Trump avoids work again to lie in New Mexico

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.

well, U R the 1 that stated, "Gates is gay as all fuck" so, I guess U R either a liar, or you like to suck cock.

U Dcide, bro' ................
You are obsessed with Trump's bravado.
,,,Bravado?? Attacking China with tariffs and with no allies is Bravado? Trump is worse than an ass He's even gotten our allies to think we're a joke

So how hard were our allies laughing when President Trump told them to pay for their own share of NATO?

Some joke, eh? Seriously hillbilly, you and your party are the only jokes here.

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.

well, U R the 1 that stated, "Gates is gay as all fuck" so, I guess U R either a liar, or you like to suck cock.

U Dcide, bro' ................
You are obsessed with Trump's bravado.
,,,Bravado?? Attacking China with tariffs and with no allies is Bravado? Trump is worse than an ass He's even gotten our allies to think we're a joke

So how hard were our allies laughing when President Trump told them to pay for their own share of NATO?

Some joke, eh? Seriously hillbilly, you and your party are the only jokes here.
You don't get it galt What kind of a fn dummy puts tariffs on Mexico Canada europe and then goes it alone with China ??? Your president is an asshole and folks that can't recognize that are too
And speaking of trump and his red line bullshit against obama ,,Where is his red line when Iran shoots down our drone or attacks our Saudi ally?? Trump is all mouth ,,no guts and a coward afraid to serve his country when called
well, this would explain the inbred Jerry Falwell Jr.

The Falwell v Flynt case was thrown out because the Supreme Court determined that you would really have to be a moron to believe Flynt's lies.
So, I guess that's why RWNJs all believe tRump's lies then.
Did you jus
You watch WAY too much CNBC. The economy is slowing, just not to the extent the liberals want. The slowing is due to the rest of the world slowing. The liberal nuts in the EU are killing their economies and that will eventually spill over here. If one of the idiots on the left gets elected in 2020, we will quickly be in a recession because their idiotic answer to helping the economy is to raise taxes on individuals and corporations, add more regulations, allow China to continue to exploit us and the WTO, allow more illegals into our country and pay for their healthcare, forgive student debt, provide free college, provide a universal income for those unable OR unwilling to work, pass the Green New Deal, stop fracking, stay in the Paris Accord, etc. It is mind-boggling just how ignorant Democrats can be.
Your plan of tax cuts & increasing spending i is obviously the answer.

Seeing as how we're beating you Democrats by almost 3X in political campaign contributions, people seem to like our plan...

Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August
Rich people do. What a shocker.

I am so proud to be considered rich.

Not only are you rich, you're white,
The Falwell v Flynt case was thrown out because the Supreme Court determined that you would really have to be a moron to believe Flynt's lies.
So, I guess that's why RWNJs all believe tRump's lies then.
Did you jus
Your plan of tax cuts & increasing spending i is obviously the answer.

Seeing as how we're beating you Democrats by almost 3X in political campaign contributions, people seem to like our plan...

Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August
Rich people do. What a shocker.

I am so proud to be considered rich.
I did not say all Republicans are rich. I was pointing out that wealthy people are obviously contributing to the Republicans' campaign.

And? Wealthy people contribute to Democrats as well. Many wealthy people donated to Hillary in 2016...

Donor Lookup
Wealthy democrat donors include Jeffrey Epstein and Ed Buck.
The Falwell v Flynt case was thrown out because the Supreme Court determined that you would really have to be a moron to believe Flynt's lies.
So, I guess that's why RWNJs all believe tRump's lies then.
Did you jus
Your plan of tax cuts & increasing spending i is obviously the answer.

Seeing as how we're beating you Democrats by almost 3X in political campaign contributions, people seem to like our plan...

Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August
Rich people do. What a shocker.

I am so proud to be considered rich.

Not only are you rich, you're white,
So, I guess that's why RWNJs all believe tRump's lies then.
Did you jus
Seeing as how we're beating you Democrats by almost 3X in political campaign contributions, people seem to like our plan...

Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August
Rich people do. What a shocker.

I am so proud to be considered rich.
I did not say all Republicans are rich. I was pointing out that wealthy people are obviously contributing to the Republicans' campaign.

And? Wealthy people contribute to Democrats as well. Many wealthy people donated to Hillary in 2016...

Donor Lookup
Wealthy democrat donors include Jeffrey Epstein and Ed Buck.
Jeffrey?? Trumps old buddy? grabbing a little together ,,you can always tell about some one when you see who his friends are
So, I guess that's why RWNJs all believe tRump's lies then.
Did you jus
Seeing as how we're beating you Democrats by almost 3X in political campaign contributions, people seem to like our plan...

Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August
Rich people do. What a shocker.

I am so proud to be considered rich.

Not only are you rich, you're white,
Did you jus
Rich people do. What a shocker.

I am so proud to be considered rich.
I did not say all Republicans are rich. I was pointing out that wealthy people are obviously contributing to the Republicans' campaign.

And? Wealthy people contribute to Democrats as well. Many wealthy people donated to Hillary in 2016...

