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Trump Announces Plan To Gut Education, Eliminate 490,000 Teacher Jobs

All this will do is expand the lower classes and make America a much dumber country...Typical loserterians trash!
T-rump says he loves the uneducated so he will make sure there are more of them

  • 8 million students every year would lose Pell grants
  • 490,000 or more teacher positions could be eliminated $1.3 trillion in student loans would be at risk
  • 9 million low-income students would lose $15 billion of Title I funding annually
  • 5 million children and students with disabilities would lose $12.7 billion used every year to ensure that they receive a quality education
  • 750,000 or more students from military families, Native American students, students living in U.S. territories, and students living on federal property or Native American lands would lose $1.1 billion per year for their school
  • 4,000 or more rural school districts would lose more than $175 million used annually to help improve the quality of teaching and learning in many hard-to-staff schools
  • $700 million used by states to support the 5 million English language learners currently in public schools—representing close to 10 percent of all students—would be cut.’
Other factors that would go by the wayside are the federal guarantees of equality in “race, income, language, and disability” in public education. A recent CBO [Congressional Budget Office] report indicated:

BREAKING: Trump Announces Plan To Gut Education, Eliminate 490,000 Teacher Jobs (DETAILS)
Considering the source, this is 100% crap.
Newsflash, There should not be a federal dept of Education. Public education is a state and local issue.
The federal government should not be meddling in the education of children because the bureaucracy in Washington has but one job, to spend money and screw up everything it touches.
Some the most well funded public school systems ( Newark, NJ with a less than 60% graduation rate) spends over $25k per year per student. 5 hours down I-95. or two hours via Acela, we have the DC school district with about the same grad rate spending nearly $28k per student per year.
The Kansas City, MO school district once spent One Billion dollars building new schools and new amenities with the idea of keeping residents capable of leaving the district from moving away and improving graduation rates and the overall quality of education, failed miserably at both,.
all three of these examples are part an parcel of "it is not possible to fix problems by throwing money at them"...
These statements in your link are mere speculation used for the sole purpose of creating voter anger. it won't work.

I really have no problem with spending money on education if it were actually effectively used, but what we have now is just a pathetic scam and payroll padding. Singapore spends a lot per capita, too, and gets fantastic results. We need to copy their model.
I have no objection either. Education funding should be spent on education FIRST. What is left over can go toward shiny thingies and extra curricular activities.
Nothing has crystalized the difference between Trump enablers and their betters more than this thread. Thanks for posting it.

On one side, the democrats value education.
On the other, the republicans place no value on it.

On one side, the democrats value developed thinking
On the other, the republicans value anger and recrimination.

On one side, the democrats want a better future for America
On the other, the republicans want a future that is just like the past.
You can find crooks in any profession. But it doesn't mean you just throw away all the apples because of one bad one.

You actually want to sell the 'it's just one bad apple' lie???

And maybe if schools would give teachers decent salaries in the first place that kind of thing wouldn't happen.

They're already the highest paid day care workers around.

Many districts only give teachers raises and bonuses if their students get high marks which is ridiculous

I thought there was only one 'bad apple' ... now it's 'many' all of a sudden?

We're the only nation in the world with such policies for teachers.

We're the only nation in the world with such massive grade inflation and an academia dumber than the students it's supposed to be 'educating', and is more focused on big giant building budgets, grantsmanship, and having more administrators and 'Affirmative Action' quotas with wonderful sounding titles than teachers, and still manages to have massive dropout rates despite making it impossible to fail in many schools.[/QUOTE
Okay! Freedom of association. Let the teacher choose to be in a union or not. Let the taxpayers choose which they wish to hire! That's freedom of association. Our politicians are elected and can be fired, a lousy teacher with tenure? Not so much.

The taxpayer has no say, HR sets the MQ's consistent with State Law. That is why locally elected school boards exist, and why the crazy right wing evangelicals tried, and for a while succeeded, in packing school boards with evangelicals, revising history and brain washing children.
Horse shit. The schools are a failure and they are run by democrats.

