Trump Bans Communist Party Members from Immigrating to America


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Well, it's a start.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced that any “intending immigrant who is a member or affiliate of the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible to the United States.”

INADMISSIBLE: Trump Bans Chinese Communist Party Members from Immigrating to America
I think it's time to start purging commies.....starting with the commies in the Democrat Party.
Weren't Melania's parent's registered communists and her father an official in the communist party?
Trumps latest wife was raised a Communist

Weren't Melania's parent's registered communists and her father an official in the communist party?
Where was that at again? Their choices were not that many. You guys are are doing it on purpose.
Well, it's a start.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced that any “intending immigrant who is a member or affiliate of the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible to the United States.”

INADMISSIBLE: Trump Bans Chinese Communist Party Members from Immigrating to America
I think it's time to start purging commies.....starting with the commies in the Democrat Party.
Shut up, this is why Trump is such a bad president. He just does things and you can tell there has been no real policy discussion on the matter. Pretty sure Communist party members already had a tough time getting citizenship or even a visa and at least were subject to a more rigorous background check. Was there ever a problem with too many getting in and then doing something bad? Probably not. Just another republican solution to a problem that never existed.
The first step in solving a problem is to recognize the problem. Thank you Mr. Trump. The second step, in this case, is to identify and expose the people who support communism. Those people are the worst of the Democrat party. Don't be surprised when they change the subject. They're only trying to divert your attention away from their un American communist beliefs. Viva Trump
Trumps latest wife was raised a Communist

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Not ironically, those coming from Communist counties to the US are typically anti-Democrat because they can see the writing on the wall with their policies. The only Communist who liked Communism are those that are in the ruling class.
During the cold war it was our policy to give preferential immigration status to anyone fleeing communism. It was always an awesome intelligence coup when some high profile communist bigwig defected. Not sure why that's a bad thing now.
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So the new rule will make it harder for members of the Communist Party to get in while ignoring they are already here and have influence in one Political Party that is the Democrats through Political Figures like Cortez and Tlaib from the DSA segment of the party to Sanders who was known to support Communistic Views...

So will Trump issue another order to disband the Democrat Party because of Political Leaders like Sanders, Cortez and Tlaib?

Oh, before anyone think I am in support of this banning please note the banning will do nothing to stop China or Communist’s around the World and is pointless in my mind...
What if someone wants to defect? Is that historically valuable source of foreign intelligence closed off now? The article is less than forthcoming on details.

Someone defecting would likely be willing to denounce communism.

Do you support NOT importing people that support one of the most oppressive and genocidal ideologies that the world has ever seen?

Or do you oppose it?

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