Trump attacks CNN reporter over his false voter fraud claims

JomH52, please seek psychiatric therapy. I will pay for it. Just get some help. Do not do anything crazy. It is not worth it.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.

But illegals voting isn’t the only way that Democrats cheat. Absentee ballots, provisional ballots, same-day registration, vote farming, identity theft, rigged voting machines, voting in more than one state because Democrats won't allow faulty, dead, or old registrations to be purged.On the University of Michigan campus students were allowed to vote as many times as they wanted in the 09' election. There are numerous ways to cheat. A favorite is using registrations from people who have moved and not notified the election office at their prior address. Millions of those are still on the rolls. I bet I'm still listed at my old address in San Diego because Democrats take it to court every time Republicans try to verify all of the registrations in an effort to clean out the expired registrations.
I've seen a dumbfuck posting and...

If they were given citizenship, of course they could vote and would not be illegal. You're pretty thick for a Vulcan. Are you the bearded Spock?
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.

But illegals voting isn’t the only way that Democrats cheat. Absentee ballots, provisional ballots, same-day registration, vote farming, identity theft, rigged voting machines, voting in more than one state because Democrats won't allow faulty, dead, or old registrations to be purged.On the University of Michigan campus students were allowed to vote as many times as they wanted in the 09' election. There are numerous ways to cheat. A favorite is using registrations from people who have moved and not notified the election office at their prior address. Millions of those are still on the rolls. I bet I'm still listed at my old address in San Diego because Democrats take it to court every time Republicans try to verify all of the registrations in an effort to clean out the expired registrations.
I've seen a dumbfuck posting and...

If they were given citizenship, of course they could vote and would not be illegal. You're pretty thick for a Vulcan. Are you the bearded Spock?
Well, if Big Ears was ordered to stop by a federal judge, which he was, then he's breaking the fucking law.

Fox is almost as guilty as CNN. However, I think we're talking about levels of dishonest reporting as opposed to the misreporting or outright censorship of news.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
Actually, it's called reporting VERIFIABLE news. and not reporting that which cannot be verified. That's called reporting facts.
Considering the fact that our media doesn’t verify shit these days, unless they use another false story as verification, you really come off as gullible or extremely naive.
I'm afraid you're the one being naive. The path you and millions of others are on right now is extremely dangerous. I know you won't listen, though.
Based off what
Trump retweets attacks on CNN journalist

We have four years of delusional Tweets and conspiracy theories. Just frigin Amazing!

Trump should get a job with Facebook and specialize in fake news, All the while, his cult members lap up his lies like chocolate.

I've said from the git go......he reminds me of a carnival barker!

(with small hands)

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I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.
No, it's not. It's been going on for decades. There are mountains and piles and reams of evidence and data. There are people today sitting in jail who have engaged in it. But you choose to pretend it's not happening.

There's nothing to be done if you dismiss everything out of hand. Which is what you are doing.

The Evidence
No, I'm not saying zero fraud is going on. This election cycle several Trump supporters tried to vote twice. So clearly there is fraud. I'm saying, and I'm backed up by the data, that there isn't the kind of widespread, systematic fraud that could change the election outcome, or wipe out the margin Clinton has on Trump in the popular vote total.

Again, if you're claiming MILLIONS are voting illegally, produce the names. Produce the evidence on that scale. Because the scale is important here. Trump wants this to be a landslide for him in the popular as well as Electoral, but the fact is it isn't. There simply isn't enough fraud and not only that, some of that fraud is on the GOP side too.

Think about your allegation for a second. A vast Majority of State Secretaries overseeing the election are Republicans. If you're alleging that kind of widespread corruption and fraud, you're calling into question the GOP control of the House, Senate, and Presidency coming out of 2016 too. Because I guarantee those SOS's didn't lie or commit fraud to help Hillary.

Back to "well if they do it, it's because EVERYBODY does it too, and REPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS".
Give me a break. Put on your big boy pants, that garbage philosophy is finally getting the dismissal it should have gotten from the beginning.

In treatment, they call that "criminal thinking". The belief that if you aren't caught, you haven't done anything wrong. And if you are caught, it's EVERYBODY'S fault except yours.
Burden of proof in our society is on the accuser. I'm saying, if you have no proof that illegal activity is happening, you can't go around claiming it as fact. The same goes for scale. If you can't prove that you have crime on the scale you are claiming, you can not claim it as fact.

