TRUMP APPROVAL 52% in latest poll

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its 40.4 percent: try again.
You're just a hater and jealous that President Trump has accomplished more than Obutthole did in two terms.
Accomplished more for Russia and Saudi Arabia, but not here.
For the wall, Trump only gets money for 55 miles of fencing, less than he got before the shutdown.
/——/ What accomplishments for Russia and SA ? And has Trump accepted this miserable deal? BTW the democRATs caved after screaming no wall for months.
Russia gets Crimea. Russia gets nuclear treaty scrapped. Russia gets sanctions lifted, no new sanctions.
Saudis get away with assassinations, and get away with anything they want.
Trump got worse deal than what he started with; no cave.
Let's see Crimea was done under Obama,

President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years
The Hill

Jul 16, 2018 · The fact is, President Trump has been quite tough on Russia. ... With those sanctions, the Trump administration punished more than .

Separating Economic Facts From Fiction on the Trump Tax Cuts
The Heritage Foundation

Since Congress passed tax reform, American families have seen bigger ... Read more about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ... The average American can expect a $1,400 tax cut this year, and a family of ..

Why do you continue to LIE?
You're just a hater and jealous that President Trump has accomplished more than Obutthole did in two terms.
Accomplished more for Russia and Saudi Arabia, but not here.
For the wall, Trump only gets money for 55 miles of fencing, less than he got before the shutdown.
/——/ What accomplishments for Russia and SA ? And has Trump accepted this miserable deal? BTW the democRATs caved after screaming no wall for months.
Russia gets Crimea. Russia gets nuclear treaty scrapped. Russia gets sanctions lifted, no new sanctions.
Saudis get away with assassinations, and get away with anything they want.
Trump got worse deal than what he started with; no cave.
/----/ BTW any proof the guy with the MAGA hat actually said those things? Any proof he ever supported Trump?
I have? How so?
Trump destroyed the Caliphate.
Trump brought back mfg jobs
Trump increased employment to historic levels
Trump has brought real economic growth
Trump has ushered in wage increases

Every time America wins, Democrats lose
Those are trends which all began years before Trump was in office. He has done well in keeping the trends going.



Hispanic unemployment rate...

Black unemployment rate...

All those years Republicans controlled Congress.
I have? How so?
Trump destroyed the Caliphate.
Trump brought back mfg jobs
Trump increased employment to historic levels
Trump has brought real economic growth
Trump has ushered in wage increases

Every time America wins, Democrats lose
Those are trends which all began years before Trump was in office. He has done well in keeping the trends going.



Hispanic unemployment rate...

Black unemployment rate...

All those years Republicans controlled Congress.

Plus obie had dead cat bounce effect off the bottom. He actually held things back by approving over-regulation & over-taxation. He had a job similar to inheriting a "64 win" baseball team, thx to Dem Congress of 2007 allowing-causing the housing bust.

Trump has to improve a "88 win" baseball team after $10T debt, zero interest and $4T Fed money pulled out. Much different
Russia gets Crimea. Russia gets nuclear treaty scrapped. Russia gets sanctions lifted, no new sanctions.
Saudis get away with assassinations, and get away with anything they want.
Trump got worse deal than what he started with; no cave.
You're either not very informative, or not very honest.

Russia took Crimea under Obama.

Russia wasn't flowing the treaty. America dropping our end of it doesn't help them. (What idiot told you otherwise?)

Trump has imposed the toughest sanctions on Russia since Reagan.

SA has been a murdering regime for many decades. How are you just now finding this out?

You need better news sources.
Again Rasmussen missed the Democrat wave that wiped out House Republicans in the midterms. They missed by 10 points so why should we believe them now. CNN only polled the popular vote and came fairly close. All the national polls came close to Clinton's winning the popular vote.
Wipe out? Haha.. it was a below average midterm loss.. Less than 1/2 of Obama's shillacking. But I see it's important to you, so go with it.

I'm pretty sure Rasmussen called the Democrats taking the House, but feel free to prove me wrong.
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Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many Independents....

