Trump and the teleprompter


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Poor Trump and his teleprompter... Remember when he was campaigning and he ragged on all the politicians that used a teleprompter while he bragged that he didn't need one? It's funny, I see him now using the tele most of the time and I feel bad for him... He sounds like he is reading a children's book to a kindergarten class at not much of a higher reading level as the children. I especially like it when he tries to throw in his little ad libs when he stutters or when he takes the last word of a sentence and repeats it a few times throwing in a "very very...." or "It really is ...." before it.

Don't get me wrong, he is extremely entertaining and a much much superior showman than I could ever be. But I just have to call out his hypocrisy and point out the comedy that exists with this transformation.

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Poor Trump and his teleprompter... Remember when he was campaigning and he ragged on all the politicians that used a teleprompter while he bragged that he didn't need one? It's funny, I see him now using the tele most of the time and I feel bad for him... He sounds like he is reading a children's book to a kindergarten class at not much of a higher reading level as the children. I especially like it when he tries to throw in his little ad libs when he stutters or when he takes the last word of a sentence and repeats it a few times throwing in a "very very...." or "It really is ...." before it.

Don't get me wrong, he is extremely entertaining and a much much superior showman than I could ever be. But I just have to call out his hypocrisy and point out the comedy that exists with this transformation.

Trump not only reads from a teleprompter I think he uses a ruler to make sure he doesn't lose his place.
Trump can barely read

That is why a teleprompter is of little use and he has to continually ad lib
You know, you can always tell when Trump is using a teleprompter. How? Because for the first 10 min. or so of a speech, he sounds like he knows what he's doing, but after that 10 min. point, he reverts to ad libbing and the rest of the speech sounds disjointed and scattered.
You could always tell when Obungle's teleprompter malfunctioned, he went from blah blah blah to uhm, der, uhm, uhm, der....
You know, you can always tell when Trump is using a teleprompter. How? Because for the first 10 min. or so of a speech, he sounds like he knows what he's doing, but after that 10 min. point, he reverts to ad libbing and the rest of the speech sounds disjointed and scattered.

it dawns on him he's being told what to say so it pisses him off. What else can he do but wave his hands and spew out of both ends being himself ?
You know, you can always tell when Trump is using a teleprompter. How? Because for the first 10 min. or so of a speech, he sounds like he knows what he's doing, but after that 10 min. point, he reverts to ad libbing and the rest of the speech sounds disjointed and scattered.

Trump has limited reading skills
He memorizes his speech but once he loses his place he has to ad lib
Poor Trump and his teleprompter... Remember when he was campaigning and he ragged on all the politicians that used a teleprompter while he bragged that he didn't need one? It's funny, I see him now using the tele most of the time and I feel bad for him... He sounds like he is reading a children's book to a kindergarten class at not much of a higher reading level as the children. I especially like it when he tries to throw in his little ad libs when he stutters or when he takes the last word of a sentence and repeats it a few times throwing in a "very very...." or "It really is ...." before it.

Don't get me wrong, he is extremely entertaining and a much much superior showman than I could ever be. But I just have to call out his hypocrisy and point out the comedy that exists with this transformation.

Trump not only reads from a teleprompter I think he uses a ruler to make sure he doesn't lose his place.

And, of course, he is moving his lips.

What a dummy!
It is not just that Trump has limited reading skills but seems to have a severe case of ADD

He has the attention span of a goldfish and anyone briefing him is warned to keep it under a half a page or he won't understand it
Start a thread on teleprompters? You worthless leftist marxists are running out of ammo.
After Trump campaigned on making fun of politicians using teleprompters, he opened himself up to it.
Start a thread on teleprompters? You worthless leftist marxists are running out of ammo.
After Trump campaigned on making fun of politicians using teleprompters, he opened himself up to it.

Kinda strange ain't it? Trump tells everyone that he will never use a teleprompter, yet when he has to because he can't remember all the stuff he's supposed to talk about, his supporters say that it's okay he does it, even when he lambasted others for doing the same thing during his campaign.
Start a thread on teleprompters? You worthless leftist marxists are running out of ammo.
After Trump campaigned on making fun of politicians using teleprompters, he opened himself up to it.

Kinda strange ain't it? Trump tells everyone that he will never use a teleprompter, yet when he has to because he can't remember all the stuff he's supposed to talk about, his supporters say that it's okay he does it, even when he lambasted others for doing the same thing during his campaign.
The amount of contradictions from this guy is laughable. So many Comments that he makes have a contradiction from himself on record via twitter. Tapper has a whole segment on it where he shows the contrasting tweets on his program. What a joke
Crazy lefties would call Trump a liar if he made an estimate and the numbers were little off and they have done it to Trump but never to a democrat. Media Matters is ready and waiting to spin every word he utters so he uses a teleprompter. We've all seen hem deliver two hour speeches off the cuff so once again it's much ado about nothing courtesy of the angry crazy left.
Poor Trump and his teleprompter... Remember when he was campaigning and he ragged on all the politicians that used a teleprompter while he bragged that he didn't need one? It's funny, I see him now using the tele most of the time and I feel bad for him... He sounds like he is reading a children's book to a kindergarten class at not much of a higher reading level as the children. I especially like it when he tries to throw in his little ad libs when he stutters or when he takes the last word of a sentence and repeats it a few times throwing in a "very very...." or "It really is ...." before it.

Don't get me wrong, he is extremely entertaining and a much much superior showman than I could ever be. But I just have to call out his hypocrisy and point out the comedy that exists with this transformation.

You can always tell when Trump is reading a speech someone else wrote which he didn't study beforehand. He acts like there are little surprises in it with which he suddenly finds he agrees.

"China is a big true! so true!...
Poor Trump and his teleprompter... Remember when he was campaigning and he ragged on all the politicians that used a teleprompter while he bragged that he didn't need one? It's funny, I see him now using the tele most of the time and I feel bad for him... He sounds like he is reading a children's book to a kindergarten class at not much of a higher reading level as the children. I especially like it when he tries to throw in his little ad libs when he stutters or when he takes the last word of a sentence and repeats it a few times throwing in a "very very...." or "It really is ...." before it.

Don't get me wrong, he is extremely entertaining and a much much superior showman than I could ever be. But I just have to call out his hypocrisy and point out the comedy that exists with this transformation.

You can always tell when Trump is reading a speech someone else wrote which he didn't study beforehand. He acts like there are little surprises in it with which he suddenly finds he agrees.

"China is a big true! so true!...

That's "Jina is a big country...."
It's funny as hell to see snowflakes pick at anyone else about a teleprompter.....oh how quickly they forget. :p

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