Trump announces he's directing Pentagon to create space force as 6th branch of the military

If you're not going to discuss the topic then get out of the thread. About half the posts so far have been nothing but snark.
High velocity kinetic rail guns in space.
To take out enemy satalites disabling communications of the enemy.
Ability to take out targets from orbit.

I would rather see America as the leader in this technology.
Or has China and Russia promised to never arm spacecraft?
High velocity kinetic rail guns in space.
To take out enemy satalites disabling communications of the enemy.
Ability to take out targets from orbit.

I would rather see America as the leader in this technology.
Or has China and Russia promised to never arm spacecraft?

^ This idiot thinks people are going to unlock Power Rangers technology someday. :21:
^ triggered because they wrote in a black Power Ranger into the show
^ This is why no one believes it when you guys claim you are kept down by racists.
I guess you’re not working hard enough :itsok:
Aww, poor Oldschool. No one believes his fictitious racism claims. :itsok:

You dear leader thinks some Nazis are 'fine people'. How about you?
I'm supposed to seriously respond to your weird lies? Got a link to support your nonsensical post?
The Associated Press on Twitter

I never want to hear someone say “Yes, I’d be great if we could give everyone health care, but HOW are we gonna pay for it?” now that President Starship Troopers just made “Space Force” a thing

I fail to see how on Earth, lol, this can be Constitutional as Congress has not passed any funding for such a misadventure.

The libs are getting whooped so bad by Trump he may be getting a bit big for his breeches.
"we need a space force, folks, because that's where it's at...SPACE!" - Eloquent Donald
Defense is a mandated function of the federal government. Health care is not.
Defense from who? Crazed gun wielding loons? White collar criminals shielded by money and limited liability? Industrial pollution? Economic exploitation in the workplace and marketplace? Or only fereners? Defense from Russian election cyber warfare?

So you know for a fact that there are no alien species out there that we may have to defend ourselves from? I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say your post was just thoughtless rather than think you as stupid as your post sounds.
Where smelly orifice did you pull that misguided question from? I said or think no such thing.
Defense is a mandated function of the federal government. Health care is not.
Defense from who? Crazed gun wielding loons? White collar criminals shielded by money and limited liability? Industrial pollution? Economic exploitation in the workplace and marketplace? Or only fereners? Defense from Russian election cyber warfare?
Not one, literally not one of those things. How stupid ARE you?
Smarter than you. My post is suggesting that Americans are marginalized and exploited all the time. Defense of them should be priority first and foremost whether it's from internal or external forces. A corporate conglomerate that hasn't sworn allegiance to America and its people that has ongoing labor or environmental violation trials should be labeled a foreign combatant and eviscerated by our federal authorities or even the military. Just because it's done with a pen and ink instead of a weapon doesn't mean it isn't destructive to our way of life. People are what make up America. It's time we stop all of the institutional exploitation of our people.
Defense is a mandated function of the federal government. Health care is not.
Then it`s time for the feds to do their job and deal with our mass shootings. Thanks.
Amen. Let’s get those troops deployed pronto to Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Houston, Stockton, St. Louis, Oakland, and others victimized by daily random shootings on their streets.
The Associated Press on Twitter

I never want to hear someone say “Yes, I’d be great if we could give everyone health care, but HOW are we gonna pay for it?” now that President Starship Troopers just made “Space Force” a thing

I recall the Losers howling with scorn when Reagan promoted Star Wars, ie, using space weapons militarily.

Everything that Reagan could have spent billions on for his Star Wars plan would have been totally obsolete within 5 years.
Lasers beams blowing up nukes as they lift off. Could be quite the deterrent.

Kind of reminds me of the Cuban missile crisis. The world was on the very brink of nuclear annellation over the removal of missiles that were totally obsolete in less than 4 years.
think about it.

just as young patriots have traveled the globe on land, air, and sea while serving American, soon American Space Force members will be able to protect our nation in speace between the earth and moom, on the moon, and beyond!

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