Trump attacks CNN reporter over his false voter fraud claims

Fox is almost as guilty as CNN. However, I think we're talking about levels of dishonest reporting as opposed to the misreporting or outright censorship of news.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
Actually, it's called reporting VERIFIABLE news. and not reporting that which cannot be verified. That's called reporting facts.
Considering the fact that our media doesn’t verify shit these days, unless they use another false story as verification, you really come off as gullible or extremely naive.
I'm afraid you're the one being naive. The path you and millions of others are on right now is extremely dangerous. I know you won't listen, though.
Dangerous to whom?

And I listen when someone is making sense.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.
It's not a secret. That's why it's being reported, but only by alternative sources. The MSM refuses to cover it even though they will repeat Hillary and Obama's lies as if they are facual. It's why Jill Stein can call for a recount in 3 states even though by law she needs evidence of voter fraud to do it. So basically you dickheads once again are on both sides of the discussion. You claim nothing is amiss, yet you support the search for more Hillary votes by using a fake and unsubstantiated assumption.
The reporting out there on this is a joke. No evidence, no names, nothing. Just hearsay. That's not reporting, that's running an opinion blog. In addition, while there was fraud this election (recall a few Trump supporters did try to vote twice and got caught) it's pretty minimal. Claiming MILLIONS is a totally different thing than claiming some and it does require proof. And there is none.

I'm all in favor of investigating. Go through the voting roles on a hunt. Recount. Do all you can and investigate because this is important enough it deserves scrutiny. But if have no proof, don't make outrageous claims. And the idea that millions of folks could illegally vote and not be caught or found out in large numbers is an outrageous claim.
Over the weekend, on one of the news shows they were talking about this. Someone--Bush, maybe?--actually investigated a huge block of Hispanic voters in (Florida? I think?) because of this suspicion. Out of over 10,000. they found only 85 illegal voters and called off the study. Another study performed had similar negative results and was called off before it was concluded. In those cases, it did not appear that 13% of the voting population of Hispanics was illegal. However, there is no reason non citizens would be "caught" unless this were investigated, one voter at a time. Non citizens can get a drivers license and if they have a green card, they have a social security number. Those are what is needed to register. All they have to do is lie and say they are citizens. There is nothing to catch that, unless you trace back every voter. This should be done by the folks registering the voters, but apparently our government hasn't got its shit sufficiently together to determine if someone is using a valid social security number. In some states, you only need a drivers license, and that does not hinge on citizenship.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
False is the same as asserting something as true that cannot be substantiated despite states having means for substituting them in place. It is the Trump version of "truth." Truth is established by asserting what one wants to believe, and then contending any facts contrary to the truth are "unsubstantiated." Most people consider that lying, or at least propaganda.
The election is over and there were no widespread accounts of fraud or vote tampering. That's a fact right there. So yeah, I view this a bullshit. And history is on my side here. It's shown time and time again that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret or cover up. IF there were millions, then yeah, we'd know, and likely know quickly.

By the way, I won't deny it's possible that some illegal voting happened. I'm in academia and there are a lot of long term visa holders around who have been in the United States so long that even they forget they aren't citizens at times. I could easily see a guy with 20+ years of history inside the United States legally slipping through the cracks and getting on the voting rolls. Sure. But again, is this happening in the millions? Almost certainly not. And did all those folks vote for Hillary? Almost certainly not.

Trump is going to have the face the fact he LOST the popular vote by an incredibly large margin. I know it pisses Trump and his supporters off, but facts are facts.
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Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.

When Secretaries of State in all the states that Trump is claiming had illegal voters say he is lying, then that sounds to me like he is lying....again. Not to mention that most of those SOS are Republicans. But that really doesn't matter to cult members. Trump has been lying since the day he announced his candidacy and no of his followers care.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.
It's not a secret. That's why it's being reported, but only by alternative sources. The MSM refuses to cover it even though they will repeat Hillary and Obama's lies as if they are facual. It's why Jill Stein can call for a recount in 3 states even though by law she needs evidence of voter fraud to do it. So basically you dickheads once again are on both sides of the discussion. You claim nothing is amiss, yet you support the search for more Hillary votes by using a fake and unsubstantiated assumption.
The reporting out there on this is a joke. No evidence, no names, nothing. Just hearsay. That's not reporting, that's running an opinion blog. In addition, while there was fraud this election (recall a few Trump supporters did try to vote twice and got caught) it's pretty minimal. Claiming MILLIONS is a totally different thing than claiming some and it does require proof. And there is none.