Like I said, I'd concede that there's probably some happening. Again, some Trump supporters got caught trying to vote twice. So clearly some fraud is happening. Trump's claim is two fold, and it requires proof:

1. That the fraud is happening on a vastly large scale (in the millions)
2. That it overwhelmingly benefited Hillary, to the point it would wipe out her current lead in the national popular vote.

If number 1 is true, it would be easily proven. You can't have something going on that involved millions of people and not find rampant evidence. And here, it shouldn't be hard to prove at all. So why don't we see proof or widespread fraud?

Number 2 is pretty ridiculous simply because it would require a lot of Republicans to be complicit in trying to toss an election to Hillary Rodham Clinton, arguably the worst hated person on the GOP side of the fence. There's absolutely no reason for a Texas Secretary of State, just to name one example, blindly allowing rampant fraud to occur in his state. On top of that, what we know of the demographics indicates that Trump carried far more of the vote in various demographics than expected. IF there is rampant fraud, he's surely benefited from it too. That means Trump's claim that he actually won the popular vote would be bunk.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.
Looked that up. What you're referencing was a federal program to help immigrants in the process of becoming citizens to register to vote upon becoming citizens. That's totally legal as they're not registered until they've become citizens.
When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.
No, it's not. It's been going on for decades. There are mountains and piles and reams of evidence and data. There are people today sitting in jail who have engaged in it. But you choose to pretend it's not happening.

There's nothing to be done if you dismiss everything out of hand. Which is what you are doing.

The Evidence
No, I'm not saying zero fraud is going on. This election cycle several Trump supporters tried to vote twice. So clearly there is fraud. I'm saying, and I'm backed up by the data, that there isn't the kind of widespread, systematic fraud that could change the election outcome, or wipe out the margin Clinton has on Trump in the popular vote total.

Again, if you're claiming MILLIONS are voting illegally, produce the names. Produce the evidence on that scale. Because the scale is important here. Trump wants this to be a landslide for him in the popular as well as Electoral, but the fact is it isn't. There simply isn't enough fraud and not only that, some of that fraud is on the GOP side too.

Think about your allegation for a second. A vast Majority of State Secretaries overseeing the election are Republicans. If you're alleging that kind of widespread corruption and fraud, you're calling into question the GOP control of the House, Senate, and Presidency coming out of 2016 too. Because I guarantee those SOS's didn't lie or commit fraud to help Hillary.

Back to "well if they do it, it's because EVERYBODY does it too, and REPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS".
Give me a break. Put on your big boy pants, that garbage philosophy is finally getting the dismissal it should have gotten from the beginning.

In treatment, they call that "criminal thinking". The belief that if you aren't caught, you haven't done anything wrong. And if you are caught, it's EVERYBODY'S fault except yours.
Burden of proof in our society is on the accuser. I'm saying, if you have no proof that illegal activity is happening, you can't go around claiming it as fact. The same goes for scale. If you can't prove that you have crime on the scale you are claiming, you can not claim it as fact.

Like I said, I'd concede that there's probably some happening. Again, some Trump supporters got caught trying to vote twice. So clearly some fraud is happening. Trump's claim is two fold, and it requires proof:

1. That the fraud is happening on a vastly large scale (in the millions)
2. That it overwhelmingly benefited Hillary, to the point it would wipe out her current lead in the national popular vote.

If number 1 is true, it would be easily proven. You can't have something going on that involved millions of people and not find rampant evidence. And here, it shouldn't be hard to prove at all. So why don't we see proof or widespread fraud?

Number 2 is pretty ridiculous simply because it would require a lot of Republicans to be complicit in trying to toss an election to Hillary Rodham Clinton, arguably the worst hated person on the GOP side of the fence. There's absolutely no reason for a Texas Secretary of State, just to name one example, blindly allowing rampant fraud to occur in his state. On top of that, what we know of the demographics indicates that Trump carried far more of the vote in various demographics than expected. IF there is rampant fraud, he's surely benefited from it too. That means Trump's claim that he actually won the popular vote would be bunk.

But if the only proof you will accept comes from particular sources, and those sources are corrupt, then you're in a world of hurt.
Ummmm!! Mr. trumpsucker~~~~ you were the one that broached the subject.... now now don't get all upset little boy.
Kneel! to your emperor "the donald"

So now you are out of the closet . no wonder "the donald" likes guys like you. kneeling.