So what's your solution to educating kids?

You could start by seeing what Catholic schools do right for a lot less. For one thing ...... discipline. Uniforms. I think try experiment, seperate boy, girl schools. Six days a week? If tossing money worked DET CA CHI would not be so bad.
I don't know where you live but catholic schools aren't cheap. So they have funding from tuition fees.

I'm not digging up on hand tablet. Many states have shown Catholic codts 1/6 to 1/2 the cost compared to public. With massively better results.
T-rump says he loves the uneducated so he will make sure there are more of them

  • 8 million students every year would lose Pell grants
  • 490,000 or more teacher positions could be eliminated $1.3 trillion in student loans would be at risk
  • 9 million low-income students would lose $15 billion of Title I funding annually
  • 5 million children and students with disabilities would lose $12.7 billion used every year to ensure that they receive a quality education
  • 750,000 or more students from military families, Native American students, students living in U.S. territories, and students living on federal property or Native American lands would lose $1.1 billion per year for their school
  • 4,000 or more rural school districts would lose more than $175 million used annually to help improve the quality of teaching and learning in many hard-to-staff schools
  • $700 million used by states to support the 5 million English language learners currently in public schools—representing close to 10 percent of all students—would be cut.’
Other factors that would go by the wayside are the federal guarantees of equality in “race, income, language, and disability” in public education. A recent CBO [Congressional Budget Office] report indicated:

BREAKING: Trump Announces Plan To Gut Education, Eliminate 490,000 Teacher Jobs (DETAILS)
You say this like it's a bad thing. The department of education, which is unconstitutional, was a bad idea from the start. I hope he trashes the whole goddamn thing.
Nothing has crystalized the difference between Trump enablers and their betters more than this thread. Thanks for posting it.

On one side, the democrats value education.
On the other, the republicans place no value on it.

On one side, the democrats value developed thinking
On the other, the republicans value anger and recrimination.

On one side, the democrats want a better future for America
On the other, the republicans want a future that is just like the past.

Do not make me angrier! The thread shows we ALLwant great education and willing to pay. We don'twant to pay high for crap! Quit twisting spinning stalling and lying!!! I've had it!! I can't take more!!
For some strange reason, Republicans somehow think they built America. The educated North built America. The uneducated deep south built cesspools and debt.
T-rump says he loves the uneducated so he will make sure there are more of them

  • 8 million students every year would lose Pell grants
  • 490,000 or more teacher positions could be eliminated $1.3 trillion in student loans would be at risk
  • 9 million low-income students would lose $15 billion of Title I funding annually
  • 5 million children and students with disabilities would lose $12.7 billion used every year to ensure that they receive a quality education
  • 750,000 or more students from military families, Native American students, students living in U.S. territories, and students living on federal property or Native American lands would lose $1.1 billion per year for their school
  • 4,000 or more rural school districts would lose more than $175 million used annually to help improve the quality of teaching and learning in many hard-to-staff schools
  • $700 million used by states to support the 5 million English language learners currently in public schools—representing close to 10 percent of all students—would be cut.’
Other factors that would go by the wayside are the federal guarantees of equality in “race, income, language, and disability” in public education. A recent CBO [Congressional Budget Office] report indicated:

BREAKING: Trump Announces Plan To Gut Education, Eliminate 490,000 Teacher Jobs (DETAILS)

All the states have to do is bust the teachers unions and they can adjust costs and still keep jobs in place. Maybe public schools should focus on less administration and more classroom teachers.

Schools are hard to staff because of compensation or hiring requirements.

Native Americans don't need additional funding. They are just fine.

People grants aren't important and this will force universities to bring costs down. They should also stop federally guaranteeing student loans.

University teaching positions are of no concern. They can shuffle money around to accommodate. Teaching was never supposed to make you rich.

Title 1 funding only affects poor schools. Breaking the unions will help them save costs.

The 5 million used for disabled students is to help them mainstream. They are better off in seperate school anyway. Mainstreaming disabled children doesn't work.

