Trump attacks CNN reporter over his false voter fraud claims


Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....


Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
Obviously plenty were prevented in other states but CA is where just about all of Hillary’s popular vote lead seems to be coming from.
How many Russians voted for Mr. Trump?
None....because Russian citizens can't vote in our elections.
neither can Mexican nationals.
Democrats pass laws that make it easy for non-citizens to claim they're American citizens and register to vote....and have been voting for years. In Arizona cops can't even ask if drivers they pull over are legal citizens.
Why would they? No cop has EVER asked me if I am a citizen. Drivers license, insurance and registration, please. You can get all of those without being a US citizen, so why would anyone need to know?

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
Obviously plenty were prevented in other states but CA is where just about all of Hillary’s popular vote lead seems to be coming from.
How many Russians voted for Mr. Trump?
None....because Russian citizens can't vote in our elections.
neither can Mexican nationals.
If you say so....
Trump should get a job with Facebook and specialize in fake news,.
Why? he already has a job doing it from the White House.

Besides, you're the last person that should be criticizing ANYONE for spreading "fake news", you're like the Johnny Appleseed of spurious hyper-partisanship bullshit.

And you are a liar, like His Holiness Trump. He will keep tweeting falsehoods and eventually he will get into trouble that he cannot buy his way our of.
Thanks Mr. Goebbels, I consider being called "a liar" by a hyper-partisan, propagandist of your magnitude a great badge of honor.

You said I posted fake news, but like Donald, you have no evidence.
I've read a couple of the articles explaining the reasoning behind those estimates. What needs to happen now is someone proving it. Now, in the survey most frequently quoted, if 13% of 800 Hispanic voters admitted they are not citizens, and you extrapolate that out to the entire Hispanic population, yes, you get millions. Like the polls we heard about daily, maybe they're close. It wouldn't be hard at all for a non-citizen to vote in this country. The only thing stopping them would be an unwillingness to lie when they register.
If it really matters to people, we should find a way to fix it. Democrats be damned.
Democrats pass laws that make it easy for non-citizens to claim they're American citizens and register to vote....and have been voting for years. In Arizona cops can't even ask if drivers they pull over are legal citizens.
Why would they? No cop has EVER asked me if I am a citizen. Drivers license, insurance and registration, please. You can get all of those without being a US citizen, so why would anyone need to know?
It's called probable cause.
If a cop pulls over some guy who is driving erratically, has an expired license plate, can't speak English, is 5' 3" tall and looks like he spends all of his time in the Sun, is sporting a mouth full of green teeth, and looks like he just crawled out of a tunnel, that's a slight indicator of being an illegal. It's easy to spot these guys.
You are trying to define fake news to fit your agenda. Fake news does not refer to spin, exaggeration, commentaries and stories with embellishments. Fake news is exactly what it says, fake. It is stories completely made up with no evidence or backup data. Completely false and stories that are simply made up.
The story about three million illegal voters casting votes in support of Clinton was totally made up nonsense by INFO Wars Alex Jones. Not a shred of evidence to back up the lie. That is what makes it fake news and a total lie. It is a news report made up by someone and published as a real news story when it is nothing more than a made up fake news story.
CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, The View, SNL, The Daily Show = Fake News

Fox is almost as guilty as CNN. However, I think we're talking about levels of dishonest reporting as opposed to the misreporting or outright censorship of news.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
Actually, it's called reporting VERIFIABLE news. and not reporting that which cannot be verified. That's called reporting facts.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
Obviously plenty were prevented in other states but CA is where just about all of Hillary’s popular vote lead seems to be coming from.
How many Russians voted for Mr. Trump?
None....because Russian citizens can't vote in our elections.
Wait Muddy, that doesn't jive with the claim here. If you're claiming millions of illegals voted in the election, then that means it is not only possible but widespread. So what's stopping Russians from voting if literally millions are getting away with it?

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
Obviously plenty were prevented in other states but CA is where just about all of Hillary’s popular vote lead seems to be coming from.
How many Russians voted for Mr. Trump?
None....because Russian citizens can't vote in our elections.
Wait Muddy, that doesn't jive with the claim here. If you're claiming millions of illegals voted in the election, then that means it is not only possible but widespread. So what's stopping Russians from voting if literally millions are getting away with it?

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.
It's not a secret. That's why it's being reported, but only by alternative sources. The MSM refuses to cover it even though they will repeat Hillary and Obama's lies as if they are facual. It's why Jill Stein can call for a recount in 3 states even though by law she needs evidence of voter fraud to do it. So basically you dickheads once again are on both sides of the discussion. You claim nothing is amiss, yet you support the search for more Hillary votes by using a fake and unsubstantiated assumption that something is amiss....i.e.....evil Russians hacking our election.
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Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
Obviously plenty were prevented in other states but CA is where just about all of Hillary’s popular vote lead seems to be coming from.
How many Russians voted for Mr. Trump?
None....because Russian citizens can't vote in our elections.
Wait Muddy, that doesn't jive with the claim here. If you're claiming millions of illegals voted in the election, then that means it is not only possible but widespread. So what's stopping Russians from voting if literally millions are getting away with it?
Yeah....that must be what's stopping our deployed troops from voting. No mail service.
CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, The View, SNL, The Daily Show = Fake News

Fox is almost as guilty as CNN. However, I think we're talking about levels of dishonest reporting as opposed to the misreporting or outright censorship of news.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
Actually, it's called reporting VERIFIABLE news. and not reporting that which cannot be verified. That's called reporting facts.
Considering the fact that our media doesn’t verify shit these days, unless they use another false story as verification, you really come off as gullible or extremely naive.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.
It's not a secret. That's why it's being reported, but only by alternative sources. The MSM refuses to cover it even though they will repeat Hillary and Obama's lies as if they are facual. It's why Jill Stein can call for a recount in 3 states even though by law she needs evidence of voter fraud to do it. So basically you dickheads once again are on both sides of the discussion. You claim nothing is amiss, yet you support the search for more Hillary votes by using a fake and unsubstantiated assumption.
The reporting out there on this is a joke. No evidence, no names, nothing. Just hearsay. That's not reporting, that's running an opinion blog. In addition, while there was fraud this election (recall a few Trump supporters did try to vote twice and got caught) it's pretty minimal. Claiming MILLIONS is a totally different thing than claiming some and it does require proof. And there is none.

I'm all in favor of investigating. Go through the voting roles on a hunt. Recount. Do all you can and investigate because this is important enough it deserves scrutiny. But if have no proof, don't make outrageous claims. And the idea that millions of folks could illegally vote and not be caught or found out in large numbers is an outrageous claim.
Fox is almost as guilty as CNN. However, I think we're talking about levels of dishonest reporting as opposed to the misreporting or outright censorship of news.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
Actually, it's called reporting VERIFIABLE news. and not reporting that which cannot be verified. That's called reporting facts.
Considering the fact that our media doesn’t verify shit these days, unless they use another false story as verification, you really come off as gullible or extremely naive.
I'm afraid you're the one being naive. The path you and millions of others are on right now is extremely dangerous. I know you won't listen, though.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
"How dare you accuse them of corruption when all their records prove they aren't corrupt!"

That's the same crazed thought pattern that brings you "Planned Parenthood says they're wonderful, so they are! After all, they released this *data* that proves it!"

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