Trump and Russia

Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Who's the one that ignored Russian aggression against Georgia and hit the reset button with them? And dont get dont get me started on the russian uranium deal.
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Ok no evidence then.

Any one can be hacked, and have been, incuding government entities.

Do you understand the concept of risk? Hillary not only deleted emails from her server, she made sure they were wiped clean before turning them over to the FBI. OBVIOUSLY, she wanted to keep them hidden from this law enforcement agency. The fact that someone else MAY have hacked them BEFORE she erased them mean that she could be subject to BLACKMAIL. This is one of the most basic principles of national security.
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  • Thread starter
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  • #43
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.

Almost as bad as the USA being buddy buddy with Israel at least Russia is a fellow European nation who has a strong leader :)

If by "strong leaders" you mean authoraterian dictators, then Russia should suit you.
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  • #44
Modernizing it by letting Russia take Ukraine? Hmmm.....and when you add in the interesting timing of the hacked DNC emails....sure...

Trump has close ties with Russian interests and Russia is not exactly an ally. Would you be singing the same tune if it were Iran?

When would you release those emails, if you had them? After the election? September? Just before the DNC convention. If you see value in their release, the time was now. You don't have to be for Trump, just against Hillary.

I don't think so. In this election - it's the same thing. You want Trump to win. The DNC emails are really relatively minor - no crimes committed except for one. Hacking it. People ought to be outraged that a foreign power committed a crime in order to influence our elections. If it had been done to someone other than Hillary I think they would be.

PS: Why aren't you outraged that anti-Trump foreign nationals are influencing this election openly (Mexico, Canada, UK)?
Evidence? Dont think theyve hacked us lately....
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.

Nice self explanatory syllogism C. Hard to deny.

It is rather scary to think the USA is a pawn caught between two big businessmen -- Trump and Putin -- trying to make a deal for themselves.

Of the two of them, Trump seems like a con artist, just like Bloomberg said.

Of the two of them, Putin seems extremely dangerous since nobody knows how far he plans to go -- East Ukraine or ALL of Ukraine or MORE of Eastern Europe or ALL of Eastern Europe or ALL of Europe.

I have to wonder why this same scenario keeps coming up again over and over.

The first such land grab was in 1870 by Bismarck.

The second was in 1914 by the Kaiser.

The third was in 1938 by Adolf.

Now once again we have Putin playing the same game in Ukraine.

And the fool Trump wants to play right along with him just like Neville Chamberlain used to do.

Right about now would be a very good time to elect a former Secretary Of State who naturally knows something about international affairs rather than an old rich frat boy who only chases more money and EuroTrash girlies.
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I don't think Trump is against DC. He's for Trump. It would be good to know how honest his money is, but unlike Clinton, he won't release his taxes.

So releasing bogus tax returns is a good thing? $38 million at LEAST unaccounted for, how awesome you can overlook that.
I don't want Hillary to win, big difference. After that, I would prefer Trump lose as well. I guess if you consider Hillary is running on how we need to bring people together and her party is trashing the religion of a candidate behind the scenes. It might be a big deal. If you consider Americans want to see corruption in D.C. end and Democrats cheated their own people, that could be a big problem. It all just looks like lies from my point of view,
For many people this election is between the lesser of two weevils.

Some voters are starting to warm up to Hillary while Trump still has his tv viewership base of angry non college educated white males.

With very few anomalies, this vote may come down to being between rather well informed female voters versus rather ill informed males on opposite sides. The swing vote will become all the other males, plus the Negroes, plus the Latinos, plus the Muslim immigrants, plus the Asians. Trump's lack of political skills and experience may have already alienated most of the swing vote already.

If you had to bet your 401K money, where would you be more likely to bet it ??

CIA Analyst: Giving Trump Classified Intelligence Could be A “Disaster” For National Security

Aki Peritz, a former CIA analyst who wrote an article in March about the dangers of sensitive national security secrets to a man who “famously has no filter” and gets much of his cachet from “telling it like it is.” “He’s never held public office before,” Prietz said in an interview with NPR today, “so if the United States starts giving Donald Trump classified briefings it could be a disaster.” Trump is so prone to bragging, and has such a child’s composure that it is not hard to see him being unable to resist the urge to share the classified information like a toddler who just has to show everyone the new toy only he has. Indeed, another intelligence official, who wished to remain anonymous because he is currently at the CIA, said that “It’s not an unreasonable concern that he’ll talk publicly about what’s supposed to stay in that room.”

