Trump arms Syria ..

now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?

Erdogan visits Trump, amid much friction between US, Turkey

oh yeah,


I am not all that delighted with the idea of arming the kurds willy nilly---BUT
I do not remember major opposition to the idea when Obama was Pres.
You got a link?

seriously ?

Obama loses a pubic hair and he's a god damn communist traitor on this board ... where the hell have you been ?
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?

Erdogan visits Trump, amid much friction between US, Turkey

oh yeah,

Obama talked about arming the rebels, but did so little our Sunni allies abandoned the US and began arming the rebels themselves. Every time Obama opened his mouth the US lost more credibility among our allies.
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?

Erdogan visits Trump, amid much friction between US, Turkey

oh yeah,


I am not all that delighted with the idea of arming the kurds willy nilly---BUT
I do not remember major opposition to the idea when Obama was Pres.
You got a link?

seriously ?

Obama loses a pubic hair and he's a god damn communist traitor on this board ... where the hell have you been ?

you got a link? ----the issue is 'arming of the kurds' Whom to support and whom to UNSUPPORT-----in the complicated family feuds of the Ummah is a
complex dilemma
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?

Erdogan visits Trump, amid much friction between US, Turkey

oh yeah,

Obama talked about arming the rebels, but did so little our Sunni allies abandoned the US and began arming the rebels themselves. Every time Obama opened his mouth the US lost more credibility among our allies.

that which I recall came out of OBAMA was ----specifically the arming of
ANTI-BASHAR Syrian sunnis. I do not recall his putative desire to arm
the kurds-------anyone got a link?
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?

Erdogan visits Trump, amid much friction between US, Turkey

oh yeah,

Obama talked about arming the rebels, but did so little our Sunni allies abandoned the US and began arming the rebels themselves. Every time Obama opened his mouth the US lost more credibility among our allies.

that which I recall came out of OBAMA was ----specifically the arming of
ANTI-BASHAR Syrian sunnis. I do not recall his putative desire to arm
the kurds-------anyone got a link?
Obama had no real policy regarding Syria. He made political gestures in response to criticism that he was doing nothing, so he proposed arming and training ant Assad forces but insisted they be men of unsullied reputations without regard to their effectiveness as fighters so the whole thing came to nothing.
Trump is the best ally that fascists have had in decades

I do not agree. ------more specifically I do not see Trump as a "FASCIST"
as I define fascist. -------which is a very AUTHORITARIAN, CONTROLLING
AND BARBARIC governor. How do you define "fascist"?
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?

Erdogan visits Trump, amid much friction between US, Turkey

oh yeah,


I am not all that delighted with the idea of arming the kurds willy nilly---BUT
I do not remember major opposition to the idea when Obama was Pres.
You got a link?

Apparently you do not know the difference between "Syrians & Kurd's!"
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?

Erdogan visits Trump, amid much friction between US, Turkey

oh yeah,


I am not all that delighted with the idea of arming the kurds willy nilly---BUT
I do not remember major opposition to the idea when Obama was Pres.
You got a link?

seriously ?

Obama loses a pubic hair and he's a god damn communist traitor on this board ... where the hell have you been ?

and Trump doesn't even need to do that
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?

Erdogan visits Trump, amid much friction between US, Turkey

oh yeah,


I am not all that delighted with the idea of arming the kurds willy nilly---BUT
I do not remember major opposition to the idea when Obama was Pres.
You got a link?

Apparently you do not know the difference between "Syrians & Kurd's!"

Apparently, you like to ASSUME-----all kind of idiotic "FACTS" Obviously,
YOU do not know your ass from a hole in the ground
and the Trump drones line up at his crap pile spoons in hand ...
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?
They said Obama was arming terrorists.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?
They said Obama was arming terrorists.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

whom are you calling "terrorists" ? When Kurds fight ISIS or Bashar's rule-----
US leaders do not see them as "terrorists" There are some people in the USA
who SUPPORT Bashar and considered the sunni faction that rebelled against him
to be "terrorists" Both Obama and Trump see them as allies. Try to
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?
They said Obama was arming terrorists.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

whom are you calling "terrorists" ? When Kurds fight ISIS or Bashar's rule-----
US leaders do not see them as "terrorists" There are some people in the USA
who SUPPORT Bashar and considered the sunni faction that rebelled against him
to be "terrorists" Both Obama and Trump see them as allies. Try to

every muslim on the planet is a terrorist to RW idiots... you have been living under a rock havent you ....
I disagree with Trump continuing our involvement in the Syrian War, but that bloodbath can't be put on him. It should be put squarely on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. They dragged us into that mess. They even knew 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others were funding & arming ISIS. Wikileaks showed that. But they kept it secret from the American People. I believe if the American People knew that, they wouldn't have supported intervention there. They also massively funded & armed the Kurds. And that's obviously not sitting too well with Turkey.

Trump's only been President for about 4 months. So the Syrian bloodbath can't be put on him. He's in a real tough bind. No matter what he does, the Democrats will condemn and sabotage him. And the Neocon Republicans always want more war. They crave death & destruction. So they're not gonna accept Trump getting us out of Syria. Unfortunately, Trump's just continuing an awful policy implemented by his predecessor. It's a tragedy. But i don't know what else he can do. Looks like he is stuck in the Syrian War quagmire.
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?
They said Obama was arming terrorists.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

whom are you calling "terrorists" ? When Kurds fight ISIS or Bashar's rule-----
US leaders do not see them as "terrorists" There are some people in the USA
who SUPPORT Bashar and considered the sunni faction that rebelled against him
to be "terrorists" Both Obama and Trump see them as allies. Try to

every muslim on the planet is a terrorist to RW idiots... you have been living under a rock havent you ....

No----I have not been living under a rock. It is clear that you have a problem
with reading comprehension. I stated, CLEARLY, that both Obama and Trump
see those SYRIAN SUNNIS who are rebels against Bashar as ALLIES in
the USA position on Bashar. It should be clear to you that according to
my statement, IMO, BOTH democrat Obama and republican Trump do not consider the SYRIAN SUNNI MUSLIMS who rebel against Bashar as terrorists. Is English your mother tongue?

I am a registered democrat-----and have never met ANY USA person who
considered ALL MUSLIMS to be terrorists I have encountered lots of
muslims who CLAIM that americans consider all muslims to be terrorists.
You seem to be repeating something you heard in a mosque--
now what was the exact words out of the anti Obama crowd's slobbering mouth when he did the EXACT SAME THING ?
They said Obama was arming terrorists.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

whom are you calling "terrorists" ? When Kurds fight ISIS or Bashar's rule-----
US leaders do not see them as "terrorists" There are some people in the USA
who SUPPORT Bashar and considered the sunni faction that rebelled against him
to be "terrorists" Both Obama and Trump see them as allies.

The whole point of my post was to point out the hypocrisy of the pseudocons saying Obama was arming terrorists, and yet when Trump arms the same people, they don't complain.

Try to focus

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