Trump avoids work again to lie in New Mexico

Trump answers the phone: Hello
Moscow Mitch: Donnie, can we bring up the gun legislation yet?
Trump: No, I haven't decided what I want that will be best for my campaign. Waiting to hear from the NRA.
Moscow Mitch: But people are dying?
Trump: So
Ummm, Gun Control is not being passed in the Senate, so you know this already...

Pelosi is not wanting to put the trade deal up for a vote because of 2020 being around the corner...

So she is playing politics with people lives with not doing her job as usual...

Also Davey as I told you before you can look back to 2016 and note the many times I called Trump a charlatan, so why do you lie Davey?

Is it because you believe if I am not foaming at the mouth with hate like you have I must be a Trumpster?

Tell Pelosi to do her job and remember Davey fix your political party before demanding the other one need to be fixed...

Who am I kidding you believe the Democrats are never broken or have never lied once...
Your buddy Moscow Mitch won't bring up anything unless he gets permission from Trump.

You & Mitch don't fucking know how the Constitution works.

Pelosi has done her job. McConnell has not.

This shit again...

When Reid did not bring bills up for a vote you never called what Reid was doing unconstitutional, so why now do you consider what Mitch McConnell is doing to be unconstitutional?

Also when is Pelosi going to do her job?

I mean putting up assault weapon ban bills that would never pass the Senate is like putting up a bill to repeal the ACA back when Reid was Senat Majority Leader and the Republicans knew it could not pass the Senate, so why waste time on stuff that they know will not pass the Senate?

Because it get those like you to come on here and spin about what is really going on.

Now I understand the Constitution and unlike you I knew the moment Trump won the Electoral College he was President no matter how much you hate that little fact...

So now tell me when will Pelosi do her job RealDave or will you claim the assault weapon ban is more important than our future trade agreement with Canada and Mexico?

Let be really honest if Pelosi told you to write she will not allow the trade agreement to the floor because she hate America you would write it for her while blaming Trump.

So tell Pelosi to do her job and stop sending assault weapon ban bills to the Senate that will never pass...
Harry Reid NEVER EVER waited for permission from the President.

Moscow Mitch can either take up the House bill on guns or do his own. He does nothing. Waiting for Trump to tell him what to pass.

You are OK with this?

Evidently so.

The Constitution says that the House & Senate pass bills & send them to the President.

There have been bills that passed with threat of veto that were not vetoed because the Senate does not ask permission like Mitch running to Trump.

He just said he is waiting on gun legislation for Trump to tell him what he wants.

Harry Reid did not bring House Bills up in the past when he was Senate Majority Leader and that is a fact Dave!

Why must you lie?

Do I need to provide the link again where it STATED Harry Reid did not bring up certain bills or will you lie and say he never did that?

So for once Troll why not admit Reid did the same thing... Wait you lie so much you might be a closet Trumpster...
Reid did not bring them up because Democrats would never support it.

Moscow Mitch will only bring up what Trump says he can.

Any idiot can tell the difference.

Oh boy you are full of it!

So you believe Senate Republicans will pass those bills Pelosi is sending?

You are truly daft!

At least you are now admitting that Reid was refusing to allow a vote on repealing the ACA which was Obama child in politics...

So yeah Reid was doing the bidding of Obama and you are just a partisan troll lying about the reality...

So if you had no issue with Reid then you should not complain about McConnell...

That is the best answer to Deavey!

That boy complains when Trump does something and complains when Trump does nothing...

Can not make that partisan hack happy at all...

Now maybe RealDave can explain when Pelosi will do her job and bring that trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. up for a vote?

Talking about someone not doing their damn job!

Trump sasd he would not golf & do anything but work. He is a liar. I don't like liars. You do.

Pelosi already has lots of shit stacked up on Moscow Mitch's desk. Probably waiting for that to clear.

Ummm, Gun Control is not being passed in the Senate, so you know this already...

Pelosi is not wanting to put the trade deal up for a vote because of 2020 being around the corner...

So she is playing politics with people lives with not doing her job as usual...

Also Davey as I told you before you can look back to 2016 and note the many times I called Trump a charlatan, so why do you lie Davey?

Is it because you believe if I am not foaming at the mouth with hate like you have I must be a Trumpster?