Donor Lookup
Wealthy democrat donors include Jeffrey Epstein and Ed Buck.
Jeffrey?? Trumps old buddy? grabbing a little together ,,you can always tell about some one when you see who his friends are

Epstein was 86'ed from Trump properties because of inappropriate behavior toward broads, hardly a really good friend
This is what Trump does; this is what Trump has done his entire miserable life; LIE.

Recently Trump came to the defense of a SCOTUS justice after a report in the NYT.

Trump suggested that the justice take legal action against the NYT for libel.

Well, we see Trump has the same opportunity to take legal action against CNN in regard to this report.

From looking at the CNN article in the OP it would seem that CNN has already done their job of fact checking.

So, go ahead Trump; you lying sack of shit. Sue CNN for those 27 lies. But we all know you won't sue CNN for those lies; why?
Because that is all true.

Trump = lying sack of shit.

Trump's base = love a lying sack of shit.


You are fully aware that everything I stated is true but the best you got is to post some stupid ass picture of yourself when you had shit in your diapers.

No, it's just funny watching you, Eddie, and the rest of the lefties here totally melting down realizing that Trump is going to roll to re-election. Enjoy.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
You dumb F's think you're winning?? What have you won ?? The election with the help of Putin is all there is

Anyone who really believes all that "Russian" bullshit this far along, obviously has mental problems. Go get some help already, ok?

The TDS and leftist butthurtedness are epic in this thread. :laughing0301:

Oh sure; it's all fake, comrade :9:

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia

Business projects of Donald Trump in Russia - Wikipedia

Trump's business history with Russia is a long and colorful one

Hahaha! Wikipedia? You know high school English teachers don't take them as a real source right? :21::21: Let me repost those after I go in and fix your lying edits.
And speaking of trump and his red line bullshit against obama ,,Where is his red line when Iran shoots down our drone or attacks our Saudi ally?? Trump is all mouth ,,no guts and a coward afraid to serve his country when called
I guess you don’t read the financial sites...Trump is winning, whether or not you like it.
And speaking of trump and his red line bullshit against obama ,,Where is his red line when Iran shoots down our drone or attacks our Saudi ally?? Trump is all mouth ,,no guts and a coward afraid to serve his country when called
I guess you don’t read the financial sites...Trump is winning, whether or not you like it.
Which ones? The ones about the Fed bailout
The ones about Fed dropping raters to try to avoid a recession.
The ones about our skyrocketing deficits
The ones about his poor job numbers
Did you jus
Rich people do. What a shocker.

I am so proud to be considered rich.

Not only are you rich, you're white,
I am so proud to be considered rich.
I did not say all Republicans are rich. I was pointing out that wealthy people are obviously contributing to the Republicans' campaign.

And? Wealthy people contribute to Democrats as well. Many wealthy people donated to Hillary in 2016...

Donor Lookup
Wealthy democrat donors include Jeffrey Epstein and Ed Buck.
Jeffrey?? Trumps old buddy? grabbing a little together ,,you can always tell about some one when you see who his friends are

Epstein was 86'ed from Trump properties because of inappropriate behavior toward broads, hardly a really good friend
After he attended mnany fuctions at rthe Epstein
I am so proud to be considered rich.

Not only are you rich, you're white,
I did not say all Republicans are rich. I was pointing out that wealthy people are obviously contributing to the Republicans' campaign.

And? Wealthy people contribute to Democrats as well. Many wealthy people donated to Hillary in 2016...

Donor Lookup
Wealthy democrat donors include Jeffrey Epstein and Ed Buck.
Jeffrey?? Trumps old buddy? grabbing a little together ,,you can always tell about some one when you see who his friends are

Epstein was 86'ed from Trump properties because of inappropriate behavior toward broads, hardly a really good friend
After he attended mnany fuctions at rthe Epstein

Yup and Ole Billy was a frequent flyer
Not only are you rich, you're white,
And? Wealthy people contribute to Democrats as well. Many wealthy people donated to Hillary in 2016...

Donor Lookup
Wealthy democrat donors include Jeffrey Epstein and Ed Buck.
Jeffrey?? Trumps old buddy? grabbing a little together ,,you can always tell about some one when you see who his friends are

Epstein was 86'ed from Trump properties because of inappropriate behavior toward broads, hardly a really good friend
After he attended mnany fuctions at rthe Epstein

Yup and Ole Billy was a frequent flyer
Maybe but the scum of the last 3 years is trump
I am so proud to be considered rich.

Not only are you rich, you're white,
I did not say all Republicans are rich. I was pointing out that wealthy people are obviously contributing to the Republicans' campaign.

And? Wealthy people contribute to Democrats as well. Many wealthy people donated to Hillary in 2016...

