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Trump approval rating 37%.....Obama approval rating 55%

Stop pretending Democrats elect blacks as anything more than token. What to talk about fake. That would be the Democrat concern for blacks other than to use them as pawns. If Democrats cared about a group of people as much as they say they do, black poverty, drop out rates, illegitimate birth rates, education attainment, use of social welfare as a proportion of their population in society, etc. wouldn't be so bad. You care about their votes but not them as people.

By the way, how many of those blacks elected to Congress represent districts where a built in constituency exists? John Lewis, the big mouth from Georgia, lives in one that's 61% black. He doesn't have to be good, only black, to win. Jim Clyburn from SC is the same thing. Other notable big mouths living in a majority black district almost guaranteeing their election are Alcee Hastings, John Conyers, and Elijah Cummings. Claiming they win because they're good is like claiming a pro football team beating a high school team means something.

John Lewis is the greatest living American patriot. He risked his life to fight for Liberty and Justice

He's a lying piece of shit that made claims things happened to him for which he provided no proof. He claimed he was spat upon and called racist terms. Where's his proof? He's had 6 years to provide it.

He get's reelected because he has a built in majority that votes 95% Democrat.

John Lewis is as much an American patriot as any of our founding fathers

He risked his life in fighting for freedom at lunch counters, freedom rides and leading the March at Selma

He is a great American

Now that's just idiotic! Our founding fathers earned a death sentence when they signed the Declaration of Independence and their fight included bullets canons and a host of sharp pointy things wielded by people determined to kill and maim. And John Lewis risked what? Getting his feelings hurt? No comparison, many Vietnam vets can tell you that from personal experience.
Interesting point
How many founders were actually hung?
Our founders fought for Liberty with cannons and guns and the help of a foreign government

Civil Rights workers fought for Liberty with non violence. They went up against guns, and billy clubs, and attack dogs and fire hoses with just solid determination
John Lewis sat at a lunch counter while white patrons were allowed to call him n*gger and spit on him
John Lewis was hauled off a Freedom Rider bus and beaten up
John Lewis led the march across the Pettis bridge in Selma and had his head split open by State Police with billy clubs

John Lewis risked his life to fight for freedom and he did it without a gun and without fighting back.......true courage

all true, then he lost his mind. pretty sad.
It's interesting that you are afraid to answer a simple question. I'm trying to have a discussion on a discussion forum. This is a leading question, designed to move the conversation forward. As you know, I don't play silly gotcha games, so, just answer the question.

Did you LIKE this election?

Did I LIKE the election?

From the standpoint of posting on this board and being able to mock President Tinkles and all of his followers......I am going to enjoy myself

From the standpoint where the country I love elected a snake oil salesman with major character flaws and no qualifications.......no I did not LIKE it and am embarrassed for the country

NOt the outcome, did you like the Election?

The ever increasing bitterness, and now with violence. The corruption and massive loss of status of the media? The nation being torn apart, by panic mongering and whole segments of the population being turned against each other.

Did you like that?

As an American, I am embarrassed at what partisan politics has become and that compromise and civility are nowhere to be found

But the last election had nothing to do with it. We have been moving in that direction for 30 years

I agree we HAVE been moving in that direction, for 60 years.

It is part of that process of the demographic shift of which you are so happy about.

The WHOLE POINT of demographic shift is so that Middle America, which doesn't buy the Democratic Platform, can be permanently marginalized.

We've discussed this before.

YOu believe that Whites will quietly submit to permanent disenfranchisement and oppression because "democracy".

I put to you that this election, with it's anger and hatred, is a taste of what will REALLY happen.

Only FAR MORE SO, when the anger can never again be addressed politically or legally.

AND when the Will To Power on the part of the INtolerant Left is let loose of any restraint.


Demographics had nothing to do with it

It reflects the rise of the Internet and blatantly partisan media that turns politics into a football game where someone has to win and someone has to lose.......ties are not tolerated

Demographics have everything to do with it.

The dems thought that they had reached a point where they could pay ZERO attention to Middle America and win.

Their response to Trump speaking out for Working Class whites was to vilify him AND his supporters.

