Trump attacks his own political party


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
This has been another sour week for "The Donald" has it not?

* The GOP healthcare plan is dead in the water

* Trump's "ban" on transgender soldiers is being ignored by the joint chief's of staff

* Robert Mueller's investigation now taking aim at Trump's carefully guarded offshore business deals as well as those elusive tax returns

* His own inner staff at war with each other

* Sanctions on Russia passes overwhelmingly by Congress, despite Trump's views to the contrary.

* No budget deal

* No tax reform

* No infrastructure deal

* No progress in paying down the national debt

* No wall on our boarder w/ Mexico (and if it ever does goes up) American's will pay for it!

So what is Mr. President's solution? Attack his own political party! He attacks GOP members that won't vote his way, attacks his own attorney general because he won't violate legal ethics rules regarding the Russia investigation, attacks James Comey (a lifelong Republican) whom he calls a "leaker" attacks judges (many of them Republican appointed) who won't rule his way, attacks members of his own staff who are trying to support his efforts. Little does Mr. President know, he's going to need legal rulings, support, and Congressional votes from these very same people in the future if he hopes to accomplish anything at all. It seems Mr. President still has yet to learn that the framers of our Constitution did not design the west wing of the White House to function like a Manhattan real estate development company, nor has he learned that governing depends on building alliances and partners, not in making enemies and alienating members of one's own political party. Perhaps Mr. President is not quite as "brilliant" as he would have us believe.

Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump’s attacks on Comey
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This has been another sour week for "The Donald" has it not?

* The GOP healthcare plan is dead in the water

* Trump's "ban" on transgender soldiers is being ignored by the joint chief's of staff

* Robert Mueller's investigation now taking aim at Trump's carefully guarded offshore business deals as well as those elusive tax returns

* Sanctions on Russia passes overwhelmingly by Congress, despite Trump's views to the contrary.

* No budget deal

* His own inner staff at war with each other

* No infrastructure deal

* No progress in paying down the national debt

* No wall on our boarder w/ Mexico (and if it ever does goes up) American's will pay for it!

So what is Mr. President's solution? Attack his own political party! He attacks GOP members that won't vote his way, attacks his own attorney general because he won't violate legal ethics rules regarding the Russia investigation, attacks James Comey (a lifelong Republican) whom he calls a "leaker" attacks judges (many of them Republican appointed) who won't rule his way, attacks members of his own staff who are trying to support his efforts. Little does Mr. President know, he's going to need legal rulings, support, and Congressional votes from these very same people in the future if he hopes to accomplish anything at all. It seems Mr. President still has yet to learn that the framers of our Constitution did not design the west wing of the White House to function like a Manhattan real estate development company, nor has he learned that governing depends on building alliances and partners, not in making enemies alienating members of one's own political party. Perhaps Mr. President is not quite as "brilliant" as he would have us believe.

Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump’s attacks on Comey
And trump and his bootlickers will continue to tell you how great he is and what a fantastic job he is doing. ROTFLMAO

You don't expect Trump to admit he hoaxed his voters, do you?
I have already read where someone posted that Trump's health care plan all along was to not pass anything, and then ACA would fail, and it would be the death of the democratic party. Yep! He's a sly one, that Trump!

You have to wonder, if McCain didn't have cancer, would he have voted different?
I have already read where someone posted that Trump's health care plan all along was to not pass anything, and then ACA would fail, and it would be the death of the democratic party. Yep! He's a sly one, that Trump!
I thought Trump's plan was to take credit for whatever someone else came up with.

But I am now starting to think he never intended to repeal ObamaCare. He wants it to blow up so the people cry out for single payer health care.
This has been another sour week for "The Donald" has it not?

* The GOP healthcare plan is dead in the water

* Trump's "ban" on transgender soldiers is being ignored by the joint chief's of staff

* Robert Mueller's investigation now taking aim at Trump's carefully guarded offshore business deals as well as those elusive tax returns

* His own inner staff at war with each other

* Sanctions on Russia passes overwhelmingly by Congress, despite Trump's views to the contrary.

* No budget deal...

I got to here and gave up looking for your point.

