Trump Apprears To Float Third Party Run

The problem for establishment GOPers is that while much of Trump's base is Republican voters who got tired of watching the GOP establishment constantly give the Democrats everything they wanted, like McConnell did in the latest spending spree

I can’t understand how Republicans have turned on Mitch McConnell.
<Actually, I do, Because Trump told you to>

But it was Mitch who was forward thinking and realized he must steal the courts at all costs. He has set Republicans up for the next two decades at a time they are losing political clout.
I can’t understand how Republicans have turned on Mitch McConnell.
<Actually, I do, Because Trump told you to>

But it was Mitch who was forward thinking and realized he must steal the courts at all costs. He has set Republicans up for the next two decades at a time they are losing political clout.
Mitch McConnell is a weak leader. He capitulates to the democrats on almost every issue.
Mitch McConnell is a weak leader. He capitulates to the democrats on almost every issue.

Mitch McConnell saved your party

And they are throwing him under the bus because he dared to challenge Trump.
By the way, it was Mitch who saved Trump from impeachment after Jan 6
Mitch McConnell saved your party

And they are throwing him under the bus because he dared to challenge Trump.
By the way, it was Mitch who saved Trump from impeachment after Jan 6
Mitch McConnell is the best friend democrats ever had. He is only interested in lining his pockets and not in what is best for his constituents.
Trump should bring this up.

'How can these tapes/transcripts go unpublished? Why are people at places like the Washington Examiner giving this info a pass? When I heard the audio, I was shocked this hasn’t been reported. Ruby Freeman was whisked away by the FBI to shield the voter fraud in Georgia, that is clear.
Most tellingly, she felt the fraud with the ballots under the table was nothing compared to the USB shenanigans with the voting machines. The Secretary of State in Georgia seems all in on Dominion machines and their vulnerability."
You don't care about voter told us so.
Mitch McConnell is the best friend democrats ever had. He is only interested in lining his pockets and not in what is best for his constituents.

Not really
But unlike a large number of todays Republicans, he is not batshit crazy and understands how Government runs.
He is the best political strategist that Republicans have
I can’t understand how Republicans have turned on Mitch McConnell.
<Actually, I do, Because Trump told you to>

But it was Mitch who was forward thinking and realized he must steal the courts at all costs. He has set Republicans up for the next two decades at a time they are losing political clout.
Because he went along with the Democratic spending spree that is the latest spending montrosity. He also insisted on giving even more money to the woke military than to woke domestic spending. He said that the spending bill accomplishes all Republicans goals, which is absurd since driving the country to bankruptcy isn't the goal of many Republicans.

He also said that helping Ukraine is the number one priority of Republicans, putting that ahead of helping Americans.
Mitch McConnell saved your party

And they are throwing him under the bus because he dared to challenge Trump.
By the way, it was Mitch who saved Trump from impeachment after Jan 6
Trump was impeached by the House for Jan 6, and Senator McConnell could have done nothing to stop it, even if he wanted to.

I think you mean that Mitch saved Trump from removal, which is just as absurd. As if the Republicans in the Senate were on the verge of voting with the Dems to remove until McConnell save the day. Pffffft!
Former President Donald Trump has appeared to float the idea of running a third-party campaign if increasingly disgruntled Republican leaders don’t get behind his 2024 run for the presidency.

Trump signaled the possibility by posting an article on Truth Social Wednesday ― “The Coming Split,” by Dan Gelernter, in the right-wing journal American Greatness ― promoting just such an option.

Gelernter believes such a move would torpedo Trump’s chances of winning the White House. But it would also wipe out Republican hopes, which Gelernter argued would be a deserving punishment for rejecting the popular former president.

To which I say.....Yes....Yes.....Yes.....Yes with handing the White House, Senate and House with whipped cream on top!!!
Trump already ran on the Reform Party ticket and it got him nowhere.
Why do you enjoy failed economy and threatened security? Are you a masochist or just another retarded baboon? (rhetorical question)
I'm not gonna lie, this looks ominous.

If the Party splits over Trump, Biden saches back into the White House for another four years.

It would be an epic disaster.

Big T has the Party by the balls.

There's no choice now: He needs to win the Primary, and then pick DeSantis as his VP. It is the only way this ends well.
I'm not gonna lie, this looks ominous.

If the Party splits over Trump, Biden saches back into the White House for another four years.

It would be an epic disaster.

Big T has the Party by the balls.

There's no choice now: He needs to win the Primary, and then pick DeSantis as his VP. It is the only way this ends well.

There's always the possibility that Republicans would have no choice but to rally around Trump. This could have the effect of solidifying and uniting the GOP.

Take big chances, win big.
Not really
But unlike a large number of todays Republicans, he is not batshit crazy and understands how Government runs.
He is the best political strategist that Republicans have
You only like him because he is cozy with democrats.
A serious third party run got us that slimeball Slick Willy with barely 40% of the vote.

Splitting the Conservative vote between a Republican and Trump would get us another Democrat piece of shit that could never win on his own.
You mean the Democrat who was elected many times did the old fat Florida man get elected?
Because he went along with the Democratic spending spree that is the latest spending montrosity. He also insisted on giving even more money to the woke military than to woke domestic spending. He said that the spending bill accomplishes all Republicans goals, which is absurd since driving the country to bankruptcy isn't the goal of many Republicans.

He also said that helping Ukraine is the number one priority of Republicans, putting that ahead of helping Americans.
Mitch saw the Republicans on the horizon who were mostly looking to gridlock Government. It was going to be his last shot to get some budget items in before Republicans Fuk it up.
Mitch also understands how important Ukraine is and how the pro-Putin Republican faction would Fuk that up too
Trump running as a third party candidate probably needs to happen in order to save the Republican Party. When Trump's remaining cult members realize he cost them yet another election and installed Gavin Newsom as the next president they will finally abandon him once and for all and the GOP can get back in the business of winning elections.
Trump running as a third party candidate probably needs to happen in order to save the Republican Party. When Trump's remaining cult members realize he cost them yet another election and installed Gavin Newsom as the next president they will finally abandon him once and for all and the GOP can get back in the business of winning elections.
Their is no cult, you are a liar.

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