In this, their jumping the gun, we see how they plan to rule once they get their One Party State.

And it is not pretty.

They will turn the new, so to be majority, against traditional Middle America, encouraging hatred and violence to suppress any and all resistance.

With each attempt by Middle America to voice it's concerns, the New Majority will be baited to be even more hateful and violent.

Hate and violence will begat anger and eventually returned hate in turn.

repeat until.

REally? Cause everything I hear from him now seems designed to tear this nation apart and to support that ONe Party Dystopia you have been dreaming of.

You mean like supporting health coverage for ALL Americans, not just those who can afford it?

John Lewis is an American Patriot

No, like race baiting.

That's what is tearing this nation apart.

What is with you Snowflakes?

Any time someone stands up for the rights of minorities it is race baiting

You mean like supporting programs like affirmative action where if the same characteristic of a person you think is OK to use to benefit was used to deny would be wrong. You don't want equal rights for minorities. You want special rights and protections above and beyond other groups.

Affirmative action was a major success in this country and all families benefitted

So in your small mind, one form of discrimination is OK but another is not? Discrimination against whites is OK, but against blacks is bad?

How about affirmative action for the Irish who were discriminated against in the early days of this country? "no Irish need apply" was a common sign in those days.

The bottom line is you cannot fix they past by doing the same thing to someone else in the present.
YOu believe that Whites will quietly submit to permanent disenfranchisement and oppression


What dirty ass do you pull this ridiculous nonsense from? What coloreds are disenfranchising and oppressing you, and how?

Do you maybe get pulled over more...because you are white? Or maybe get sentenced more aggressively because you are white? Perhaps fewer people give you a call back when you apply for a job because of your white sounding name?

Nothing wrong with me. I'm tired of playing the patsy and being blamed for shit that isn't my fault.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration and we get smeared as racist.

Fuck that shit.
YOu believe that Whites will quietly submit to permanent disenfranchisement and oppression


What dirty ass do you pull this ridiculous nonsense from? What coloreds are disenfranchising and oppressing you, and how?

Do you maybe get pulled over more...because you are white? Or maybe get sentenced more aggressively because you are white? Perhaps fewer people give you a call back when you apply for a job because of your white sounding name?

Nothing wrong with me. I'm tired of playing the patsy and being blamed for shit that isn't my fault.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration and we get smeared as racist.

Fuck that shit.

First of all, you still haven't said who is oppressing your white ass. And while you deny being a racist you certainly sound like guy pre-occupied with race.

Second of all, not all Trump supporters are racists, but if you are a racist he was definetly your guy. KKK endorsing him didn't exactly come as a surprise.
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Obama is still the president. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. How can you give him an approval rating when he hasn't had the opportunity to act as president yet?
Republicans refused to support ANY Democratic bill. They wanted Obama to gpfail

That is not something to brag about

Obama owns that legislation 100%. That is why it carries his name

We have yet to see Republicans propose something better
better is what we had before it was destroyed by this act of theft. There was nothing wrong with what it was. I had good insurance and my family was covered 100%. There was no need to change it other than to make another law allowing legal theft.
No it was not better....it was an embarrassment
20 million people with insurance is better
Coverage of preexisting conditions is better

Let em die is not better
then you should pay for those people.
I had mine, it was affordable. Your version insured 20 million at the expense of others, millions that will now not be able to afford their insurance.
If we didnt have so many lazy unproductive bastards in this country in the first place, this would have never been an issue. I say that the lazy unproductive bastards would be the embarrassment so yes as far as Im concerned. let them die. If I happen to personally know any of them, I might help them out. If I dont know them? Hell with them. you support their miserable ass.

That is not the way things work. We are not a pay as you go society. You do not get to pay for the things you like and get off Scott free on the things you don't.

If you don't like investing in roads, you still have to pay for them even though you don't plan on using them
If you don't like paying for schools, especially for poor people's children getting to go for free, you still have to pay
If you don't like paying for healthcare for those who can't afford, too bad, you still gotta pay

the difference is that those of us who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who do not or can not. That's always been the practice in this country. NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA. Those who paid covered the bills of those who did not.