I'm all in favor of investigating. Go through the voting roles on a hunt. Recount. Do all you can and investigate because this is important enough it deserves scrutiny. But if have no proof, don't make outrageous claims. And the idea that millions of folks could illegally vote and not be caught or found out in large numbers is an outrageous claim.
Not really if you consider the lying assholes in charge.

CA actually elected Jerry Brown as their governor. Imagine that. Those who live in CA know he's a flake, but somehow he got elected. Half of CA's vote was by absentee. How the Hell does that happen?
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.
It's not a secret. That's why it's being reported, but only by alternative sources. The MSM refuses to cover it even though they will repeat Hillary and Obama's lies as if they are facual. It's why Jill Stein can call for a recount in 3 states even though by law she needs evidence of voter fraud to do it. So basically you dickheads once again are on both sides of the discussion. You claim nothing is amiss, yet you support the search for more Hillary votes by using a fake and unsubstantiated assumption.
The reporting out there on this is a joke. No evidence, no names, nothing. Just hearsay. That's not reporting, that's running an opinion blog. In addition, while there was fraud this election (recall a few Trump supporters did try to vote twice and got caught) it's pretty minimal. Claiming MILLIONS is a totally different thing than claiming some and it does require proof. And there is none.

I'm all in favor of investigating. Go through the voting roles on a hunt. Recount. Do all you can and investigate because this is important enough it deserves scrutiny. But if have no proof, don't make outrageous claims. And the idea that millions of folks could illegally vote and not be caught or found out in large numbers is an outrageous claim.
Over the weekend, on one of the news shows they were talking about this. Someone--Bush, maybe?--actually investigated a huge block of Hispanic voters in (Florida? I think?) because of this suspicion. Out of over 10,000. they found only 85 illegal voters and called off the study. Another study performed had similar negative results and was called off before it was concluded. In those cases, it did not appear that 13% of the voting population of Hispanics was illegal. However, there is no reason non citizens would be "caught" unless this were investigated, one voter at a time. Non citizens can get a drivers license and if they have a green card, they have a social security number. Those are what is needed to register. All they have to do is lie and say they are citizens. There is nothing to catch that, unless you trace back every voter. This should be done by the folks registering the voters, but apparently our government hasn't got its shit sufficiently together to determine if someone is using a valid social security number. In some states, you only need a drivers license, and that does not hinge on citizenship.
Yeah, that's the one concession I'd make in this argument: I'm confident some illegal voting happened. I said this elsewhere, but I'm in academia. I meet folks all the time from Russia, Germany, Australia, Greece, China, etc that have been here 10+ to 20+ years legally on long term visas. They are not citizens, but with that kind of local history all it would take is likely one lie to get onto the voting rolls on a state that's a bit lax with the process. And they'd be very very hard to detect.

But is that happening in large numbers? Likely not. It's been investigated before and while some voters were found, nothing near the levels indicated. And claiming they all vote Democrat is pretty stupid.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
False is the same as asserting something as true that cannot be substantiated despite states having means for substituting them in place. It is the Trump version of "truth." Truth is established by asserting what one wants to believe, and then contending any facts contrary to the truth are "unsubstantiated." Most people consider that lying, or at least propaganda.
The election is over and there were no widespread accounts of fraud or vote tampering. That's a fact right there. So yeah, I view this a bullshit. And history is on my side here. It's shown time and time again that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret or cover up. IF there were millions, then yeah, we'd know, and likely know quickly.

By the way, I won't deny it's possible that some illegal voting happened. I'm in academia and there are a lot of long term visa holders around who have been in the United States so long that even they forget they aren't citizens at times. I could easily see a guy with 20+ years of history inside the United States legally slipping through the cracks and getting on the voting rolls. Sure. But again, is this happening in the millions? Almost certainly not. And did all those folks vote for Hillary? Almost certainly not.

