Trump argument bolstered: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, study finds

"screwed by the Russians" means the TRUTH about Demo Corruption got to the American people...

1. CNN giving debate questions to Hillary before the debate
2. major media outlets submitting "stories" to be "approved" by Hillary's campaign
3. paid Hillary thugs started fights at Trump events so the "US" media could lie and produce FAKE "news" that Trump was racist/violent etc...

Anyone whining about the Russians is whining about the TRUTH of DEM Corruption getting to the US people over the wall of FAKE NEWS from the bogus "US" media...

I think I pretty sure but all those stories can be traced back to Russia.. Well done comrade...
There is no doubt that illegal voting favored the Beast and there is no doubt that it happened. The only question is it was enough to sway the popular vote.

The answer is no. It doesn't matter anyway.
I wonder why the left wing isn't upset that the illegals tried to steal the election.
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

You know the author of the source is walking it back:
Author of Trump’s Favorite Voter Fraud Study Says Everyone’s Wrong
Everywhere I look on the internet the 800,000 number is quoted just for California. Since they have voter/motor registration for voting i wonder how many did vote.
CNN gave the questions to Bernie too.


1. Bernie was not in the general debate with Trump
2. CNN was 100% for Hillary, lying about the Iowa Caucus raw vote total to help her

CNN has given their debate questions before the debate to every Dem since 1992 when Slick Willie couldn't stop giggling as the question was being asked...

You and yours thought the US people were too stupid to see through the veil of complete bullshit the Democrats put out....

Your side LOST.


Poor Dragonlady, her lies blown right out of the water.
The dude only cares about his popular vote, he could care less about the US citizens getting screwed by the Russians or other means of vote tampering...and this thread is ok with that...omg
There is no evidence of Russians screwing anyone concerning the election.
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

You know the author of the source is walking it back:
Author of Trump’s Favorite Voter Fraud Study Says Everyone’s Wrong
Everywhere I look on the internet the 800,000 number is quoted just for California. Since they have voter/motor registration for voting i wonder how many did vote.
Again your entire OP has been debunked by the very guy you cite as your source in your link.
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

You know the author of the source is walking it back:
Author of Trump’s Favorite Voter Fraud Study Says Everyone’s Wrong
Everywhere I look on the internet the 800,000 number is quoted just for California. Since they have voter/motor registration for voting i wonder how many did vote.
Again your entire OP has been debunked by the very guy you cite as your source in your link.
Did you read the article proved saying he rebuke his own findings? I read it and I don't see where he did any such thing. He more or less complained about people using his research. Sounds like a liberal trying to cover his track, not refute his findings.
"Could have"? Either she did or didn't, and if the number isn't enough for Trump to surpass her vote total, I doubt He-Hate-Me Trump will want to spend a dime to pursue an investigation.
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

That study is bogus because it doesn't support the left

The study is bogus because it's not peer reviewed and there is no basis for the data. Unless you are there, looking at the ID's, how can you possible tell that 800,000 illegals voted, or who they voted for? You can't. And therefore the study is bogus.

Just shows the need for strong voter ID laws I guess
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds
And the inside of the moon could be made of soft gooey cheese. You can't prove it isn't.
Do you know anyone who has put forth a credible argument that the inside of the moon is made of soft gooey cheese? Cheese is organic and a sign of life. Not only is it unlikely that we will ever discover cheese anywhere else but earth, there are no credible theories for how soft gooey cheese can make up the inner space of matter anywhere in the universe. So, yes, I actually can prove it through inspection.
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

You know the author of the source is walking it back:
Author of Trump’s Favorite Voter Fraud Study Says Everyone’s Wrong
Everywhere I look on the internet the 800,000 number is quoted just for California. Since they have voter/motor registration for voting i wonder how many did vote.
Again your entire OP has been debunked by the very guy you cite as your source in your link.
Did you read the article proved saying he rebuke his own findings? I read it and I don't see where he did any such thing. He more or less complained about people using his research. Sounds like a liberal trying to cover his track, not refute his findings.
proved saying he rebuke his own findings
So the burden of proof is not on the people using his research, when he says unequivocally that they took his research out of context? Then there is also this.
We should also note that on Jan. 24, the bipartisan National Association of Secretaries of State released a statement saying that its members are “not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump.”

We also note that Trump’s lawyers in December opposed the recount efforts of Green Party candidate Jill Stein on the grounds that there was no voter fraud. “All available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake,” Trump’s lawyers wrote .Trump’s Bogus Voter Fraud Claims Revisited
So in essence. The Republican party, the scientific community, the author of what Trump claims to be his source and Trump's lawyers all have said on the record, nope. But here you are still trying to make a case for it, basicly saying proof doesn't matter it's what I believe. I know it's become common practice to abandon all critical thinking as a supporter of Trump but I hope that this post at least makes you pause and examine the actual evidence.
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800,000 illegal votes constitutes a severely flawed and invalid election. The only thing to do is void that one, and hold another.
Why, so you can step up your efforts in the Rust Belt with bus loads of Mexicans from California?
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

That study is bogus because it doesn't support the left

The study is bogus because it's not peer reviewed and there is no basis for the data. Unless you are there, looking at the ID's, how can you possible tell that 800,000 illegals voted, or who they voted for? You can't. And therefore the study is bogus.

And you have just accurately shown how Democrats protect voter fraud. Anyone trying to check IDs to validate voters are legitimate you'd scream bloody murder. So you block that then declare every study bogus because they didn't do what you would never allow them to do. I make that point all the time, and once again you confirmed I'm right
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

That study is bogus because it doesn't support the left

The study is bogus because it's not peer reviewed and there is no basis for the data. Unless you are there, looking at the ID's, how can you possible tell that 800,000 illegals voted, or who they voted for? You can't. And therefore the study is bogus.

Just shows the need for strong voter ID laws I guess

That's her stupid liberal trick. She opposes verifying the vote then declares all evidence bogus
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

That study is bogus because it doesn't support the left

The study is bogus because it's not peer reviewed and there is no basis for the data. Unless you are there, looking at the ID's, how can you possible tell that 800,000 illegals voted, or who they voted for? You can't. And therefore the study is bogus.

And you have just accurately shown how Democrats protect voter fraud. Anyone trying to check IDs to validate voters are legitimate you'd scream bloody murder. So you block that then declare every study bogus because they didn't do what you would never allow them to do. I make that point all the time, and once again you confirmed I'm right

So you want to limit people's right to vote for the sake of a study to prove if you should limit people's right to vote? That's just nuts.
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

That study is bogus because it doesn't support the left

The study is bogus because it's not peer reviewed and there is no basis for the data. Unless you are there, looking at the ID's, how can you possible tell that 800,000 illegals voted, or who they voted for? You can't. And therefore the study is bogus.

And you have just accurately shown how Democrats protect voter fraud. Anyone trying to check IDs to validate voters are legitimate you'd scream bloody murder. So you block that then declare every study bogus because they didn't do what you would never allow them to do. I make that point all the time, and once again you confirmed I'm right

So you want to limit people's right to vote for the sake of a study to prove if you should limit people's right to vote? That's just nuts.

I said I want to limit the right to vote where? Making up shit that I didn't say and don't support is a terrible way to argue anything

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