Still stupid.

Once again, because retards need shit explained to them several times:

California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not automatically registered to vote under the Motor Voter program, you lying fucks.

So explain how millions of such persons carrying this ID would be able to vote, retards.
You must be one of those people that thinks gun laws prevent shootings. Meaning a law is only as good as the honesty of the person it applies to.

What happens if an illegal registers to vote by claiming he's a US citizen? Does he burst into flames?
Yeah.....fuck you too, fag.
Quit projecting your faggotry onto others and just own it, you peter-pumper, fudge-packer, Tea-Bagger, rump-ranger, sea going icecream man.
JomH52, please seek psychiatric therapy. I will pay for it. Just get some help. Do not do anything crazy. It is not worth it.

The pressure will get to your boy when he gets in office. He is already on the edge of being a full blown Psychopath. The job will push him over the edge. What is scary is what he does when he finally goes totally nuts.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.
Looked that up. What you're referencing was a federal program to help immigrants in the process of becoming citizens to register to vote upon becoming citizens. That's totally legal as they're not registered until they've become citizens.
Then again the Obama Administration is granting citizenship to people who shouldn't be allowed to leapfrog people who came here legally and have been waiting for 5-10 years for their citizenship. Spending all of that money is silly. Immigrants usually vote the same way everyone else does. Obama is bringing them here and fast-tracking them. Technically it's human-trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have been allowed to settle in Florida, and have been granted automatic citizenship. He's bringing Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and other ME countries and they've changed Minnesota into a blue state.

CA was changed by the 70s. Half of the ballots cast in CA were by absentee. That means at least half of CA voters don't even live in the state or live in the city they're registered in.
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I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.
Looked that up. What you're referencing was a federal program to help immigrants in the process of becoming citizens to register to vote upon becoming citizens. That's totally legal as they're not registered until they've become citizens.
Then again the Obama Administration is granting citizenship to people who shouldn't be allowed to leapfrog people who came here legally and have been waiting for 5-10 years for their citizenship. Spending all of that money is silly. Immigrants usually vote the same way everyone else does. Obama is bringing them here and fast-tracking them. Technically it's human-trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have been allowed to settle in Florida, and have been granted automatic citizenship. He's bringing Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and other ME countries and they've changed Minnesota into a blue state.

CA was changed by the 70s. Half of the ballots cast in CA were by absentee. That means at least half of CA voters don't even live in the state or live in the city they're registered in.

Do you have a reference for that or did you just pull it out of your arse?
Millions of space aliens who are also Shape Changers who work for Hillary, and are paid out of the Clinton foundation, teleported themselves to earth on election day, disguised as Anglos, so as not to attract attention, and voted for Hillary. In exchange for this, Hillary promised to let them all move to Iowa without immigration papers when she is president, because they are all very fond of corn and pigs. She had also agreed to change the American flag to feature an ear of corn and a pig.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.
Looked that up. What you're referencing was a federal program to help immigrants in the process of becoming citizens to register to vote upon becoming citizens. That's totally legal as they're not registered until they've become citizens.
Then again the Obama Administration is granting citizenship to people who shouldn't be allowed to leapfrog people who came here legally and have been waiting for 5-10 years for their citizenship. Spending all of that money is silly. Immigrants usually vote the same way everyone else does. Obama is bringing them here and fast-tracking them. Technically it's human-trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have been allowed to settle in Florida, and have been granted automatic citizenship. He's bringing Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and other ME countries and they've changed Minnesota into a blue state.

CA was changed by the 70s. Half of the ballots cast in CA were by absentee. That means at least half of CA voters don't even live in the state or live in the city they're registered in.

