Trump Angry with Fox News Polling

More than 50% polled were Democrats, but doesn’t tell how many were R or I. Lol

Conducted February 23-26, 2020 under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,000 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide who spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points for all registered voters and 4 points for Democratic primary voters (507).

Poor dear doesn't like it when Pravda/Fox News goes off the reservation.

Trump lashes out at Fox News for new poll showing him losing to all the Democratic candidates
The poor orange baby......
You know we're not a good shape when we have a President who is angry and disappointed when a "media" outlet doesn't fall in line.

This has been a slow process, but where we are right now is pretty dangerous.
/—-/ You mean like Clintoon and Obozo lashing out at Fox and Rush? You mean like that?
You know we're not a good shape when we have a President who is angry and disappointed when a "media" outlet doesn't fall in line.

This has been a slow process, but where we are right now is pretty dangerous.
/—-/ You mean like Clintoon and Obozo lashing out at Fox and Rush? You mean like that?
Yes. The two sides can be comically similar in their behaviors.

As I've said about a thousand times now.

I'll bet you think you had me there.

Trump always polls low in FOX news polling...and everyone acts so surprised because its FOX news....The pollster for FOX is a Bush guy....figure it out...
Why can't Don figure it out?
The democrats know they have no one that can beat the president.

I don't think they do "know" that, and neither do you. Maybe Dumb Donald should pay more attention to leading the nation through the upcoming pandemic and less attention to the polls.
Trump always polls low in FOX news polling...and everyone acts so surprised because its FOX news....The pollster for FOX is a Bush guy....figure it out...
Why can't Don figure it out?
The democrats know they have no one that can beat the president.

I don't think they do "know" that, and neither do you. Maybe Dumb Donald should pay more attention to leading the nation through the upcoming pandemic and less attention to the polls.
I fucking know it!!!!!! there is no one the democrats have that can beat President Donald J. Trump.
The Coronavirus is nowhere near as deadly as the common flu.
How many Americans have died with the flu versus Americans that have died with the Coronavirus?
An example of "lashing out" was when Obama accused Americans of "clinging to guns and religion". Trump merely criticized the results of a poll that has a history of being wrong. Why do lefties think it rises to the level of a political discussion? Listen to America's crazy uncle for a while. Biden lashes out at everything these days.
An example of "lashing out" was when Obama accused Americans of "clinging to guns and religion". Trump merely criticized the results of a poll that has a history of being wrong. Why do lefties think it rises to the level of a political discussion? Listen to America's crazy uncle for a while. Biden lashes out at everything these days.
So you decided to lash out here.
Trump always polls low in FOX news polling...and everyone acts so surprised because its FOX news....The pollster for FOX is a Bush guy....figure it out...
Why can't Don figure it out?
The democrats know they have no one that can beat the president.

I don't think they do "know" that, and neither do you. Maybe Dumb Donald should pay more attention to leading the nation through the upcoming pandemic and less attention to the polls.
Don has the attention capabilities of a three year old.
Trump always polls low in FOX news polling...and everyone acts so surprised because its FOX news....The pollster for FOX is a Bush guy....figure it out...
Why can't Don figure it out?
The democrats know they have no one that can beat the president.

I don't think they do "know" that, and neither do you. Maybe Dumb Donald should pay more attention to leading the nation through the upcoming pandemic and less attention to the polls.
I fucking know it!!!!!! there is no one the democrats have that can beat President Donald J. Trump.
The Coronavirus is nowhere near as deadly as the common flu.
How many Americans have died with the flu versus Americans that have died with the Coronavirus?
Sure, so your medical assessment of corona virus versus the flu settles it.
You know we're not a good shape when we have a President who is angry and disappointed when a "media" outlet doesn't fall in line.

This has been a slow process, but where we are right now is pretty dangerous.
As usual you distort. He's upset because they are manipulating the data.
Well then he should be all lubed up for your ass.

Stormy told the world that was never necessary; tiny little mushroom dick and all. Guess she was expecting more than Epstein's sex trafficked children did from Don.

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