Tell Pelosi to do her job and remember Davey fix your political party before demanding the other one need to be fixed...

Who am I kidding you believe the Democrats are never broken or have never lied once...
Your buddy Moscow Mitch won't bring up anything unless he gets permission from Trump.

You & Mitch don't fucking know how the Constitution works.

Pelosi has done her job. McConnell has not.

This shit again...

When Reid did not bring bills up for a vote you never called what Reid was doing unconstitutional, so why now do you consider what Mitch McConnell is doing to be unconstitutional?

Also when is Pelosi going to do her job?

I mean putting up assault weapon ban bills that would never pass the Senate is like putting up a bill to repeal the ACA back when Reid was Senat Majority Leader and the Republicans knew it could not pass the Senate, so why waste time on stuff that they know will not pass the Senate?

Because it get those like you to come on here and spin about what is really going on.

Now I understand the Constitution and unlike you I knew the moment Trump won the Electoral College he was President no matter how much you hate that little fact...

So now tell me when will Pelosi do her job RealDave or will you claim the assault weapon ban is more important than our future trade agreement with Canada and Mexico?

Let be really honest if Pelosi told you to write she will not allow the trade agreement to the floor because she hate America you would write it for her while blaming Trump.

So tell Pelosi to do her job and stop sending assault weapon ban bills to the Senate that will never pass...
Dealing with gun violence is more important that this great wonderful new improved ( tweaked NAFTA) bill. The house is working on it

You already have enough laws on the books and do not need any more!
Trump answers the phone: Hello
Moscow Mitch: Donnie, can we bring up the gun legislation yet?
Trump: No, I haven't decided what I want that will be best for my campaign. Waiting to hear from the NRA.
Moscow Mitch: But people are dying?
Trump: So


Reid: Master Obama can I put the bill to Repeal the ACA to a vote?

Obama: No!

Reid: but people are losing their doctors and it is costing to much!

Obama: let'em eat cake!

See I can write the same nonsense and be just like you Davey boi!

Fact is GOP Republicans will not vote in support of any of those bills in the Senate, so why put it up to a vote?

Simple Davey you want to use their vote against them in 2020...
I think the point is that the sun never sets on the Trump Organization. Donald J. Trump does business around the globe and always has, the fact that some people of Russian ethnicity have done business with him is expected. Trump's name is synonymous with the idea of outstanding successes in the Field of Excellence, and people knew that long before he entered politics

What you either fail to understand, or admit is this: Trump FAILED financially decades ago.

At that point in time no US bank would loan $$$$$ to Trump & his sham companies.

Trump sought other sources for funding, namely Russian, Saudi, and German sources.

But that was NOT ENUFF for Trump; He had to go and LIE to the world about his sources of funding.

You & other Trump supporters are either naive & stupid, or you fully support a complete fraud & liar.

Neither one of those positions will offer you, or any Trump supporter a sliver of credibility.
You know who else runs the US and loses money hand over fist in failed endeavors?
Bill Gates.

Yeah; I remember when Gates ran for POTUS and lied 27 times every day.

Yeah; I remember when he had all his hookers sign NDAs & shit too.

Yeah; I remember all that shit ............
Gates is gay as all fuck.

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.
Actually, the precedent in this case is Falwell v Flynt, ck.

In this case the defendant made the libelous accusation against the plaintiff alleging that Rev. Falwell had sexual relations with his mother in a Virginia outhouse. The case was thrown out because it was so obviously Fake and no one believes it. Fake News CNN will just embrace the fact that they are equal to Flynt's Hustler periodical

well, this would explain the inbred Jerry Falwell Jr.

The Falwell v Flynt case was thrown out because the Supreme Court determined that you would really have to be a moron to believe Flynt's lies.
So, I guess that's why RWNJs all believe tRump's lies then.
Did you jus
So, you are excusing Trump's lies because you think the economy is good?

Skyrocketing debt. Not so great job reports, begging the Fed to lower rates. Not good signs.

