Trump Approval Hits 59%

Riiiight. But that of course is an exception, as cops are usually doing their jobs well and hard,y get involved in any shootings at all, and no concern by morons like you that the majority of blacks are murderderd by other blacks.

Hey, i have a solution to that to. Ban private gun ownership. That way, it won't be so easy for blacks and whites to kill their friends and families.

But to the point, I do think most cops do their jobs. My problem is that they tolerate the guys like Wilson, Van Dyke, Loehmann, Slager et al. in their midst.

Case in point. When Jason Van Dyke plugged 16 shots into LaQuan McDonald, the first reaction of the Chicago PD was to-

1) Try to destroy all the video evidence
2) File false reports saying McDonald was only shot once and had lunged towards the officers with a knife.
3) Lie to the Public about what happened.

Because one tape did survive, and the Medical examiner cried bullshit, they instead...

Put Van Dyke on desk duty for a year and tried to pay off the family to make it go away.

NOW - ideal world. It works like this.

The other cops preserve the evidence at the scene, and the States Attorney goes to a grand jury immediately. Charges are filed and van Dyke goes to prison where he belongs.
Trust me, if that coward has real ratings that high, he'd be all over Tweet world talking about us all a fuckin favor, find a source that doesn't use crayons to write its news crap.....LOLOLOLO
Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%


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