Trump Begins Throttling California

Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.
California already does manage 94% of all the forest in the state. Some 70% of it federal forests. The drought over the years has made them very flammable. PG&E has caused the majority of the fires and is entering bankruptcy.

That's just another result of deregulation and privatization.

First of all it always causes everything to cost more. There has to be a profit and a very large one to make the owners and stockholders filthy rich.

Second they don't do what's right. That's not their job. They don't even do what's required by law half the time. They do what's most profitable.

The electrical system in California needs to be properly regulated or to be put back in the hands of the people. If it's regulated to put in proper equipment that's going to cause everyone to have to pay a lot more for electricity. The last place the owners are going to go is their own pockets and the corporation to pay for that proper equipment. There's no way those people are going to give up even one dime of the millions they get every year. They didn't bother to use that money to put in proper equipment. They just pocketed the money.

So if the people are going to have to pay for those upgrades the people should be the ones who own it.
Let the whole state burn to a crisp!
At least then the little S.A. girls and boys working in the SF bathhouses might have a chance to get away!

You're lucky that liberals don't say or even think of saying the same thing to red states in the south with hurricanes. We don't hate people just because they don't agree with our views nor do we even think about killing our fellow human beings nor wanting a whole state to be burned to a crisp. Sick people want and say things like that.

I wonder how all the people in those states would feel if we just said let the whole state drown!

You say those things because most of the people there don't have the same views and beliefs you have. That's all. None of the people there are harming you. None of them have more to do with you beyond supplying food and goods to you.

You don't even realize what you're saying do you? All you know is most people there don't agree with your views so you hate California.

People like you disgust me.
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.


I live north of you in Washington. I've lived down in California in the past and go back down there often. Was in Tahoe in October.

My state and yours supplies a lot of food and technology to this nation. We pay billions in taxes to DC yet we get a fraction of it back while states like Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama and other red states receive more than twice what they contribute to DC.

Blues states like yours and mine literally feed and support those people in red states.
Since I joined this site. These lousy California basher keep saying over and over. They never stop.
1. Businesses are abandoning Ca or people are leaving Ca.
So far Ca economy is booming with never ending growth. Better or far better than any other states.
So far people are coming to Ca to live here. And visits.
If you compare hardships and federal dependency with other states. California is not even the closest to the worst. By far.

2. Then they stupidly pick areas that has unemployment area.
California is a very big states with the largest population.

MAIN REASON: Some of the poor areas are far from cities or areas that are booming. So technically they rather babysit or depends on welfare than going to work. That’s a fact and reality in life.
That doesn’t mean California is bad.

Overall unemployment is around 4.2%.
Let the whole state burn to a crisp!
At least then the little S.A. girls and boys working in the SF bathhouses might have a chance to get away!

You're lucky that liberals don't say or even think of saying the same thing to red states in the south with hurricanes. We don't hate people just because they don't agree with our views nor do we even think about killing our fellow human beings nor wanting a whole state to be burned to a crisp. Sick people want and say things like that.

I wonder how all the people in those states would feel if we just said let the whole state drown!

You say those things because most of the people there don't have the same views and beliefs you have. That's all. None of the people there are harming you. None of them have more to do with you beyond supplying food and goods to you.

You don't even realize what you're saying do you? All you know is most people there don't agree with your views so you hate California.

People like you disgust me.

Or Liberals don’t say...... Millions of Americans should froze to death with sub zero -40 temperature on the east coast.

These bastards are really very disgusting. One of them is this jerk dannyboy. Most of these fuckers are Trump supporters.
Oh really?

The Camp Fire began Nov. 8 in National Forest Service land and, powered by 50 mph winds, dashed into Concow, Magalia and Paradise, where firefighters said it morphed into an urban firestorm — blitzing from home to home, with less dependence on fir and pine for tinder.

California's fire answers: Logging, brush clearance and growth controls
"Public officials from the state capitol in Sacramento to Washington, D.C., are pushing policies intended to reverse the old ways — reducing an over-abundance of trees and other fuel and placing tighter controls on human development in fire danger zones. The new rules will increase controlled burns, ramp up logging and brush clearance and further buffer new home development close to wildlands."
Read your own link asshole!

None of which will do jack shit towards preventing the kind of catastrophic fires that happened this year.
That's not what Jerry Brown said.
CAREFUL!!!! You might step on the ten toed salamander!
I hope the entire state of Cal. burns to ashes!

What is it with right wingers. Always wishing death and destruction on other Americans. It just seems so unAmerican, that attitude. No "One for all and all for one" with you clowns is there?
I’ll file that under ‘Republican Congressmen Shot or Assaulted by Democrats’

You mean the guy with the history of violent spousal assault that somehow managed to get a gun? That guy??
Do they rake forests in your neck of the world, billy?

