Trump attacks his own political party

The Republicans like Democrats are a bunch of elitist liars and corrupt douchebags...why wouldn't he attack them?
That's not true.

Republicans are a white and educated elite that have convinced an ignorant base that education is worthless. Yet, virtually all of the GOP elite are highly educated.

Democrats are a coalition party. A party that works together made up of many different groups. Because of it's diversity, it's pretty much self policing. You have to be. If you aren't, Republicans happen.
This has been another sour week for "The Donald" has it not?

* The GOP healthcare plan is dead in the water

* Trump's "ban" on transgender soldiers is being ignored by the joint chief's of staff

* Robert Mueller's investigation now taking aim at Trump's carefully guarded offshore business deals as well as those elusive tax returns

* His own inner staff at war with each other

* Sanctions on Russia passes overwhelmingly by Congress, despite Trump's views to the contrary.

* No budget deal

* No tax reform

* No infrastructure deal

* No progress in paying down the national debt

* No wall on our boarder w/ Mexico (and if it ever does goes up) American's will pay for it!

So what is Mr. President's solution? Attack his own political party! He attacks GOP members that won't vote his way, attacks his own attorney general because he won't violate legal ethics rules regarding the Russia investigation, attacks James Comey (a lifelong Republican) whom he calls a "leaker" attacks judges (many of them Republican appointed) who won't rule his way, attacks members of his own staff who are trying to support his efforts. Little does Mr. President know, he's going to need legal rulings, support, and Congressional votes from these very same people in the future if he hopes to accomplish anything at all. It seems Mr. President still has yet to learn that the framers of our Constitution did not design the west wing of the White House to function like a Manhattan real estate development company, nor has he learned that governing depends on building alliances and partners, not in making enemies and alienating members of one's own political party. Perhaps Mr. President is not quite as "brilliant" as he would have us believe.

Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump’s attacks on Comey

Agree 100%

Today getting rid of Prince Priebus (former RNC chairman) is just another brick in that wall. He was Trump's chief of staff to get Senate & House Republicans to move closer and accept Trump.

Lindsey Graham is now threatening Trump.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions. "This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world. He added, "Any effort to go after (special counsel) Robert Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

I think we're watching the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes. They're definitely not going to work with him.

On these new Russian sanctions--it was approved overwhelming by both houses, Trump can't even veto it.

"The House on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea, with the GOP-controlled chamber advancing a significant new constraint on President Donald Trump’s foreign policy. The sanctions legislation, which allows lawmakers to block Trump from any attempt to roll back sanctions against Moscow, is expected to pass the Senate in similarly bipartisan fashion before next month’s recess. The House’s 419-3 vote on the sanctions bill saw only three dissenters: GOP Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan, John Duncan of Tennessee and Thomas Massie of Kentucky. Even Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), Russia’s staunchest defender on the Hill, revealed hours before the vote that he would support the measure out of support for its penalties against Tehran and Pyongyang."
House approves Russia sanctions that handcuff Trump

So we're watching Republicans & Democrats work together on the hill to tie Trump's hands. Bipartisanship at last!


Now it's going to be very interesting to see how Vladimir Putin reacts to this. I am certain he was assured this wouldn't happen. They may start doing some of their own leaks.
The Republicans like Democrats are a bunch of elitist liars and corrupt douchebags...why wouldn't he attack them?
That's not true.

Republicans are a white and educated elite that have convinced an ignorant base that education is worthless. Yet, virtually all of the GOP elite are highly educated.

Democrats are a coalition party. A party that works together made up of many different groups. Because of it's diversity, it's pretty much self policing. You have to be. If you aren't, Republicans happen.
Hmm never heard a Republican state that education was worthless only that there are worthless degrees. If you go to college for 8 years for a PhD in gender studies and expect a 6 figure salary your a moron and will end up asking "Do you want fries with that". One other thing not everyone is going to get a college education nor should they its just not economically possible.

A major point of the Republican party is to better yourself and not rely on the government. A bankable college degree or skill set is part of that.
This has been another sour week for "The Donald" has it not?

* The GOP healthcare plan is dead in the water

* Trump's "ban" on transgender soldiers is being ignored by the joint chief's of staff

* Robert Mueller's investigation now taking aim at Trump's carefully guarded offshore business deals as well as those elusive tax returns

* His own inner staff at war with each other

* Sanctions on Russia passes overwhelmingly by Congress, despite Trump's views to the contrary.

* No budget deal

* No tax reform

* No infrastructure deal

* No progress in paying down the national debt

* No wall on our boarder w/ Mexico (and if it ever does goes up) American's will pay for it!

