Trump Attacks Bush For Speaking Out On Sept. 11 Against Violent Extremists

Clean Break Strategy demanded Saddam Hussein be overthrown.
Standard Trump behavior, even with other Presidents.

Hit back ten times as hard, make news doing that, divert from what Bush said. "Children of the same foul spirit", to quote Bush.

The rubes love this ugly, childish game. I wonder if Roy Cohn taught him that.

A lot has happened since September 11, 2022.
Oh, please, they had been bitching about Saddam since he refused to roll over and die in 1991.

We knew what we were doing. We didn't care.

Blaming our leaders for doing what we wanted them to do is kind of silly, but that's what we do.

This is brief.

who is "they"---would you try to provide a.... uhm ---very abbreviated of your impression

This is brief. Sir Derek Plumbly was in charge. Do you remember the fiasco they called the booze bombings in Arabia?

The British organized a huge push to sell the invasion of Iraq in 1998.
Actually, I believe it's an allegation of said operation, the person that alledged it is a convicted sex offender Scott Rider, who was an American weapons inspector....

there is no other proof of such an operation.

amazing how you dembots seem to flock to sex offenders
Actually, I believe it's an allegation of said operation, the person that alledged it is a convicted sex offender Scott Rider, who was an American weapons inspector....

there is no other proof of such an operation.

amazing how you dembots seem to flock to sex offenders

The Saudi booze war was part of that propaganda push... Sir Derek Plumbly was in charge.

Scott Ritter wasn't a sex offender. They were trying to discredit him. Read Clean Break Strategy.
The Saudi booze war was part of that propaganda push... Sir Derek Plumbly was in charge.

Scott Ritter wasn't a sex offender. They were trying to discredit him. Read Clean Break Strategy.
Haha yeah Scott Ritter isn’t a sex offender! Haha wow
is that why xiden voted for the iraq liberation act and clinton signed it into law making it US law?
That had nothing to do with any full scale invasion with US ground troops. We were to support Iraqis if they wanted to overthrow SH with their own blood.

IT WAS A FUCKING STUPID REPUBLICAN DECIDER WHO DECIDED to kick UN inspectors out and do the inspection with US boots on the ground instead. A fucking idiot.
That had nothing to do with any full scale invasion with US ground troops. We were to support Iraqis if they wanted to overthrow SH with their own blood.

IT WAS A FUCKING STUPID REPUBLICAN DECIDER WHO DECIDED to kick UN inspectors out and do the inspection with US boots on the ground instead. A fucking idiot.
Um of course it did, read the Authorization for the Use of Force Xiden voted for giving Bush the authority to go in…it’s literally listed as one id the reasons
Actually, Bush checked off all the boxes. He got a congressional approval for the war, that Biden, Hillary, Kerry and most of the other Democrats signed off on. We had a mid-term where we voted out people who even mildly objected to the war. Bye-bye Max Cleland, you hippy. Oh, wait, you are a guy who lost three limbs in Vietnam...

And both parties signed off on it.

That is the inconvenient truth that the left doesn't want to hear.

They love to talk about the Iraq war being Bush's nightmare, he lied about WMD, etc. But when confronted with a dozen quotes of liberals saying he had WMD's and would use them, and the fact that liberals signed off on that war, they start crawfishing back into their holes like the scum they are.
White Christian Nationalism is massive irrationality that becomes woken up by historically significant events .

Such as living in white evangelical’s Biblicsl test Kingdom for earthlings when a black US Senator who said (prior to Bush deciding to invade Iraq in March 2003) invading Iraq would be a dumb thing to do, And them eight years lat the black man was hired by the RATIONAL Americans to get us out of the ‘dumb war’ that POLITICALLY IRRATIONAL Christian’s WANTED God’s CHOICE to avenge 9/11/01 got us mired in.

The invasion of Iraq was decided irrationally by a stupid man who was irrationally woken by the terrorist attacks on 01.09.11 that is the postmortem on Iraq and it was the beginning of another White Christian Nationalism’s massive irrationality awakening when they could not wake up and go to Bible Study calmly having a liberal black man instead of the white Christian McCain who led the propaganda drive in 2003 that helped convince Bush to abandon peaceful UN inspections for dumb war.

That's why the Trump fever won't break. That's why even the most biblically based arguments against Trump fall on deaf ears. That’s why the very act of Christian opposition to Trump is often seen as a grave betrayal of Christ himself. In 2024, this nation will wrestle with Christian nationalism once again, but it won't be the nationalism of ideas.
pblshd vnglcls.23.10.01​
It will be a nationalism rooted more in emotion and mysticism than theology. The fever may not break until the 'prophecies' change, and that is a factor that is entirely out of our control.

They love to talk about the Iraq war being Bush's nightmare, he lied about WMD,
Irrationally driven Americans (per the above article about White Christian Nationalism) will never realize that Bush was not lying about WMD in October 2002.

See “Land Letter Post nf.23.05.11 lvndlttr #8,818
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This is a throwback to when the Democrats were calling Bush a war criminal and cashing donation checks from Trump.

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