Trump Approval Rating Plummeting at a Record Rate


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
Fennario, Jan. 15

>> In the wake of the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, public opinion is souring quickly on President Trump as he enters the final days of his term. Not only do a majority of Americans blame him for the riot at the Capitol and favor removing him from office, but his job approval rating has fallen faster in recent days than at any point in his presidency.​
According to FiveThirtyEight’s approval tracker,1 39.4 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 56.3 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -16.8 percentage points). On Jan. 6, the day of the Capitol attack, Trump’s net approval rating stood at -10.3 points, which means his net approval rating has fallen 6.5 points in just eight days. It turns out that’s the biggest drop in Trump’s net approval that our tracker has ever recorded.​
To put this into perspective, there have been only two other times when Trump’s net approval rating fell by at least 5 points over an eight-day period: once in February 2017, after he issued executive orders to begin construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and to suspend the refugee program and prohibit entry for visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries,2 and then again in March 2017, after Republicans began their legislative efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.3
.... As Trump continues to falter, it’s worth noting just how atypical this trend is for a president in his last couple of months in office. Outgoing presidents often get at least a little bump in approval, regardless of whether they were popular or unpopular. For instance, President Barack Obama’s net approval rating rose from about +8 after the 2016 election to almost +20 when Trump took office, while President George W. Bush’s net approval rating rose from -43 in November 2008 to about -30 going into Obama’s inauguration in January 2009. Even President George H.W. Bush, the last incumbent president to lose reelection before Trump, saw his net approval go from -23 after the election to +18 by the time he left the White House. It’s hard to imagine such a huge shift in this more polarized era, but Trump’s net approval has definitely declined more than his predecessors’. <<​
FiveThirtyEight is a stat-freak site which aggregates and averages polls to find a mean, the Presidential-approval version of which can be seen on this page. Graphs compare the last dozen POTUSes day by day, approval and disapproval. Interestingly Rump is the one and only approval line, going all the way back to Truman, who has never touched 50%, appropriate for a candidate who couldn't touch 50% in the popular votes of Michigan Wisconsin or Pennsylvania (Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona, friggin' Utah...) and certainly not the nation.

Rump's net approval stands right now at minus 17 and still dropping like a stock market that just heard about Coronavirus. I think Rump's going down to a record low, at least for him if not for all of history, befitting the single worst individual to ever hold the office.
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
80 million Americans love Trump for being the best President this country ever had.

He would be our President now if it wasn't for the filthy Democrats stealing the election with the scam of unverified mail in ballots in the Democrat controlled swing districts.

China Joe is an embarrassment to this country.

The US is laughing stock of the world now with our blatant stolen election and dufus President Elect.
80 million Americans love Trump for being the best President this country ever had.

He would be our President now if it wasn't for the filthy Democrats stealing the election with the scam of unverified mail in ballots in the Democrat controlled swing districts.

China Joe is an embarrassment to this country.

The US is laughing stock of the world now with our blatant stolen election and dufus President Elect.

But only 74 million of them voted for him. And I'm guessing that his behavior on his way out the door have left quite a few of them wishing they could have that vote back. Either way, 7 million more voted for his opponent, who will be sworn in next Wednesday, two weeks after the attempted coup that sought to overturn his election.

Trump is the only embarrassment here. Well, you and his supporters as well. The rest of the world has welcomed the for Trump's BFF strongmen.
The damage caused by the rioters this week was enormous, however, it will pale in comparison to the damage from a new precedent of a snap impeachment for speech protected under the First Amendment. It is the very threat that the framers sought to avoid in crafting the impeachment standard. In a process of deliberative judgment, the reference to a snap impeachment is a contradiction. In this new system, guilt is not doubted and innocence is not deliberated. This would do to the Constitution what the violent rioters did to the Capitol and leave it in tatters
The damage caused by the rioters this week was enormous, however, it will pale in comparison to the damage from a new precedent of a snap impeachment for speech protected under the First Amendment. It is the very threat that the framers sought to avoid in crafting the impeachment standard. In a process of deliberative judgment, the reference to a snap impeachment is a contradiction. In this new system, guilt is not doubted and innocence is not deliberated. This would do to the Constitution what the violent rioters did to the Capitol and leave it in tatters

Why don't you link us to where the Framers laid out that it's OK for a POTUS to issue marching orders to storm the Capitol and kill people.

Any source at all. Constitution... D of I .... Federalist Papers ..... personal letters .... anything you got.
We'll watch. :popcorn:
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
80 million Americans love Trump for being the best President this country ever had.

He would be our President now if it wasn't for the filthy Democrats stealing the election with the scam of unverified mail in ballots in the Democrat controlled swing districts.

China Joe is an embarrassment to this country.

The US is laughing stock of the world now with our blatant stolen election and dufus President Elect.
Republicans are coming around and admitting that election fraud was lie. Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma today admitted it was all a Lie and apologized.

Truly anyone with a functioning brain knows that election fraud is and was a scam to overturn an election. A scam no different that Trump’s charitable foundation and Trump University.

Brainwashed Trumpers like yourself will never admit the truth. You don‘t want to admit it.
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
And I should be feeling what at this point in time?
More partisan bullshit.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer.
No we will not because the Dems are gonna steal the election , again!

Dey gonna bring Dominion voting machines into the Senate for the trial.

(The corpse of) Hugo Chávez gonna preside. Soon as Biden appoints him Chief Justice, which he'll do right after he poisons the nation's drinking water using black helicopters. With Fluoride.
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
And I should be feeling what at this point in time?
Trump made your healthcare more affordable. He raised wages so much people people still couldn’t get by 2 months without paychecks. He raised growth from 2.2% to 2.3%. He stopped 1000 mexicans from getting in with his expensive wall. He pissed off muslims by taking out an Iranian general, for you. Bin Ladin no biggy though. He stopped Obama’s illegal wars and started his own, for you. You’re welcome.

What should you feel? Gratitude
More partisan bullshit.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer.
No we will not because the Dems are gonna steal the election , again!
Hope not. States should follow the FL example how to run a clean and efficient election.
Voting is done on election day, and results known election evening, no "finding" votes allowed.
More partisan bullshit.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer.
No we will not because the Dems are gonna steal the election , again!
Hope not. States should follow the FL example how to run a clean election.
I bet you feel secure in yer knowledge that only Florida knows how to run a clean election.
FL did not have any voter fraud issues after they cleaned up Broward County.
More partisan bullshit.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer.
No we will not because the Dems are gonna steal the election , again!
Hope not. States should follow the FL example how to run a clean election.
I bet you feel secure in yer knowledge that only Florida knows how to run a clean election.
FL did not have any voter fraud issues after they cleaned up Broward County.
They didn't have any in many states that both the GOP and Dems won in.. Even in places that Trump claimed there was his own people said, oh no there is not any.

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