Trump is going to have the face the fact he LOST the popular vote by an incredibly large margin. I know it pisses Trump and his supporters off, but facts are facts.
Regardless, you're going to have face up to the fact that Trump is president.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.
It's not a secret. That's why it's being reported, but only by alternative sources. The MSM refuses to cover it even though they will repeat Hillary and Obama's lies as if they are facual. It's why Jill Stein can call for a recount in 3 states even though by law she needs evidence of voter fraud to do it. So basically you dickheads once again are on both sides of the discussion. You claim nothing is amiss, yet you support the search for more Hillary votes by using a fake and unsubstantiated assumption.
The reporting out there on this is a joke. No evidence, no names, nothing. Just hearsay. That's not reporting, that's running an opinion blog. In addition, while there was fraud this election (recall a few Trump supporters did try to vote twice and got caught) it's pretty minimal. Claiming MILLIONS is a totally different thing than claiming some and it does require proof. And there is none.

I'm all in favor of investigating. Go through the voting roles on a hunt. Recount. Do all you can and investigate because this is important enough it deserves scrutiny. But if have no proof, don't make outrageous claims. And the idea that millions of folks could illegally vote and not be caught or found out in large numbers is an outrageous claim.

The free press does report, they do engage in investigative reporting.

And when they do, the professors and the establishment propagandists line up to label them as "alt right" or "fake news" outlets.

Professor Makes List Of Fake, Misleading News Sites You May Want To Avoid

Meet leftist prof who wrote ‘hit list’ of ‘fake’ news sites
They drag them into court...where after months and months, charges are dropped

Creator of anti-Planned Parenthood videos faces felony charge

VICTORY: Charges Dropped For Reporter Who Exposed Planned Parenthood
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.
It's not a secret. That's why it's being reported, but only by alternative sources. The MSM refuses to cover it even though they will repeat Hillary and Obama's lies as if they are facual. It's why Jill Stein can call for a recount in 3 states even though by law she needs evidence of voter fraud to do it. So basically you dickheads once again are on both sides of the discussion. You claim nothing is amiss, yet you support the search for more Hillary votes by using a fake and unsubstantiated assumption.
The reporting out there on this is a joke. No evidence, no names, nothing. Just hearsay. That's not reporting, that's running an opinion blog. In addition, while there was fraud this election (recall a few Trump supporters did try to vote twice and got caught) it's pretty minimal. Claiming MILLIONS is a totally different thing than claiming some and it does require proof. And there is none.

I'm all in favor of investigating. Go through the voting roles on a hunt. Recount. Do all you can and investigate because this is important enough it deserves scrutiny. But if have no proof, don't make outrageous claims. And the idea that millions of folks could illegally vote and not be caught or found out in large numbers is an outrageous claim.
Not really if you consider the lying assholes in charge.

CA actually elected Jerry Brown as their governor. Imagine that. Those who live in CA know he's a flake, but somehow he got elected. Half of CA's vote was by absentee. How the Hell does that happen?
Same way Trump gets elected despite using his family charity fraudulently, bribing a Florida DA, admitting on tape committing sexual assault, mocking a disabled reporter, a POW, and the family of a dead veteran. The other side ran a terrible candidate and a lot of people vote party line.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
Actually, it's called reporting VERIFIABLE news. and not reporting that which cannot be verified. That's called reporting facts.
Considering the fact that our media doesn’t verify shit these days, unless they use another false story as verification, you really come off as gullible or extremely naive.
I'm afraid you're the one being naive. The path you and millions of others are on right now is extremely dangerous. I know you won't listen, though.
Dangerous to whom?

