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Trump approval rating 37%.....Obama approval rating 55%

That ONLY covers emergency treatment and hospitals no longer have to treat someone once the emergency status of their condition has ended.

Then they get on Welfare/Medicaid if they need to.

yer a moron

In between, they simply call an ambulance to carry them to the E-Room if they need other treatment. Covered

yer an imbecile

This is why we can't talk to you -- You lie. You refuse to listen to reason,

Then you lie some more

So now you're saying that all conservatives support Medicaid. lol, good one.

are you smoking crack on sunday morning? I said that no one in America was refused medical treatment before ACA. That is true BECAUSE of Medicaid, medicare, and charities.

But if you can give us the names of conservatives who want to do away with Medicaid we shall look at it. bring it, or STFU.

Two Patients Die Awaiting Denied Transplants

apples and oranges. that had to do with funding, not ACA. your desperation is noted with disdain.

See? That's what makes talking to an idiot like you futile. You said everyone got treatment BEFORE ACA.

You lied.
That ONLY covers emergency treatment and hospitals no longer have to treat someone once the emergency status of their condition has ended.

Then they get on Welfare/Medicaid if they need to.

yer a moron

In between, they simply call an ambulance to carry them to the E-Room if they need other treatment. Covered

yer an imbecile

This is why we can't talk to you -- You lie. You refuse to listen to reason,

Then you lie some more

So now you're saying that all conservatives support Medicaid. lol, good one.

are you smoking crack on sunday morning? I said that no one in America was refused medical treatment before ACA. That is true BECAUSE of Medicaid, medicare, and charities.

But if you can give us the names of conservatives who want to do away with Medicaid we shall look at it. bring it, or STFU.

Two Patients Die Awaiting Denied Transplants

apples and oranges. that had to do with funding, not ACA. your desperation is noted with disdain.

This was your claim:

Then tell us exactly which americans were refused medical care before ACA.
and-------------------------BLM endorsed Hillary. AND BLM has more members than KKK. Or are you going to claim that BLM is not a radical racist terrorist group?

BLM is not about blacks being a superior race! It's about equality!

The fact that you cannot tell them from what KKK is about speaks volumes.
and-------------------------BLM endorsed Hillary. AND BLM has more members than KKK. Or are you going to claim that BLM is not a radical racist terrorist group?

BLM is not about blacks being a superior race! It's about equality!

The fact that you cannot tell them from what KKK is about speaks volumes.

the KKK wanted to kill blacks, BLM wants to kill whites and cops, what exactly is the difference?

Ridiculous nonsense. Killing cops, or anyone, was never what BLM was about.

"pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" "kill cops" "whitey must die"

you are full of shit.

Who are you quoting???

BLM chanters during their protest marches. have you been living under a rock?
How about simply enacting his policies and letting the American people judge him by those results?

The time for speeches being the case for judgement is past.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Or at least will be in 7 days.

But you seem driven to prevent that. YOu want to undermine him before he takes office.
I am not undermining him. I am only commenting on what I see

Trumps approval will be based on what he does from here in. Starting at 37% shows he has some work to do convincing the American people

Are you really to dim to see that your actions are revealing you to be a complete liar, or are you really just that bold of a liar that you don't care that everyone can see right though you?

Or are you completely delusional?

I've asked you before, did you LIKE this election?

Evidently, only 37% of America LIKE this election

It's interesting that you are afraid to answer a simple question. I'm trying to have a discussion on a discussion forum. This is a leading question, designed to move the conversation forward. As you know, I don't play silly gotcha games, so, just answer the question.

Did you LIKE this election?

Did I LIKE the election?

From the standpoint of posting on this board and being able to mock President Tinkles and all of his followers......I am going to enjoy myself

From the standpoint where the country I love elected a snake oil salesman with major character flaws and no qualifications.......no I did not LIKE it and am embarrassed for the country
It is sad that a once-proud political movement is reduced to this. Reagan did it in 1980, now 36 years on it's happened again.
Then they get on Welfare/Medicaid if they need to.

yer a moron

In between, they simply call an ambulance to carry them to the E-Room if they need other treatment. Covered

yer an imbecile

This is why we can't talk to you -- You lie. You refuse to listen to reason,

Then you lie some more

So now you're saying that all conservatives support Medicaid. lol, good one.

are you smoking crack on sunday morning? I said that no one in America was refused medical treatment before ACA. That is true BECAUSE of Medicaid, medicare, and charities.

But if you can give us the names of conservatives who want to do away with Medicaid we shall look at it. bring it, or STFU.

Two Patients Die Awaiting Denied Transplants

apples and oranges. that had to do with funding, not ACA. your desperation is noted with disdain.