The difference is that under ACA we also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy that did not exist before.

ACA is much like the mortgage deal of 08 that stupidly said that every American deserves a mortgage whether he/she can pay for it or not.

Face it RW, liberalism does not work, never has, never will. Freedom works, personal responsibility works.
You are not paying for a huge inefficient government beaurocracy. Govt set up healthcare exchanges where you can voluntarily join larger insurance pools

There is minimal government overhead
YOu believe that Whites will quietly submit to permanent disenfranchisement and oppression


What dirty ass do you pull this ridiculous nonsense from? What coloreds are disenfranchising and oppressing you, and how?

Do you maybe get pulled over more...because you are white? Or maybe get sentenced more aggressively because you are white? Perhaps fewer people give you a call back when you apply for a job because of your white sounding name?

Nothing wrong with me. I'm tired of playing the patsy and being blamed for shit that isn't my fault.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration and we get smeared as racist.

Fuck that shit.

First of all, you still haven't said who is oppressing your white ass.

Second of all, not all Trump supporters are racists, but if you are a racist he was definetly your guy. KKK endorsing him didn't exactly come as a surprise.

and-------------------------BLM endorsed Hillary. AND BLM has more members than KKK. Or are you going to claim that BLM is not a radical racist terrorist group?
YOu believe that Whites will quietly submit to permanent disenfranchisement and oppression


What dirty ass do you pull this ridiculous nonsense from? What coloreds are disenfranchising and oppressing you, and how?

Do you maybe get pulled over more...because you are white? Or maybe get sentenced more aggressively because you are white? Perhaps fewer people give you a call back when you apply for a job because of your white sounding name?

Nothing wrong with me. I'm tired of playing the patsy and being blamed for shit that isn't my fault.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration and we get smeared as racist.

Fuck that shit.

First of all, you still haven't said who is oppressing your white ass.

Your assumption that this is, or has to be about me personally is noted and dismissed.

Second of all, not all Trump supporters are racists,

Aw gee thanks.

but if you are a racist he was definetly your guy.

Bullshit. Fuck you.

KKK endorsing didn't exactly come as a surprise.

Nothing more irrelevant than the Klan in the world. THe only place they have weight is in the fevered imagination of lefties.
better is what we had before it was destroyed by this act of theft. There was nothing wrong with what it was. I had good insurance and my family was covered 100%. There was no need to change it other than to make another law allowing legal theft.
No it was not better....it was an embarrassment
20 million people with insurance is better
Coverage of preexisting conditions is better

Let em die is not better
then you should pay for those people.
I had mine, it was affordable. Your version insured 20 million at the expense of others, millions that will now not be able to afford their insurance.
If we didnt have so many lazy unproductive bastards in this country in the first place, this would have never been an issue. I say that the lazy unproductive bastards would be the embarrassment so yes as far as Im concerned. let them die. If I happen to personally know any of them, I might help them out. If I dont know them? Hell with them. you support their miserable ass.

That is not the way things work. We are not a pay as you go society. You do not get to pay for the things you like and get off Scott free on the things you don't.

If you don't like investing in roads, you still have to pay for them even though you don't plan on using them
If you don't like paying for schools, especially for poor people's children getting to go for free, you still have to pay
If you don't like paying for healthcare for those who can't afford, too bad, you still gotta pay

the difference is that those of us who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who do not or can not. That's always been the practice in this country. NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA. Those who paid covered the bills of those who did not.

The difference is that under ACA we also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy that did not exist before.

ACA is much like the mortgage deal of 08 that stupidly said that every American deserves a mortgage whether he/she can pay for it or not.

Face it RW, liberalism does not work, never has, never will. Freedom works, personal responsibility works.
You are not paying for a huge inefficient government beaurocracy. Govt set up healthcare exchanges where you can voluntarily join larger insurance pools

There is minimal government overhead

Who exactly do you think is paying for it? Who is paying for the exchanges? Who paid the ridiculous fees to set up the failed website? We did, you and me, fool.
the difference is that those of us who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who do not or can not. That's always been the practice in this country. NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA. Those who paid covered the bills of those who did not.


