Trump Begins Throttling California

Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.


I live north of you in Washington. I've lived down in California in the past and go back down there often. Was in Tahoe in October.

My state and yours supplies a lot of food and technology to this nation. We pay billions in taxes to DC yet we get a fraction of it back while states like Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama and other red states receive more than twice what they contribute to DC.

Blues states like yours and mine literally feed and support those people in red states.
Cons refuse to admit that we feed them food, give them technology and innovation, entertainment and even our hard earned money.
Thousands of threads bashing calofornia in this forum from ungrateful bastards.
I wish California would just burn to ash already.

Fuck you all.
Jealousy lol. Biggest economy most populous, most visited, most innovative, gives more to the US than it takes....without you'll look like a third world country :).
Imagine that! Living next door to the USA, hearing daily that it is the greatest country on earth. Watching American TV, and American news. In fact enduring a cultural indoctrination so thorough growing up with American media, that the Canadian government has now legislated against the level of American media content I grew up with, so how could I possible know ANYTHING about American government and how it functions.

Oh, and Canadians were also taught about the Canadian governement and the US government and how they are different and how they both function, when we were in school. I also worked in international law for close to 30 years, which required me to be familiar with US government agencies.

Not every nation's citizens are like Americans, growing up ignorant of other nations and how they function. Americans are the most narcistic people on earth. Canadians long ago learned how the gorilla next door behaves because our economic life has been tied to yours for so long. Every time your economy sneezed, our economy gets a cold, except in 2008, it didn't happen, and it didn't happen because we refused to deregulate the banks.

Canada has developed its own economy, independent of yours, that we survived the Great Recession with just a glancing blow. Your's isn't circling the drain, yet, but the handing of the next recession is critical, especially the weakening of the economic underpinnings created by the Trump tax cuts, and the ballooning of the deficit.

Inside every Canadian is an American trying to get out.
Oh Canada!
Where they prosecute you for saying Islam has been hijacked by people wishing to do evil in the world.

No they don't do anything of the kind. But if you start saying that all of Islam is evil and start a campaign to deport all Muslims, THAT will get you prosecuted. Hate is illegal. Having an opinion is not. You may not be smart enough to see the difference, but that's your problem.
You obviously don’t even know what’s going on inside your own country.

Free speech, eh? Why is Canada prosecuting Mark Steyn? | CBC News

First off, he's not being "prosecuted". Nobody arrested him, and he's not on trial. Secondly, if the book is deemed to be hate speech, it will not be sold in Canada. Oh the Horror!

There's no free speech in the USA either. The difference is you can be arrested for hate speech in Canada.

"Steyn, at the moment, is effectively being tried, by a quasi-judicial panel in Vancouver, for insulting Islam.

Normally, that's the sort of proceeding you'd expect to hear about in Saudi Arabia or Iran, not the West. But the British Columbia Human Rights Commission, in the cause of protecting minorities, asserts its right to judge and even restrict speech."

So I guess it depends on your definition of "prosecuted".

"There's no free speech in the USA either. The difference is, it's freer than Canada." I hate to break it to you, Ms. I Must Comment On Other Countries I Don't Understand, but "can't be arrested" actually is the definition of "free speech". The question is, why are Canadians such a bunch of crying wusses that they have to arrest people for words?
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.


I live north of you in Washington. I've lived down in California in the past and go back down there often. Was in Tahoe in October.

My state and yours supplies a lot of food and technology to this nation. We pay billions in taxes to DC yet we get a fraction of it back while states like Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama and other red states receive more than twice what they contribute to DC.

Blues states like yours and mine literally feed and support those people in red states.
yet, the right wing whines about the Poor not paying enough in Income taxes.
Since I joined this site. These lousy California basher keep saying over and over. They never stop.
1. Businesses are abandoning Ca or people are leaving Ca.
So far Ca economy is booming with never ending growth. Better or far better than any other states.
So far people are coming to Ca to live here. And visits.
If you compare hardships and federal dependency with other states. California is not even the closest to the worst. By far.

2. Then they stupidly pick areas that has unemployment area.
California is a very big states with the largest population.

MAIN REASON: Some of the poor areas are far from cities or areas that are booming. So technically they rather babysit or depends on welfare than going to work. That’s a fact and reality in life.
That doesn’t mean California is bad.