Donor Lookup
Wealthy democrat donors include Jeffrey Epstein and Ed Buck.
Jeffrey?? Trumps old buddy? grabbing a little together ,,you can always tell about some one when you see who his friends are

Epstein was 86'ed from Trump properties because of inappropriate behavior toward broads, hardly a really good friend
After he attended mnany fuctions at rthe Epstein
Trump was jealous of Epsteins women so trump 86'ed him
And speaking of trump and his red line bullshit against obama ,,Where is his red line when Iran shoots down our drone or attacks our Saudi ally?? Trump is all mouth ,,no guts and a coward afraid to serve his country when called
I guess you don’t read the financial sites...Trump is winning, whether or not you like it.
Which ones? The ones about the Fed bailout
The ones about Fed dropping raters to try to avoid a recession.
The ones about our skyrocketing deficits
The ones about his poor job numbers
All reported by globalist outlets that crave cheap labor.
Perhaps you should read these outlets today because they’re regrettably reporting on how are our economy is doing “despite” their conflicting stories.

By the way, what slum do you live in where a plethora of people have lost their jobs in the last month?
And speaking of trump and his red line bullshit against obama ,,Where is his red line when Iran shoots down our drone or attacks our Saudi ally?? Trump is all mouth ,,no guts and a coward afraid to serve his country when called
I guess you don’t read the financial sites...Trump is winning, whether or not you like it.
Which ones? The ones about the Fed bailout
The ones about Fed dropping raters to try to avoid a recession.
The ones about our skyrocketing deficits
The ones about his poor job numbers
All reported by globalist outlets that crave cheap labor.
Perhaps you should read these outlets today because they’re regrettably reporting on how are our economy is doing “despite” their conflicting stories.

By the way, what slum do you live in where a plethora of people have lost their jobs in the last month?
The economy is doing great for the haves but not good for the have nots those who don't have $400 in the bank and they along with women dark skinned folks and smart white people will be voting against the cowardly swine in the WH
and please don't give me the slum business you gave some one else
And speaking of trump and his red line bullshit against obama ,,Where is his red line when Iran shoots down our drone or attacks our Saudi ally?? Trump is all mouth ,,no guts and a coward afraid to serve his country when called
I guess you don’t read the financial sites...Trump is winning, whether or not you like it.
Which ones? The ones about the Fed bailout
The ones about Fed dropping raters to try to avoid a recession.
The ones about our skyrocketing deficits
The ones about his poor job numbers
All reported by globalist outlets that crave cheap labor.
Perhaps you should read these outlets today because they’re regrettably reporting on how are our economy is doing “despite” their conflicting stories.

By the way, what slum do you live in where a plethora of people have lost their jobs in the last month?

Trump's job numbers are not great. They aren't keeping up with population growth.

So why is the Fed scrambling to save us from recession.

I keep asking & you keep running away.
Not only are you rich, you're white,
And? Wealthy people contribute to Democrats as well. Many wealthy people donated to Hillary in 2016...

Donor Lookup
Wealthy democrat donors include Jeffrey Epstein and Ed Buck.
Jeffrey?? Trumps old buddy? grabbing a little together ,,you can always tell about some one when you see who his friends are

Epstein was 86'ed from Trump properties because of inappropriate behavior toward broads, hardly a really good friend
After he attended mnany fuctions at rthe Epstein

Yup and Ole Billy was a frequent flyer
So how does anything Clinton may have done excuses Trump?
And speaking of trump and his red line bullshit against obama ,,Where is his red line when Iran shoots down our drone or attacks our Saudi ally?? Trump is all mouth ,,no guts and a coward afraid to serve his country when called
I guess you don’t read the financial sites...Trump is winning, whether or not you like it.
Which ones? The ones about the Fed bailout
The ones about Fed dropping raters to try to avoid a recession.
The ones about our skyrocketing deficits
The ones about his poor job numbers
All reported by globalist outlets that crave cheap labor.
Perhaps you should read these outlets today because they’re regrettably reporting on how are our economy is doing “despite” their conflicting stories.

By the way, what slum do you live in where a plethora of people have lost their jobs in the last month?

Trump's job numbers are not great. They aren't keeping up with population growth.

So why is the Fed scrambling to save us from recession.

I keep asking & you keep running away.
Because minorities, even if employed, need lower rates.
I find it sad that Black graduates in Uniondale and Roosevelt think a starting salary of 20K/year is fantastic.
Who gave them this mentality?
And speaking of trump and his red line bullshit against obama ,,Where is his red line when Iran shoots down our drone or attacks our Saudi ally?? Trump is all mouth ,,no guts and a coward afraid to serve his country when called
I guess you don’t read the financial sites...Trump is winning, whether or not you like it.
Which ones? The ones about the Fed bailout
The ones about Fed dropping raters to try to avoid a recession.
The ones about our skyrocketing deficits
The ones about his poor job numbers
All reported by globalist outlets that crave cheap labor.
Perhaps you should read these outlets today because they’re regrettably reporting on how are our economy is doing “despite” their conflicting stories.

By the way, what slum do you live in where a plethora of people have lost their jobs in the last month?
The economy is doing great for the haves but not good for the have nots those who don't have $400 in the bank and they along with women dark skinned folks and smart white people will be voting against the cowardly swine in the WH
and please don't give me the slum business you gave some one else
The Black areas in Nassau County are obviously doing better than where you live.

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