That's actually quite common. Or at least it used to be before the democrats all turned into morons. They thin out a lot of the small stuff and drag it into burn piles. Maybe sell some of it for pulp or posts and poles. Then burn off what's left in the winter when there's snowcover. That's how you get rid of the branches that are left over after a timber sale. Forest is a lot healthier afterwards. Stops bark beetle infestation. Democrats want forests to become overgrown brush thickets that are sick and half dead from insects so they can have million acre catastrophic fires they can whine about.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic

"That, for example, is how Business Insider handled the story:

[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."


California gets BACK LESS than what it sends to washington.

Turns out conservatives are the REAL socialists!

they want YOUR MONEY!
The Atlantic? Too funny.

But let’s run with it. Why is Pelosi screwing her voters?

How is Pelosi screwing her voters? She's not the President, and until three weeks ago, she wasn't even the Speaker of the House.
How can we ever conquer global warming while even a single American keeps heating their homes, afraid of their own death from -40 indoor temperatures Selfish bastards. Thinking only instead of their own good rather than that of the herd!

/demostupid font off
The C-Free Diet
If we didn’t have California, what would we eat?

What Would We Eat if It Weren’t for California?

Expensive and grainy. California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on). Some of this is due to climate and soil. No other state, or even a combination of states, can match California’s output per acre. Lemon yields in California, for example, are more than 50 percent higher than in Arizona. California spinach yield per acre is 60 percent higher than the national average. Without California, supply of all these products in the United States and abroad would dip, and in the first few years, a few might be nearly impossible to find. Orchard-based products in particular, such as nuts and some fruits, would take many years to spring back.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic

"That, for example, is how Business Insider handled the story:

[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."


California gets BACK LESS than what it sends to washington.

Turns out conservatives are the REAL socialists!

they want YOUR MONEY!
The Atlantic? Too funny.

But let’s run with it. Why is Pelosi screwing her voters?

How is Pelosi screwing her voters? She's not the President, and until three weeks ago, she wasn't even the Speaker of the House.
As your comrade says, California does not get in return what it gives out.

You see, in America Senators primary duty is to look out for their voters.
Notwithstanding the moron can't spell "forest" correctly, Trump once again shows he considers people disposable. FEMA is for the benefit of the individual and no the state. Trump just can't help showing his true colors.
/——/ Funny you can’t seem to post an error free sentence either. “and no the state”
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.
I used to live in CA.
Without CA.... OR, WA, NM, wouldn't be blue.
Since I joined this site. These lousy California basher keep saying over and over. They never stop.
1. Businesses are abandoning Ca or people are leaving Ca.
So far Ca economy is booming with never ending growth. Better or far better than any other states.
So far people are coming to Ca to live here. And visits.
If you compare hardships and federal dependency with other states. California is not even the closest to the worst. By far.

2. Then they stupidly pick areas that has unemployment area.
California is a very big states with the largest population.

MAIN REASON: Some of the poor areas are far from cities or areas that are booming. So technically they rather babysit or depends on welfare than going to work. That’s a fact and reality in life.
That doesn’t mean California is bad.

Overall unemployment is around 4.2%.

Hmm. Do you think it's possible that people aren't just "California bashing" and actually have good reason to say what they're saying?

Another Big Company Departs California — Will Last One To Leave Shut The Lights? | Investor's Business Daily

"According to a report by business relocation expert Joseph Vranich, from 2008 through 2015, at least 1,687 California companies pulled up stakes and moved elsewhere. And those are only the reported ones, Vranich says.

He cites a rule of thumb among business site-selection experts that five companies leave for each one that actually gets reported in the press. So it's probable that as many as 10,000 companies have left in recent years."

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

"“The rate at which California has been losing people to other states has accelerated in the past couple of years, in part because of rising housing costs,” said Jed Kolko, chief economist with employment website

He said the latest Census Bureau data, from July 2016 to July 2017, show “more people moved out of California to other states than moved in from other states. In other words, California lost people due to domestic migration.”

During that 12-month period, California saw a net loss of just over 138,000 people, while Texas had a net increase of more than 79,000 people. Arizona gained more than 63,000 residents, and Nevada gained more than 38,000."

"Internal Revenue Service data would appear to show that the middle-class and middle-age residents are the ones leaving, according to Joel Kotkin, a presidential fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University in Orange, California.