Overall unemployment is around 4.2%.

Alrighty then, how about you do some research? Here, let me help you get started, no point in you begin ignorant forever.

3 Simple Charts That Help Explain Why 9,000 Businesses Have Left California In Just 7 Years

Another Big Company Departs California — Will Last One To Leave Shut The Lights? | Investor's Business Daily

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Did you read my my post or you just stared at it?

I’ve heard that many many time from California bashers like you.

Let me help you out. Even if I will double the numbers those numbers from your link.

Did California blink because of companies and people moving out?
Did California sink because of companies and people moving out?
Did California suffer?

Please answer my question.

California’s economy is booming better than any states. We even have a surplus.

Gee, and we have liabilities....dumbass.

California's $400 billion debt worries analysts

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center

California’s ‘wall of debt’ is only a slice of its liability problem – The Mercury News
raising our minimum wage will raise more tax money.
Do they rake forests in your neck of the world, billy?

That's actually quite common. Or at least it used to be before the democrats all turned into morons. They thin out a lot of the small stuff and drag it into burn piles. Maybe sell some of it for pulp or posts and poles. Then burn off what's left in the winter when there's snowcover. That's how you get rid of the branches that are left over after a timber sale. Forest is a lot healthier afterwards. Stops bark beetle infestation. Democrats want forests to become overgrown brush thickets that are sick and half dead from insects so they can have million acre catastrophic fires they can whine about.

Don't know where the forests you describe exist.

I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. Before reagan allowed private companies to log our mountains so much that they literally left totally bare mountains for as far as the eye can see. Nothing left alive. The only time anyone pulled downed brush out in piles is when the logging companies have taken what they wanted and left without cleaning their mess and replanting.

For your information, the government allows people to go into the forest to harvest a certain amount of downed trees. My family built a 3 bedroom log house from a man who has a permit to go into the forest to harvest a certain amount of downed trees. That house was built in the 90s. That has been going on for decades. You have to put the big red permit on the front dashboard of the lead vehicle of your business. And they are only allowed to take a certain amount.

The reason that all isn't allowed to be taken is because if you take too much you will kill the forest. The downed tress and foliage create the forest floor. Where the trees get their food and nutrients. It also provides homes and food for other life in the forest. Like flying squirrels. They eat the acorns and pinecones on the forest floor and their feces fertilize the forest floor. Which keeps the trees healthy.

One of the biggest reasons for the trees being so easily burned is that logging. The second growth is much more susceptible to being burned than old growth because old growth has much older and thicker bark. Second growth has not had the time to create that thick bark to be more resistant to fires. Second growth also allows for the forest floor to become much more dry than an old growth forest. The old growth has formed a canopy over the forest floor which shields the snow from the sun and evaporation. A clear cut and second growth allows the snow and rain to evaporate into the air. So it doesn't get a chance to soak into the ground to keep it moist in the dry season. Nor can the snow naturally melt off to fill streams, rivers and lakes for humans to use. Most importantly for farmers to use to grow the food we eat.

The main reason for the fires all over the west is global climate change. We aren't getting the rain and snow we should have to keep our forest more resistant to fires in the summers.

Maybe you should get out more.

Maybe you should be honest.

Better yet add to that honesty some actual real information on what you're talking about. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. What you posted never happened in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Nor do I know of it happening in any forest.

There are a lot more forests in this country than the Pacific Northwest, dipshit.

And they're all managed pretty much the same.

None of them are treated the way you posted. You haven't even answered my question of where those forests are.,

I grew up in an area with rain forest that is the only one of it's kind in the world. I have friends who are environmental scientists who have taught me a lot about our forests and the eco system they create and need to survive. That's on top of what I had learned in school.

I've been to forests all over the west and New England. The Rocky Mountains too. I know what forests are and how the eco system works.

I know that the only time anyone clears the forest the way you described is when the area has been logged or there has been a wildfire. That's it. In fact I have thousands of photos of it all dating back to the 1980s.

I have worked with environmental groups since the 80s to save our forests. My photos of forests have been used in court cases to save the trees from being logged and destroyed. I've been doing that since the 80s and have helped to save thousands of acres of forest.

What have you done to preserve our forests?
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.