And I listen when someone is making sense.
Then why ask me, Mud? You know you won't listen to me.
Did you believe that a Somali born student carried out a terrorist attack at Ohio State on Monday? Do you believe there are wildfires burning in Tennessee? That Aleppo is being bombed by Assad and the Russians? When the MSM reports facts, they verify their information. What is dangerous is when a large part of the population refuses to believe facts that they don't like. This is exactly how the Nazi's took over the press in Germany--by accusing the factual press of lying--and opened the door to eventual 100% propaganda.
Please don't let it happen here.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
False is the same as asserting something as true that cannot be substantiated despite states having means for substituting them in place. It is the Trump version of "truth." Truth is established by asserting what one wants to believe, and then contending any facts contrary to the truth are "unsubstantiated." Most people consider that lying, or at least propaganda.
The election is over and there were no widespread accounts of fraud or vote tampering. That's a fact right there. So yeah, I view this a bullshit. And history is on my side here. It's shown time and time again that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret or cover up. IF there were millions, then yeah, we'd know, and likely know quickly.

By the way, I won't deny it's possible that some illegal voting happened. I'm in academia and there are a lot of long term visa holders around who have been in the United States so long that even they forget they aren't citizens at times. I could easily see a guy with 20+ years of history inside the United States legally slipping through the cracks and getting on the voting rolls. Sure. But again, is this happening in the millions? Almost certainly not. And did all those folks vote for Hillary? Almost certainly not.

Trump is going to have the face the fact he LOST the popular vote by an incredibly large margin. I know it pisses Trump and his supporters off, but facts are facts.
Regardless, you're going to have face up to the fact that Trump is president.
He is. He won the Electoral vote and has a Republican Congress and the opportunity to appoint at least 1 Supreme Court Justice. So congratulations to Trump. He just also has to accept that he won without the kind of popular mandate he was looking for. He's going to finish well over a million votes down in the popular vote totals.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.

Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.

When Secretaries of State in all the states that Trump is claiming had illegal voters say he is lying, then that sounds to me like he is lying....again. Not to mention that most of those SOS are Republicans. But that really doesn't matter to cult members. Trump has been lying since the day he announced his candidacy and no of his followers care.
The nature of election fraud is that the secretaries of state are complicit, retard.

Now adios.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.
It's not a secret. That's why it's being reported, but only by alternative sources. The MSM refuses to cover it even though they will repeat Hillary and Obama's lies as if they are facual. It's why Jill Stein can call for a recount in 3 states even though by law she needs evidence of voter fraud to do it. So basically you dickheads once again are on both sides of the discussion. You claim nothing is amiss, yet you support the search for more Hillary votes by using a fake and unsubstantiated assumption.
The reporting out there on this is a joke. No evidence, no names, nothing. Just hearsay. That's not reporting, that's running an opinion blog. In addition, while there was fraud this election (recall a few Trump supporters did try to vote twice and got caught) it's pretty minimal. Claiming MILLIONS is a totally different thing than claiming some and it does require proof. And there is none.

I'm all in favor of investigating. Go through the voting roles on a hunt. Recount. Do all you can and investigate because this is important enough it deserves scrutiny. But if have no proof, don't make outrageous claims. And the idea that millions of folks could illegally vote and not be caught or found out in large numbers is an outrageous claim.
Over the weekend, on one of the news shows they were talking about this. Someone--Bush, maybe?--actually investigated a huge block of Hispanic voters in (Florida? I think?) because of this suspicion. Out of over 10,000. they found only 85 illegal voters and called off the study. Another study performed had similar negative results and was called off before it was concluded. In those cases, it did not appear that 13% of the voting population of Hispanics was illegal. However, there is no reason non citizens would be "caught" unless this were investigated, one voter at a time. Non citizens can get a drivers license and if they have a green card, they have a social security number. Those are what is needed to register. All they have to do is lie and say they are citizens. There is nothing to catch that, unless you trace back every voter. This should be done by the folks registering the voters, but apparently our government hasn't got its shit sufficiently together to determine if someone is using a valid social security number. In some states, you only need a drivers license, and that does not hinge on citizenship.
I remembered seeing stories that showed Obama giving citizenship to refugees. He had spent $10 million getting them registered to vote in the election and was asking for millions more.

