Trump Approval Hits 59%

I had the luxury of participating in one of these leftie manufactured "polls" about the police and interactions with race etc. about a month ago. It was very enlightening, all the questions were skewed to a desired answer. In other words, they require that you choose at least one "answer" out of the four or five that they provide, even though I totally disagreed with all their answers!

You were upset "Shoot the Darkies" wasn't offered as an option?
I bet you were one of the marchers that chanted "what do we want, dead cops..." :rofl:
Crooked Democrats employ many tech its to cheat, they have no honor or shame or patriotism, and are willing to do anything,minced using spying on an opposing candidate as we are beginning to see. But here's one way they do it, as exposed by wiki leaks:

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
More Nazi propaganda.
Call it what you want, but 100% of the wikileaks emails exposed the TRUTH about the corruption, lies, and criminality of the Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in general. Not one of the emails revealed were found to be fake.
Might as well, give this a bump, since now that his ratings have plummeted Trump apologists are declaring the polls to be flawed and invalid:

Low Approval Rating for Trump is Questionable

I mean, Trump said unemployment statistics were basically fake, up until the point where they went down under his presidency, then they were super-uber-fucking-real.
We know that the crossings by illegal immigrants has been reduced by 40% since Trump's inauguration. That's a fact, jack.
Yup, I would trust any of these leftie polls as far as I could spit, and neither should anyone else.
That is pretty funny.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 45% of the vote
- Roudy

The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

A poll conducted by the well-respected Quinnipiac University and published on Monday, Aug. 3, reveals that American voters oppose by a margin of two to one the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreed to by U.S. negotiators and their partners in the P5+1, regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

Speaking of polls: Donald Trump, Pope Francis Tie in 'Most Admired Man' Gallup Poll

Hello cocksucker Jihadist those two graphs are from GALLUP. If you'd like I can post you the links or you can go to Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World and type "Israel" in the search bar. That was a pathetic attempt at discrediting those results.
- Roudy

Gallup Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Continue To View Israel Favorably
- Roudy

Race Relations Are at Lowest Point in Obama Presidency, Poll Finds
- Roudy

Geez are you guys grasping at straws or what? The links to the various polls are on the main website itself
- Roudy

Not really, CNN ran a poll of their "undecideds" and after Obama's speech they said they same thing
- Roudy

And on and on... I think what you mean to say is that you don't believe in polls unless their results happen to suit your worldview.
Looks like the MSM is losing the battle.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%)​
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove.

Guy just stop trying to make the orange turd into a king....
Looks like the MSM is losing the battle.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%)​
RCP Average 1/20 - 1/25 -- 45.2 43.0 +2.2
Gallup 1/23 - 1/25 1500 A 46 45 +1
Rasmussen Reports 1/23 - 1/25 1500 LV 59 41 +18
Economist/YouGov 1/23 - 1/25 2312 RV 43 39 +4
PPP (D) 1/23 - 1/24 1043 RV 44 44 Tie
Quinnipiac 1/20 - 1/25 1190 RV 36 44 -8
Reuters/Ipsos 1/20 - 1/24 1633 A 43 45 -2
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data

Rasmussen Reports is definitely an outlier.
That doesn't mean the other polls aren't wrong. The vast majority of polls have been wrong about all kinds of stuff lately.
The most accurate poll is usually the most recent.
That isn't true, but Trump probably has the best poll analyst in the business. Kellyanne Conway, in my opinion, deserves great credit, maybe the most credit, for analyzing the polls during the lead up to the election and was key in Trump's victory. Her skills at seeing weaknesses in the rust belt states was a key element. I doubt if she used numbers from the regular pollsters and suspect she use internal polls not available to the general public.

She heard it on her microwave.
I bet you were one of the marchers that chanted "what do we want, dead cops..."

Naw, I j ust want the cops to stop whining and do their jobs right.

If I pay you $78,000 a year, I really expect you to have the good sense to not shoot a kid in the back when he's lying on the ground 16 times.

I also think it shouldn't take three years to get you into a courtroom when you do that.
Looks like the MSM is losing the battle.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%)​
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove.

Guy just stop trying to make the orange turd into a king....

And that's the most republican-leaning poll there is. (Short of a Fox&Friends online poll)
Crooked Democrats employ many tech its to cheat, they have no honor or shame or patriotism, and are willing to do anything,minced using spying on an opposing candidate as we are beginning to see. But here's one way they do it, as exposed by wiki leaks:

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
More Nazi propaganda.
Call it what you want, but 100% of the wikileaks emails exposed the TRUTH about the corruption, lies, and criminality of the Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in general. Not one of the emails revealed were found to be fake.


Name a crime the leaks exposed, please.