“We know the actual net migration out of California has been growing,” said Kotkin."
I don't understand this anti-California thing going on. The stupid whore in the Oval Office has renewed this in that last day or two.. I've only been to California once. Very nice. Beautiful. Yet the Oval-Office whore said something about this state that he could not possibly know anything about, like voting in California. What's the story? Jealousy?
Trump: “The response and recovery effort probably has never been seen for something like this. This is an island surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water.”

Trump is turning California into another Puerto Rico. People need to start being honest, Trump is a fucking racist.

3 decades Trump was in the public eye and never branded a racist. Not until he started running on the Republican ticket.

Trump visits Rosa Parks' legacy in his weekly address

Ellis Island Medal of Honor:

Ellis Island Medal of Honor - Wikipedia


Untrue. He has been accused of racism a number of times since the 1970's. This is propaganda.

However, Donald Trump was accused of racism long before he announced that he was running for president. According to the New York Times, one of Trump’s first newspaper appearances was in 1973, when the Trump Management Corporation was sued by the Department of Justice and charged for violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968:

“The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’ ” The Times reported. “It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.”

Trump was also accused of racism in 1989, when he took out full page ads calling for the return of the death penalty in several New York City newspapers. The ads were published a few weeks after a 28-year-old woman was raped while jogging in Central Park. Five men were arrested for the attack:

“They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. I want to hate these murderers and I always will.”

The incident stirred racial tensions in the city, with many accusing Trump of adding fuel to the fire. When evidence surfaced in 2002 that would eventually lead to the exoneration of the five men who were charged with rape, protesters criticized Trump for his racially charged rhetoric:

On May 1, 1989, Donald J. Trump took out full-page advertisements in four New York newspapers calling for the return of the death penalty. Mr. Trump said he wanted the ”criminals of every age” who were accused of beating and raping a jogger in Central Park 12 days earlier ”to be afraid.”

Thirteen years later, as new evidence raises the possibility that the five teenagers convicted in the attack had nothing to do with it, their supporters are focusing some of their fiercest anger at Mr. Trump.

“Trump is a chump!” protesters shouted during a recent demonstration, accusing Mr. Trump of, at least, further inflaming passions and perhaps tainting the defendants’ future jurors. Some called him a racist. Supporters of the Central Park defendants have demanded an apology.

Former employees of Donald Trump also accused the real estate mogul of racism back in the 1990s. John R. O’Donnell, the one-time president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, wrote in his 1991 book Trumped! that his former employer frequently used racial slurs:

A book written by one of Donald Trump’s former casino executives accuses Trump of calling his biggest gamblers “slobs,” of making racial slurs against black people and of being largely ignorant about the casino business.

O’Donnell described a dinner conversation with Trump in which, he writes, they discussed Trump Plaza’s financial executive, who was black. He quoted Trump as saying he never liked the man and believed he was not doing a good job. Trump’s conversation is recounted:

“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. . . . I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”

In 1992, Trump lost an appeal to overturn a $200,000 penalty for removing black dealers from gaming tables at the request of high rollers, and in 1996 twenty African-Americans in Indiana sued Trump, accusing him of reneging on a promise that he would hire largely minorities for his riverboat casino staff.

This isn’t a comprehensive list of all the times Donald Trump has been tied to racially charged incidents, nor is it proof that Donald Trump currently harbors racist ideals. The viral meme which circulated in May 2016 claimed that Trump had never been accused of racism before he decided to run against Democrats, and that claim is blatantly false. Trump has been accused of racism by former employees, protesters, committee members, and he has also been the subject of legal action involving anti-discrimination laws.

FACT CHECK: Was Donald Trump Never Accused of Racism Before Running Against Democrats?
Do they rake forests in your neck of the world, billy?

That's actually quite common. Or at least it used to be before the democrats all turned into morons. They thin out a lot of the small stuff and drag it into burn piles. Maybe sell some of it for pulp or posts and poles. Then burn off what's left in the winter when there's snowcover. That's how you get rid of the branches that are left over after a timber sale. Forest is a lot healthier afterwards. Stops bark beetle infestation. Democrats want forests to become overgrown brush thickets that are sick and half dead from insects so they can have million acre catastrophic fires they can whine about.

Democrats turn into morons. REALLY? I MEAN REALLY?

1. Even if you rake the whole forest which is stupidly impossible. Bark Beetle infestation will happen because of drought. How can you even say such such an idiotic opinion that beetle infestation will stop by raking?

2. Do you even understand that we have drought in California?
Or you are just plain dumb and ignorant.

Just because moron Trump told you to rake to prevent forest fire. That doesn’t mean that will prevent forest fire.
Dude.... Trump live in a penthouse probably don’t even understand how the nature works.

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