Trump and the swamp.

Peter Strzok’s description of Trump supporters as ignorant hillbillies who smell bad at Walmart was an indication of the contempt deep-staters have for average working people. The elites in the US have had their hands on the controls for many years and they routinely jack the system at the expense of the working class to lavishly enrich themselves.

Trump exposed this and now Robert Mueller is trying to jack the legal system to fabricate crimes against the president because he is seen as a credible threat to a thoroughly corrupt and rotten status quo. Trump was elected to drain the swamp and the swamp is not going quietly.

The disgust of the people with the status quo was well founded. The people had been stripped of their health insurance and handed a bag of manure called the Affordable Care Act while the political elites kept the bumper crop by furtively producing technicalities that shielded them from their own legislation. They continued with great tax supported health insurance disguised as small business subsidies for employers with fewer than 50 employees.

Congress a small business?-that’s a twist, a stretch and a bend that went straight down the throats of the people like a poison pill for the middle class. Average Americans didn’t have a secret bag of technicalities so to avoid health bankruptcy they elected Trump.

Elitist attacks on national sovereignty were another reason for Trump’s election. The people had finally gotten hip to the fact that the elites needed something of value to buy into globalization. They were not going to give up anything of their own so they developed and supported policies that took away everyone else’s company pensions beginning with NAFTA.

The elites, educators, politicians etc., all get great pensions at the people’s expense. In order to prevent the people from retaliating, sanctuary cities began popping up all over the country to contaminate voter rolls and ensure that the middle class could not be protected with honest voting results.

Trump was elected to combat the sleaze of an elitist swamp that sold out the middle class long ago but that swamp that is filled with hazards. The Mueller investigation is one. Politics is and always has been loaded with crooked characters-Manafort and Cohen are headed for prison to build a case for impeachment because the elites are willing to destroy the country to keep their perch.

How's that swampy drainy thing working for ya?


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impeachment isnt the primary objective - justice is.

Trump is no better than Nixon or Clinton.

F Trump and his horse ...

Winning against Hillary Clinton was not a crime. It's a great achievement.

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