Trump back at 39% in Gallup

Repeat after me, Ridgerunner: "I, Ridgerunner, realize that if I keep looking at the past election that I, Ridgerunner, will trip and fall on my face in the next election."

Poor JakeStarkey ... After the demise of Obamacare, he has been delusional and talking to parking meters... :abgg2q.jpg:
Ridgerunner is now relegated to flame baiting because he has nothing else.View attachment 210297

Jake posted a pic of what happened to him with the last girl he asked for a date.
That is what she did after Picaro asked her out.

Come on, Picaro, tell the truth.

I know it is hard for you to do so.
in this thread we will analyze the reason behind Trump's slump.
Stagnant wages? Racism? Tariffs?
All of the above? Other? Thanks.
John Harwood on Twitter

And Rasmussen has him at 50% this morning

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

I suppose your camp and the Trump Tards can all selectively pick and believe what ever polls satisfy your bias.
I suppose if you are trusting Rasmussen Reports polling protocols we don't really need to discuss this further.

If you have evidence showing they are unreliable feel free to present it, otherwise we don’t really need to discuss this further
in this thread we will analyze the reason behind Trump's slump.
Stagnant wages? Racism? Tariffs?
All of the above? Other? Thanks.
John Harwood on Twitter

And Rasmussen has him at 50% this morning

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

I suppose your camp and the Trump Tards can all selectively pick and believe what ever polls satisfy your bias.
I suppose if you are trusting Rasmussen Reports polling protocols we don't really need to discuss this further.

If you have evidence showing they are unreliable feel free to present it, otherwise we don’t really need to discuss this further
That's what I told you, if you are trusting Rasmussen Report polling protocols. We are done here.
Now, in fairness, many people speak to parking meters. Usually to curse them in some sincerely vile ways. The issue at hand is not speaking TO them. Rather in LISTENING to them and taking what they have to say as "news".

Ole JakeStarkey is so easy to get stirred up... He should be on the high school cheerleader squad... They would take a poll he would believe...

Jake obviously finds a lot of comfort in the fact there are other tards besides him out there, hence his and his fellow fake news addicts sniveling over us Big Meanies laughing at them.
The thing is that Trump is at 39% despite the fact that the economy appears to be (though really - it is not) BOOMING.

Which just proves how much this guy is shooting himself in the foot.

If Trump would shut his big, stupid mouth and never tweet again AND IF the economic numbers (which are not accurate - Trump himself said so many times) continue to look good...he would rise above 50% guaranteed (at least for some period of time).

But Trump is a man child and he simply cannot help himself.
Last edited:
The thing is that Trump is at 39% despite the fact that the economy appears to be (though really - it is not) BOOMING.

Which just proves how much thus guy is shooting himself in the foot.

If Trump would shut his big, stupid mouth and never tweet again AND IF the economic numbers (which are not accurate - Trump himself said so many times) continue to look good...he would rise above 50% guaranteed (at least for some period of time).

But Trump is a man child and he simply cannot help himself.

Says some infantile left wing squirrel. lol yes, you clowns just reek with credibility.

Tell us again how Da Russians stole the election!!! That stupid trope never gets old ....
Gallup predicted Hillary winning in 2016.

Gallup predicted Hillary would win the popular vote in 2016, they were right

Zero credible evidence for that; your fake hack media shot its credibility all to shit the second Trump entered the GOP primaries.All they provide you with is your fake news memes of the day, so you vermin can spam message boards with rubbish,
Speaking of fake news...

Post a link to Gallup’s poll predicting Hillary would win the 2016 election...

Post a link to proof I need to give a shit what you want me to do.
No skin off my back if you can’t prove the bullshit you post. :beer:
in this thread we will analyze the reason behind Trump's slump.
Stagnant wages? Racism? Tariffs?
All of the above? Other? Thanks.
John Harwood on Twitter

And Rasmussen has him at 50% this morning

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

I suppose your camp and the Trump Tards can all selectively pick and believe what ever polls satisfy your bias.
Well shit, if you want to rely on polls which excludes many adults, Obama at one point had an 87% approval rating...

President Obama’s Approval Rating
What are you talking about. Rassmussen is a major poll with a history of being quite accurate. You used Gallop, which I thought had gotten out of the business. I haven't seen anyone use their polls in years.

You freaks are sooo brain-dead. :eusa_doh:

When it comes to approval rating polls, Rasmussen is among the least accurate since they’re applying election parameters to a non-election poll. And despite your ignorance, Gallup remains the longest established pollsters in the industry.
Gallup predicted Hillary winning in 2016.
Delete your post. Gallup didn't conduct election polls in 2016 or make predictions.
Hence your no-link post.
Which means that Gallup is no longer a reliable or serious poll....

