Trump Approval Hits 59%

Alternate Fact, Jack.

The result is skewed by an online polling tool, which encourages people to keep "voting."

Too bad.
Nope, you are continually wrong, and are really wrong on this. Trump is for all Americans, not like Obama sicking the irs on people he didn't agree with.


The notably NOT left-wing Brookings Institution had this to say about Obama and the IRS:

"It’s an embarrassingly inapt comparison," said Thomas Mann, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution. "We have as of yet to discover whether there was a scandal in the IRS. We certainly have no evidence that anything was done for a political reason and certainly no evidence that there was any intervention on the side of the White House."
A bunch of emails went missing and the dems refused to let Louis Lerner speak to congress. Odd if there was no foul play. However the fact that TEA party groups were targeted while progressive ones weren't says volumes to anyone with a brain cell.
You're not going to see the left stop marching/protesting/resisting.

You're VASTLY underestimating the opposition to Trump. Hint: Election day proved it's 74 million strong AT LEAST.
I hope you're right. I voted for Trump so I could hopefully see the day when libtards went back to the streets. Your numbers are pulled from your ass like everything else. Shit is all you guys have to offer.

Oh I get that none of you voted in the best interests of the country. You voted in the best interests of voicing your temper tantrum, and your enmity for liberals, gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, people of color, atheists, anyone who acts/talks/looks differently from you, etc.

That's ABUNDANTLY clear.
Nothing is clear to you. Unhappy liberals is a great sign for America.
Lowest inaugural approval in history of the poll. But dress up that pig any way you want.
What does that even mean? He won but his voters didn't want him inaugurated? Libs will believe anything but the truth.

Uh, if we're speaking about popularity, he didn't win. See my sig.
I don't see sigs but it's amusing you think Hillary voters would improve of the inauguration. Of course they wouldn't so how do the numbers have any meaning to you?

Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million. He does not have the people at his back. Period.
Alternate Fact, Jack.

The result is skewed by an online polling tool, which encourages people to keep "voting."

Too bad.
Nope, you are continually wrong, and are really wrong on this. Trump is for all Americans, not like Obama sicking the irs on people he didn't agree with.


The notably NOT left-wing Brookings Institution had this to say about Obama and the IRS:

"It’s an embarrassingly inapt comparison," said Thomas Mann, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution. "We have as of yet to discover whether there was a scandal in the IRS. We certainly have no evidence that anything was done for a political reason and certainly no evidence that there was any intervention on the side of the White House."
A bunch of emails went missing and the dems refused to let Louis Lerner speak to congress. Odd if there was no foul play. However the fact that TEA party groups were targeted while progressive ones weren't says volumes to anyone with a brain cell.

Again, I get you prefer wild speculation, youtube conspiracy theories, and facebook news to actual fact.
Alternate Fact, Jack.

The result is skewed by an online polling tool, which encourages people to keep "voting."

Too bad.
Nope, you are continually wrong, and are really wrong on this. Trump is for all Americans, not like Obama sicking the irs on people he didn't agree with.


The notably NOT left-wing Brookings Institution had this to say about Obama and the IRS:

"It’s an embarrassingly inapt comparison," said Thomas Mann, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution. "We have as of yet to discover whether there was a scandal in the IRS. We certainly have no evidence that anything was done for a political reason and certainly no evidence that there was any intervention on the side of the White House."
A bunch of emails went missing and the dems refused to let Louis Lerner speak to congress. Odd if there was no foul play. However the fact that TEA party groups were targeted while progressive ones weren't says volumes to anyone with a brain cell.

Again, I get you prefer wild speculation, youtube conspiracy theories, and facebook news to actual fact.
Trump is disliked by sixty percent of Americans in real polls. AltFact polls don't count.
Lowest inaugural approval in history of the poll. But dress up that pig any way you want.
What does that even mean? He won but his voters didn't want him inaugurated? Libs will believe anything but the truth.

Uh, if we're speaking about popularity, he didn't win. See my sig.
I don't see sigs but it's amusing you think Hillary voters would improve of the inauguration. Of course they wouldn't so how do the numbers have any meaning to you?

Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million. He does not have the people at his back. Period.
He has the presidency AND congress. AND soon the Supreme Court. You can have the big city liberals, I'll take the government.
Alternate Fact, Jack.

The result is skewed by an online polling tool, which encourages people to keep "voting."

Too bad.
Nope, you are continually wrong, and are really wrong on this. Trump is for all Americans, not like Obama sicking the irs on people he didn't agree with.


The notably NOT left-wing Brookings Institution had this to say about Obama and the IRS:

"It’s an embarrassingly inapt comparison," said Thomas Mann, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution. "We have as of yet to discover whether there was a scandal in the IRS. We certainly have no evidence that anything was done for a political reason and certainly no evidence that there was any intervention on the side of the White House."
Then why was Steven Miller fired?
Alternate Fact, Jack.

The result is skewed by an online polling tool, which encourages people to keep "voting."

Too bad.
Nope, you are continually wrong, and are really wrong on this. Trump is for all Americans, not like Obama sicking the irs on people he didn't agree with.