He is utterly disdainful of almost anything beyond America’s borders and has not only showed an incredible ignorance of the world but appears to be proud of that ignorance. As former CIA director Michael Hayden said,“It beggars the imagination; given that his public persona seems to reflect a lack of understanding or care about global issues, how do you arrange these presentations?” And we shouldn’t even count ourselves out of the woods if Trump manages to keep his mouth shut until the election. Given his sore-loser tendencies it is entirely conceivable that he would spill classified information in spite after his inevitable loss in November

CIA Analyst: Giving Trump Classified Intelligence Could be A "Disaster" For National Security

We the undersigned, members of the Republican national security community, represent a broad spectrum of opinion on America’s role in the world and what is necessary to keep us safe and prosperous. We have disagreed with one another on many issues, including the Iraq war and intervention in Syria. But we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency. Recognizing as we do, the conditions in American politics that have contributed to his popularity, we nonetheless are obligated to state our core objections clearly:

His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence.

His advocacy for aggressively waging trade wars is a recipe for economic disaster in a globally connected world.

Open Letter on Trump from GOP National Security Leaders

In other words, he is mentally
I don't think Trump is against DC. He's for Trump. It would be good to know how honest his money is, but unlike Clinton, he won't release his taxes.

So releasing bogus tax returns is a good thing? $38 million at LEAST unaccounted for, how awesome you can overlook that.
We don't need to see Trump's tax returns.

Trump is going to be embarrassed enough when he is blown out of the water in November.

No sense in embarrassing the poor rich man more.

Nothing about his wealth is relevant to the election.

Trump should NOT be elected. End of story.
Modernizing it by letting Russia take Ukraine? Hmmm.....and when you add in the interesting timing of the hacked DNC emails....sure...

Trump has close ties with Russian interests and Russia is not exactly an ally. Would you be singing the same tune if it were Iran?

When would you release those emails, if you had them? After the election? September? Just before the DNC convention. If you see value in their release, the time was now. You don't have to be for Trump, just against Hillary.

I don't think so. In this election - it's the same thing. You want Trump to win. The DNC emails are really relatively minor - no crimes committed except for one. Hacking it. People ought to be outraged that a foreign power committed a crime in order to influence our elections. If it had been done to someone other than Hillary I think they would be.

It should concern you that media outlets are sending draft articles to the DNC for approval and tweaking before publication. That is the most egregious election swaying here.

Hillary has closer ties to Putin than Trump. She also has close ties to China and ME countries who abuse women and LGBT.

Since the left hasn't given a crap about protecting Ukraine from Russian aggression for the past 2 years, I'm not going to expect the next administration to fight Russia on Ukraine's behalf. We all know the left would oppose it anyway. It is just being used as a "gotcha." This administration has no problem lifting sanctions on Cuba and Iran, so their stand on sanctions against Russia after the reset are pretty comical. The left has insisted this isn't the 80's, the Cold War is over, and Russia is not our enemy.

We are much better off with friendly relations with Russia or they will continue strengthening alliances with the likes of China, affecting our dollar negatively.
Trump has .uch closer ties to Russia then Hillary. Has Cuba invaded any countries lately?

Hillary has much closer ties to Putin and Russian nationals. Trump has sold real estate to Russians, well, one that I know of. Cuba pointed nukes at us and has considered us an enemy every day since then and even now. Castro does not even hide his disdain and makes it clear he despises us. He could care less about diplomacy with the US.

Tell me again why you are not outraged about Mexico, Canada, UK, etc influencing this election ... or that the left directly asked Russia to try to influence the election Reagan won.

Hillary left her shit open for hacking, but Trump is the bad guy. We aren't stupid. If you really cared, you'd have cared when your side did it and
Modernizing it by letting Russia take Ukraine? Hmmm.....and when you add in the interesting timing of the hacked DNC emails....sure...

Trump has close ties with Russian interests and Russia is not exactly an ally. Would you be singing the same tune if it were Iran?

When would you release those emails, if you had them? After the election? September? Just before the DNC convention. If you see value in their release, the time was now. You don't have to be for Trump, just against Hillary.

I don't think so. In this election - it's the same thing. You want Trump to win. The DNC emails are really relatively minor - no crimes committed except for one. Hacking it. People ought to be outraged that a foreign power committed a crime in order to influence our elections. If it had been done to someone other than Hillary I think they would be.

It should concern you that media outlets are sending draft articles to the DNC for approval and tweaking before publication. That is the most egregious election swaying here.

Hillary has closer ties to Putin than Trump. She also has close ties to China and ME countries who abuse women and LGBT.

Since the left hasn't given a crap about protecting Ukraine from Russian aggression for the past 2 years, I'm not going to expect the next administration to fight Russia on Ukraine's behalf. We all know the left would oppose it anyway. It is just being used as a "gotcha." This administration has no problem lifting sanctions on Cuba and Iran, so their stand on sanctions against Russia after the reset are pretty comical. The left has insisted this isn't the 80's, the Cold War is over, and Russia is not our enemy.