So what is Mr. President's solution? Attack his own political party! He attacks GOP members that won't vote his way, attacks his own attorney general because he won't violate legal ethics rules regarding the Russia investigation, attacks James Comey (a lifelong Republican) whom he calls a "leaker" attacks judges (many of them Republican appointed) who won't rule his way, attacks members of his own staff who are trying to support his efforts. Little does Mr. President know, he's going to need legal rulings, support, and Congressional votes from these very same people in the future if he hopes to accomplish anything at all. It seems Mr. President still has yet to learn that the framers of our Constitution did not design the west wing of the White House to function like a Manhattan real estate development company, nor has he learned that governing depends on building alliances and partners, not in making enemies and alienating members of one's own political party. Perhaps Mr. President is not quite as "brilliant" as he would have us believe.

Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump’s attacks on Comey

Agree 100%

Today getting rid of Prince Priebus (former RNC chairman) is just another brick in that wall. He was Trump's chief of staff to get Senate & House Republicans to move closer and accept Trump.

Lindsey Graham is now threatening Trump.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions. "This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world. He added, "Any effort to go after (special counsel) Robert Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

I think we're watching the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes. They're definitely not going to work with him.

On these new Russian sanctions--it was approved overwhelming by both houses, Trump can't even veto it.

"The House on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea, with the GOP-controlled chamber advancing a significant new constraint on President Donald Trump’s foreign policy. The sanctions legislation, which allows lawmakers to block Trump from any attempt to roll back sanctions against Moscow, is expected to pass the Senate in similarly bipartisan fashion before next month’s recess. The House’s 419-3 vote on the sanctions bill saw only three dissenters: GOP Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan, John Duncan of Tennessee and Thomas Massie of Kentucky. Even Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), Russia’s staunchest defender on the Hill, revealed hours before the vote that he would support the measure out of support for its penalties against Tehran and Pyongyang."
House approves Russia sanctions that handcuff Trump

So we're watching Republicans & Democrats work together on the hill to tie Trump's hands. Bipartisanship at last!


Now it's going to be very interesting to see how Vladimir Putin reacts to this. I am certain he was assured this wouldn't happen. They may start doing some of their own leaks.
I suspect that some of the leaks we are seeing now may come from Russia. Payback for the treasonous fat senile old orange clowns failure to keep his part of the bargain.
I have already read where someone posted that Trump's health care plan all along was to not pass anything, and then ACA would fail, and it would be the death of the democratic party. Yep! He's a sly one, that Trump!
If you don't put gas in the tank, change the oil and replace the brakes then your car isn't going to work. The car is now at the Republicans auto shop. If the ACA dies then it's easy to assign them blame.
If you don't put gas in the tank, change the oil and replace the brakes then your car isn't going to work. The car is now at the Republicans auto shop. If the ACA dies then it's easy to assign them blame.

Trump now owns the ACA, but he's refusing to change the oil, align the wheels, change the brakes or the tires, and when it breaks down, blame it on the manufacturer.
Far right republicans seem to want nothing less than the destruction of the current United States.
I think we're watching the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes. They're definitely not going to work with him. [...] we're watching Republicans & Democrats work together on the hill to tie Trump's hands. Bipartisanship at last!

Congress pretty much has Trump constrained, as well they should. That man is, IMO, more likely to cause WWIII and/or the complete and irreversible eradication of the U.S.' primacy, than is anyone or anything else currently extant on the planet. And, no, I don't think he would wittingly do either. As with most everything else he thinks he wants to do as POTUS, it is his propensity to act while also being utterly ignorant of what he's about to do (doing) that would effect such disaster and calamity.

Congress, if nothing else, is going to ensure that Trump isn't permitted to act on his hubris, ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, egoism, and disregard for the rule of law. With any luck, it'll send him back to running his hotels, golf courses, beauty pageants, etc. and install as POTUS someone who is neither reprobate nor naive to governance on the presidential level.
This has been another sour week for "The Donald" has it not?

* The GOP healthcare plan is dead in the water

* Trump's "ban" on transgender soldiers is being ignored by the joint chief's of staff

* Robert Mueller's investigation now taking aim at Trump's carefully guarded offshore business deals as well as those elusive tax returns

* His own inner staff at war with each other

* Sanctions on Russia passes overwhelmingly by Congress, despite Trump's views to the contrary.

* No budget deal

* No tax reform

* No infrastructure deal

* No progress in paying down the national debt

* No wall on our boarder w/ Mexico (and if it ever does goes up) American's will pay for it!

So what is Mr. President's solution? Attack his own political party! He attacks GOP members that won't vote his way, attacks his own attorney general because he won't violate legal ethics rules regarding the Russia investigation, attacks James Comey (a lifelong Republican) whom he calls a "leaker" attacks judges (many of them Republican appointed) who won't rule his way, attacks members of his own staff who are trying to support his efforts. Little does Mr. President know, he's going to need legal rulings, support, and Congressional votes from these very same people in the future if he hopes to accomplish anything at all. It seems Mr. President still has yet to learn that the framers of our Constitution did not design the west wing of the White House to function like a Manhattan real estate development company, nor has he learned that governing depends on building alliances and partners, not in making enemies and alienating members of one's own political party. Perhaps Mr. President is not quite as "brilliant" as he would have us believe.

Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump’s attacks on Comey
No new debt ceiling and debt creation by treasury dept.
You know, it seems the more he is called out for messing up, the more he messes up.

Putin and the Russians are PISSED that Trump can no longer get rid of their sanctions, so they have retaliated and not only are they limiting the number of American diplomats to reflect how many they have here (455), but they have also take away 2 compounds America had in Russia (like Obama did), and are now considering imposing their own sanctions against America.

I wonder how Tillerson (former CEO of Exxon who is now SoS) feels about this? I think the only reason he took the job was so that he could negotiate a good deal for Exxon to start drilling in their oil fields.

Gonna be interesting to see what happens next week..............
Exxon already invested 2 billion in Russia before Tillerson was SoS..So yes it does cause some concern with the company..But hey, a new yuge oilfield was found in Mexico's part of the Gulf of Mexico...They can spend more money bidding on leases....
I think we're watching the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes. They're definitely not going to work with him. [...] we're watching Republicans & Democrats work together on the hill to tie Trump's hands. Bipartisanship at last!

Congress pretty much has Trump constrained, as well they should. That man is, IMO, more likely to cause WWIII and/or the complete and irreversible eradication of the U.S.' primacy, than is anyone or anything else currently extant on the planet. And, no, I don't think he would wittingly do either. As with most everything else he thinks he wants to do as POTUS, it is his propensity to act while also being utterly ignorant of what he's about to do (doing) that would effect such disaster and calamity.

Congress, if nothing else, is going to ensure that Trump isn't permitted to act on his hubris, ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, egoism, and disregard for the rule of law. With any luck, it'll send him back to running his hotels, golf courses, beauty pageants, etc. and install as POTUS someone who is neither reprobate nor naive to governance on the presidential level.
Obama had it easier with the GOP in congress than Trump so far...
You know, it seems the more he is called out for messing up, the more he messes up.

Putin and the Russians are PISSED that Trump can no longer get rid of their sanctions, so they have retaliated and not only are they limiting the number of American diplomats to reflect how many they have here (455), but they have also take away 2 compounds America had in Russia (like Obama did), and are now considering imposing their own sanctions against America.

I wonder how Tillerson (former CEO of Exxon who is now SoS) feels about this? I think the only reason he took the job was so that he could negotiate a good deal for Exxon to start drilling in their oil fields.

Gonna be interesting to see what happens next week..............

So, the attempts at sabotaging Trump's efforts at peace are bearing fruit?

And this you blame on Trump because?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The Trump supporters are in full denial mode. They think that the outrag over Trump and his antics are still about the election. They believe that our national incredulity about Trump is born of resentment. They call the mature, responsible Americans who sincerely worry for the foreseeable future "butt hurt snowflakes". They rationalize every Trump misstep, every irrational tweet contradicting other 'official White House messages', every impulsive firing.

What they fail to realize is these shenanigans undermine Trump's authority as President. With the congressional Republicans splitting at the seams, one would think that Trump supporters would have some serious navel gazing at hand.

But they carry the water for this guy like Gunga Din. They have fully bought into Trump come hell or high water.

Incredible, ain't it?

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
This has been another sour week for "The Donald" has it not?

* The GOP healthcare plan is dead in the water

* Trump's "ban" on transgender soldiers is being ignored by the joint chief's of staff

* Robert Mueller's investigation now taking aim at Trump's carefully guarded offshore business deals as well as those elusive tax returns

* His own inner staff at war with each other

* Sanctions on Russia passes overwhelmingly by Congress, despite Trump's views to the contrary.

* No budget deal

* No tax reform

* No infrastructure deal

* No progress in paying down the national debt

* No wall on our boarder w/ Mexico (and if it ever does goes up) American's will pay for it!

So what is Mr. President's solution? Attack his own political party! He attacks GOP members that won't vote his way, attacks his own attorney general because he won't violate legal ethics rules regarding the Russia investigation, attacks James Comey (a lifelong Republican) whom he calls a "leaker" attacks judges (many of them Republican appointed) who won't rule his way, attacks members of his own staff who are trying to support his efforts. Little does Mr. President know, he's going to need legal rulings, support, and Congressional votes from these very same people in the future if he hopes to accomplish anything at all. It seems Mr. President still has yet to learn that the framers of our Constitution did not design the west wing of the White House to function like a Manhattan real estate development company, nor has he learned that governing depends on building alliances and partners, not in making enemies and alienating members of one's own political party. Perhaps Mr. President is not quite as "brilliant" as he would have us believe.

Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump’s attacks on Comey
Anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country...

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