That's how I felt and was very pleased. Trump is good at presenting a prepared speech. Wish he would knock off the tweets and stick with the teleprompter. I believe it would widen his support as the SOTU speech showed.
You're just a hater and jealous that President Trump has accomplished more than Obutthole did in two terms.
Accomplished more for Russia and Saudi Arabia, but not here.
For the wall, Trump only gets money for 55 miles of fencing, less than he got before the shutdown.
Trump is going to give the democrats a big fuck you finger. And by your uninformed response, you're too stupid to take seriously in this debate. Catch up on current events and get your head out of Pelosi's ass.
You`re the kind of simpleton that the Russians target. The DOW increased 258% during Obama`s 8 years and it rose another 24% during Trump`s 2 years. The DOW would need to get to 61,000 under Trump to match Obama`s success. Have someone explain this 10 year graph showing unemployment levels.
unemployment chart for 10 years - Bing images
American success really does trigger you, doesn't it?

The DOW is fine, but it's not the economy. Quantitative Easing was great for the rich.

Obama would had 2-3 times the economic growth from the bubble recession if he had not done so much to slow it.

Obama's loss 250,000 MFG jobs wasn't an accident, and Trump bringing back 500,000 was also on purpose.

Haters like you miss the point. You're fixation with hating Trump makes you hate America's success because the 2 are connected.

Trump is campaigning on Americas greatness. Socialists can't win unless the voters believe America sux.

Democrats that love America more than they hate Trump have no place in the current Democrat Party.
Stop lying. The loss of manufacturing jobs under Obama was due to Bush’s Great Recession. After it ended, manufacturing jobs started coming back...

Manufacturing fried hamburger and fries, which were the only jobs created under Obutthole isn't the manufacturing that President Trump is bringing back and stimulating.
I have? How so?
Trump destroyed the Caliphate.
Trump brought back mfg jobs
Trump increased employment to historic levels
Trump has brought real economic growth
Trump has ushered in wage increases

Every time America wins, Democrats lose
You`re the kind of simpleton that the Russians target. The DOW increased 258% during Obama`s 8 years and it rose another 24% during Trump`s 2 years. The DOW would need to get to 61,000 under Trump to match Obama`s success. Have someone explain this 10 year graph showing unemployment levels.
unemployment chart for 10 years - Bing images
What was the DOW when Obama began? Dodd/Frank damage at that.
The Democrats in Congress caused the Dow to be 8000 or less.
I have? How so?
Trump destroyed the Caliphate.
Trump brought back mfg jobs
Trump increased employment to historic levels
Trump has brought real economic growth
Trump has ushered in wage increases

Every time America wins, Democrats lose
Those are trends which all began years before Trump was in office. He has done well in keeping the trends going.

Hispanic unemployment rate...
Black unemployment rate...
I already knew Obama was outdone by Trump in every regard.

But thanks for admitting it.
No problem. Thanks for admitting you’re nuts. :confused:
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...

Dems are in full panic mode now. He was supposed to be at 20% approval and removed from office by now.

Big deal. One outlier poll shows him with a pretty good score. The average of polls for that week show him well below 50% and a disapproval rate well above 50%. His temporary rise in one poll is a glitch, just like his election.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.
LIkely voters omits non voters who actually omit themselves. Lib media are the ones really getting excited about this.

"Democrats are so concerned about Trump’s rise in the polls that even CNN is reporting it. Democrats should be concerned. They have no message other than being anti-Trump. Why should voters support them?"

CNN: Democrats Are Worried About Trump's Rising Poll Numbers (VIDEO)
Trump is president of all citizens, not just those who are likely to vote. It makes no sense to poll only likely voters to determine job approval.
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...

Dems are in full panic mode now. He was supposed to be at 20% approval and removed from office by now.

Big deal. One outlier poll shows him with a pretty good score. The average of polls for that week show him well below 50% and a disapproval rate well above 50%. His temporary rise in one poll is a glitch, just like his election.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.
LIkely voters omits non voters who actually omit themselves. Lib media are the ones really getting excited about this.

"Democrats are so concerned about Trump’s rise in the polls that even CNN is reporting it. Democrats should be concerned. They have no message other than being anti-Trump. Why should voters support them?"

CNN: Democrats Are Worried About Trump's Rising Poll Numbers (VIDEO)
Trump is president of all citizens, not just those who are likely to vote. It makes no sense to poll only likely voters to determine job approval.

