Trump attacks CNN reporter over his false voter fraud claims

Once again, because retards need shit explained to them several times:

California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not automatically registered to vote under the Motor Voter program, you lying fucks.

So explain how millions of such persons carrying this ID would be able to vote, retards.
You must be one of those people that thinks gun laws prevent shootings. Meaning a law is only as good as the honesty of the person it applies to.

What happens if an illegal registers to vote by claiming he's a US citizen? Does he burst into flames?
Let's say he does register to vote. And then he shows up to vote and produces a FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY identification.

What happens next, retard?
He can't vote. But absentee ballots go around that little problem....retard.
oh man, now you post factual shit.

You just post shit.
I post factual shit. you just whine a lot and don't say anything.
Once again, because retards need shit explained to them several times:

California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not automatically registered to vote under the Motor Voter program, you lying fucks.

So explain how millions of such persons carrying this ID would be able to vote, retards.
You must be one of those people that thinks gun laws prevent shootings. Meaning a law is only as good as the honesty of the person it applies to.

What happens if an illegal registers to vote by claiming he's a US citizen? Does he burst into flames?
Let's say he does register to vote. And then he shows up to vote and produces a FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY identification.

What happens next, retard?
He can't vote. But absentee ballots go around that little problem....retard.
oh man, now you post factual shit.

You just post shit.
And you're nothing but shit.......

I told you. 30 seconds, and the tards' brains reset back to the original bogus claim that millions of illegals voted.

Fucking. Amazing.
What's amazing is your gullibility.

I'm not the one chugging Trump's piss that millions voted illegally. Take a look in the mirror if you want to see the rube in this picture, retard.
again, so what? how does it change the votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, PA and Florida? how, please enlighten us?
A good example of the political double standard. Trump's responses to CNN stories are deemed to be "attacks" while the NY Times' admittedly unfair and biased stories about Trump are considered to be "news" by the raving lunatic left wing fringe.

I told you. 30 seconds, and the tards' brains reset back to the original bogus claim that millions of illegals voted.

Fucking. Amazing.
well dude, the reason the word illegal is used is because they aren't here legally. dahhhhhhhhhhh

That's far outside of amazing.
They aren't here legally. No one is disputing that. Why don't you stay on topic and prove Trump's claim they voted?
so why are they issuing licenses oh wise one?
A good example of the political double standard. Trump's responses to CNN stories are deemed to be "attacks" while the NY Times' admittedly unfair and biased stories about Trump are considered to be "news" by the raving lunatic left wing fringe.
it's getting way too funny these days. The real interesting thing is how many people who were on the edge can see the stupid that is the left. it's hilarious.
A good example of the political double standard. Trump's responses to CNN stories are deemed to be "attacks" while the NY Times' admittedly unfair and biased stories about Trump are considered to be "news" by the raving lunatic left wing fringe.
Nevermind all of the Tweets about assassinating Trump.
That is the theory behind the EC. But that was proven not to be the case when an inexperienced, rabble rousing, Alinsky-ite Socialist named Barry O'Bama was elected
oh great. Another Hannity- talking- point watching, n00b :eusa_doh: :anj_stfu:

I'm not necessarily a Hannity supporter (I identify myself as a Reagan Conservative). Sean claims to be a Conservative, but to me he comes across more as a Republican (Conservative and Republican are not necessarily synonymous), than I feel comfortable with. He regurgitates too many Establishment Republican talking-points that I totally disagree with,and at times just gets "out there". Not as bad as Glen Beck, but still...

What I said first was based on research (Try Googling "Reason for creating the Electoral College). The Founders created the Elector College to stop the election of the unqualified, or the smooth-talking Tyrant. And, through compromise with the smaller states, to give ALL of the states a voice in a Presidential election.

What I stated last stems from my opinion, research, and eye-test, of who Obama is.

As far as being a noob, so what. Everyone in here was a newbie at one time or another, so don't minimize my beliefs or statements because now I am. Disagree with me? Sure, have at it. All I ask is that you cry to prove your point civilly. That's what I try, and maybe often fail, to do. Please afford me the same.
you have a source for that Word Salad?

What's that got to do with anything except your attempt at mockery?
Message Board 101 kid. You make statements, its expected that you'll back them up WITHOUT being asked
Trump has more evidence that CA is letting illegals vote than Jill Stein has. She claims that evil Russian hackers changed the outcome in 3 states.

When it comes to Trump's claim, the evidence is on the registration form and the illegal practices of sanctuary cities. All an illegal has to do is submit a form and check yes on a block attesting to being a citizen. If sanctuary cities are supplying social security numbers or if Hillary campaign is tapped in on stolen social security numbers supplied to them by the Obama Administration, or if election officials fail to reject any registrations because they don't mind breaking the law, millions of illegals can vote.

Fyi, every single federal government employee's personal information was hacked last year, so that information is out there. Some illegal could have used my SSN to fill out a registration. Don't give me that shit that it's not happening because somebody already tried stealing my refund the last time I filed.
Prove Trump's claims or STFU.
I just did.
No, you didn't. You didn't provide a single shred of evidence that millions of illegals voted.

Prove it, or STFU.
Registration is online. All you need is a driver's license, which are issued to illegals, date of birth, and your last 4.

You don't even need to give a full SSN.

CA issues driver's licenses to non-citizens.


California plans to issue 1.4 million driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants under new law

Online Voter Registration | California Secretary of State
You should read your own links, dumbass.

On the front, it will say “Federal Limits Apply.” On the back it reads: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes” and that it can only be used as a license to drive.

