Trump Ban Should Be Muslim Ban (All Muslims - From Anywhere)

"How many" people pulled off 9/11 ? Fort Hood ? LAX ? San Bernardino ? Boston Marathin ? Pulse Club ? Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
"How many" people pulled off 9/11 ? Fort Hood ? LAX ? San Bernardino ? Boston Marathin ? Pulse Club ? Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
how many people pull off inner city crime EVERY day?

how do you get by each day without assistance...i gotta wonder

You are not an authority, you don't understand the Constitution, you use such strange terms and definitions that boggles the rationale of reasonable persons. Your inability to see other points of view makes you a great candidate for Islam.

I already had this fool on ignore so I won't miss it much - my track record on ignoring idiots who will get banned is pretty good, I should say as my signature shows - but I wonder if this imbecile was banned for an especially strong dose of stupidity.

He attacks the OP for being as hate-filled/closed-minded as a muslim, by claiming they are as horrible as the same people he claims should be allowed into the country. I am becoming convinced being a liberal truly is a mental disorder.
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"How many" people pulled off 9/11 ? Fort Hood ? LAX ? San Bernardino ? Boston Marathin ? Pulse Club ? Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
how many people pull off inner city crime EVERY day?

how do you get by each day without assistance...i gotta wonder


Well, at least you weren't nasty!!:clap2:
"How many" people pulled off 9/11 ? Fort Hood ? LAX ? San Bernardino ? Boston Marathin ? Pulse Club ? Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
how many people pull off inner city crime EVERY day?

how do you get by each day without assistance...i gotta wonder


Well, at least you weren't nasty!!:clap2:
are you a snowflake

dont gimme that
The voices in your head are not the TRUTH- they are just the voices of your bigotry.

A goal of not allowing those practicing a death cult into the country is not "bigotry," no matter how hard low IQ far leftists like you claim.

It is interesting how you liberals will whip out the labels/insults to attack those like the OP you disagree with, and make zero effort to address the factual points in their post. I see it as because you know the OP is correct, and you are unable to defend against his claims.
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"How many" people pulled off 9/11 ? Fort Hood ? LAX ? San Bernardino ? Boston Marathin ? Pulse Club ? Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
how many people pull off inner city crime EVERY day?

how do you get by each day without assistance...i gotta wonder


Well, at least you weren't nasty!!:clap2:
are you a snowflake

dont gimme that

Simmer down internet tuff guy.. simmer down.

The voices in your head are not the TRUTH- they are just the voices of your bigotry.

A goal of now allowing those practicing a death cult is not "bigotry," no matter how hard low IQ far leftists like you claim.

It is interesting how you liberals will whip out the labels/insults to attack those like the OP you disagree with, and make zero effort to address the factual points in their post. I see it as because you know the OP is correct, and you are unable to defend against his claims.

"Bigot" and "racist" just means they ran out of gas.
You have said all sorts of shit designed to make Americans fear, and to deny Americans their constitutional rights. You are a scared little fear monger.

You're a child incapable of communicating like an adult, who instead of juvenile labels would actually address the points he made, and the horrific history of muslims, who have shown an inability to assimilate or integrate with other communities.
That's right. The Trump ban should be a ban on ALL Muslims from anywhere in the world. Has American gone insane ? These are people whose ideology (masquerading as a religion) clearly advocates the killing of all of us who are not Muslim. And this is something that Muslims (based on their Koran commands of genocide) have killed 270 million people around the world, for 1400 years now.

I'd say this is not exactly something that doesn't have a track record. And unlike the Germans in World War II who had not attacked us on our soil, before who we went to war against them, and carpet bombed their cities, jihadist Muslim nutjobs have been killing us since the 1993 World Trade Center attack.

Why do Americans (liberals that is) so eagerly welcome people who live according to a doctrine (the Koran) that commands our death and destruction ?.....and also advocates scores of things that are immoral and illegal under US law ?

I've always thought that liberals were a bit unhinged, but the resistance to the Trump policy is sheer madness.
I'll direct your attention to the first amendment

I know. The constitution is anathema to rightwingnut white Christian supremacist mysoginists.
how many people pull off inner city crime EVERY day?

how do you get by each day without assistance...i gotta wonder

NO, it is NOT a fact. If you had said that to any of 3000 9/11 victims the day before the 9'11 attacks, would you have been right ? How about the day before Pearl Harbor ? Or the Pulse Club.

Actually, none of us knows what the "chances" are, because if ISIS enacts the "American Hiroshima" that al Qaeda has been contemplating for some years now, a whole NEW set of probabilities will have come about. The scenario isn't how many people killed in terrorism vs car accidents, it is the LEVEL OF DANGER of jihad attack in a NUCLEAR and EMP age, the stakes (tens off millions killed in one hour), and if one is too stupid to figure that out, they shouldn't be posting in a computer forum.

As for how I get by without assistance, I am NOT without assistance. Here is my assistance >>

Because it is completely constitutional.. and spare me the "Muslim ban" shit. It affects a tiny proportion of Muslims.

How many idiots do I need to correct about this lie?

What the World Thinks in 2002

“Sizable percentages of Muslims in many countries with significant Muslim populations also believe that suicide bombings can be justified in order to defend Islam from its enemies. While majorities see suicide bombing as justified in only two nations polled, more than a quarter of Muslims in another nine nations subscribe to this view.”

Where Terrorism Finds Support in the Muslim World

“For instance, 82% of Jordanian Muslims who think suicide bombing in Iraq against Westerners is justifiable also have a lot or some confidence in bin Laden.”