See? That's what makes talking to an idiot like you futile. You said everyone got treatment BEFORE ACA.

You lied.

The transplant funding in AZ had nothing to do with ACA. ACA would not have had any affect on it. ACA did not fund transplant grants.

Yes, americans with serious illnesses died before ACA, and after ACA, and today, and tomorrow. No govt program can eliminate death. WTF is wrong with you?
REally? Cause everything I hear from him now seems designed to tear this nation apart and to support that ONe Party Dystopia you have been dreaming of.

You mean like supporting health coverage for ALL Americans, not just those who can afford it?

John Lewis is an American Patriot

No, like race baiting.

That's what is tearing this nation apart.

What is with you Snowflakes?

Any time someone stands up for the rights of minorities it is race baiting

You mean like supporting programs like affirmative action where if the same characteristic of a person you think is OK to use to benefit was used to deny would be wrong. You don't want equal rights for minorities. You want special rights and protections above and beyond other groups.

Affirmative action was a major success in this country and all families benefitted

My family didn't benefit.

Any program that does what AA did and considers race as a qualification is a failure by design.
Republicans refused to support ANY Democratic bill. They wanted Obama to gpfail

That is not something to brag about

Obama owns that legislation 100%. That is why it carries his name

We have yet to see Republicans propose something better
better is what we had before it was destroyed by this act of theft. There was nothing wrong with what it was. I had good insurance and my family was covered 100%. There was no need to change it other than to make another law allowing legal theft.
No it was not better....it was an embarrassment
20 million people with insurance is better
Coverage of preexisting conditions is better

Let em die is not better
then you should pay for those people.
I had mine, it was affordable. Your version insured 20 million at the expense of others, millions that will now not be able to afford their insurance.
If we didnt have so many lazy unproductive bastards in this country in the first place, this would have never been an issue. I say that the lazy unproductive bastards would be the embarrassment so yes as far as Im concerned. let them die. If I happen to personally know any of them, I might help them out. If I dont know them? Hell with them. you support their miserable ass.

That is not the way things work. We are not a pay as you go society. You do not get to pay for the things you like and get off Scott free on the things you don't.

If you don't like investing in roads, you still have to pay for them even though you don't plan on using them
If you don't like paying for schools, especially for poor people's children getting to go for free, you still have to pay
If you don't like paying for healthcare for those who can't afford, too bad, you still gotta pay

the difference is that those of us who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who do not or can not. That's always been the practice in this country. NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA. Those who paid covered the bills of those who did not.

The difference is that under ACA we also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy that did not exist before.

ACA is much like the mortgage deal of 08 that stupidly said that every American deserves a mortgage whether he/she can pay for it or not.

Face it RW, liberalism does not work, never has, never will. Freedom works, personal responsibility works.

With the subsidies so many get now to fund their coverage, the same ones paying for lack of coverage are paying to provide. I see no difference other than the pocket form which it comes.
Then they get on Welfare/Medicaid if they need to.

yer a moron

In between, they simply call an ambulance to carry them to the E-Room if they need other treatment. Covered

yer an imbecile

This is why we can't talk to you -- You lie. You refuse to listen to reason,

Then you lie some more

So now you're saying that all conservatives support Medicaid. lol, good one.

are you smoking crack on sunday morning? I said that no one in America was refused medical treatment before ACA. That is true BECAUSE of Medicaid, medicare, and charities.

But if you can give us the names of conservatives who want to do away with Medicaid we shall look at it. bring it, or STFU.

Two Patients Die Awaiting Denied Transplants

apples and oranges. that had to do with funding, not ACA. your desperation is noted with disdain.

This was your claim:

Then tell us exactly which americans were refused medical care before ACA.

yes it was, and ACA would not have changed the situation in your cite. YOU claimed that americans were refused medical treatment before ACA and that now because of ACA those same people will receive treatment. That is simply not true.
I am not undermining him. I am only commenting on what I see

Trumps approval will be based on what he does from here in. Starting at 37% shows he has some work to do convincing the American people

Are you really to dim to see that your actions are revealing you to be a complete liar, or are you really just that bold of a liar that you don't care that everyone can see right though you?

Or are you completely delusional?

I've asked you before, did you LIKE this election?

Evidently, only 37% of America LIKE this election
True. Lots of trump voters held their noses

Seems many Hillary voters and Obama supporters stuck their noses somewhere. That's why the end of them are brown. Pucker up.
You have to convince a lot of people voting Republican wasn't a mistake. They took a chance now let's see.

Are you rich? Then if I'm right you're fucked too dummy. If I lose so do you ya dumb fuck

You're a born loser. You can't do worse than that.
Doesn't bode well for an incoming President

New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

At this point at least, many voters don't have much confidence in Donald Trump's presidential abilities, a new poll says.