You win Lie of the Day. I'll add that to your list of lies.
Obama is still the president. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. How can you give him an approval rating when he hasn't had the opportunity to act as president yet?

they dreamed it while worshiping at the shrine of the great obozo, Kenyan messiah and all knowing ruler.
Obama is still the president. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. How can you give him an approval rating when he hasn't had the opportunity to act as president yet?

They need to regain control of the narrative. They need to smear and undermine him BEFORE he has a chance to act and to have results.

They know that their policies are not good for Americans. They are terrified because they assume that his policies WILL BE good for Americans, and that they might not be able to hide that fact.
the difference is that those of us who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who do not or can not. That's always been the practice in this country. NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA. Those who paid covered the bills of those who did not.


You win Lie of the Day. I'll add that to your list of lies.

really? Then tell us exactly which americans were refused medical care before ACA. Give us a list.
really? Then tell us exactly which americans were refused medical care before ACA. Give us a list.

Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) - Centers for ...
Home - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services › ... › Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA)
In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay.

dimocraps lie.

Ducks quack. Babies cry. Dogs bark. Pigs oink.

dimocrap scum lie.

the difference is that those of us who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who do not or can not. That's always been the practice in this country. NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA. Those who paid covered the bills of those who did not.


You win Lie of the Day. I'll add that to your list of lies.

really? Then tell us exactly which americans were refused medical care before ACA. Give us a list.

It's your claim. You prove it.
really? Then tell us exactly which americans were refused medical care before ACA. Give us a list.

Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) - Centers for ...
Home - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services › ... › Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA)
In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay.

dimocraps lie.

Ducks quack. Babies cry. Dogs bark. Pigs oink.

dimocrap scum lie.


That ONLY covers emergency treatment and hospitals no longer have to treat someone once the emergency status of their condition has ended.
the difference is that those of us who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who do not or can not. That's always been the practice in this country. NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA. Those who paid covered the bills of those who did not.


You win Lie of the Day. I'll add that to your list of lies.

really? Then tell us exactly which americans were refused medical care before ACA. Give us a list.

It's your claim. You prove it.
it was already proven had you taken the time to read beyond his post.
or you are ignoring the post that specifically proves that nobody went without emergency care.
It would seem that you are either uninformed in this or you are outright lying
Nobody went without care before the ACA, the difference is that before the ACA we all paid for care when someone got injured. Now we have to pay for a full policy for them that covers everything so instead of getting stuck with the bill to dig the bullet out of Tyrones fat worthless black ass, now we have to pay for Tyrone to be able to get regular check-ups, be allowed to sit in the same doctors office as the rest of us, just as if he was actually deserving of this privilege.
You should look into things before you jump in and claim them to work certain ways.
really? Then tell us exactly which americans were refused medical care before ACA. Give us a list.

Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) - Centers for ...
Home - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services › ... › Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA)
In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay.

dimocraps lie.

Ducks quack. Babies cry. Dogs bark. Pigs oink.

dimocrap scum lie.


That ONLY covers emergency treatment and hospitals no longer have to treat someone once the emergency status of their condition has ended.
why should they? if the hospital is privately owned (which most are) why should they be forced to provide a service to someone that is not going to compansate them for that service? whats next? a resturant has to feed certain people whatever they order even though there is not going to be payment? how about clothing stores, we all need to have clothing (some more than others) should certain people be allowed to go into any store and just take what they want? (Im not talking about their shopping habits after an emergency event) Gas for the car? just pull in, fill up and go?
Where in your mind does it end, What is going to have to happen for even you to step back and say, whoa, thats going to damn far? how about when they make a law that says if you buy a house you have to make sure to have 2 extra rooms because you might be called on to house some homeless people at your expense. Its not fair that you can have a house but someone else cant just because they refuse to work.
That ONLY covers emergency treatment and hospitals no longer have to treat someone once the emergency status of their condition has ended.

Then they get on Welfare/Medicaid if they need to.

yer a moron

In between, they simply call an ambulance to carry them to the E-Room if they need other treatment. Covered

yer an imbecile

This is why we can't talk to you -- You lie. You refuse to listen to reason,

Then you lie some more

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