Trump attacks judges daughter over fake posts on an account she doesnt own

The Dem party of shit and piss will be destroyed, RIP assholes.
You're losing your mind. You realize this is the last chance trump will have to get back in the WH. If it doesnt happen, that's it for him. And the repub party will go further into chaos. Meanwhile dems will keep winning. And who the fuck knows how someone like you will handle all of it. I'm guessing not very well.
This gag order needs to be enforced on Trump. He is in deranged mode nad will end up getting someone killed.
He wants his trial dumped and will say or do anything to make that happen.It feels surreal even making this post. These things do not happen in normal countries.I hope
and thepe that they are providing security to Storm other giel. I suspect that they will need it before the trial ends.Best to put him in a cell until the trial is over.
Histrionic Clown . . He has pre-empted her making any further posts involving him .
The tactical Genius reigns as Supremo again

But about your spelling . Practise daily as I told you .
Meh, its still fine. This judge shouldnt have taken this political witch hunt case if he wanted to get respect from our citizens. You guys went hard on Trump, so now the gloves come off. Your pitiful complaints about it being "unfair" will fall on deaf ears. We are going scorched earth from here on out. :dunno:
LOL scorched earth. You're a pussy hiding behind a computer.

So judges should refuse cases based you feel?

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