Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

She looked like that evil demon in exorcist at the climate thing. I thought she would start spitting green vomit.
The president of the United States should not lower himself to such childishness.

Having said that, any person who has decided to enter the public realm is fair game for criticism, so criticism of this manufactured figurehead is entirely warranted. Going after a kid just because a person hates their father, isn't.

Rather than criticize this kid directly, such criticism should be aimed at the media that created her and then congratulated itself for the effectiveness of their choice by making her person of the year. It is all very cynical and represents the way our media has shifted from reporting on the news to creating it in order to serve an agenda.

I find our agenda driven media to be a far worse problem right now than global warming.
dude she skipped school to do this at age 15. This was all her own doing. I feel sorry for no one when they step out and threaten a populace. Fk her!!! and her lazy fk parents.
greta time.jpg
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What's even more disgusting is the climate change global religion that has influenced her to lash out. She's simply their gullible tool. It's appalling.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
lol Trump's got a point, this annoying girl has added nothing to the debate about climate change but arrogance and a bad temper. It's hard to imagine what the editors of Time were thinking by naming her person of the year. Were they mocking the whole climate change debate?
It was pretty juvenile.

On the other hand, Greta comes from a family of performers, so who knows what's genuine, and what's not.
Oh that's okay Donnie, while the world still laughs at you,

Putin Smiles.
The globalists when finished will be laughing at you.

Seriously, it's okay for the President to post tweets like a teenage drama queen. The world needs a good laugh every now and then.

Papabear Putin is very happy with his Trumpybear., very happy.
What's even more disgusting is the climate change global religion that has influenced her to lash out. She's simply their gullible tool. It's appalling.
in thirty years, the oceans have rose less than 3/4 of an inch, which is negligible in math terms for that timeline. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooo's
What's even more disgusting is the climate change global religion that has influenced her to lash out. She's simply their gullible tool. It's appalling.
in thirty years, the oceans have rose less than 3/4 of an inch, which is negligible in math terms for that timeline. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooo's
better get a time magazine photo of that Asperger 16 year old to show that less than 3/4 inch rise of water, since she wasn't around for the rise and had nothing to do with it.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Donnie is a big baby. And an asshole. And a hypocrite.

And then he wonders why he can't get anything done.
he can't get somethings done because progressive scum judges block him.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Donnie is a big baby. And an asshole. And a hypocrite.

And then he wonders why he can't get anything done.
he can't get somethings done because progressive scum judges block him.
well he has no legislators that work with him. so he must do it alone. Even when the GOP held the congress.
Leftists nominate the person of the year...

For fear mongering and virtue signaling.

Tells you everything you need to know about the left. Same with Obama's peace prize.
Oh that's okay Donnie, while the world still laughs at you,

Putin Smiles.
The globalists when finished will be laughing at you.

Seriously, it's okay for the President to post tweets like a teenage drama queen. The world needs a good laugh every now and then.

Papabear Putin is very happy with his Trumpybear., very happy.
Our media is not shelling out news. It shells out favoritism. Donald Trump from the beginning had to sell himself to the voters because of his perceived personality. He overcame that. And if the 95% media/entertainment industry did not go into a major Defcon War he would have won in a landslide. Trump is not the exact opposite of a Progressive Socialist. You are making mountains out of molehills. Trump is a break in our decisions to go socialist or not. We were headed there and frankly have a lot of those policies anyway but in different forms. The more you add the harder to remove. We can not even pay for the programs we have and we continue to add more and what is more chilling the local, county, state and city tax districts are raising their taxes in larger ways with the federal government also mandating they pay for federal laws passed. Trump's tweets have garnered some criticism from his own side. But non Progs can disagree where Progs until the 2018 election and the new communists introduced never disagreed for decades. Trump needs support from non Prog media people. The other side is a given. p.s...lets get this impeachment comedy act over. Its more annoying then something real.
Oh that's okay Donnie, while the world still laughs at you,

Putin Smiles.
The globalists when finished will be laughing at you.

Seriously, it's okay for the President to post tweets like a teenage drama queen. The world needs a good laugh every now and then.

Papabear Putin is very happy with his Trumpybear., very happy.
Our media is not shelling out news. It shells out favoritism. Donald Trump from the beginning had to sell himself to the voters because of his perceived personality. He overcame that. And if the 95% media/entertainment industry did not go into a major Defcon War he would have won in a landslide. Trump is not the exact opposite of a Progressive Socialist. You are making mountains out of molehills. Trump is a break in our decisions to go socialist or not. We were headed there and frankly have a lot of those policies anyway but in different forms. The more you add the harder to remove. We can not even pay for the programs we have and we continue to add more and what is more chilling the local, county, state and city tax districts are raising their taxes in larger ways with the federal government also mandating they pay for federal laws passed. Trump's tweets have garnered some criticism from his own side. But non Progs can disagree where Progs until the 2018 election and the new communists introduced never disagreed for decades. Trump needs support from non Prog media people. The other side is a given. p.s...lets get this impeachment comedy act over. Its more annoying then something real.
I guess you never heard of knees news and rush?
Oh that's okay Donnie, while the world still laughs at you,

Putin Smiles.
The globalists when finished will be laughing at you.

Seriously, it's okay for the President to post tweets like a teenage drama queen. The world needs a good laugh every now and then.

Papabear Putin is very happy with his Trumpybear., very happy.
Our media is not shelling out news. It shells out favoritism. Donald Trump from the beginning had to sell himself to the voters because of his perceived personality. He overcame that. And if the 95% media/entertainment industry did not go into a major Defcon War he would have won in a landslide. Trump is not the exact opposite of a Progressive Socialist. You are making mountains out of molehills. Trump is a break in our decisions to go socialist or not. We were headed there and frankly have a lot of those policies anyway but in different forms. The more you add the harder to remove. We can not even pay for the programs we have and we continue to add more and what is more chilling the local, county, state and city tax districts are raising their taxes in larger ways with the federal government also mandating they pay for federal laws passed. Trump's tweets have garnered some criticism from his own side. But non Progs can disagree where Progs until the 2018 election and the new communists introduced never disagreed for decades. Trump needs support from non Prog media people. The other side is a given. p.s...lets get this impeachment comedy act over. Its more annoying then something real.
Great personality. Pissed at the world.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Donnie is a big baby. And an asshole. And a hypocrite.

And then he wonders why he can't get anything done.

The left doesn't care about the American people and that's why they're unwilling to work with Trump.

You don't get people to work with you by calling them names.

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