I live north of you in Washington. I've lived down in California in the past and go back down there often. Was in Tahoe in October.

My state and yours supplies a lot of food and technology to this nation. We pay billions in taxes to DC yet we get a fraction of it back while states like Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama and other red states receive more than twice what they contribute to DC.

Blues states like yours and mine literally feed and support those people in red states.
Cons refuse to admit that we feed them food, give them technology and innovation, entertainment and even our hard earned money.
Thousands of threads bashing calofornia in this forum from ungrateful bastards.

Both of our states do that. it seems that our blue states are much more productive and contribute more to our nation.

Yet all they do is bash liberals and our states.

It's really sad.
I know that the only time anyone clears the forest the way you described is when the area has been logged or there has been a wildfire.

You finally figured it out, dummy. When you ban logging you turn the forest into an overgrown and very unhealthy weed patch that will eventually produce a catastrophic fire. I've been to a few forests too.
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.


I live north of you in Washington. I've lived down in California in the past and go back down there often. Was in Tahoe in October.

My state and yours supplies a lot of food and technology to this nation. We pay billions in taxes to DC yet we get a fraction of it back while states like Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama and other red states receive more than twice what they contribute to DC.

Blues states like yours and mine literally feed and support those people in red states.
Cons refuse to admit that we feed them food, give them technology and innovation, entertainment and even our hard earned money.
Thousands of threads bashing calofornia in this forum from ungrateful bastards.

Both of our states do that. it seems that our blue states are much more productive and contribute more to our nation.

Yet all they do is bash liberals and our states.

It's really sad.
Blue states create pollution, poverty, traffic jams, crime, drug trafficking, and debt.
Red states produce food, a higher standard of living, an affordable cost of living, and a lower tax burden.
if it was what i claim?....i said the place is to crowded,am i right or wrong?...
Yes...but you also said industries are leaving....yes some are, aand more are popping....this place is buzzing, the GDP of California outperformed the US one. Even the unemployment rate is better than the US average and way better than most red states.
no i said they CAN leave and it will still be crowded...and yea the unemployment rate is great in the wealthy coastal counties....however 27 other counties are not jumping for joy....
You mean the red counties ?
And do you have to stick to your false claims ? All I see is a boom economy for the last 8 years and people still moving in by the thousands.
are those so called red counties part of the state or not?....and my false claims? many times i have posted that unemployment chart from the state of California?....yet you just ignore it...why?....27 counties are higher than the state avg....half of them are twice the state avg...
I didnt see the stats, but I'm ready to check them out with you and see which counties have high unemployment rates, red or blue and lets compare them to other red states :).
it doesnt matter if they are red or blue,what matters is they are a part of California and dont seem to be enjoying life like the wealthy are......they pay taxes too...
Yes...but you also said industries are leaving....yes some are, aand more are popping....this place is buzzing, the GDP of California outperformed the US one. Even the unemployment rate is better than the US average and way better than most red states.
no i said they CAN leave and it will still be crowded...and yea the unemployment rate is great in the wealthy coastal counties....however 27 other counties are not jumping for joy....
You mean the red counties ?
And do you have to stick to your false claims ? All I see is a boom economy for the last 8 years and people still moving in by the thousands.
are those so called red counties part of the state or not?....and my false claims? many times i have posted that unemployment chart from the state of California?....yet you just ignore it...why?....27 counties are higher than the state avg....half of them are twice the state avg...
I didnt see the stats, but I'm ready to check them out with you and see which counties have high unemployment rates, red or blue and lets compare them to other red states :).
it doesnt matter if they are red or blue,what matters is they are a part of California and dont seem to be enjoying life like the wealthy are......they pay taxes too...

If leftists can blow off the vast majority of states because they're "flyover country red states", how hard is it for them to blow off mere counties?
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.


I live north of you in Washington. I've lived down in California in the past and go back down there often. Was in Tahoe in October.

My state and yours supplies a lot of food and technology to this nation. We pay billions in taxes to DC yet we get a fraction of it back while states like Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama and other red states receive more than twice what they contribute to DC.