Plus he's also lying about Gallup not doing polls about the elections.
He didn’t say they don’t do elections. He said they didn’t do the 2016 election. What a pity your G-d given limitations prevent you from keeping up with your betters. :dunno:
in this thread we will analyze the reason behind Trump's slump.
Stagnant wages? Racism? Tariffs?
All of the above? Other? Thanks.
John Harwood on Twitter

I understand Trump's approval is stuck on 42%. This begs a question. What are 42% of Americans approving of?

We have the Omarosa fixation. Many view Omarosa as an unreliable opportunist, but Trump is obsessed. He is a well man.

CNN writes, "Now ask yourself this: Would you ever be as focused -- bordering on obsessed -- with someone who you didn't care about and who you genuinely believed was just saying all sorts of false things? Would you call that person all sorts of names -- including a number with quite clear racial under- (and over-) tones, if that person didn't matter? The answer of course is "no." The fact that Trump appears to be absolutely fixated on Omarosa -- and the book she wrote about her time in the White House -- speaks to the fact that Trump is concerned about what impact the allegations she makes about him might have."

Trump is confirming that much of what Omarosa is saying is true. Look at his Presidential statements, euphemistically called tweets.

"While I know it's 'not presidential' to take on a lowlife like Omarosa, and while I would rather not be doing so, this is a modern day form of communication and I know the Fake News Media will be working overtime to make even Wacky Omarosa look legitimate as possible."

"When Gen. Kelly came on board he told me she was a loser & nothing but problems. I told him to try working it out, if possible, because she only said GREAT things about me - until she got fired!" What an incredibly stupid statement to make.

"When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn't work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!"

That's our President speaking. Obviously, he has a mental problem.

Maybe one could get hired and fired by the same person (or company) twice in your life. Maybe. But four times? That speaks to something totally outside the ordinary, a compulsion of sorts.

What in the world are 42% of Americans approving of? I dearly would like to know.
in this thread we will analyze the reason behind Trump's slump.
Stagnant wages? Racism? Tariffs?
All of the above? Other? Thanks.
John Harwood on Twitter

I understand Trump's approval is stuck on 42%. This begs a question. What are 42% of Americans approving of?

We have the Omarosa fixation. Many view Omarosa as an unreliable opportunist, but Trump is obsessed. He is a well man.

CNN writes, "Now ask yourself this: Would you ever be as focused -- bordering on obsessed -- with someone who you didn't care about and who you genuinely believed was just saying all sorts of false things? Would you call that person all sorts of names -- including a number with quite clear racial under- (and over-) tones, if that person didn't matter? The answer of course is "no." The fact that Trump appears to be absolutely fixated on Omarosa -- and the book she wrote about her time in the White House -- speaks to the fact that Trump is concerned about what impact the allegations she makes about him might have."

Trump is confirming that much of what Omarosa is saying is true. Look at his Presidential statements, euphemistically called tweets.

"While I know it's 'not presidential' to take on a lowlife like Omarosa, and while I would rather not be doing so, this is a modern day form of communication and I know the Fake News Media will be working overtime to make even Wacky Omarosa look legitimate as possible."

"When Gen. Kelly came on board he told me she was a loser & nothing but problems. I told him to try working it out, if possible, because she only said GREAT things about me - until she got fired!" What an incredibly stupid statement to make.

"When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn't work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!"

That's our President speaking. Obviously, he has a mental problem.

Maybe one could get hired and fired by the same person (or company) twice in your life. Maybe. But four times? That speaks to something totally outside the ordinary, a compulsion of sorts.

What in the world are 42% of Americans approving of? I dearly would like to know.

Part of the reason for Trump's unlikely approval number is the support he gets from the rural south. Also, he does well in other rural areas of the U.S. with a low population. Rural areas tend to be less informed than suburban and urban areas. Also, while most educated people are turned off by Trump's obsession with Omarosa, it is entirely possible that many in the rural South applaud Trump for his tweets. See map. Green shows approval. Red shows disapproval.

Gallup predicted Hillary winning in 2016.

Gallup predicted Hillary would win the popular vote in 2016, they were right

Zero credible evidence for that; your fake hack media shot its credibility all to shit the second Trump entered the GOP primaries.All they provide you with is your fake news memes of the day, so you vermin can spam message boards with rubbish,
Speaking of fake news...

Post a link to Gallup’s poll predicting Hillary would win the 2016 election...