You watch WAY too much CNBC. The economy is slowing, just not to the extent the liberals want. The slowing is due to the rest of the world slowing. The liberal nuts in the EU are killing their economies and that will eventually spill over here. If one of the idiots on the left gets elected in 2020, we will quickly be in a recession because their idiotic answer to helping the economy is to raise taxes on individuals and corporations, add more regulations, allow China to continue to exploit us and the WTO, allow more illegals into our country and pay for their healthcare, forgive student debt, provide free college, provide a universal income for those unable OR unwilling to work, pass the Green New Deal, stop fracking, stay in the Paris Accord, etc. It is mind-boggling just how ignorant Democrats can be.
Your plan of tax cuts & increasing spending i is obviously the answer.

Seeing as how we're beating you Democrats by almost 3X in political campaign contributions, people seem to like our plan...

Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August
Rich people do. What a shocker.

So what's wrong with rich people? You can thank them for everything you own, because you didn't build that: Someone else made that happen.
Fuuuuck that.

I far more a "self made man" than tRump.
Wishful thinking ^^^

I believe that you meant to say that Dems are nothing but wishful thinking. Thanks for pointing that out.

No I meant to say you are a biddable fool for such willful thinking, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings with too much truth, truth is something you can't stomach.

Rolf. No you actually meant that Dems are too crazy to even be considered to be electable. Maybe about the time we have people walking on Mars if the Dems are still around they might actually nominate someone worth voting for.

Don't worry fixed it for you again.
The Dems will try to import illegal aliens to Mars to help them take over the planet.

Once again I want to thank you for posting nothing of substance, you mustn't have much of a life to carry on as you do, and for that I pity you.
Lol. Love how someone with no life at all criticizes someone else's life. Good for you. At least you can always come on here in your underwear and post. Man what a life, right? At least that way you don't have to spend all that time talking with your mom. When you took her to the prom should have been enough together time for at least a couple months, right?
What you either fail to understand, or admit is this: Trump FAILED financially decades ago.

At that point in time no US bank would loan $$$$$ to Trump & his sham companies.

Trump sought other sources for funding, namely Russian, Saudi, and German sources.

But that was NOT ENUFF for Trump; He had to go and LIE to the world about his sources of funding.

You & other Trump supporters are either naive & stupid, or you fully support a complete fraud & liar.

Neither one of those positions will offer you, or any Trump supporter a sliver of credibility.
You know who else runs the US and loses money hand over fist in failed endeavors?
Bill Gates.

Yeah; I remember when Gates ran for POTUS and lied 27 times every day.

Yeah; I remember when he had all his hookers sign NDAs & shit too.

Yeah; I remember all that shit ............
Gates is gay as all fuck.

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.

well, U R the 1 that stated, "Gates is gay as all fuck" so, I guess U R either a liar, or you like to suck cock.

U Dcide, bro' ................
You know who else runs the US and loses money hand over fist in failed endeavors?
Bill Gates.

Yeah; I remember when Gates ran for POTUS and lied 27 times every day.

Yeah; I remember when he had all his hookers sign NDAs & shit too.

Yeah; I remember all that shit ............
Gates is gay as all fuck.

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.

well, U R the 1 that stated, "Gates is gay as all fuck" so, I guess U R either a liar, or you like to suck cock.

U Dcide, bro' ................
You are obsessed with Trump's bravado.
Yeah; I remember when Gates ran for POTUS and lied 27 times every day.

Yeah; I remember when he had all his hookers sign NDAs & shit too.

Yeah; I remember all that shit ............
Gates is gay as all fuck.

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.

well, U R the 1 that stated, "Gates is gay as all fuck" so, I guess U R either a liar, or you like to suck cock.

U Dcide, bro' ................
You are obsessed with Trump's bravado.

U R obsessed with U & Trump's gayness. Congrats ..............
Yeah; I remember when Gates ran for POTUS and lied 27 times every day.

Yeah; I remember when he had all his hookers sign NDAs & shit too.

Yeah; I remember all that shit ............
Gates is gay as all fuck.

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.

well, U R the 1 that stated, "Gates is gay as all fuck" so, I guess U R either a liar, or you like to suck cock.

U Dcide, bro' ................
You are obsessed with Trump's bravado.
,,,Bravado?? Attacking China with tariffs and with no allies is Bravado? Trump is worse than an ass He's even gotten our allies to think we're a joke
You know who else runs the US and loses money hand over fist in failed endeavors?
Bill Gates.

