Trump at 46% approval rating, if you believe pollsters

If the poll said his approval rating was at 1%, Progs would be all over the story.

Don’t be hypocrites.

His approval rating is clearing going up. The Russia thing didn’t work....sorry Dems.

Dems, In 2020, maybe run an ethical candidate that people like.

Trump is still struggling to break 40%
Lowest to start a term in modern history

Trump has little chance of breaking 50% in his presidency
Gallup, on Veteran's Day, found significant differences, Trump under 45% approvall, 55%+ in disapproval.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

(Where is the positive story on President with the elderly Vet? The trash is drowning out news, from many political sections. A ten photo "story" hitting Trump over his handshake is more important than the President and a Veteran? No dice.)
Who gives a shit about your "elder Vet?" Trump is making decisions that impact hundreds of millions. The economy, for example, is far more important.
It's the economy stupid.

he hasn't done anything for the economy, dum dum.

and when he does something TO the economy he will crash it like every other republican


Evidently you don't have a job, a 401k, or any investments.

see.... you really need to change your nic. you clearly don't think at all.

I guarantee I pay more in taxes than you make, little boy. and have benefitted from the upward movement of the stock market and gotten hurt when repugs crashed it.

the trajectory of the stock market a) started with president Obama; and b) is not a reflection on "the economy". it is only one aspect.

and all the orange sociopath has done is tell the profiteers he won't regulate them and they'll be back to being able to crash the economy like they did in 2008

Guarantee??? Only a clueless princess would make such a foolish statement.
Half the country hates, half the country loves US Presidents. It usually goes that way. But it doesn't mean anything. I thank God every day we got Trump instead of Hitlery. I just need him to get 2 or 3 Justices on the Supreme Court.

The courts run the country now. Just imagine the Anti-American Globalist assholes Clinton would have appointed. Makes ya cringe just thinkin about it. So i don't care what Trump's poll numbers are. Hitlery isn't in there. That's good enough for me. Go Trump!
It's the economy stupid.

he hasn't done anything for the economy, dum dum.

and when he does something TO the economy he will crash it like every other republican


Maybe not. But it doesn't really matter. If everyone's 401K looks this good in 2020 and the job market continues to look good Trump will win again. Liberals will have to root for the economy to tank in order to win. You guys should have no problem doing that.
If the president was elected by popular vote these polls would matter, but we don't elect on the popular vote and the way the pollsters poll, though not dishonest, they matter not.

Trump is deeply unpopular in deep blue States, the opposite is likely true in deep Red States.

The pollsters will call the deep blue States much more than the deep red states, that's simply proportionality at work.

A State with a much larger population will get more of the sample than a state with less population, and if that actually mattered in our national election process, I'd care. Fact is, it doesn't.

I don't give a crap.

riiiiiiiight.... the deplorables should be able to hold the country hostage.

you loons ranted for 8 years about an actual president who was elected with 51% of the vote
It's the economy stupid.

he hasn't done anything for the economy, dum dum.

and when he does something TO the economy he will crash it like every other republican


Maybe not. But it doesn't really matter. If everyone's 401K looks this good in 2020 and the job market continues to look good Trump will win again. Liberals will have to root for the economy to tank in order to win. You guys should have no problem doing that.

Don't bother. You can't have a rational discussion with irrational radicalized Democrats. All they know is, their Democrat Masters have ordered them to hope for the Economy to collapse. So don't bother discussing things like 401K's with em. Most of em probably don't even have jobs. They're likely dimwitted Entitlement wankers. But hey, nice try. :)
I don’t trust pollsters to be correct within 10points, but it’s easy to pick up on directional trends.

Trump’s approval ratings are obviously increasing as it is being proven the Russia collusion thing was nothing but Democrat lies.

WTF??? did you look at the actual graph?

it's the same up-and-down range numbers he had for half a year now from Ras.

If there is 1-2% real difference it's from all the Republicans salivating at all the tax-cutting promises.

Russian investigation is alive, well and quickly advancing.
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I don’t trust pollsters to be correct within 10points, but it’s easy to pick up on directional trends.

Trump’s approval ratings are obviously increasing as it is being proven the Russia collusion thing was nothing but Democrat lies.

WTF??? did you look at the actual graph?

it's the same up-and-down range numbers he had for half a year now from Ras.

If there is 1-2% difference it's from all the Republicans salivating at all the tax-cuts.

Democrats desperately want the Economy to collapse, so they can blame it all on their Trump Boogeyman. But at the same time, they won't give him any credit at all for positive economic developments. They're just trying to have their cake and eat it too. They're very disingenuous folks.

But the good news is, i don't think most Americans are buying into their B.S. I mean Democrat Fake News says otherwise, but that's why it's called Fake News. I still believe most Americans are reasonable and much smarter than Democrats think. So don't let the Dems get ya too down. The Silent Majority always has the final say.
I don’t trust pollsters to be correct within 10points, but it’s easy to pick up on directional trends.

Trump’s approval ratings are obviously increasing as it is being proven the Russia collusion thing was nothing but Democrat lies.

WTF??? did you look at the actual graph?

it's the same up-and-down range numbers he had for half a year now from Ras.

If there is 1-2% difference it's from all the Republicans salivating at all the tax-cuts.

Democrats desperately want the Economy to collapse

Idiocy. Why the hell would we liberals want financial hardship for themselves and the rest of Americans?

You've got to get off that Cool-aid IV.
This is damaging to the liberal brain, because they're all about subjective, feelings and abstract.
This is damaging to the liberal brain, because they're all about subjective, feelings and abstract.

Yea that's why you rightwingers can't hold a candle to all the "liberal" facts you get smashed with in threads on economy.
Yea that's why you rightwingers can't hold a candle to the liberal facts you get smashed with in threads on economy

With polls much like many other things people believe whatever one shows them what they want to see or hear.

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