We are much better off with friendly relations with Russia or they will continue strengthening alliances with the likes of China, affecting our dollar negatively.
Trump has .uch closer ties to Russia then Hillary. Has Cuba invaded any countries lately?

Hillary has much closer ties to Putin and Russian nationals. Trump married some women from near there and sold real estate to a Russian.

Cuba pointed nukes at us and has remained hostile to us even today. Castro couldn't care less about diplomacy with the US and does not even bother to hide his disdain. Better relations with Russia helps the US. Better relations with Cuba, especially as one-sided as it is, does not.

Hillary left her stuff open to be hacked, but Trump is the bad guy. Kennedy wasn't a bad guy when he asked Russia to influence the election Reagan won, though, because he was on the left. This is just desperate deflection, not genuine concern or the left would have been complaining all along.

ETA: Sorry about the dual post. I had to change devices and didn't realize the draft was saved. It did not show.
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Donald Trump Openly Encourages Russian Cyberspying Against U.S.; Challenges Spies To Hack State Department Emails

Amid espionage charges against Russia and accusations that its spies are trying to influence the upcoming U.S. presidential election, GOP nominee Donald Trump openly encouraged cyber-spying against the U.S. and challenged Russian spies to hack into State Department emails.

“Russia, if you’re listening," Trump said during a news conference from one of his golf courses, "I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens. That'll be next."

The stunning statement came as questions swirl around growing evidence of Russia's involvement in a hack of Democratic National Committee emails and the nation's attempts to sway the U.S. election in favor of Trump.

The Republican nominee dismissed a follow-up question about whether he had, in fact, just urged Russia to infiltrate U.S. intelligence.

“Be quiet," he told NBC's Katy Tur. "Let the president talk to them.”

Almost as soon as Trump left the stage — following a rambling press conference where he referred to John Hinckley Jr., as "David"; said that Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine had governed in New Jersey; and called the Geneva Convention "out of date" — his running mate Mike Pence disavowed Trump's comments about Russian hacking.

And when asked Wednesday if he would call on Putin not to interfere with America's election, Trump deflected.

“I’m not going to tell Putin what to do,” Trump said. “Why should I tell Putin what to do?”

Donald Trump Openly Encourages Russian Cyberspying Against U.S.; Challenges Spies To Hack State Department Emails
Modernizing it by letting Russia take Ukraine? Hmmm.....and when you add in the interesting timing of the hacked DNC emails....sure...

Trump has close ties with Russian interests and Russia is not exactly an ally. Would you be singing the same tune if it were Iran?

When would you release those emails, if you had them? After the election? September? Just before the DNC convention. If you see value in their release, the time was now. You don't have to be for Trump, just against Hillary.

I don't think so. In this election - it's the same thing. You want Trump to win. The DNC emails are really relatively minor - no crimes committed except for one. Hacking it. People ought to be outraged that a foreign power committed a crime in order to influence our elections. If it had been done to someone other than Hillary I think they would be.

PS: Why aren't you outraged that anti-Trump foreign nationals are influencing this election openly (Mexico, Canada, UK)?
Evidence? Dont think theyve hacked us lately....

The Mexican president is threatening to punish us if we elect Trump by calling their people home (LOL); Trudeau threatened to ban Trump from Canada if elected; and UK Parliament talked the same talk openly. That is clearly trying to influence our election. The left welcomes foreign nationals to intrude on our elections as long as it pushes leftist, globalist agendas. There is no concern for US sovereignty from the left. Talk about faux rage.
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.

Almost as bad as the USA being buddy buddy with Israel at least Russia is a fellow European nation who has a strong leader :)

If by "strong leaders" you mean authoraterian dictators, then Russia should suit you.
Last time I checked Russians pick their leaders as much as Americans pick theirs
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Oooh ooh -- I love connect the dots. Let's play. You could have a case. I dunno. But I'm pretty certain that everything you hear in media right now is suspect and charged with partisanship. Like Trumps' admission that he met with Putin at the NPClub. He hosted a Miss Universe contest in Moscow. That's what he does. Maybe he offered Putin a back stage pass or a photo shoot with the women or something -- but I DOUBT at that point -- they were conspiring to divide up Eastern Europe and dismantle NATO. So --- we need a STRAIGHT answer from him. Good Luck with that !!!

And second --- and more importantly -- I've heard dozens of purposely wrong things said about "Trumps influence on the RNC platform". With regards to Ukraine --- I post the ACTUAL RNC positions below. The left wing of the press has blown this "slap" to Ukraine all out of proportion. What was ACTUALLY removed was an existing statement about supplying WEAPONS to the Ukraine. What REMAINS is a totally adequate defense of Ukrainian sovereignty that's virtually INDISTINGUISHABLE from the Obama admin.. To wit.

