Trump approval higher than Obama

Rasmussen Vs thefivethirtyeight? WTF is that?

Please post your "bullshit" reply about Rasmussen and Obama's approval under Obama.
The numbers don't surprise me.
Trump has been an infinitely better president than Obama who, by the way, had all the Government Approved Media kissing his butt for eight years. Trump should be so lucky with all the quislings in the press sticking knives in his back.
Considering the 24 and 7 negative media coverage Trump gets about every single thing he does, for his approval rating to be NEAR Obamas is a testament of how good hes actually doing.
Total crap.

True dat. The token half negro was way less popular.

You have to consider that the two bases are almost totally polarized. The 48% that are pro Trump were political sleepers for eight years and are very hard to quantify. This is what scares the shift out of poll takers.
Trump's rating is probably closer to 60.

try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.
But he said his path to victory would involve winning the electoral while losing the popular...which is what happened....
Whodathunkit? Trumps approval is higher than Obama's at this point in his presidency. He must be doing something right!!

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Trump: 48%
Obama: 46%
Aww, how adorable. Look at how excited the rightards get over a statistical tie in the most right-leaning poll out there.


Oh, by the way, moron, they were actually tied at this point at 48% according to Rasmussen..,

06-Feb-11: 48%

06-Feb-19: 48%

And that’s just one poll.

Gallup, the longest established pollster, shows a clearer picture:

Obama: 47%
Trump: 37%
Total crap.

True dat. The token half negro was way less popular.

You have to consider that the two bases are almost totally polarized. The 48% that are pro Trump were political sleepers for eight years and are very hard to quantify. This is what scares the shift out of poll takers.
Trump's rating is probably closer to 60.

Nah, his approval rating is more like 120%. Just ask trump, he’ll tell ya.
try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.
But he said his path to victory would involve winning the electoral while losing the popular...which is what happened....
He said it was possible but highly unlikely; he said his calculations gave Trump only a 29% chance of pulling it off.
Question...why do Trumptards care what Trump poll numbers are in comparison to Obama's?

Obama hasn't been president for 2 yrs....Obama won, deal with it.

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