But illegals voting isn’t the only way that Democrats cheat. Absentee ballots, provisional ballots, same-day registration, vote farming, identity theft, rigged voting machines, voting in more than one state because Democrats won't allow faulty, dead, or old registrations to be purged.On the University of Michigan campus students were allowed to vote as many times as they wanted in the 09' election. There are numerous ways to cheat. A favorite is using registrations from people who have moved and not notified the election office at their prior address. Millions of those are still on the rolls. I bet I'm still listed at my old address in San Diego because Democrats take it to court every time Republicans try to verify all of the registrations in an effort to clean out the expired registrations.
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Are you familiar with the term, "unsubstantiated"?

Are you intelligent enough to discern the difference between "false" and "unsubstantiated"?

"Unsubstantiated," is a temporary situation. Either large-scale voter fraud will be supported by credible evidence, or it will not, but surely there has not been sufficient time to gather enough data to draw any definitive conclusions.

Keep in mind that the Democrat/Leftists fought tooth and nail to PREVENT a reasonable requirement for voter-ID, for the specific purpose of enabling large scale voter fraud in urban minority communities. Rooting it out and providing a factual or statistical basis to back up the claim of voter fraud will take a few months.

Trump's claims of voter fraud are at this time unsubstantiated - but likely accurate.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.
No, it's not. It's been going on for decades. There are mountains and piles and reams of evidence and data. There are people today sitting in jail who have engaged in it. But you choose to pretend it's not happening.

There's nothing to be done if you dismiss everything out of hand. Which is what you are doing.

The Evidence
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.
No, it's not. It's been going on for decades. There are mountains and piles and reams of evidence and data. There are people today sitting in jail who have engaged in it. But you choose to pretend it's not happening.

There's nothing to be done if you dismiss everything out of hand. Which is what you are doing.

The Evidence
They only believe a planted story that some evil racist Republicans voted more than once.

Now that shit is real.

Mexicans and Somalis aren't voting illegally because they might get caught.
Bullshit. If there were any proof, it would come out. You can't bring millions of people to the polls illegally and not get found out. Hell, a handful of Trump supporters tried to vote twice, were caught, and were arrested. You're telling me that it can be done on the scale of millions, and a handful get caught? Bullshit.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.
No, it's not. It's been going on for decades. There are mountains and piles and reams of evidence and data. There are people today sitting in jail who have engaged in it. But you choose to pretend it's not happening.

There's nothing to be done if you dismiss everything out of hand. Which is what you are doing.

The Evidence
No, I'm not saying zero fraud is going on. This election cycle several Trump supporters tried to vote twice. So clearly there is fraud. I'm saying, and I'm backed up by the data, that there isn't the kind of widespread, systematic fraud that could change the election outcome, or wipe out the margin Clinton has on Trump in the popular vote total.

Again, if you're claiming MILLIONS are voting illegally, produce the names. Produce the evidence on that scale. Because the scale is important here. Trump wants this to be a landslide for him in the popular as well as Electoral, but the fact is it isn't. There simply isn't enough fraud and not only that, some of that fraud is on the GOP side too.

Think about your allegation for a second. A vast Majority of State Secretaries overseeing the election are Republicans. If you're alleging that kind of widespread corruption and fraud, you're calling into question the GOP control of the House, Senate, and Presidency coming out of 2016 too. Because I guarantee those SOS's didn't lie or commit fraud to help Hillary.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.
No, it's not. It's been going on for decades. There are mountains and piles and reams of evidence and data. There are people today sitting in jail who have engaged in it. But you choose to pretend it's not happening.

There's nothing to be done if you dismiss everything out of hand. Which is what you are doing.

The Evidence
No, I'm not saying zero fraud is going on. This election cycle several Trump supporters tried to vote twice. So clearly there is fraud. I'm saying, and I'm backed up by the data, that there isn't the kind of widespread, systematic fraud that could change the election outcome, or wipe out the margin Clinton has on Trump in the popular vote total.

Again, if you're claiming MILLIONS are voting illegally, produce the names. Produce the evidence on that scale. Because the scale is important here. Trump wants this to be a landslide for him in the popular as well as Electoral, but the fact is it isn't. There simply isn't enough fraud and not only that, some of that fraud is on the GOP side too.