Yeah; I remember when Gates ran for POTUS and lied 27 times every day.

Yeah; I remember when he had all his hookers sign NDAs & shit too.

Yeah; I remember all that shit ............
I remember when Gates paid off Congress to replace 3,000,000 US citizens with H1-Bs.

And Gates was running for POTUS, and/or POTUS at that time; right?

Humor US all & post a link for your claim.
who cares? why is that a cause for you?

If you really have to ask then you are a fucking idiot.

We are discussing Trump & someone else makes a claim about Bill fucking Gates.

Grow the fuck up & learn how to fucking read; OK?
so? you didn't answer the question who cares? Why is that a cause for you?

deflection noted.
Gates is gay as all fuck.

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.

well, U R the 1 that stated, "Gates is gay as all fuck" so, I guess U R either a liar, or you like to suck cock.

U Dcide, bro' ................
You are obsessed with Trump's bravado.
,,,Bravado?? Attacking China with tariffs and with no allies is Bravado? Trump is worse than an ass He's even gotten our allies to think we're a joke
Context, my friend.
Our “allies” fell out of love with Trump when he was campaigning on not bribing other countries to love us.
Damn you want to roast trump but forget about every other president that has ever been in the White House. You seem to have a small problem understanding the difference between being under oath and not being.well it just goes to prove that some have trouble with certain concepts.
Max I know the diff,,,I also know that Trump is a lifetime slime bag and can't understand how anyone can support him ,,,
Funny I felt the exact same way about Con man Clinton and 44. But it seems that many did not share the same feelings for those failed nimrods.
I believe history Trumps history is chock full of lying cheating thieving and pussy grabbings
What link? he's admitted to grabbing pussy ,,,we know all about Trump U and his charities to himself ,,,It's all "in the book"" if you can read
I grab my wife's, that's not allowed in your book?
QUOTE="RealDave, post: 23137347, member: 59529"]
Ummm, Gun Control is not being passed in the Senate, so you know this already...

Pelosi is not wanting to put the trade deal up for a vote because of 2020 being around the corner...

So she is playing politics with people lives with not doing her job as usual...

Also Davey as I told you before you can look back to 2016 and note the many times I called Trump a charlatan, so why do you lie Davey?

Is it because you believe if I am not foaming at the mouth with hate like you have I must be a Trumpster?

Tell Pelosi to do her job and remember Davey fix your political party before demanding the other one need to be fixed...

Who am I kidding you believe the Democrats are never broken or have never lied once...
Your buddy Moscow Mitch won't bring up anything unless he gets permission from Trump.

You & Mitch don't fucking know how the Constitution works.

Pelosi has done her job. McConnell has not.

This shit again...

When Reid did not bring bills up for a vote you never called what Reid was doing unconstitutional, so why now do you consider what Mitch McConnell is doing to be unconstitutional?

Also when is Pelosi going to do her job?

I mean putting up assault weapon ban bills that would never pass the Senate is like putting up a bill to repeal the ACA back when Reid was Senat Majority Leader and the Republicans knew it could not pass the Senate, so why waste time on stuff that they know will not pass the Senate?

Because it get those like you to come on here and spin about what is really going on.

Now I understand the Constitution and unlike you I knew the moment Trump won the Electoral College he was President no matter how much you hate that little fact...

So now tell me when will Pelosi do her job RealDave or will you claim the assault weapon ban is more important than our future trade agreement with Canada and Mexico?

Let be really honest if Pelosi told you to write she will not allow the trade agreement to the floor because she hate America you would write it for her while blaming Trump.

So tell Pelosi to do her job and stop sending assault weapon ban bills to the Senate that will never pass...
Harry Reid NEVER EVER waited for permission from the President.

Moscow Mitch can either take up the House bill on guns or do his own. He does nothing. Waiting for Trump to tell him what to pass.

You are OK with this?

Evidently so.

The Constitution says that the House & Senate pass bills & send them to the President.

There have been bills that passed with threat of veto that were not vetoed because the Senate does not ask permission like Mitch running to Trump.

He just said he is waiting on gun legislation for Trump to tell him what he wants.

Harry Reid did not bring House Bills up in the past when he was Senate Majority Leader and that is a fact Dave!