The notably NOT left-wing Brookings Institution had this to say about Obama and the IRS:

"It’s an embarrassingly inapt comparison," said Thomas Mann, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution. "We have as of yet to discover whether there was a scandal in the IRS. We certainly have no evidence that anything was done for a political reason and certainly no evidence that there was any intervention on the side of the White House."
A bunch of emails went missing and the dems refused to let Louis Lerner speak to congress. Odd if there was no foul play. However the fact that TEA party groups were targeted while progressive ones weren't says volumes to anyone with a brain cell.

Again, I get you prefer wild speculation, youtube conspiracy theories, and facebook news to actual fact.
It is a fact. Few if any TEA Party groups got tax exempt status, many lefty ones did.
Fake news.

Sorry, you prefer Brietbart? The "global warming is a hoax" website?
Global warming is're about have your world shattered by Trump.

It's going to be absolutely fantastic.

Believe me.

Anyone who feels the need to say "believe me" is full of shit. Without exception, and especially including you and your Snowflake-in-Chief.

No no no, cock's your side doing all the crying and everyone knows it. Keep it up....I'm sure it'll help you guys going forward. Lol

Keep telling yourself that.

To the extent that there was a plan to take advantage of the first days of his administration, when a president is usually at his maximum leverage, Mr. Trump threw it aside with a decision to lash out about crowd sizes at his swearing in and to rewrite the history of his dealings with intelligence agencies.

The lack of discipline troubled even senior members of Mr. Trump’s circle, some of whom had urged him not to indulge his simmering resentment at what he saw as unfair news coverage. Instead, Mr. Trump chose to listen to other aides who shared his outrage and desire to punch back. By the end of the weekend, he and his team were scrambling to get back on script.
Trump throws that stuff out to distract the press from what he's accomplished. They're out in the weeds while he's fulfilling campaign promises.
Lowest inaugural approval in history of the poll. But dress up that pig any way you want.
You mean the same polls that gave us a 98% chance Hillary would win the election? Those same polls?

Good Gawd, man grow a brain.
Alternate Fact, Jack.

The result is skewed by an online polling tool, which encourages people to keep "voting."

Too bad.
Nope, you are continually wrong, and are really wrong on this. Trump is for all Americans, not like Obama sicking the irs on people he didn't agree with.


The notably NOT left-wing Brookings Institution had this to say about Obama and the IRS:

"It’s an embarrassingly inapt comparison," said Thomas Mann, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution. "We have as of yet to discover whether there was a scandal in the IRS. We certainly have no evidence that anything was done for a political reason and certainly no evidence that there was any intervention on the side of the White House."
A bunch of emails went missing and the dems refused to let Louis Lerner speak to congress. Odd if there was no foul play. However the fact that TEA party groups were targeted while progressive ones weren't says volumes to anyone with a brain cell.

Again, I get you prefer wild speculation, youtube conspiracy theories, and facebook news to actual fact.
It is a fact. Few if any TEA Party groups got tax exempt status, many lefty ones did.
Alternate facts. Means nothing without actual support.
JB, Trump had the lowest minority victory in history. Fact, JimBowie.
You idiot, Trump got more votes for POTUS than any other Republican Presidential candidate in history.

Subtract the 5 million illegal votes and he had a majority.
Looks like the MSM is losing the battle.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%)​
Exactly why Hillary lost. She was stupid enough to tie herself to him. Of course, not much of a choice when you have the FBI investigation hanging over your head.
JB, Trump had the lowest minority victory in history. Fact, JimBowie.
You idiot, Trump got more votes for POTUS than any other Republican Presidential candidate in history.

Subtract the 5 million illegal votes and he had a majority.
You moron, he got less than Obama; he got less than Clinton.

There were no illegal voting of any significance according to the state commission Republican and Democratic.

These facts will go into the history books, not your silly concessionary statements.
Funny, progs are calling Rasmussen "fake" as if they would overproject Republicans.

They predicted Clinto 322 EV to Trump 216.

Our Final 2016 Picks - Rasmussen Reports™

Face it tards, Trump is being a President, willing to meet and work with everyone. The people like that compared to Obama's solitude and not even being willing to meet Republicans. It's been years since we've seen Washington actually do anything, people are happy that something is actually happening.
Looks like the MSM is losing the battle.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%)​
why are they using ''likely voters''?

the election is OVER, and not another one for four years?

The poll should be for all Americans at this point....he is EVERYONE'S President.

Me thinks Rassmusen is trying to fudge the numbers....through a slight of hand...

38% or there about, is what his approval rating is among Americans.
Hey but to be honest, I know how Trump haters are feeling. I remember when Soetero shoved Obamacare down the throats of the American people and said, "FUCK YOU!" while doing it.

It sucked the big one.

Welp.........8 years later, the worm sure has turned has it not?:bye1:

The pajama boy liberals get to sit there and take it up the pooper...........and like it too!!:coffee:The bumpys are a comin' s0ns, bigger and faster every day!!


Like Jimmie Johnson says, "Because winning, is the greatest feeling in the world!"


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