And the 700m for ESL isn't an issue either. Charge the students a tuition for that program or let them hire their own Tutor. Their are several online programs for little money that will be better than a public school option.
All this will do is expand the lower classes and make America a much dumber country...Typical loserterians trash!

Yes, we can see that your education has taught you to just blather statements with no supporting arguments.

Maybe we are already there.
For some strange reason, Republicans somehow think they built America. The educated North built America. The uneducated deep south built cesspools and debt.
Those were Democrats, you poor, dumb son of a bitch.

Road the south while it was rich then bailed on them when it lost its money and the north got rich.

Yup sounds like a democrat
Well, she was trying to insult Republicans while praising Northern dominance during Reconstruction, but it was Republicans that ran the Northern states and Democrats who were the "uneducated Deep South that built cesspools and debt". (Her words)
Nothing has crystalized the difference between Trump enablers and their betters more than this thread. Thanks for posting it.

On one side, the democrats value education.
On the other, the republicans place no value on it.

On one side, the democrats value developed thinking
On the other, the republicans value anger and recrimination.

On one side, the democrats want a better future for America
On the other, the republicans want a future that is just like the past.

Do not make me angrier! The thread shows we ALLwant great education and willing to pay. We don'twant to pay high for crap! Quit twisting spinning stalling and lying!!! I've had it!! I can't take more!!

Oh oh, I made him mad.
Nothing has crystalized the difference between Trump enablers and their betters more than this thread. Thanks for posting it.

On one side, the democrats value education.
On the other, the republicans place no value on it.

On one side, the democrats value developed thinking
On the other, the republicans value anger and recrimination.

On one side, the democrats want a better future for America
On the other, the republicans want a future that is just like the past.

Do not make me angrier! The thread shows we ALLwant great education and willing to pay. We don'twant to pay high for crap! Quit twisting spinning stalling and lying!!! I've had it!! I can't take more!!

Oh oh, I made him mad.
One day you'll do that to the wrong person.
Nothing has crystalized the difference between Trump enablers and their betters more than this thread. Thanks for posting it.

On one side, the democrats value education.
On the other, the republicans place no value on it.

On one side, the democrats value developed thinking
On the other, the republicans value anger and recrimination.

On one side, the democrats want a better future for America
On the other, the republicans want a future that is just like the past.

Do not make me angrier! The thread shows we ALLwant great education and willing to pay. We don'twant to pay high for crap! Quit twisting spinning stalling and lying!!! I've had it!! I can't take more!!

Get a grip! Of course you can take more.

One of the biggest problems in this conversation is basic honesty. BOTH parties have gone through some changes in the past few decades and no one is willing to acknowledge that fact. The republicans of today have been word smything and altering basic important meanings of words in a very deceitful fashion. The higher ups have done this with a purpose and the followers are not honest enough to challenge this practice.

Ever since the Christian Fundamentalists took over the republican party they have twisted the meaning of words like "conservative". "Conservative" used to be a term that meant Fiscally and Socially Responsible. It had NOTHING to do with a religious agenda as it does now. NOW someone that CLAIMS to be a republican conservative divides by hateful rhetoric and a scorched earth policy when it comes to any chance of working with the opposing party to get anything done for the country. The country can be damned if the Christian Fundamentalists don't get their way.

The Southern Democrats also known in history as the Dixie Crats were horrible carpet baggers. They were in no way like today's democratic party. There WERE KKK elements to the Dixie Crats. NOW the dishonest republicans insist that the Dixie Crats and the modern democrats are one and the same. That assertion is a bald faced lie and they KNOW IT!

I agree with the basic CONSERVATIVE concept that democrats over reach in social engineering programs. They avoid hard realities in the way things really work. Does that make them EVIL just because they are dreamers? Absolutely not. We wouldn't even have this great country if it was not for some dreamers. Christian Fundamentalists have no value what so ever in the dreamers of our country. I say yes they do come up with some stupid crap frequently BUT once in a while they stumble on a great idea and if we ALWAYS accuse them of being evil we are missing out as a nation on some infrequent but very worthy ideas.

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