Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll

If trump's approval ratings keep dropping they'll soon match his IQ.

Rasmussen had him at 46% approval yesterday. It was the closest to being correct in the November election, probably because it attempts to exclude illegal aliens who can't vote (except in California).

Trump's I.Q. is somewhere around 148 to 156---Genius level.

You might get away with calling him crazy. Calling him stupid just makes you look stupid.
Wow, but this is no surprise.

Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll

Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll

Thirty-two percent of Americans polled said they approved of Trump's handling of his job in office nine months into his presidency, while 67 percent of those polled said they disapproved.

The president's approval rating in the poll is down from 42 percent in March and 35 percent in June.

Orange Mussolini is about to go as far off the rails as you can. He's set to default on the Iran nuclear deal which many of our allies were signatory to and who DO NOT want to pull out of the deal as Iran is living up to it's side of the agreement. And he's talking like a wannabe dictator that is dying to use the US military, not for good reason but for ego.

All you people that voted for this turd and have children in the military you better get prepared. The orange stain is starting up a meat grinder to drop your kids into.

And the Republicans in Congress are silent children sitting at the kiddie table.
Wow, but this is no surprise.

Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll

Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll

Thirty-two percent of Americans polled said they approved of Trump's handling of his job in office nine months into his presidency, while 67 percent of those polled said they disapproved.

The president's approval rating in the poll is down from 42 percent in March and 35 percent in June.

This is how stupid the American people are....

It takes a competent Congressional group for anything to get done. Trump can't waive a magic wand and reform healthcare and other issues by himself, yet he, not Congress will face backlash for it.
Can we please please please stop posting Trump's dismal approval ratings.....the man could give a fuck, really!! As long as he has an audience of salivating, toothless, diaper wearing white trashies at his Klan rallies, the man could care less if his approval rating drops to .ooo1/2%. He's 71 years old, completely removed from reality and lost in world of Celebrity Apprentice, never to return to reality, ever again.
His rating in the "Polls" could be negative for all most people that care about America are concerned.

As long as the Left keeps offering the likes of Hillary Clinton and other mean spirited, anti-American, divisive hateful people....and he is the choice against them, he will keep winning.
And he is winning you dumb clueless mf, but are you?
There is a pro-moron demographic that helps to maintain trumps ratings. It appears that about 32% of those polled are included in that pro-.moron demographic.
The only morons are the ones who think Hillary was a shoe-in to win the 2016 election and now continue using those same inaccurate pollsters.

Trump's floor is 32% to 34%. That's how many accept and support everything he says and does, no matter what that might be.
It was 17% in the primaries, it's not until liberals are added into the mix that his approval numbers double

That was because he was running against other Republicans. Once he became the nominee, those numbers jumped into the mid 40% range as die hard Republicans got on board the Trump train.
There is a pro-moron demographic that helps to maintain trumps ratings. It appears that about 32% of those polled are included in that pro-.moron demographic.
The only morons are the ones who think Hillary was a shoe-in to win the 2016 election and now continue using those same inaccurate pollsters.

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Russian interference was able to help trump get elected, but Russian interference cannot help him get a decent approval rating or convince a majority of Americans that they don't have a moron in the White House. Yesterday was yesterday and today is today. The past is the past and the present is the present. Only the morons live in the past and ignore the present.
There is a pro-moron demographic that helps to maintain trumps ratings. It appears that about 32% of those polled are included in that pro-.moron demographic.
The only morons are the ones who think Hillary was a shoe-in to win the 2016 election and now continue using those same inaccurate pollsters.

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Obviously the blue states are where the most people live. Prairie dogs can't vote.
Trump's floor is 32% to 34%. That's how many accept and support everything he says and does, no matter what that might be.
It was 17% in the primaries, it's not until liberals are added into the mix that his approval numbers double

That was because he was running against other Republicans. Once he became the nominee, those numbers jumped into the mid 40% range as die hard Republicans got on board the Trump train.
of course there was a reason, but if you change "die hard republicans" to "anti-liberal Americans" you get a more accurate picture.
If trump's approval ratings keep dropping they'll soon match his IQ.

Rasmussen had him at 46% approval yesterday. It was the closest to being correct in the November election, probably because it attempts to exclude illegal aliens who can't vote (except in California).

Trump's I.Q. is somewhere around 148 to 156---Genius level.

You might get away with calling him crazy. Calling him stupid just makes you look stupid.

Fuck you. Go do your own research.
Trump's I.Q. is somewhere around 148 to 156---Genius level.
That's laughable. Impossible to believe. The orange clown can't focus for more than ten seconds and can't form a coherent sentence without having it written and set in front of him. And even then, he can barely read what's been written.

Genius. Bullshit.

Well...compared to his supporters, maybe...
If trump's approval ratings keep dropping they'll soon match his IQ.

Rasmussen had him at 46% approval yesterday. It was the closest to being correct in the November election, probably because it attempts to exclude illegal aliens who can't vote (except in California).

Trump's I.Q. is somewhere around 148 to 156---Genius level.

You might get away with calling him crazy. Calling him stupid just makes you look stupid.
Don't hold your breath waiting for that link. It ain't coming.

Hell, if trump had an IQ over 90 we'd never hear the end of it. He'd be sending idiotic tweets about it every hour on the hour. Lol...
This is exactly what democrats did in the last election. How many beginning of the end of Trump did we hear about? I'm not complaining. I'm glad ti see it. The democrsts dismissed ever poll showing him ahead. They ridiculed the crowds. Daily hillary's popularity was extolled. She had an 86% chance of landslide at the low end and a 98% chance of landslide at the top end.

When the bottom fell out, they couldn't believe it and still can't. They are doing the same thing now.

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