Trump "will be a worse president than Barack Obama, 45% of voters say, while 34% he will be a better president and 15% percent say he will be about the same, according to the Quinnipiac University Poll released Tuesday.

Trump enters office on Jan. 20 with a favorable rating of 37%, the poll said; Obama exits the White House with an approval rating of 55%.

Well 51% voted for Trump, so obviously this particular poll is polluted with peons who did not turn out to vote for Hillary either.

Or else a whole lot of people were holding their noses when they kissed The Donald's ugly azz and voted for him.

Which do you prefer, genius?

Well 51% voted for Trump, so obviously this particular poll is polluted with peons who did not turn out to vote for Hillary either.
How is that possible when he lost the popular vote by nearly three million votes?

You dopes have a serious problem in perceiving reality.
You mean like supporting health coverage for ALL Americans, not just those who can afford it?

John Lewis is an American Patriot

No, like race baiting.

That's what is tearing this nation apart.

What is with you Snowflakes?

Any time someone stands up for the rights of minorities it is race baiting

You mean like supporting programs like affirmative action where if the same characteristic of a person you think is OK to use to benefit was used to deny would be wrong. You don't want equal rights for minorities. You want special rights and protections above and beyond other groups.

Affirmative action was a major success in this country and all families benefitted

So in your small mind, one form of discrimination is OK but another is not? Discrimination against whites is OK, but against blacks is bad?

How about affirmative action for the Irish who were discriminated against in the early days of this country? "no Irish need apply" was a common sign in those days.

The bottom line is you cannot fix they past by doing the same thing to someone else in the present.

Anyone that considers AA a success is claiming exactly what you said. They'll tell you using race is wrong to deny yet look at using race, at least certain ones, to benefit it OK. In other words, they are saying not hiring a black because he/she is black is wrong but giving them special consideration because he/she is black is fine.
BLM is not about blacks being a superior race! It's about equality!

The fact that you cannot tell them from what KKK is about speaks volumes.
BLM is not about blacks being a superior race! It's about equality!

The fact that you cannot tell them from what KKK is about speaks volumes.

the KKK wanted to kill blacks, BLM wants to kill whites and cops, what exactly is the difference?

Ridiculous nonsense. Killing cops, or anyone, was never what BLM was about.

"pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" "kill cops" "whitey must die"

you are full of shit.

Who are you quoting???

BLM chanters during their protest marches. have you been living under a rock?

Oh wow, you spot some idiots at some BLM rally so that's what BLM is all about? Like I said, RIDICULOUS.
Doesn't bode well for an incoming President

New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

At this point at least, many voters don't have much confidence in Donald Trump's presidential abilities, a new poll says.

Trump "will be a worse president than Barack Obama, 45% of voters say, while 34% he will be a better president and 15% percent say he will be about the same, according to the Quinnipiac University Poll released Tuesday.

Trump enters office on Jan. 20 with a favorable rating of 37%, the poll said; Obama exits the White House with an approval rating of 55%.

Well 51% voted for Trump, so obviously this particular poll is polluted with peons who did not turn out to vote for Hillary either.

Or else a whole lot of people were holding their noses when they kissed The Donald's ugly azz and voted for him.

Which do you prefer, genius?

Well 51% voted for Trump, so obviously this particular poll is polluted with peons who did not turn out to vote for Hillary either.
How is that possible when he lost the popular vote by nearly three million votes?

You dopes have a serious problem in perceiving reality.

Bernie won the PV in the dem primary, but the super delegates overruled the will of the dem voters. Speaking of perceiving reality.
Doesn't bode well for an incoming President

New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

At this point at least, many voters don't have much confidence in Donald Trump's presidential abilities, a new poll says.

Trump "will be a worse president than Barack Obama, 45% of voters say, while 34% he will be a better president and 15% percent say he will be about the same, according to the Quinnipiac University Poll released Tuesday.

Trump enters office on Jan. 20 with a favorable rating of 37%, the poll said; Obama exits the White House with an approval rating of 55%.

Well 51% voted for Trump, so obviously this particular poll is polluted with peons who did not turn out to vote for Hillary either.

Or else a whole lot of people were holding their noses when they kissed The Donald's ugly azz and voted for him.

Which do you prefer, genius?

Well 51% voted for Trump, so obviously this particular poll is polluted with peons who did not turn out to vote for Hillary either.
How is that possible when he lost the popular vote by nearly three million votes?

You dopes have a serious problem in perceiving reality.

