Trump announces he's directing Pentagon to create space force as 6th branch of the military


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The Associated Press on Twitter

I never want to hear someone say “Yes, I’d be great if we could give everyone health care, but HOW are we gonna pay for it?” now that President Starship Troopers just made “Space Force” a thing
I recall the Losers howling with scorn when Reagan promoted Star Wars, ie, using space weapons militarily.
Regardless of how one feels about overpopulation, peak oil, universal health care etc. this planet will eventually be depleted of resources. If we spend all of our funds and efforts now giving freebies to the ever growing population this planet is done for. Space offers us a chance to find new resources, find a place for our population to expand, and perhaps even new allies and trade partners. Now is the time to start the process, not in the future when depleted resources stop it from ever happening. Calling for funds to be spent now for more freebies is like the grasshopper in the fable. The difference is that when resources run out today's grasshoppers will have no ants to rely on.
Defense is a mandated function of the federal government. Health care is not.
Defense from who? Crazed gun wielding loons? White collar criminals shielded by money and limited liability? Industrial pollution? Economic exploitation in the workplace and marketplace? Or only fereners? Defense from Russian election cyber warfare?
Defense is a mandated function of the federal government. Health care is not.
Defense from who? Crazed gun wielding loons? White collar criminals shielded by money and limited liability? Industrial pollution? Economic exploitation in the workplace and marketplace? Or only fereners? Defense from Russian election cyber warfare?

So you know for a fact that there are no alien species out there that we may have to defend ourselves from? I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say your post was just thoughtless rather than think you as stupid as your post sounds.
Trump? What a fucking looney tune.

He has NO IDEA what Space Force will do.
NO idea with what equipment they will do 'it' with.
NO idea how this 'Space Force' will overlap present, space-based, Air Force programs.
NO mention of what it's budget will be or where he will get the money for it (good luck getting it from the Air Force's budget).

And - most importantly - no mention whatsoever from the military of exactly what the hell this demented idiot is talking about.
Clearly, they are just smiling and nodding until this walking freak show leaves the Oval Office.

Trump says he is directing Pentagon to create a "Space Force"

Hey Donnie Bone Spurs? The way this works is you find a task and then develop a military branch to deal with it. You don't make up a military branch and then look for something for it to do.

America has a fucking, senile manchild in the White House.

And the worst thing is - his demented Trumpbots will buy anything this walking psychiatrist's-wet-dream is selling. Why? Because it is easy to con stupid/desperate people...just ask any major religion. Every Sunday, their churches have tons of them.
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Defense is a mandated function of the federal government. Health care is not.
Defense from who? Crazed gun wielding loons? White collar criminals shielded by money and limited liability? Industrial pollution? Economic exploitation in the workplace and marketplace? Or only fereners? Defense from Russian election cyber warfare?
Not one, literally not one of those things. How stupid ARE you?
Regardless of how one feels about overpopulation, peak oil, universal health care etc. this planet will eventually be depleted of resources. If we spend all of our funds and efforts now giving freebies to the ever growing population this planet is done for. Space offers us a chance to find new resources, find a place for our population to expand, and perhaps even new allies and trade partners. Now is the time to start the process, not in the future when depleted resources stop it from ever happening. Calling for funds to be spent now for more freebies is like the grasshopper in the fable. The difference is that when resources run out today's grasshoppers will have no ants to rely on.

I don't like to be a negativist but I think that is a pipe dream and that we have to make do with what we have here on earth. From what I know, there are no other habitable planets in our solar system, and unless we have some major scientific breakthrough that brings us a warp drive or some such, we will never make it to another planetary system.
"It's gonna be yuuuge, Space Force T & The Batshitticons, the Martians will pay for it and we'll have a huuuge flying robot, the best most beautiful robot ever. And space lasers on space sharks, on their beautiful shark heads to be exact. Sharknado? Too low energy, we'll have Shark Command Galactic Defenders. We have to protect the border with space, any space aliens caught trying to cross the border illegally will be jailed and their children put in cages. My supporters, the best uneducated ever, I LIKE 'EM, they've pointed out for hundreds of years, no I mean thousands of years, all the UFO's they've seen and the many times they've been taken prisoner and had to have sex with goats and big fat orange men, they have convinced me this is a real threat to our country and it's all the Democrat's fault. How many years did they have to stop the space aliens and Obama instead was busy killing Bin Laden, what a terrible deal.

So there, I've solved the space alien problem where's my trophies and prizes and free get out of jail free card from Mueller, and lifetime gift card to McDonald's. There was no collusion, Howdy Doody vindicated me, I'll pardon myself obviously I'll do that, but why would I have to, I'm totally vindicated so I won't have to pardon myself but I will so it doesn't matter if I'm guilty, though I'm not. I pardon you."
By legal means, anyways.

Did you really chime in to argue that we can make real Power Rangers? :rofl:

Trump sheep... :lmao:
Hey, you're the clown who claimed he said it. haha.

Conflate Space Force with Power Rangers. It spotlights your brilliance.
Power Rangers. lol
You thought Trump was sending Power Rangers into space. lol
He's just mad that it wasn't a Voltron.
Hey, you're the clown who claimed he said it. haha.

Conflate Space Force with Power Rangers. It spotlights your brilliance.
Power Rangers. lol
You thought Trump was sending Power Rangers into space. lol
He's just mad that it wasn't a Voltron.
I will fully support any efforts by Trump to build Voltron
Trump will be disappointed when they tell him we don’t have the technology to make real Power Rangers yet
^ This idiot thinks people are going to unlock Power Rangers technology someday. :21:
^ triggered because they wrote in a black Power Ranger into the show
^ This is why no one believes it when you guys claim you are kept down by racists.
I guess you’re not working hard enough :itsok:
Aww, poor Oldschool. No one believes his fictitious racism claims. :itsok:

You dear leader thinks some Nazis are 'fine people'. How about you?
If people die off because they don't have healthcare, then what is the point of the military if they have very few people to protect?

I think Trump saw Transformers: Dark side of the Moon and thinks there are weapons there we can use to fight aliens!

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