Post a link to proof I need to give a shit what you want me to do.
No skin off my back if you can’t prove the bullshit you post. :beer:

The far left and their irony impaired comments!
in this thread we will analyze the reason behind Trump's slump.
Stagnant wages? Racism? Tariffs?
All of the above? Other? Thanks.
John Harwood on Twitter

I understand Trump's approval is stuck on 42%. This begs a question. What are 42% of Americans approving of?

We have the Omarosa fixation. Many view Omarosa as an unreliable opportunist, but Trump is obsessed. He is a well man.

CNN writes, "Now ask yourself this: Would you ever be as focused -- bordering on obsessed -- with someone who you didn't care about and who you genuinely believed was just saying all sorts of false things? Would you call that person all sorts of names -- including a number with quite clear racial under- (and over-) tones, if that person didn't matter? The answer of course is "no." The fact that Trump appears to be absolutely fixated on Omarosa -- and the book she wrote about her time in the White House -- speaks to the fact that Trump is concerned about what impact the allegations she makes about him might have."

Trump is confirming that much of what Omarosa is saying is true. Look at his Presidential statements, euphemistically called tweets.

"While I know it's 'not presidential' to take on a lowlife like Omarosa, and while I would rather not be doing so, this is a modern day form of communication and I know the Fake News Media will be working overtime to make even Wacky Omarosa look legitimate as possible."

"When Gen. Kelly came on board he told me she was a loser & nothing but problems. I told him to try working it out, if possible, because she only said GREAT things about me - until she got fired!" What an incredibly stupid statement to make.

"When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn't work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!"

That's our President speaking. Obviously, he has a mental problem.

Maybe one could get hired and fired by the same person (or company) twice in your life. Maybe. But four times? That speaks to something totally outside the ordinary, a compulsion of sorts.

What in the world are 42% of Americans approving of? I dearly would like to know.

Part of the reason for Trump's unlikely approval number is the support he gets from the rural south. Also, he does well in other rural areas of the U.S. with a low population. Rural areas tend to be less informed than suburban and urban areas. Also, while most educated people are turned off by Trump's obsession with Omarosa, it is entirely possible that many in the rural South applaud Trump for his tweets. See map. Green shows approval. Red shows disapproval.


No matter how you look at it, the majority of Americans, 60%, do not like Trump.
in this thread we will analyze the reason behind Trump's slump.
Stagnant wages? Racism? Tariffs?
All of the above? Other? Thanks.
John Harwood on Twitter

I understand Trump's approval is stuck on 42%. This begs a question. What are 42% of Americans approving of?

We have the Omarosa fixation. Many view Omarosa as an unreliable opportunist, but Trump is obsessed. He is a well man.

CNN writes, "Now ask yourself this: Would you ever be as focused -- bordering on obsessed -- with someone who you didn't care about and who you genuinely believed was just saying all sorts of false things? Would you call that person all sorts of names -- including a number with quite clear racial under- (and over-) tones, if that person didn't matter? The answer of course is "no." The fact that Trump appears to be absolutely fixated on Omarosa -- and the book she wrote about her time in the White House -- speaks to the fact that Trump is concerned about what impact the allegations she makes about him might have."

Trump is confirming that much of what Omarosa is saying is true. Look at his Presidential statements, euphemistically called tweets.

"While I know it's 'not presidential' to take on a lowlife like Omarosa, and while I would rather not be doing so, this is a modern day form of communication and I know the Fake News Media will be working overtime to make even Wacky Omarosa look legitimate as possible."

"When Gen. Kelly came on board he told me she was a loser & nothing but problems. I told him to try working it out, if possible, because she only said GREAT things about me - until she got fired!" What an incredibly stupid statement to make.

"When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn't work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!"

That's our President speaking. Obviously, he has a mental problem.

Maybe one could get hired and fired by the same person (or company) twice in your life. Maybe. But four times? That speaks to something totally outside the ordinary, a compulsion of sorts.

What in the world are 42% of Americans approving of? I dearly would like to know.

Part of the reason for Trump's unlikely approval number is the support he gets from the rural south. Also, he does well in other rural areas of the U.S. with a low population. Rural areas tend to be less informed than suburban and urban areas. Also, while most educated people are turned off by Trump's obsession with Omarosa, it is entirely possible that many in the rural South applaud Trump for his tweets. See map. Green shows approval. Red shows disapproval.


No matter how you look at it, the majority of Americans, 60%, do not like Trump.

You mean 60% of those polled..

Polls have proven to be wrong when it comes to Trump..

But I have never allowed polls to influence me one way or the other.

I remember the 1980 election of Reagan and the far left going after the media for announcing Reagan as the winner before all the votes were counted, they claimed the media announcing so early affect the election. It is nothing new for the far left to blame others because they have horrid candidates..

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