Congratulations. You just helped debunk Trump's bullshit claim. :lol:
As long as we're on the subject, mind telling me who you voted for? g5000 I'll tell you who i voted for, no one because my candidate was destroyed by the crony DNC machine.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
False is the same as asserting something as true that cannot be substantiated despite states having means for substituting them in place. It is the Trump version of "truth." Truth is established by asserting what one wants to believe, and then contending any facts contrary to the truth are "unsubstantiated." Most people consider that lying, or at least propaganda.
Prove Trump's claims or STFU.
I just did.
No, you didn't. You didn't provide a single shred of evidence that millions of illegals voted.

Prove it, or STFU.
Registration is online. All you need is a driver's license, which are issued to illegals, date of birth, and your last 4.

You don't even need to give a full SSN.

CA issues driver's licenses to non-citizens.


California plans to issue 1.4 million driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants under new law

Online Voter Registration | California Secretary of State
You should read your own links, dumbass.

On the front, it will say “Federal Limits Apply.” On the back it reads: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes” and that it can only be used as a license to drive.

Congratulations. You just helped debunk Trump's bullshit claim. :lol:
As long as we're on the subject, mind telling me who you voted for? g5000 I'll tell you who i voted for, no one because my candidate was destroyed by the crony DNC machine.
I don't think he's a citizen.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
Obviously plenty were prevented in other states but CA is where just about all of Hillary’s popular vote lead seems to be coming from.
Another half-wit.
No wonder "the donald" got you to suck up to him.

Still stupid.

Once again, because retards need shit explained to them several times:

California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not automatically registered to vote under the Motor Voter program, you lying fucks.

So explain how millions of such persons carrying this ID would be able to vote, retards.
You must be one of those people that thinks gun laws prevent shootings. Meaning a law is only as good as the honesty of the person it applies to.

What happens if an illegal registers to vote by claiming he's a US citizen? Does he burst into flames?
he's spot on bubba. you're just ignorant to life.
So now you are out of the closet . no wonder "the donald" likes guys like you. kneeling.

Still stupid.

Once again, because retards need shit explained to them several times:

California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not automatically registered to vote under the Motor Voter program, you lying fucks.

So explain how millions of such persons carrying this ID would be able to vote, retards.
You must be one of those people that thinks gun laws prevent shootings. Meaning a law is only as good as the honesty of the person it applies to.

What happens if an illegal registers to vote by claiming he's a US citizen? Does he burst into flames?
Yeah.....fuck you too, fag.
So now you are out of the closet . no wonder "the donald" likes guys like you. kneeling.

Still stupid.

Once again, because retards need shit explained to them several times:

California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not automatically registered to vote under the Motor Voter program, you lying fucks.

So explain how millions of such persons carrying this ID would be able to vote, retards.
You must be one of those people that thinks gun laws prevent shootings. Meaning a law is only as good as the honesty of the person it applies to.

What happens if an illegal registers to vote by claiming he's a US citizen? Does he burst into flames?
Yeah.....fuck you too, fag.
Quit projecting your faggotry onto others and just own it, you peter-pumper, fudge-packer, Tea-Bagger, rump-ranger, sea going icecream man.
So now you are out of the closet . no wonder "the donald" likes guys like you. kneeling.

Still stupid.

Once again, because retards need shit explained to them several times:

California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not automatically registered to vote under the Motor Voter program, you lying fucks.

So explain how millions of such persons carrying this ID would be able to vote, retards.
You must be one of those people that thinks gun laws prevent shootings. Meaning a law is only as good as the honesty of the person it applies to.

What happens if an illegal registers to vote by claiming he's a US citizen? Does he burst into flames?
Yeah.....fuck you too, fag.
So , a position you're familiar with. Go figure! LOL
That is the theory behind the EC. But that was proven not to be the case when an inexperienced, rabble rousing, Alinsky-ite Socialist named Barry O'Bama was elected
oh great. Another Hannity- talking- point watching, n00b :eusa_doh: :anj_stfu:

I'm not necessarily a Hannity supporter (I identify myself as a Reagan Conservative). Sean claims to be a Conservative, but to me he comes across more as a Republican (Conservative and Republican are not necessarily synonymous), than I feel comfortable with. He regurgitates too many Establishment Republican talking-points that I totally disagree with,and at times just gets "out there". Not as bad as Glen Beck, but still...

What I said first was based on research (Try Googling "Reason for creating the Electoral College). The Founders created the Elector College to stop the election of the unqualified, or the smooth-talking Tyrant. And, through compromise with the smaller states, to give ALL of the states a voice in a Presidential election.

What I stated last stems from my opinion, research, and eye-test, of who Obama is.

As far as being a noob, so what. Everyone in here was a newbie at one time or another, so don't minimize my beliefs or statements because now I am. Disagree with me? Sure, have at it. All I ask is that you cry to prove your point civilly. That's what I try, and maybe often fail, to do. Please afford me the same.
you have a source for that Word Salad?

What's that got to do with anything except your attempt at mockery?
Message Board 101 kid. You make statements, its expected that you'll back them up WITHOUT being asked
Why? I've been on here for five years and you Libs never have!

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
Obviously plenty were prevented in other states but CA is where just about all of Hillary’s popular vote lead seems to be coming from.
How many Russians voted for Mr. Trump?

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
Obviously plenty were prevented in other states but CA is where just about all of Hillary’s popular vote lead seems to be coming from.
How many Russians voted for Mr. Trump?
None....because Russian citizens can't vote in our elections.

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