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Trump and Sanders....similarity and disparaty

Sanders is a whack a loon who never had to run anything in his life except his mouth. Trump is a successful real estate developer is the toughest market in the planet: NYC

"Successful" huh Frank?

In the early 90s, Trump found himself the owner of a personal debt of $900 million. That's not the companies he owns. At the time, his companies were in $3.5 billion of corporate debt. No, he himself owed almost a billion dollars personally after somehow convincing the world he was worth more than NASA's 30-year Voyager missions to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. ... While sane men with jobs can't borrow a few grand, a man who's filed more 11's than a fantasy soccer manager was allowed to spend the lifetime income of over five hundred of them before anyone noticed he didn't actually have it. The corporate debts equal the entire education budget of two states, meaning society would actually have seen the exact same fiscal return if they'd invested the money in educating millions of children. And people still lend him money today. Enjoy that thought as you chew dry macaroni to pay off your student loans.

Sample 4: The Rump Bored Board Game

The game is an Olympically special version of Monopoly. All the squares were Trump properties that have mostly gone bankrupt since then. The children's board game market was especially appropriate for Trump since his financial strategy resembles a younger sister playing Snakes & Ladders -- keep rolling the dice, hope you move forward, and when you lose too much knock over the board and start yelling at people.

In The Apprentice Trump casts himself as a high-powered executive, in the same way a teenage boy might cast himself as James Bond infiltrating a Cheerleader Dorm. Total fantasy. Trump has been replaced in more businesses than toner cartridges, and has cost the business world more money in the process. He's had 19 failed businesses in 17 years and many of Trump's floundering companies were given debt relief on the specific grounds that Trump no longer be in charge of them. (from back here)
Yupperee Bob, there's nobody I'd rather see in the WH than a bloviating dickhead who inherited his fortune and keeps losing it, who knows bankruptcy like the rest of us know our sex organs, and who can't figure out a way to get along with anybody.

Know what's gonna be great? The first SCOTUS decision he doesn't like, whereupon he'll do his usual dance:

"I'll sue!!"


Sure ya will, Richie Rich. Sit the fuck down and comb yer hair.
and yet he actually is filthy rich

weird how that works

On paper.
Anybody can be "rich" if you just convince banks to spend money you don't have.

Spending money they don't have is the most distinguishing characteristics of envy-filled, impotent free-loading socialists like Bernie Sanders and Pogo who have never done anything useful and/or productive in their lives.

Go fuck yourself in the ass with a wire brush dipped in jalapeño sauce.

See? There's something "productive" right there. :fu:

Says the far left drone that will vote far left no matter who the candidate is..
Hmmm...hard choice, Bernie "I'll give you more free shit than the obomantion has, but collapse the country under entitlements" Sanders, or Donald" Get off your ass and get to work, stop looking for FREE SHIT and do what humans have always done, work HARD"Trump..... I can see where the mentally manipulated and lazy bastards will be voting for!


Dafuck does Bernie Sanders have to do with Greece, stoopid?

Well as you see the far left drones can not make an informed decision, they just vote for whoever their programming tells them to vote for.

Much of what Sanders talks about was tried in Greece and you see where they are at now. So Sanders policies would do the same thing here, or does that not compute far left drone?
Hmmm...hard choice, Bernie "I'll give you more free shit than the obomantion has, but collapse the country under entitlements" Sanders, or Donald" Get off your ass and get to work, stop looking for FREE SHIT and do what humans have always done, work HARD"Trump..... I can see where the mentally manipulated and lazy bastards will be voting for!


Dafuck does Bernie Sanders have to do with Greece, stoopid?

What, you needed six thousand miles of geography to come up with a red herring? :rofl:

Desperation strikes deep...
into your posts it will creep...
It starts when you're all full of crap...
Put out a lie, a false meme and be a par-ti-san hack,

I think it's time we

Stop, hey what's that sound,
Vegemite nutball's goin' down...

There's battle lines bein' drawn...
Nobody's right, but vegemite is wrong...
Dumb people speakin' their minds...
A-pullin' so much bullshit... from their behinds

I think it's time we

Stop, hey what's that sound?
Another partisan hack goin' down...
Much of what Sanders talks about was tried in Greece and you see where they are at now. So Sanders policies would do the same thing here, or does that not compute far left drone?

This is the kind of "conclusion" that only an idiot would make. To compare Greece's economic practices to what Sanders is proposing is the bullshit that only an uninformed, Fox watcher would make...

But, forums as these, are not the place to educate idiots.
Not nearly enough to compete.

Probably.....Sanders lacks the charisma and demeanor of an orator. Most American voters want to be "charmed" as they were with Obama, Reagan and Clinton...and even GWB who many felt he was the type of guy they wouldn't mind having a beer with.

If partisanship and ignorance did not exist, Sanders' message would be embraced by almost everyone BUT the 2% oligarchy that runs our country.
Much of what Sanders talks about was tried in Greece and you see where they are at now. So Sanders policies would do the same thing here, or does that not compute far left drone?