RNC Platform

We support maintaining and, if warranted, increasing sanctions, together with our allies, against Russia unless and until Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are fully restored. We also support providing appropriate assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine and greater coordination with NATO defense planning.

For the people of Russia, we affirm our respect and our determination to maintain a friendship beyond the reach of those who wish to divide us. We have common imperatives: Ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation, promoting trade, and more. We also have a common problem: The continuing erosion of personal liberty and fundamental rights under the current officials in the Kremlin. Repressive at home and reckless abroad, their policies imperil the nations which regained their self-determination upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed by force, in Ukraine, Georgia, or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate constitutional measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination.

Seems strong enough to me considering what THIS admin has allowed to transpire.

I believe there is a DESIRE to pull closer to Putin. Because Putin is a rare "leader" in the world right now. He (and Russia) have an amazing track record of warning us about making mistakes BEFORE we make them.

1) We were wrong to oppose to Russia when they were in Afghan. And to ally with Jihadists and the Taliban.

2) He stopped Obama/Kerry from blowing yet another smoking crater into the ME with Obama's "Syrian redline" standoff.

3) He has consistently cooperated in the war on terrorism by supplying timely tips which included one of the Tsarnaev bros -- which we apparently ignored.

So -- there MAYBE some love being groomed here. But I doubt its as nefarious as the current press makes it sound.
Let's review...

Trump wants to build in Moscow.
Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations.
Trump wants to get out of NATO.
Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs.
Trump (an American oligarch) has close ties and many business dealings with Russian oligarchs.
Trump is on record saying he has a good relationship with Putin.
Trump does not want to disclose his tax records possibly showing his dealings.
Now Trump says he doesn't know Putin.
Trump got the plank supporting an independent Ukraine removed from the Republican platform.

Connect the dots.


Oooh ooh -- I love connect the dots. Let's play. You could have a case. I dunno. But I'm pretty certain that everything you hear in media right now is suspect and charged with partisanship. Like Trumps' admission that he met with Putin at the NPClub. He hosted a Miss Universe contest in Moscow. That's what he does. Maybe he offered Putin a back stage pass or a photo shoot with the women or something -- but I DOUBT at that point -- they were conspiring to divide up Eastern Europe and dismantle NATO. So --- we need a STRAIGHT answer from him. Good Luck with that !!!

And second --- and more importantly -- I've heard dozens of purposely wrong things said about "Trumps influence on the RNC platform". With regards to Ukraine --- I post the ACTUAL RNC positions below. The left wing of the press has blown this "slap" to Ukraine all out of proportion. What was ACTUALLY removed was an existing statement about supplying WEAPONS to the Ukraine. What REMAINS is a totally adequate defense of Ukrainian sovereignty that's virtually INDISTINGUISHABLE from the Obama admin.. To wit.

RNC Platform

We support maintaining and, if warranted, increasing sanctions, together with our allies, against Russia unless and until Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are fully restored. We also support providing appropriate assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine and greater coordination with NATO defense planning.

For the people of Russia, we affirm our respect and our determination to maintain a friendship beyond the reach of those who wish to divide us. We have common imperatives: Ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation, promoting trade, and more. We also have a common problem: The continuing erosion of personal liberty and fundamental rights under the current officials in the Kremlin. Repressive at home and reckless abroad, their policies imperil the nations which regained their self-determination upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed by force, in Ukraine, Georgia, or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate constitutional measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination.

Seems strong enough to me considering what THIS admin has allowed to transpire.

I believe there is a DESIRE to pull closer to Putin. Because Putin is a rare "leader" in the world right now. He (and Russia) have an amazing track record of warning us about making mistakes BEFORE we make them.

1) We were wrong to oppose to Russia when they were in Afghan. And to ally with Jihadists and the Taliban.

2) He stopped Obama/Kerry from blowing yet another smoking crater into the ME with Obama's "Syrian redline" standoff.

3) He has consistently cooperated in the war on terrorism by supplying timely tips which included one of the Tsarnaev bros -- which we apparently ignored.

So -- there MAYBE some love being groomed here. But I doubt its as nefarious as the current press makes it sound.

After the revelation that some media are colluding with the DNC, I think the media is doing more than steering the public. They may as well be Pravda as far as I'm concerned.

I think Trump was correct that the media would pay dearly for Clinton's emails, but not in order to expose her. Rather, in order to bury the emails to protect her.
Funny how this campaign reminds me of Reagan vs Carter. What was it they said? Reagan will push the button and cause a nuclear war, a dangerous tired old saber rattler, he's a fascist, no foreign policy experience, his economic plan was smoke and mirrors......
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