Blues states like yours and mine literally feed and support those people in red states.
Cons refuse to admit that we feed them food, give them technology and innovation, entertainment and even our hard earned money.
Thousands of threads bashing calofornia in this forum from ungrateful bastards.
not everyone bashes the state when they talk about it ....some bring up things that are really happening,you just dont like it when the negative stuff about the state is brought up...just because the States economy is doing good does not mean everyone is doing good or is happy with the way things are...
Since I joined this site. These lousy California basher keep saying over and over. They never stop.
1. Businesses are abandoning Ca or people are leaving Ca.
So far Ca economy is booming with never ending growth. Better or far better than any other states.
So far people are coming to Ca to live here. And visits.
If you compare hardships and federal dependency with other states. California is not even the closest to the worst. By far.

2. Then they stupidly pick areas that has unemployment area.
California is a very big states with the largest population.

MAIN REASON: Some of the poor areas are far from cities or areas that are booming. So technically they rather babysit or depends on welfare than going to work. That’s a fact and reality in life.
That doesn’t mean California is bad.

Overall unemployment is around 4.2%.

Hmm. Do you think it's possible that people aren't just "California bashing" and actually have good reason to say what they're saying?

Another Big Company Departs California — Will Last One To Leave Shut The Lights? | Investor's Business Daily

"According to a report by business relocation expert Joseph Vranich, from 2008 through 2015, at least 1,687 California companies pulled up stakes and moved elsewhere. And those are only the reported ones, Vranich says.

He cites a rule of thumb among business site-selection experts that five companies leave for each one that actually gets reported in the press. So it's probable that as many as 10,000 companies have left in recent years."

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

"“The rate at which California has been losing people to other states has accelerated in the past couple of years, in part because of rising housing costs,” said Jed Kolko, chief economist with employment website

He said the latest Census Bureau data, from July 2016 to July 2017, show “more people moved out of California to other states than moved in from other states. In other words, California lost people due to domestic migration.”

During that 12-month period, California saw a net loss of just over 138,000 people, while Texas had a net increase of more than 79,000 people. Arizona gained more than 63,000 residents, and Nevada gained more than 38,000."

"Internal Revenue Service data would appear to show that the middle-class and middle-age residents are the ones leaving, according to Joel Kotkin, a presidential fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University in Orange, California.

“We know the actual net migration out of California has been growing,” said Kotkin."

Did you read my post or you just stared at it?

I'll tell you what I tell every other puffed-up, arrogant leftist: Consider the possibility that I'm not disagreeing with you because I just "don't understand your brilliant post". It's entirely possible I read it, I understood you perfectly, and I STILL THINK YOU'RE A MORON.

I hope this helps.

Arrogant? I’m a very nice kind hearted person.

But it brings out the worst of me every time I see these never ending Ca basher. I just don’t understand why.

You don’t hear democrats bashing other states.
ever hear of the state called Texas?....
I agree. They get these fires every year and if they didn't give in to the tree huggers their people could clear out brush and dead trees.

They need to manage their forests a hell of a lot better than they have been.

They also have money for a bullet train to Vegas and they are a Sanctuary State with money for all the illegals they let stay. They can afford to fight their own fires using only their money.
Again...most of California's forests are FEDERALLY owned and managed.

And THOSE are primarily the areas that burned

You can't build houses in the "national" forests dummy. :itsok:
It STARTED in the NATIONAL FOREST you fucking dummy
The national forest which bordered a bunch of million dollar luxury homes.
The owners lobbied the state gov. NOT to clear the undergrowth b/c there was a chance that the 'ten toed polka dot salamander' might be affected.
Even Jerry Brown agreed the Cal. gov. had fucked up by not brush clearing.
Fucking wise up!

Please stop with the lies. Clearing the underbrush had NOTHING to do with the California wild fires. Governor Jerry Brown looked at Trump like he had grown two heads when he suggested it.

The President of Norway publically mocked and laughed at Donald Trump for this ridiculous suggestion.


Moss covered underbrush in coastal Redwood forest wilderness..

Nah, couldn't have anything to do with underbrush.
no i said they CAN leave and it will still be crowded...and yea the unemployment rate is great in the wealthy coastal counties....however 27 other counties are not jumping for joy....
You mean the red counties ?
And do you have to stick to your false claims ? All I see is a boom economy for the last 8 years and people still moving in by the thousands.
are those so called red counties part of the state or not?....and my false claims? many times i have posted that unemployment chart from the state of California?....yet you just ignore it...why?....27 counties are higher than the state avg....half of them are twice the state avg...
I didnt see the stats, but I'm ready to check them out with you and see which counties have high unemployment rates, red or blue and lets compare them to other red states :).
it doesnt matter if they are red or blue,what matters is they are a part of California and dont seem to be enjoying life like the wealthy are......they pay taxes too...