This is the kind of "conclusion" that only an idiot would make. To compare Greece's economic practices to what Sanders is proposing is the bullshit that only an uninformed, Fox watcher would make...

But, forums as these, are not the place to educate idiots.

I don't even see that clown's posts - he's on Ignore, which is where I send posters with a consistent record of nothing to say. I love the irony that he posts the same thing about "drones" .... over and over and over and over and over and over....
Hmmm...hard choice, Bernie "I'll give you more free shit than the obomantion has, but collapse the country under entitlements" Sanders, or Donald" Get off your ass and get to work, stop looking for FREE SHIT and do what humans have always done, work HARD"Trump..... I can see where the mentally manipulated and lazy bastards will be voting for!


Dafuck does Bernie Sanders have to do with Greece, stoopid?

What, you needed six thousand miles of geography to come up with a red herring? :rofl:

Desperation strikes deep...
into your posts it will creep...
It starts when you're all full of crap...
Put out a lie, a false meme and be a par-ti-san hack,

I think it's time we

Stop, hey what's that sound,
Vegemite nutball's goin' down...

There's battle lines bein' drawn...
Nobody's right, but vegemite is wrong...
Dumb people speakin' their minds...
A-pullin' so much bullshit... from their behinds

I think it's time we

Stop, hey what's that sound?
Another partisan hack goin' down...

I'm surprised that YOU, an acknowledged Socialist, doesn't recognize Sanders, an avowed Socialist, and the SOCIALIST country of Greece!

But then, you were always sucking hind teat!
Much of what Sanders talks about was tried in Greece and you see where they are at now. So Sanders policies would do the same thing here, or does that not compute far left drone?

This is the kind of "conclusion" that only an idiot would make. To compare Greece's economic practices to what Sanders is proposing is the bullshit that only an uninformed, Fox watcher would make...

But, forums as these, are not the place to educate idiots.

Yes we know the far left does not see what is happening in Greece and does not want to admit that the far left policies there are the cause of the problem, the same system that Sanders and much of the far left would like to have here in the US. But that is par for the course when dealing with these far left drones..
Much of what Sanders talks about was tried in Greece and you see where they are at now. So Sanders policies would do the same thing here, or does that not compute far left drone?

This is the kind of "conclusion" that only an idiot would make. To compare Greece's economic practices to what Sanders is proposing is the bullshit that only an uninformed, Fox watcher would make...

But, forums as these, are not the place to educate idiots.

I don't even see that clown's posts - he's on Ignore, which is where I send posters with a consistent record of nothing to say. I love the irony that he posts the same thing about "drones" .... over and over and over and over and over and over....

Yes see how the far left hates freedom of speech!

But then again the far left drones are often irony impaired..
Not nearly enough to compete.

Probably.....Sanders lacks the charisma and demeanor of an orator. Most American voters want to be "charmed" as they were with Obama, Reagan and Clinton...and even GWB who many felt he was the type of guy they wouldn't mind having a beer with.

If partisanship and ignorance did not exist, Sanders' message would be embraced by almost everyone BUT the 2% oligarchy that runs our country.

BS, Sanders is no different than all the other idiots out there that think someone is owed a certain lifestyle just because they exist. There is a minority that will swallow his crap and their all dems. I really don't see any independents going his way.
Well, the similarity between these 2 candidates is simple: Each of them seems to mostly appeal to the extreme ends of their political parties.

However, the disparity is even more pronounced: Sanders has a clear and populist ideology and agenda that appeals to many......and not just democrats......but many independent voters.

Conversely, Trump is just a "flame-thrower".....with NO discernible agenda except for the mantra of, "I hate just about everybody."....A wannabe-bully who would perhaps make a short one-year term interesting as Sec. of Commerce,

It'll be interesting to see which of these 2 drops out first.

Not hard to figure out which will be gone first, bye, bye Bernie, the broke dick socialist.

Trump has the money to go as long as he wants.


Sanders is not going to run attack ads against Hillary. Also, as long as Hillary numbers are in double digits, she is not going to run attack ads against any Democrat!!(No Biden? What is the point)

Hence, Sanders could remain until the end of the Dem primaries and try to make Hillary tap left--which is what I think is the purpose of his campaign. Hillary, if things go like this, will have a humongous war chest. Mainly due to the fact that Bernie was her competition.

However, Trump? When is he going to Iowa? Where is his presidential website? Is he even serious?
Not nearly enough to compete.

Probably.....Sanders lacks the charisma and demeanor of an orator. Most American voters want to be "charmed" as they were with Obama, Reagan and Clinton...and even GWB who many felt he was the type of guy they wouldn't mind having a beer with.

If partisanship and ignorance did not exist, Sanders' message would be embraced by almost everyone BUT the 2% oligarchy that runs our country.

