Trump Bandies About Anti-Semitic Tropes In Interview With Israeli Reporter


DEC. 17, 2021
Trump Claims Israel Controlled Congress, Jews Run New York Times The most anti-Semitic president in history.
Everything we say can be construed as hate by anyone with the soapbox to accuse. Trump by his actions is a friend of the Jewish people. Progs were not. There is a difference of being a bit uncooth than being a racist. Trump like to rub it in a bit.
Jews have been getting beaten horribly in the streets recently, but it isnt at the hands of Nazis or Trump supporters. Jews having nothing to fear from Nazis in 2021, but they sure as fuck better watch their back in democrat cities.

DEC. 17, 2021
Trump Claims Israel Controlled Congress, Jews Run New York Times The most anti-Semitic president in history.
Everything we say can be construed as hate by anyone with the soapbox to accuse. Trump by his actions is a friend of the Jewish people. Progs were not. There is a difference of being a bit uncooth than being a racist. Trump like to rub it in a bit.

Trump by his actions is a friend of no one but himself. Trump uses those that he thinks can help him but he cares for no one.

Look at how quickly he turned on Netanyahu simply because Bebe had the audacity to congratulate Joe Biden on his election as President of the United States. Or on any of his former staffers who have dared uttered even a word of criticism of him.
it's your idiot ass that needs a loincloth---suradie


Long before Donald Trump ever became a credible presidential candidate, let alone the commander in chief, the former reality TV star was guided by one animating principle: “If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard.”

Trump’s desire for revenge played out in public on Thursday when, in an effort to spook conservative members of his own party, the President lumped the Freedom Caucus – a collection of conservative Republican lawmakers – with Democrats and pledged to “fight them” in 2018.

Trump and his White House feel betrayed by the conservative Republicans. Many backed Trump early in the 2016 campaign and stood by him during some of the toughest trials of the campaign. But when it came to passing his first legislative goal – health care reform – the conservatives revolted en masse and killed the bill.

Trump’s top emissaries also made this case directly to lawmakers. Rep. Mark Sanford, a South Carolina Republican, told Charleston’s Post and Courier Thursday that White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney, a former Palmetto State congressman, told him: “The President asked me to look you square in the eyes and to say that he hoped that you voted ‘no’ on this bill so he could run (a Republican primary challenger) against you in 2018.”


Long before Donald Trump ever became a credible presidential candidate, let alone the commander in chief, the former reality TV star was guided by one animating principle: “If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard.”

Trump’s desire for revenge played out in public on Thursday when, in an effort to spook conservative members of his own party, the President lumped the Freedom Caucus – a collection of conservative Republican lawmakers – with Democrats and pledged to “fight them” in 2018.

Trump and his White House feel betrayed by the conservative Republicans. Many backed Trump early in the 2016 campaign and stood by him during some of the toughest trials of the campaign. But when it came to passing his first legislative goal – health care reform – the conservatives revolted en masse and killed the bill.

Trump’s top emissaries also made this case directly to lawmakers. Rep. Mark Sanford, a South Carolina Republican, told Charleston’s Post and Courier Thursday that White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney, a former Palmetto State congressman, told him: “The President asked me to look you square in the eyes and to say that he hoped that you voted ‘no’ on this bill so he could run (a Republican primary challenger) against you in 2018.”
Not impressed

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