Why must you lie?

Do I need to provide the link again where it STATED Harry Reid did not bring up certain bills or will you lie and say he never did that?

So for once Troll why not admit Reid did the same thing... Wait you lie so much you might be a closet Trumpster...
Reid did not bring them up because Democrats would never support it.

Moscow Mitch will only bring up what Trump says he can.

Any idiot can tell the difference.[/QUOTE]

Can't make it up!!!! Can you say IRONY
well, this would explain the inbred Jerry Falwell Jr.

The Falwell v Flynt case was thrown out because the Supreme Court determined that you would really have to be a moron to believe Flynt's lies.
So, I guess that's why RWNJs all believe tRump's lies then.
Did you jus
You watch WAY too much CNBC. The economy is slowing, just not to the extent the liberals want. The slowing is due to the rest of the world slowing. The liberal nuts in the EU are killing their economies and that will eventually spill over here. If one of the idiots on the left gets elected in 2020, we will quickly be in a recession because their idiotic answer to helping the economy is to raise taxes on individuals and corporations, add more regulations, allow China to continue to exploit us and the WTO, allow more illegals into our country and pay for their healthcare, forgive student debt, provide free college, provide a universal income for those unable OR unwilling to work, pass the Green New Deal, stop fracking, stay in the Paris Accord, etc. It is mind-boggling just how ignorant Democrats can be.
Your plan of tax cuts & increasing spending i is obviously the answer.

Seeing as how we're beating you Democrats by almost 3X in political campaign contributions, people seem to like our plan...

Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August
Rich people do. What a shocker.

So what's wrong with rich people? You can thank them for everything you own, because you didn't build that: Someone else made that happen.
Fuuuuck that.

I far more a "self made man" than tRump.
you became president? when? obammy, is that you?
QUOTE="RealDave, post: 23137347, member: 59529"]
Ummm, Gun Control is not being passed in the Senate, so you know this already...

Pelosi is not wanting to put the trade deal up for a vote because of 2020 being around the corner...

So she is playing politics with people lives with not doing her job as usual...

Also Davey as I told you before you can look back to 2016 and note the many times I called Trump a charlatan, so why do you lie Davey?

Is it because you believe if I am not foaming at the mouth with hate like you have I must be a Trumpster?

Tell Pelosi to do her job and remember Davey fix your political party before demanding the other one need to be fixed...

Who am I kidding you believe the Democrats are never broken or have never lied once...
Your buddy Moscow Mitch won't bring up anything unless he gets permission from Trump.

You & Mitch don't fucking know how the Constitution works.

Pelosi has done her job. McConnell has not.

This shit again...

When Reid did not bring bills up for a vote you never called what Reid was doing unconstitutional, so why now do you consider what Mitch McConnell is doing to be unconstitutional?

Also when is Pelosi going to do her job?

I mean putting up assault weapon ban bills that would never pass the Senate is like putting up a bill to repeal the ACA back when Reid was Senat Majority Leader and the Republicans knew it could not pass the Senate, so why waste time on stuff that they know will not pass the Senate?

Because it get those like you to come on here and spin about what is really going on.

Now I understand the Constitution and unlike you I knew the moment Trump won the Electoral College he was President no matter how much you hate that little fact...

So now tell me when will Pelosi do her job RealDave or will you claim the assault weapon ban is more important than our future trade agreement with Canada and Mexico?

Let be really honest if Pelosi told you to write she will not allow the trade agreement to the floor because she hate America you would write it for her while blaming Trump.

So tell Pelosi to do her job and stop sending assault weapon ban bills to the Senate that will never pass...
Harry Reid NEVER EVER waited for permission from the President.

Moscow Mitch can either take up the House bill on guns or do his own. He does nothing. Waiting for Trump to tell him what to pass.

You are OK with this?

Evidently so.

The Constitution says that the House & Senate pass bills & send them to the President.

There have been bills that passed with threat of veto that were not vetoed because the Senate does not ask permission like Mitch running to Trump.

He just said he is waiting on gun legislation for Trump to tell him what he wants.

Harry Reid did not bring House Bills up in the past when he was Senate Majority Leader and that is a fact Dave!

Why must you lie?

