Trump Angry with Fox News Polling

Sure, so your medical assessment of corona virus versus the flu settles it.
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
Not enough apparently.
Stop dodging and answer the fucking question
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
Whatever number you make up, can't trust information you know.
I'm asking you to give me a number stop dodging the question
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
See the CDC for the latest updates and please locate a point.
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
Not enough apparently.
Stop dodging and answer the fucking question
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
So far, one

But the flu has had a huge head start
The coronaviruses has been placed at around 8000 BCE
Not this one shoog, Jeebus. Go back to your bible.
If the Coronavirus is so bad why can't you give me a number of American deaths due to the virus versus deaths caused by the flu? Don't you believe in the shit you spew?
Not enough apparently.
Stop dodging and answer the fucking question
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
So far, one

But the flu has had a huge head start
The coronaviruses has been placed at around 8000 BCE
Not this one shoog, Jeebus. Go back to your bible.
If the Coronavirus is so bad why can't you give me a number of American deaths due to the virus versus deaths caused by the flu? Don't you believe in the shit you spew?
Where did I say it was so bad? Do go on. And how manty deaths would you like to see?
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
Not enough apparently.
Stop dodging and answer the fucking question
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
Whatever number you make up, can't trust information you know.
I'm asking you to give me a number stop dodging the question
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
See the CDC for the latest updates and please locate a point.
I've had the link bookmarked
Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report (FluView)
Stop dodging and answer the fucking question
How many Americans have died because of the Coronavirus vs. the common flu?
So far, one

But the flu has had a huge head start
The coronaviruses has been placed at around 8000 BCE
Not this one shoog, Jeebus. Go back to your bible.
If the Coronavirus is so bad why can't you give me a number of American deaths due to the virus versus deaths caused by the flu? Don't you believe in the shit you spew?
Where did I say it was so bad? Do go on. Hw many deaths would you like to see?
You're dodging son lol
Trump always polls low in FOX news polling...and everyone acts so surprised because its FOX news....The pollster for FOX is a Bush guy....figure it out...
Why can't Don figure it out?
The democrats know they have no one that can beat the president.

I don't think they do "know" that, and neither do you. Maybe Dumb Donald should pay more attention to leading the nation through the upcoming pandemic and less attention to the polls.
/——-/ The Coronavirus is the common cold. Pick up a can of Lysol and read the label. It’s been listed since 1962.
View attachment 309563

Dumb Russians.

Coronavirus is the name for a type of virus with a crown shape, of which there are many. This particular corona virus is covid19.
I'm not questioning the results in those polls. I just don't know how useful they really are when it comes down to the electoral college anyway.

Maybe we should just poll people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and maybe 2 or 3 other states. Everyone else's opinion is meaningless regarding the outcome of this upcoming election.
Not really. Illegal votes obfuscated actual citizen votes who favored Donald Trump in 2016.

got any proof of that little bit of fake news? one link... just one credible link should do it.

no? no you say? why not?
I'm not questioning the results in those polls. I just don't know how useful they really are when it comes down to the electoral college anyway.

Maybe we should just poll people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and maybe 2 or 3 other states. Everyone else's opinion is meaningless regarding the outcome of this upcoming election.
Thank you for admitting the EC disenfranchises 44 to 47 of the states!!!

Poor dear doesn't like it when Pravda/Fox News goes off the reservation.

Trump lashes out at Fox News for new poll showing him losing to all the Democratic candidates
Trump blows his nose
Trump goes to the bathroom
Trump combs his hair
etc etc
you people are pathetic

trump sniffs his nose due to all that crushed up adderall
given all the crap trump shoves down his gullet - doubt he's taken one in years.
trump doesn't have hair - that's a tribble perched on his head
yada yada
you loooooooove donny & it shows.
I'll say this.

Trump whining about Fox News is PATHETIC. They are the ONLY outlet that gives him fair coverage most of the time and glowing coverage some of the time. Occasionally a host or guest will say something that sends him over the edge and when they do guess who goes over that edge with him? Leftist morons.
Is his whining about Fox dumb? Yup. Just as stupid are those that think it matters to voters. On that y'all are equally stupid.
I'm not questioning the results in those polls. I just don't know how useful they really are when it comes down to the electoral college anyway.

Maybe we should just poll people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and maybe 2 or 3 other states. Everyone else's opinion is meaningless regarding the outcome of this upcoming election.
Thank you for admitting the EC disenfranchises 44 to 47 of the states!!!

It does.

Poor dear doesn't like it when Pravda/Fox News goes off the reservation.

Trump lashes out at Fox News for new poll showing him losing to all the Democratic candidates
Trump blows his nose
Trump goes to the bathroom
Trump combs his hair
etc etc
you people are pathetic

trump sniffs his nose due to all that crushed up adderall
given all the crap trump shoves down his gullet - doubt he's taken one in years.
trump doesn't have hair - that's a tribble perched on his head
yada yada
you loooooooove donny & it shows.

Don's as phony as america is.
I'll say this.

Trump whining about Fox News is PATHETIC. They are the ONLY outlet that gives him fair coverage most of the time and glowing coverage some of the time. Occasionally a host or guest will say something that sends him over the edge and when they do guess who goes over that edge with him? Leftist morons.
Is his whining about Fox dumb? Yup. Just as stupid are those that think it matters to voters. On that y'all are equally stupid.

Poor Don, picked on his whole entitled trust fund baby life.
Trump always polls low in FOX news polling...and everyone acts so surprised because its FOX news....The pollster for FOX is a Bush guy....figure it out...

Immediately you know it's a rigged numbers game. There's no possible way either butt boy, Pocahontas or Angry Amy would rate those numbers against Trump. With every single candidate besting him in that poll it's very obvious that there's an axe to grind behind the polling. It's almost a joke.


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