Do you have a reference for that or did you just pull it out of your arse?
If you put that way...... try Google.
Better yet, try Bing, fuckwad.
I'm not spending a second looking up for some dickhead what I've been reading just to prove a point to some shitstain, cocksucker that's only trying to waste my mothefucking time.
Millions of space aliens who are also Shape Changers who work for Hillary, and are paid out of the Clinton foundation, teleported themselves to earth on election day, disguised as Anglos, so as not to attract attention, and voted for Hillary. In exchange for this, Hillary promised to let them all move to Iowa without immigration papers when she is president, because they are all very fond of corn and pigs. She had also agreed to change the American flag to feature an ear of corn and a pig.
Yup...if you dig anal probing....Iowa is a great place to live.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.
Looked that up. What you're referencing was a federal program to help immigrants in the process of becoming citizens to register to vote upon becoming citizens. That's totally legal as they're not registered until they've become citizens.
Then again the Obama Administration is granting citizenship to people who shouldn't be allowed to leapfrog people who came here legally and have been waiting for 5-10 years for their citizenship. Spending all of that money is silly. Immigrants usually vote the same way everyone else does. Obama is bringing them here and fast-tracking them. Technically it's human-trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have been allowed to settle in Florida, and have been granted automatic citizenship. He's bringing Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and other ME countries and they've changed Minnesota into a blue state.

CA was changed by the 70s. Half of the ballots cast in CA were by absentee. That means at least half of CA voters don't even live in the state or live in the city they're registered in.
That doesn't actually follow. If you look at California's website FAQ there's no restriction on voting by absentee. I imagine a lot of folks in California have realized what a lot of folks elsewhere have realized: Voting by mail is pretty much superior to voting in person. You don't have to wait in line, you can consult resources at home, etc. That's especially true in California where the ballot initiatives are out of hand.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.
No, it's not. It's been going on for decades. There are mountains and piles and reams of evidence and data. There are people today sitting in jail who have engaged in it. But you choose to pretend it's not happening.

There's nothing to be done if you dismiss everything out of hand. Which is what you are doing.

The Evidence
No, I'm not saying zero fraud is going on. This election cycle several Trump supporters tried to vote twice. So clearly there is fraud. I'm saying, and I'm backed up by the data, that there isn't the kind of widespread, systematic fraud that could change the election outcome, or wipe out the margin Clinton has on Trump in the popular vote total.

Again, if you're claiming MILLIONS are voting illegally, produce the names. Produce the evidence on that scale. Because the scale is important here. Trump wants this to be a landslide for him in the popular as well as Electoral, but the fact is it isn't. There simply isn't enough fraud and not only that, some of that fraud is on the GOP side too.

Think about your allegation for a second. A vast Majority of State Secretaries overseeing the election are Republicans. If you're alleging that kind of widespread corruption and fraud, you're calling into question the GOP control of the House, Senate, and Presidency coming out of 2016 too. Because I guarantee those SOS's didn't lie or commit fraud to help Hillary.

Back to "well if they do it, it's because EVERYBODY does it too, and REPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS".
Give me a break. Put on your big boy pants, that garbage philosophy is finally getting the dismissal it should have gotten from the beginning.

In treatment, they call that "criminal thinking". The belief that if you aren't caught, you haven't done anything wrong. And if you are caught, it's EVERYBODY'S fault except yours.
Burden of proof in our society is on the accuser. I'm saying, if you have no proof that illegal activity is happening, you can't go around claiming it as fact. The same goes for scale. If you can't prove that you have crime on the scale you are claiming, you can not claim it as fact.

Like I said, I'd concede that there's probably some happening. Again, some Trump supporters got caught trying to vote twice. So clearly some fraud is happening. Trump's claim is two fold, and it requires proof:

1. That the fraud is happening on a vastly large scale (in the millions)
2. That it overwhelmingly benefited Hillary, to the point it would wipe out her current lead in the national popular vote.

If number 1 is true, it would be easily proven. You can't have something going on that involved millions of people and not find rampant evidence. And here, it shouldn't be hard to prove at all. So why don't we see proof or widespread fraud?

Number 2 is pretty ridiculous simply because it would require a lot of Republicans to be complicit in trying to toss an election to Hillary Rodham Clinton, arguably the worst hated person on the GOP side of the fence. There's absolutely no reason for a Texas Secretary of State, just to name one example, blindly allowing rampant fraud to occur in his state. On top of that, what we know of the demographics indicates that Trump carried far more of the vote in various demographics than expected. IF there is rampant fraud, he's surely benefited from it too. That means Trump's claim that he actually won the popular vote would be bunk.

But if the only proof you will accept comes from particular sources, and those sources are corrupt, then you're in a world of hurt.
I'll take proof that is verifiable regardless of source. I did look at your earlier link and I've seen a lot of that before. It's showing that voting tampering is theoretically possible thanks to electronic voting and it goes into detail about why folks think the 2004 election was stolen in Ohio by the GOP. If it gives evidence of MILLIONS of illegal aliens voting for Hillary, I didn't see it.

