

Ok no evidence then.

Any one can be hacked, and have been, incuding government entities.

Why wont Trump release his taxes?

There are two reasons in my opinion why he has not released his tax returns:

1. The connections of him not only working with the Russians but also Muslim countries too.

2. He is a paper tiger and after you remove all his debt and credit he might not be worth the actual amount he claims...

Tax returns don't state your wealth, they state your income. Don't you pay taxes? Why do you people keep saying that?

And the reason he isn't releasing them is he knows why Democraps want them, to scour them for talking points. They don't care what the taxes actually show

Hysterically funny because that is not what you would be saying if it was Clinton who wouldn't.

All the candidates for some time now have done so. But Trump.
  • Thread starter
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  • #78
I dont think there is that much of value in th dnc hacked emails

Why are Hillary's emails less likely to have been hacked? You are obviously terrified of this issue, and you should be.
I'm saying no evidence.

I'm not going to run yelling the sky is falling without reasonable evidence. No, I'm not concerned at this point.

I am concerned about Trumps potentially close ties to Russia, because that combined with an isolationist stance could give Russia free rein to invade it's former satellites and our current allies.

You think Obama's been a deterrent?


Yeah ...

Sanctions have had an effect combined with low oil prices. A Trump administration would likely drop them.
What evidence do you have that they were hacked?

Plenty of evidence indicating close ties with Russia and Trump. Maybe Trump should release his taxes.

I said that they may have been hacked. This poses a potential national security risk of such magnitude that Hillary wouldn't be cleared for the lowest level of classifieds information. Can you not comprehend the potential risk if she became President?

P.S. Are you familiar with the word "dissembling?" Your avatar is next to the definition.

Ok no evidence then.

Any one can be hacked, and have been, incuding government entities.

Why wont Trump release his taxes?

There are two reasons in my opinion why he has not released his tax returns:

1. The connections of him not only working with the Russians but also Muslim countries too.

2. He is a paper tiger and after you remove all his debt and credit he might not be worth the actual amount he claims...

Tax returns don't state your wealth, they state your income. Don't you pay taxes? Why do you people keep saying that?

And the reason he isn't releasing them is he knows why Democraps want them, to scour them for talking points. They don't care what the taxes actually show

Hysterically funny because that is not what you would be saying if it was Clinton who wouldn't.

All the candidates for some time now have done so. But Trump.

Bull crap, I've consistently said about any candidate that nothing in their tax returns is going to change my vote. You're just making up your shit.

And FYI, I'm not a Trump Supporter

This just in, Kaz endorses ...
  • Thread starter
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  • #80
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Connect the dots hell, I'm still looking for topic related original content as required by the posting rules. What is the topic anyways, links or satire?

It has original content.

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