BS, Sanders is no different than all the other idiots out there that think someone is owed a certain lifestyle just because they exist. There is a minority that will swallow his crap and their all dems. I really don't see any independents going his way.

Sanders IS an independent.
Back in Burlington when he was running for mayor, the local Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. And he still won.

Any time an unaffiliated candidate can beat the machine, that's a win of sorts, regardless what his politics are.
Yes we know the far left does not see what is happening in Greece and does not want to admit that the far left policies there are the cause of the problem, the same system that Sanders and much of the far left would like to have here in the US. But that is par for the course when dealing with these far left drones..

The only "conclusion" one can make of your diatribe, is that you neither know what led to Greece's economic woes, nor what Sanders is proposing. But, lack of knowledge of those 2 factors has not stopped you from spewing nonsense about the issue. Go figure.
Well, the similarity between these 2 candidates is simple: Each of them seems to mostly appeal to the extreme ends of their political parties.

However, the disparity is even more pronounced: Sanders has a clear and populist ideology and agenda that appeals to many......and not just democrats......but many independent voters.

Conversely, Trump is just a "flame-thrower".....with NO discernible agenda except for the mantra of, "I hate just about everybody."....A wannabe-bully who would perhaps make a short one-year term interesting as Sec. of Commerce,

It'll be interesting to see which of these 2 drops out first.

Not hard to figure out which will be gone first, bye, bye Bernie, the broke dick socialist.

Trump has the money to go as long as he wants.


Sanders is not going to run attack ads against Hillary. Also, as long as Hillary numbers are in double digits, she is not going to run attack ads against any Democrat!!(No Biden? What is the point)

Hence, Sanders could remain until the end of the Dem primaries and try to make Hillary tap left--which is what I think is the purpose of his campaign. Hillary, if things go like this, will have a humongous war chest. Mainly due to the fact that Bernie was her competition.

However, Trump? When is he going to Iowa? Where is his presidential website? Is he even serious?

Sanders is not the only competition for the hildabeast, like I said on another thread, the dear leader proved she isn't bullet proof. At this time in 06 she was looking forward to her coronation, didn't happen, did it?

As for Trump, it's too early to speculate what his intentions might be.
Hence, Sanders could remain until the end of the Dem primaries and try to make Hillary tap left--which is what I think is the purpose of his campaign. Hillary, if things go like this, will have a humongous war chest. Mainly due to the fact that Bernie was her competition.

True...and what you opined about should also make us realize that since Sanders attacks the oligarchs, much of the "donations" that keep on swelling Clinton's coffers, DO come from these threatened oligarchs.
Not nearly enough to compete.

Probably.....Sanders lacks the charisma and demeanor of an orator. Most American voters want to be "charmed" as they were with Obama, Reagan and Clinton...and even GWB who many felt he was the type of guy they wouldn't mind having a beer with.

If partisanship and ignorance did not exist, Sanders' message would be embraced by almost everyone BUT the 2% oligarchy that runs our country.

Wait--explain why you will vote Hillary over Barry again. It is not partisanship because you are vting left

And it is not ignorance,so...........

I knew it, Bernie does have a chance He is the creeping vine that could win the Dem primary.

Hillary might get beat again!! Sanders is Obama 2.0--no, 3.0

Democrats are playing with fire.:eek:
Not nearly enough to compete.

Probably.....Sanders lacks the charisma and demeanor of an orator. Most American voters want to be "charmed" as they were with Obama, Reagan and Clinton...and even GWB who many felt he was the type of guy they wouldn't mind having a beer with.

If partisanship and ignorance did not exist, Sanders' message would be embraced by almost everyone BUT the 2% oligarchy that runs our country.

BS, Sanders is no different than all the other idiots out there that think someone is owed a certain lifestyle just because they exist. There is a minority that will swallow his crap and their all dems. I really don't see any independents going his way.

Sanders IS an independent.
Back in Burlington when he was running for mayor, the local Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. And he still won.

Any time an unaffiliated candidate can beat the machine, that's a win of sorts, regardless what his politics are.

Winning a mayors race in a small town is hardly a fair comparison to running for president.
Not nearly enough to compete.

Probably.....Sanders lacks the charisma and demeanor of an orator. Most American voters want to be "charmed" as they were with Obama, Reagan and Clinton...and even GWB who many felt he was the type of guy they wouldn't mind having a beer with.

If partisanship and ignorance did not exist, Sanders' message would be embraced by almost everyone BUT the 2% oligarchy that runs our country.

Wait--explain why you will vote Hillary over Barry again. It is not partisanship because you are vting left

And it is not ignorance,so...........

I knew it, Bernie does have a chance He is the creeping vine that could win the Dem primary.

Hillary might get beat again!! Sanders is Obama 2.0--no, 3.0

Democrats are playing with fire.:eek:

I've done my small part, donated what I could to Sanders...My state's primary is way late; so I'll just have to wait to cast my primary vote,

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