The wikileaks releases did nothing but reveal Hillary as a Republican (certainly more of one than Trump).
Crooked Democrats employ many tech its to cheat, they have no honor or shame or patriotism, and are willing to do anything,minced using spying on an opposing candidate as we are beginning to see. But here's one way they do it, as exposed by wiki leaks:

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
More Nazi propaganda.
Call it what you want, but 100% of the wikileaks emails exposed the TRUTH about the corruption, lies, and criminality of the Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in general. Not one of the emails revealed were found to be fake.


Name a crime the leaks exposed, please.

The wikileaks releases did nothing but reveal Hillary as a Republican (certainly more of one than Trump).
You mean like getting million dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation and then suddenly Hillary appoints the same person on a committees, or having a private server, lying about sending or receiving classified emails, and then they all appear on pervert Weiner's lap top? The list is long. Wiki leaks simply revealed the truth about Hillary and the Democrats. That is the inconvenient reality that nobody wants to talk about. Not one email was fake.
Crooked Democrats employ many tech its to cheat, they have no honor or shame or patriotism, and are willing to do anything,minced using spying on an opposing candidate as we are beginning to see. But here's one way they do it, as exposed by wiki leaks:

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
More Nazi propaganda.
Call it what you want, but 100% of the wikileaks emails exposed the TRUTH about the corruption, lies, and criminality of the Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in general. Not one of the emails revealed were found to be fake.


Name a crime the leaks exposed, please.

The wikileaks releases did nothing but reveal Hillary as a Republican (certainly more of one than Trump).
You mean like getting million dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation and then suddenly Hillary appoints the same person on a committees, or having a private server, lying about sending or receiving classified emails, and then they all appear on pervert Weiner's lap top? The list is long. Wiki leaks simply revealed the truth about Hillary and the Democrats. That is the inconvenient reality that nobody wants to talk about. Not one email was fake.

LMAO, those are the weakest fucking "scandals" ever, particularly compared to the high treason committed by Trump and Flynn.
Yup, I would trust any of these leftie polls as far as I could spit, and neither should anyone else.
That is pretty funny.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 45% of the vote
- Roudy

The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

A poll conducted by the well-respected Quinnipiac University and published on Monday, Aug. 3, reveals that American voters oppose by a margin of two to one the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreed to by U.S. negotiators and their partners in the P5+1, regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

Speaking of polls: Donald Trump, Pope Francis Tie in 'Most Admired Man' Gallup Poll

Hello cocksucker Jihadist those two graphs are from GALLUP. If you'd like I can post you the links or you can go to Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World and type "Israel" in the search bar. That was a pathetic attempt at discrediting those results.
- Roudy

Gallup Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Continue To View Israel Favorably
- Roudy

Race Relations Are at Lowest Point in Obama Presidency, Poll Finds
- Roudy

Geez are you guys grasping at straws or what? The links to the various polls are on the main website itself
- Roudy

Not really, CNN ran a poll of their "undecideds" and after Obama's speech they said they same thing
- Roudy

And on and on... I think what you mean to say is that you don't believe in polls unless their results happen to suit your worldview.
No I mean what I said before, the polls are skewed and cannot be trusted, whether they are on the left or right. The left which controls most of the media and polls, also likes to cite the same manufactured polls that are favorable to their world view, so it goes both ways.
I bet you were one of the marchers that chanted "what do we want, dead cops..."

Naw, I j ust want the cops to stop whining and do their jobs right.

If I pay you $78,000 a year, I really expect you to have the good sense to not shoot a kid in the back when he's lying on the ground 16 times.

I also think it shouldn't take three years to get you into a courtroom when you do that.
Riiiight. But that of course is an exception, as cops are usually doing their jobs well and hard,y get involved in any shootings at all, and no concern by morons like you that the majority of blacks are murderderd by other blacks.
Crooked Democrats employ many tech its to cheat, they have no honor or shame or patriotism, and are willing to do anything,minced using spying on an opposing candidate as we are beginning to see. But here's one way they do it, as exposed by wiki leaks:

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
More Nazi propaganda.
Call it what you want, but 100% of the wikileaks emails exposed the TRUTH about the corruption, lies, and criminality of the Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in general. Not one of the emails revealed were found to be fake.


Name a crime the leaks exposed, please.

The wikileaks releases did nothing but reveal Hillary as a Republican (certainly more of one than Trump).
You mean like getting million dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation and then suddenly Hillary appoints the same person on a committees, or having a private server, lying about sending or receiving classified emails, and then they all appear on pervert Weiner's lap top? The list is long. Wiki leaks simply revealed the truth about Hillary and the Democrats. That is the inconvenient reality that nobody wants to talk about. Not one email was fake.

LMAO, those are the weakest fucking "scandals" ever, particularly compared to the high treason committed by Trump and Flynn.
Yeah, of which there is no evidence of, just accusations, and speculation by the raving mad left who cannot get over the fact that they lost. Heck, we don't even know if the Russians are the wiki leaks source. Unless you are stupid enough to believe what the politicians with vested interests tell us.

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