Did you really miss all the issues Trump had with the GOP establishment in the campaign?
This just in. Trump has issued directives that no WH employees have their business cards printed in ink. They must be done in pencil in the future.
In Trump's mind, literally everything is all about him and his ego. There is no id there. Period. Country, party, friendship, etc. are all incidental and ephemeral factors.

The Trump WH has been dysfunctionally impulsive, thereby in utter chaos, since day one. The press reported as much, and here, just six months into his presidency, he's replaced his
  1. Press secretary,
  2. Chief of staff,
  3. National Security Council Middle East advisor,
  4. Assistant press secretary,
  5. Director of of the Office of Government Ethics,
  6. Communications director,
  7. Deputy national security advisor,
  8. FBI Director,
  9. Head WH usher,
  10. Deputy chief of staff, and
  11. National security advisor.
That many close and high level replacements in the space of 190 days or less, along with the utter failure of Trump's legislative agenda thus far, does not imply the ship was sailing smoothly. It suggests the exact opposite.
I have already read where someone posted that Trump's health care plan all along was to not pass anything, and then ACA would fail, and it would be the death of the democratic party. Yep! He's a sly one, that Trump!

The GOP have been chipping away at ACA so they could lie that it's collapsing. It's not but they'll keep repeating the lie.

Most people knew Trump would fail but did anyone foresee that it would be this bad? Every single week, more embarrassments, more stupidity. Incredibly, the president causes the worst himself.

Three and a half more years of Mad King Donald.

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You know, it seems the more he is called out for messing up, the more he messes up.

Putin and the Russians are PISSED that Trump can no longer get rid of their sanctions, so they have retaliated and not only are they limiting the number of American diplomats to reflect how many they have here (455), but they have also take away 2 compounds America had in Russia (like Obama did), and are now considering imposing their own sanctions against America.

I wonder how Tillerson (former CEO of Exxon who is now SoS) feels about this? I think the only reason he took the job was so that he could negotiate a good deal for Exxon to start drilling in their oil fields.

Gonna be interesting to see what happens next week..............
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The Trump supporters are in full denial mode. They think that the outrag over Trump and his antics are still about the election. They believe that our national incredulity about Trump is born of resentment. They call the mature, responsible Americans who sincerely worry for the foreseeable future "butt hurt snowflakes". They rationalize every Trump misstep, every irrational tweet contradicting other 'official White House messages', every impulsive firing.

What they fail to realize is these shenanigans undermine Trump's authority as President. With the congressional Republicans splitting at the seams, one would think that Trump supporters would have some serious navel gazing at hand.

But they carry the water for this guy like Gunga Din. They have fully bought into Trump come hell or high water.

Incredible, ain't it?
I have already read where someone posted that Trump's health care plan all along was to not pass anything, and then ACA would fail, and it would be the death of the democratic party. Yep! He's a sly one, that Trump!

The GOP have been chipping away at ACA so they could lie that it's collapsing. It's not but they'll keep repeating the lie.

Most people knew Trump would fail but did anyone foresee that it would be this bad? Every single week, more embarrassments, more stupidity. Incredibly, the president causes the worst himself.

Three and a half more years of Mad King Donald.
The GOP have been chipping away at ACA so they could lie that it's collapsing. It's not but they'll keep repeating the lie.

The ACA is imperfect; however, you are correct in that the GOP and Trump have done all they can to exacerbate rather than ameliorate the imperfections.
The most noteworthy element of sabotage is, IMO, the GOP Congress' refusal to authorize funds for the risk corridor payments the CMS was obliged to pay insurers during the first decade of O-care. [1] Quite simply, the GOP have done their level best to ensure that insurers cannot make money covering people having a variety of situations, not the least of which are pre-existing conditions. If insurers cannot be sufficiently profitable in a given market, they won't "play" in that market.

  1. For people not familiar with what risk corridor payments are and how they work, I summarized and/or provided links to more detailed information about them here.
The GOP are showing their true colors as the RINO's screw advancement of bills.

The GOP said...............give us the Senate and we'll make things happen, ummmm well we need the House tooo......ummmm the Presidency and we'll get things done..............

Now they have all 3 and can't get important legislation to the desk of Trump. So basically a lot of them Suck.

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