Think about your allegation for a second. A vast Majority of State Secretaries overseeing the election are Republicans. If you're alleging that kind of widespread corruption and fraud, you're calling into question the GOP control of the House, Senate, and Presidency coming out of 2016 too. Because I guarantee those SOS's didn't lie or commit fraud to help Hillary.

Back to "well if they do it, it's because EVERYBODY does it too, and REPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS REPUBLICANS".
Give me a break. Put on your big boy pants, that garbage philosophy is finally getting the dismissal it should have gotten from the beginning.

In treatment, they call that "criminal thinking". The belief that if you aren't caught, you haven't done anything wrong. And if you are caught, it's EVERYBODY'S fault except yours.
CNN is a proven fraud propaganda agency of the democrats. Not sure if they can ever rid themselves of that reality.
So you assume that the corrupt media is telling you everything that happens in this country with 100% accuracy....

I can only go with the data I have, which is what any rational person can do. If you start making up false information to fit what you think is happening, then you fall into hysteria and paranoia.

And that's what's happening here. Where's the data to support the idea that "millions" voted illegally? Without it, then your indulging in delusion, pure and simple. If you want to say that you intend to look for evidence of fraud, I'd support that. The integrity of the voting system is important. But if out of the gate, with no proof, you assert a conclusion? You're being delusional.

On my end, I have pretty much all of human history showing example after example of the fact that widespread conspiracies are impossible to keep secret. Hell, it's almost impossible to keep a secret if two people know. Millions engaged in fraud with no evidence is a statistically impossible event.

When those who compile the data are corrupt, then do you just mindlessly follow them?

Never mind, I know the answer.
If I don't trust the result, I check the data. That's data science 101 and it's a rule every person should follow.

But here's the thing, if you don't like the result, you HAVE to check the data in order to disprove it. You can't just reject things out of hand. If I provide data, summarize it, and draw conclusions from it then it is ABSOLUTELY on you to examine the methods and data if you want to dispute my result. You can't just should "LIAR" and claim victory.

That's the essence of what's happening here. If Millions are voting illegally, it won't be hard to find them. So go look. If you can't come back with examples then you've failed. And millions is a pretty tall damn claim. If the claim were some, I'd buy it. But Trump himself and his supporters are claiming that fraudulent voting is so wide spread it can wipe out a million plus vote lead in the popular vote. And that is quite frankly bullshit. There's no evidence of fraud of that level and if it existed, there'd be evidence. That's too big to hide.
No, it's not. It's been going on for decades. There are mountains and piles and reams of evidence and data. There are people today sitting in jail who have engaged in it. But you choose to pretend it's not happening.

There's nothing to be done if you dismiss everything out of hand. Which is what you are doing.

The Evidence
No, I'm not saying zero fraud is going on. This election cycle several Trump supporters tried to vote twice. So clearly there is fraud. I'm saying, and I'm backed up by the data, that there isn't the kind of widespread, systematic fraud that could change the election outcome, or wipe out the margin Clinton has on Trump in the popular vote total.

Again, if you're claiming MILLIONS are voting illegally, produce the names. Produce the evidence on that scale. Because the scale is important here. Trump wants this to be a landslide for him in the popular as well as Electoral, but the fact is it isn't. There simply isn't enough fraud and not only that, some of that fraud is on the GOP side too.

Think about your allegation for a second. A vast Majority of State Secretaries overseeing the election are Republicans. If you're alleging that kind of widespread corruption and fraud, you're calling into question the GOP control of the House, Senate, and Presidency coming out of 2016 too. Because I guarantee those SOS's didn't lie or commit fraud to help Hillary.

Dude, give it up. Their God His Holiness Trump said million voted illegally, so for them, it is Gospel. It is amazing that this man can tell a bald face lie that has been disproven, and simply because he made the statement, it becomes truth.

I honestly fear what next lie that he tells will be purported as truth by his followers. We have gone far beyond the realm of followers of a man to the environment of a cult.

Donald says the earth is flat and his supporters say, "It looks flat from where I stand."

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