Yes lets see how the invading criminals will vote....ROTFLMFAO!
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...

Dems are in full panic mode now. He was supposed to be at 20% approval and removed from office by now.

Big deal. One outlier poll shows him with a pretty good score. The average of polls for that week show him well below 50% and a disapproval rate well above 50%. His temporary rise in one poll is a glitch, just like his election.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.
/——/ When was Obozo over 50%?
He had his moments. Only unlike you girls, I wasn’t shaking my pom-poms over it.
Dems are in full panic mode now. He was supposed to be at 20% approval and removed from office by now.

Big deal. One outlier poll shows him with a pretty good score. The average of polls for that week show him well below 50% and a disapproval rate well above 50%. His temporary rise in one poll is a glitch, just like his election.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.
LIkely voters omits non voters who actually omit themselves. Lib media are the ones really getting excited about this.

"Democrats are so concerned about Trump’s rise in the polls that even CNN is reporting it. Democrats should be concerned. They have no message other than being anti-Trump. Why should voters support them?"

CNN: Democrats Are Worried About Trump's Rising Poll Numbers (VIDEO)
Trump is president of all citizens, not just those who are likely to vote. It makes no sense to poll only likely voters to determine job approval.

Yes lets see how the invading criminals will vote....ROTFLMFAO!
Sure, let me know when you find one.
DJT is kicking butt 7 ways to Sunday and all know it//

Sad part is, DJT is only doing what the last four clowns should have done. Common sense. Fair deals. Better fences. Faster horses. More money.

Keystone is done now? Correct? Remember BO-beast lying about Keystone for 6 straight years? Anyone?
You`re the kind of simpleton that the Russians target. The DOW increased 258% during Obama`s 8 years and it rose another 24% during Trump`s 2 years. The DOW would need to get to 61,000 under Trump to match Obama`s success. Have someone explain this 10 year graph showing unemployment levels.
unemployment chart for 10 years - Bing images
American success really does trigger you, doesn't it?

The DOW is fine, but it's not the economy. Quantitative Easing was great for the rich.

Obama would had 2-3 times the economic growth from the bubble recession if he had not done so much to slow it.

Obama's loss 250,000 MFG jobs wasn't an accident, and Trump bringing back 500,000 was also on purpose.

Haters like you miss the point. You're fixation with hating Trump makes you hate America's success because the 2 are connected.

Trump is campaigning on Americas greatness. Socialists can't win unless the voters believe America sux.

Democrats that love America more than they hate Trump have no place in the current Democrat Party.
Stop lying. The loss of manufacturing jobs under Obama was due to Bush’s Great Recession. After it ended, manufacturing jobs started coming back...

/----/ Why did Obozo lie about ever getting those jobs back?
But Obama said manufacturing jobs wouldn't come back...
Who said they’re back? They’re still down 33% since Bush became president 18 years ago. And that’s not even factoring in population growth.

I think The State of the Union helped. Democrats didn’t clap when DJT stated that America would never be a Socialist country and when he introduced the Holocaust survivors and their rescuers and when he announced the capital of Israel being Jerusalem. They clapped when they heard self serving dialogue about women in power. IMO DJT won many votes that night.
So? The SOTU address typically gives a president a bump for a week or two. Watch what happens to his numbers after he causes the second shut down since December.
Nope, if the goverment shuts down. It will be Schumer and Pelosi's shutdown. Trump reopened the goverment at Pelosi's request, so they could negotiate a deal and she refuses to do so. She will own this one.

Good luck with that.

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ @realdonaldtrump, the government shut ‘er downer
You're just a hater and jealous that President Trump has accomplished more than Obutthole did in two terms.
Accomplished more for Russia and Saudi Arabia, but not here.
For the wall, Trump only gets money for 55 miles of fencing, less than he got before the shutdown.
Trump is going to give the democrats a big fuck you finger. And by your uninformed response, you're too stupid to take seriously in this debate. Catch up on current events and get your head out of Pelosi's ass.
He certainly seems to be planning that. But thats sure to go straight to the supreme court along with being an impeachable offense.
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...

Those number suck ass. America, REAL America hates trump. BETO is the one America wants. Maybe Harris.

the butthurt continues:abgg2q.jpg:
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