The reality is Trump won using the type votes that count and you idiots still harp on votes that are being put together in a manner in which the system doesn't use. Individual grades in one class have nothing to do with individual grades in another class. The average in class A isn't determined in any way, shape, form by individual grades in class B. The manner in which we elect a President is just like that. We have 51 classes. The popular votes in each of those classes has nothing to do with the other ones. That's how it works whether you like it or not.
the KKK wanted to kill blacks, BLM wants to kill whites and cops, what exactly is the difference?

Ridiculous nonsense. Killing cops, or anyone, was never what BLM was about.

"pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" "kill cops" "whitey must die"

you are full of shit.

Who are you quoting???

BLM chanters during their protest marches. have you been living under a rock?

Oh wow, you spot some idiots around therefore that's what BLM is about?

Oh, the you can't judge all by what a few do excuse? That would have some validity if it were just a few. The BLM thugs tried to block traffic close to where I live. It was all of them. There wasn't a group of them standing out of the road saying "don't do that".
the KKK wanted to kill blacks, BLM wants to kill whites and cops, what exactly is the difference?

Ridiculous nonsense. Killing cops, or anyone, was never what BLM was about.

"pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" "kill cops" "whitey must die"

you are full of shit.

Who are you quoting???

BLM chanters during their protest marches. have you been living under a rock?

Oh wow, you spot some idiots around therefore that's what BLM is about?

did the BLM organizers disavow those who said those things? NO. That is exactly what BLM is about, it is a radical racist terrorist organization. Keep your head in the sand if you choose, but it is what it is. (to quote a Clinton)
So now you're saying that all conservatives support Medicaid. lol, good one.

are you smoking crack on sunday morning? I said that no one in America was refused medical treatment before ACA. That is true BECAUSE of Medicaid, medicare, and charities.

But if you can give us the names of conservatives who want to do away with Medicaid we shall look at it. bring it, or STFU.

Two Patients Die Awaiting Denied Transplants

apples and oranges. that had to do with funding, not ACA. your desperation is noted with disdain.

See? That's what makes talking to an idiot like you futile. You said everyone got treatment BEFORE ACA.

You lied.

The transplant funding in AZ had nothing to do with ACA. ACA would not have had any affect on it. ACA did not fund transplant grants.

Yes, americans with serious illnesses died before ACA, and after ACA, and today, and tomorrow. No govt program can eliminate death. WTF is wrong with you?

Now you're running away from your original claim. My work here is finished.
Ridiculous nonsense. Killing cops, or anyone, was never what BLM was about.

"pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" "kill cops" "whitey must die"

you are full of shit.

Who are you quoting???

BLM chanters during their protest marches. have you been living under a rock?

Oh wow, you spot some idiots around therefore that's what BLM is about?

did the BLM organizers disavow those who said those things? NO. That is exactly what BLM is about, it is a radical racist terrorist organization. Keep you head in the sand if you choose, but it is what it is. (to quote a Clinton)

Of course they have rejected such nonsense.

9. The movement hates police officers. Police officers are people. Their lives have inherent value. This movement is not an anti-people movement; therefore it is not an anti-police-officer movement. Most police officers are just everyday people who want to do their jobs, make a living for their families, and come home safely at the end of their shift.

are you smoking crack on sunday morning? I said that no one in America was refused medical treatment before ACA. That is true BECAUSE of Medicaid, medicare, and charities.

But if you can give us the names of conservatives who want to do away with Medicaid we shall look at it. bring it, or STFU.

Two Patients Die Awaiting Denied Transplants

apples and oranges. that had to do with funding, not ACA. your desperation is noted with disdain.

See? That's what makes talking to an idiot like you futile. You said everyone got treatment BEFORE ACA.

You lied.

The transplant funding in AZ had nothing to do with ACA. ACA would not have had any affect on it. ACA did not fund transplant grants.

Yes, americans with serious illnesses died before ACA, and after ACA, and today, and tomorrow. No govt program can eliminate death. WTF is wrong with you?

Now you're running away from your original claim. My work here is finished.

OK, lets try again. ACA did not provide medical care for anyone who could not get medical care before ACA. Happy now?

There are lots of reasons why some transplant patients don't get transplants, funding is just one of them, the major reason is lack of a suitable donor, next is the overall health or the recipient, many are not in condition to survive a transplant.

your grasping at straws, and failing to get a grip on one.
Doesn't bode well for an incoming President

New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

At this point at least, many voters don't have much confidence in Donald Trump's presidential abilities, a new poll says.

Trump "will be a worse president than Barack Obama, 45% of voters say, while 34% he will be a better president and 15% percent say he will be about the same, according to the Quinnipiac University Poll released Tuesday.

Trump enters office on Jan. 20 with a favorable rating of 37%, the poll said; Obama exits the White House with an approval rating of 55%.

Are these the same polls which predicted a Clinton landslide?

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