If leftists can blow off the vast majority of states because they're "flyover country red states", how hard is it for them to blow off mere counties?
i am finding out that 2 posters here seem to have no problem at all.....they are so gung ho about talking how great the state is they dont seem to see the not so great parts...if you bring that up you are "bashing the state..
Since I joined this site. These lousy California basher keep saying over and over. They never stop.
1. Businesses are abandoning Ca or people are leaving Ca.
So far Ca economy is booming with never ending growth. Better or far better than any other states.
So far people are coming to Ca to live here. And visits.
If you compare hardships and federal dependency with other states. California is not even the closest to the worst. By far.

2. Then they stupidly pick areas that has unemployment area.
California is a very big states with the largest population.

MAIN REASON: Some of the poor areas are far from cities or areas that are booming. So technically they rather babysit or depends on welfare than going to work. That’s a fact and reality in life.
That doesn’t mean California is bad.

Overall unemployment is around 4.2%.

Alrighty then, how about you do some research? Here, let me help you get started, no point in you begin ignorant forever.

3 Simple Charts That Help Explain Why 9,000 Businesses Have Left California In Just 7 Years

Another Big Company Departs California — Will Last One To Leave Shut The Lights? | Investor's Business Daily

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Did you read my my post or you just stared at it?

I’ve heard that many many time from California bashers like you.

Let me help you out. Even if I will double the numbers those numbers from your link.

Did California blink because of companies and people moving out?
Did California sink because of companies and people moving out?
Did California suffer?

Please answer my question.

California’s economy is booming better than any states. We even have a surplus.

Gee, and we have liabilities....dumbass.

California's $400 billion debt worries analysts

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center

California’s ‘wall of debt’ is only a slice of its liability problem – The Mercury News


Read my post #270.
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.


I live north of you in Washington. I've lived down in California in the past and go back down there often. Was in Tahoe in October.

My state and yours supplies a lot of food and technology to this nation. We pay billions in taxes to DC yet we get a fraction of it back while states like Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama and other red states receive more than twice what they contribute to DC.

Blues states like yours and mine literally feed and support those people in red states.
Cons refuse to admit that we feed them food, give them technology and innovation, entertainment and even our hard earned money.
Thousands of threads bashing calofornia in this forum from ungrateful bastards.
I wish California would just burn to ash already.

Fuck you all.

You are defective human being. Get some help.
Since I joined this site. These lousy California basher keep saying over and over. They never stop.
1. Businesses are abandoning Ca or people are leaving Ca.
So far Ca economy is booming with never ending growth. Better or far better than any other states.
So far people are coming to Ca to live here. And visits.
If you compare hardships and federal dependency with other states. California is not even the closest to the worst. By far.

2. Then they stupidly pick areas that has unemployment area.
California is a very big states with the largest population.

MAIN REASON: Some of the poor areas are far from cities or areas that are booming. So technically they rather babysit or depends on welfare than going to work. That’s a fact and reality in life.
That doesn’t mean California is bad.

Overall unemployment is around 4.2%.

Alrighty then, how about you do some research? Here, let me help you get started, no point in you begin ignorant forever.

3 Simple Charts That Help Explain Why 9,000 Businesses Have Left California In Just 7 Years

Another Big Company Departs California — Will Last One To Leave Shut The Lights? | Investor's Business Daily

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Did you read my my post or you just stared at it?

I’ve heard that many many time from California bashers like you.

Let me help you out. Even if I will double the numbers those numbers from your link.

Did California blink because of companies and people moving out?
Did California sink because of companies and people moving out?
Did California suffer?

Please answer my question.

California’s economy is booming better than any states. We even have a surplus.

Gee, and we have liabilities....dumbass.

California's $400 billion debt worries analysts

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center

California’s ‘wall of debt’ is only a slice of its liability problem – The Mercury News


Read my post #270.

To answer your question, I did just stare at your disbelief that someone could be that stupid.

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