80+ percent is NOT a "tiny" proportion, dimwit.
That's right. The Trump ban should be a ban on ALL Muslims from anywhere in the world. Has American gone insane ? These are people whose ideology (masquerading as a religion) clearly advocates the killing of all of us who are not Muslim. And this is something that Muslims (based on their Koran commands of genocide) have killed 270 million people around the world, for 1400 years now.

I'd say this is not exactly something that doesn't have a track record. And unlike the Germans in World War II who had not attacked us on our soil, before who we went to war against them, and carpet bombed their cities, jihadist Muslim nutjobs have been killing us since the 1993 World Trade Center attack.

Why do Americans (liberals that is) so eagerly welcome people who live according to a doctrine (the Koran) that commands our death and destruction ?.....and also advocates scores of things that are immoral and illegal under US law ?

I've always thought that liberals were a bit unhinged, but the resistance to the Trump policy is sheer madness.
I'll direct your attention to the first amendment

I know. The constitution is anathema to rightwingnut white Christian supremacist mysoginists.
Islam is the supremacism. The largest one in the world. And it is that supremacism that is why Islam is illegal in the US, and has been for 225 years. Article 6, Section 2, Part 1, AKA the Supremacy Clause) Try reading it.

As for the 1st amendment, it has nothing to do with this. Islam is not a religion.
how many people pull off inner city crime EVERY day?

how do you get by each day without assistance...i gotta wonder

NO, it is NOT a fact. If you had said that to any of 3000 9/11 victims the day before the 9'11 attacks, would you have been right ? How about the day before Pearl Harbor ? Or the Pulse Club.

Actually, none of us knows what the "chances" are, because if ISIS enacts the "American Hiroshima" that al Qaeda has been contemplating for some years now, a whole NEW set of probabilities will have come about. The scenario isn't how many people killed in terrorism vs car accidents, it is the LEVEL OF DANGER of jihad attack in a NUCLEAR and EMP age, the stakes (tens off millions killed in one hour), and if one is too stupid to figure that out, they shouldn't be posting in a computer forum.

As for how I get by without assistance, I am NOT without assistance. Here is my assistance >>

View attachment 111582
yeah you dont know how probabilities work

ask a guy the night before he gets struck by lightning what the odds are, and shit still happens it doesnt mean be a coward assed turtling drama queen, the data is the data weird ass.
yeah you dont know how probabilities work

ask a guy the night before he gets struck by lightning what the odds are, and shit still happens it doesnt mean be a coward assed turtling drama queen, the data is the data weird ass.

Typical liberal. Mindlessly thinks we are all hypnotized by "data" just like him. Hey libby. Ever try common sense. ?

Or seeing is believing ? You got any data on this ? >> Can you prove that fish can swim ?

All us conservatives know how YOUR probabilities work. You go judge shopping, find exactly the judge you want, and then file court action, and then the probability is you get what you want.

Or you go find some liberal professor, libby university, think tank, or association, and get them to say what you want to be said. Ho hum. What else is new ?
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Because it is completely constitutional.. and spare me the "Muslim ban" shit. It affects a tiny proportion of Muslims.

How many idiots do I need to correct about this lie?

What the World Thinks in 2002

“Sizable percentages of Muslims in many countries with significant Muslim populations also believe that suicide bombings can be justified in order to defend Islam from its enemies. While majorities see suicide bombing as justified in only two nations polled, more than a quarter of Muslims in another nine nations subscribe to this view.”

Where Terrorism Finds Support in the Muslim World

“For instance, 82% of Jordanian Muslims who think suicide bombing in Iraq against Westerners is justifiable also have a lot or some confidence in bin Laden.”


80+ percent is NOT a "tiny" proportion, dimwit.

You misinterpreted my post... I meant it isn't a Muslim ban because the ban only affects a tiny portion of Muslims. That's all I was saying.
That's right. The Trump ban should be a ban on ALL Muslims from anywhere in the world. Has American gone insane ? These are people whose ideology (masquerading as a religion) clearly advocates the killing of all of us who are not Muslim. And this is something that Muslims (based on their Koran commands of genocide) have killed 270 million people around the world, for 1400 years now.

I'd say this is not exactly something that doesn't have a track record. And unlike the Germans in World War II who had not attacked us on our soil, before who we went to war against them, and carpet bombed their cities, jihadist Muslim nutjobs have been killing us since the 1993 World Trade Center attack.

Why do Americans (liberals that is) so eagerly welcome people who live according to a doctrine (the Koran) that commands our death and destruction ?.....and also advocates scores of things that are immoral and illegal under US law ?

I've always thought that liberals were a bit unhinged, but the resistance to the Trump policy is sheer madness.
I'll direct your attention to the first amendment

I know. The constitution is anathema to rightwingnut white Christian supremacist mysoginists.
Islam is the supremacism. The largest one in the world. And it is that supremacism that is why Islam is illegal in the US, and has been for 225 years. Article 6, Section 2, Part 1, AKA the Supremacy Clause) Try reading it.

As for the 1st amendment, it has nothing to do with this. Islam is not a religion.
Islam should be declared a political ideology and then banned from our country....
Islam should be declared a political ideology and then banned from our country....
Of course. Actually it is ALREADY banned (Constitution - Article 6, Section 2, Part 1, AKA the Supremacy Clause) It just hasn't been enforced (like immigration et al things)

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