Again, this isn't hard to do if people really care that much. Bush investigated in Florida and did find some fraud. It just wasn't widespread or really all that consequential. IIRC, he found 18 voters total in a swing state. That's a problem, but it isn't the MILLIONS Trump is claiming.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.
Looked that up. What you're referencing was a federal program to help immigrants in the process of becoming citizens to register to vote upon becoming citizens. That's totally legal as they're not registered until they've become citizens.
Then again the Obama Administration is granting citizenship to people who shouldn't be allowed to leapfrog people who came here legally and have been waiting for 5-10 years for their citizenship. Spending all of that money is silly. Immigrants usually vote the same way everyone else does. Obama is bringing them here and fast-tracking them. Technically it's human-trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have been allowed to settle in Florida, and have been granted automatic citizenship. He's bringing Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and other ME countries and they've changed Minnesota into a blue state.

CA was changed by the 70s. Half of the ballots cast in CA were by absentee. That means at least half of CA voters don't even live in the state or live in the city they're registered in.
That doesn't actually follow. If you look at California's website FAQ there's no restriction on voting by absentee. I imagine a lot of folks in California have realized what a lot of folks elsewhere have realized: Voting by mail is pretty much superior to voting in person. You don't have to wait in line, you can consult resources at home, etc. That's especially true in California where the ballot initiatives are out of hand.
That's where the corruption comes in. Here you have to vote in person unless you're living temporarily out of state. I used to vote absentee in CA. As soon as I changed my official residence to TN after retiring from the military that was it. At the time I registered in CA you had to vote in person. I figured they decided that security and accuracy was secondary to convenience. Washington state told everyone voting by mail was a cool idea. Who cares if the Dems rig it so only Democrats can win. It's all good.

Now I'm sure you can find a link that says nothing could possibly go wrong. Trust the Democrats running everything and just leave it all up to them.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.
Looked that up. What you're referencing was a federal program to help immigrants in the process of becoming citizens to register to vote upon becoming citizens. That's totally legal as they're not registered until they've become citizens.
Then again the Obama Administration is granting citizenship to people who shouldn't be allowed to leapfrog people who came here legally and have been waiting for 5-10 years for their citizenship. Spending all of that money is silly. Immigrants usually vote the same way everyone else does. Obama is bringing them here and fast-tracking them. Technically it's human-trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have been allowed to settle in Florida, and have been granted automatic citizenship. He's bringing Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and other ME countries and they've changed Minnesota into a blue state.

CA was changed by the 70s. Half of the ballots cast in CA were by absentee. That means at least half of CA voters don't even live in the state or live in the city they're registered in.
That doesn't actually follow. If you look at California's website FAQ there's no restriction on voting by absentee. I imagine a lot of folks in California have realized what a lot of folks elsewhere have realized: Voting by mail is pretty much superior to voting in person. You don't have to wait in line, you can consult resources at home, etc. That's especially true in California where the ballot initiatives are out of hand.

In TN anyone over 60 can vote absentee ballot.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.
Looked that up. What you're referencing was a federal program to help immigrants in the process of becoming citizens to register to vote upon becoming citizens. That's totally legal as they're not registered until they've become citizens.
Then again the Obama Administration is granting citizenship to people who shouldn't be allowed to leapfrog people who came here legally and have been waiting for 5-10 years for their citizenship. Spending all of that money is silly. Immigrants usually vote the same way everyone else does. Obama is bringing them here and fast-tracking them. Technically it's human-trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have been allowed to settle in Florida, and have been granted automatic citizenship. He's bringing Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and other ME countries and they've changed Minnesota into a blue state.

CA was changed by the 70s. Half of the ballots cast in CA were by absentee. That means at least half of CA voters don't even live in the state or live in the city they're registered in.

Do you have a reference for that or did you just pull it out of your arse?
If you put that way...... try Google.
Better yet, try Bing, fuckwad.
I'm not spending a second looking up for some dickhead what I've been reading just to prove a point to some shitstain, cocksucker that's only trying to waste my mothefucking time.

Your time would be better wasted! Your eighth grade palaver and crude use of the English language makes me suspect of your second degree from bumfuck community college.

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