Trump Asks SCOTUS to Review His Ban of Transgenders In Military

They got the queers in, as if that wasn't bad enough. These tranny fuckers should not be coddled. They need therapy. Not camouflaged welfare.
The military is no place for the leftist agenda. The left is like a disease, infects everything it touches. Bring it on.
Can’t have the mentally ill in the Armed Forces to be the best they can be.

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to immediately take up transgender military ban

Mexicrats have kinda come to their senses on the chicks with dicks issue.
Don’t expect much participation from our resident Loons.
Hopefully, they're starting to think about things instead of just acting like robots and going along with whatever the looney leaders of the democrat party tell them to do.
You don't hear about them trying to use women's bathrooms at Target stores anymore....a few well-placed knuckle sandwiches stopped that crap.
Can’t have the mentally ill in the Armed Forces to be the best they can be.

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to immediately take up transgender military ban

Mexicrats have kinda come to their senses on the chicks with dicks issue.
Don’t expect much participation from our resident Loons.
Hopefully, they're starting to think about things instead of just acting like robots and going along with whatever the looney leaders of the democrat party tell them to do.
'Tis no act.

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