Do I need to provide the link again where it STATED Harry Reid did not bring up certain bills or will you lie and say he never did that?

So for once Troll why not admit Reid did the same thing... Wait you lie so much you might be a closet Trumpster...
Reid did not bring them up because Democrats would never support it.

Moscow Mitch will only bring up what Trump says he can.

Any idiot can tell the difference.

Can't make it up!!!! Can you say IRONY[/QUOTE]

You have to love it when the left scream about Mitch McConnell doing the same exact thing Reid did...
Max I know the diff,,,I also know that Trump is a lifetime slime bag and can't understand how anyone can support him ,,,
Funny I felt the exact same way about Con man Clinton and 44. But it seems that many did not share the same feelings for those failed nimrods.
I believe history Trumps history is chock full of lying cheating thieving and pussy grabbings
What link? he's admitted to grabbing pussy ,,,we know all about Trump U and his charities to himself ,,,It's all "in the book"" if you can read
I grab my wife's, that's not allowed in your book?
How many do you grab before your wife says ...good bye?
Gates is gay as all fuck.

Your opinion in regard to someone's sexual orientation has no bearing on the topic but then we all here expect such dumbassery from U.
I’m not the one here who brings up sexual activity.

well, U R the 1 that stated, "Gates is gay as all fuck" so, I guess U R either a liar, or you like to suck cock.

U Dcide, bro' ................
You are obsessed with Trump's bravado.
,,,Bravado?? Attacking China with tariffs and with no allies is Bravado? Trump is worse than an ass He's even gotten our allies to think we're a joke

So how hard were our allies laughing when President Trump told them to pay for their own share of NATO?

Some joke, eh? Seriously hillbilly, you and your party are the only jokes here.
QUOTE="RealDave, post: 23137347, member: 59529"]
Your buddy Moscow Mitch won't bring up anything unless he gets permission from Trump.

You & Mitch don't fucking know how the Constitution works.

Pelosi has done her job. McConnell has not.

This shit again...

When Reid did not bring bills up for a vote you never called what Reid was doing unconstitutional, so why now do you consider what Mitch McConnell is doing to be unconstitutional?

Also when is Pelosi going to do her job?

I mean putting up assault weapon ban bills that would never pass the Senate is like putting up a bill to repeal the ACA back when Reid was Senat Majority Leader and the Republicans knew it could not pass the Senate, so why waste time on stuff that they know will not pass the Senate?

Because it get those like you to come on here and spin about what is really going on.

Now I understand the Constitution and unlike you I knew the moment Trump won the Electoral College he was President no matter how much you hate that little fact...

So now tell me when will Pelosi do her job RealDave or will you claim the assault weapon ban is more important than our future trade agreement with Canada and Mexico?

Let be really honest if Pelosi told you to write she will not allow the trade agreement to the floor because she hate America you would write it for her while blaming Trump.

So tell Pelosi to do her job and stop sending assault weapon ban bills to the Senate that will never pass...
Harry Reid NEVER EVER waited for permission from the President.

Moscow Mitch can either take up the House bill on guns or do his own. He does nothing. Waiting for Trump to tell him what to pass.

You are OK with this?

Evidently so.

The Constitution says that the House & Senate pass bills & send them to the President.

There have been bills that passed with threat of veto that were not vetoed because the Senate does not ask permission like Mitch running to Trump.

He just said he is waiting on gun legislation for Trump to tell him what he wants.

Harry Reid did not bring House Bills up in the past when he was Senate Majority Leader and that is a fact Dave!

Why must you lie?

Do I need to provide the link again where it STATED Harry Reid did not bring up certain bills or will you lie and say he never did that?

So for once Troll why not admit Reid did the same thing... Wait you lie so much you might be a closet Trumpster...
Reid did not bring them up because Democrats would never support it.

Moscow Mitch will only bring up what Trump says he can.

Any idiot can tell the difference.

Can't make it up!!!! Can you say IRONY

You have to love it when the left scream about Mitch McConnell doing the same exact thing Reid did...[/QUOTE]
what makes it hilarious is justifying Reid using the same exact excuse he's busting Mitch on. fk, can't make it up. Truly amazing. I don't think I could live with myself having that much ignorance.
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