Trump Begins Throttling California

what's funny about this millionth topic about California....The racists and the dumbos all come out here to bash california, but then they use technology from California, Produce from California, entertainment from California, tax dollars from California :abgg2q.jpg:
i bet they are using more things made in China....
Mad2 in China by Californian do I know I have many clients who manufacture there and sell here.
California is the most mismanaged state in the U.S. It is utterly criminal what the Democrats have done to that once great state. Glad I got out of there when I did. Now, even major industry is leaving, and taking its jobs with it due to the extremely high taxes, high energy costs, and other high costs of doing business.
Who are you lying to ?
I live here and is the best state one can be at is not for the lazy nor the racists that I agree.
And I wish it true that industries are leaving so we dont have too much traffic and housing market slows down.....stop lying dude.
industries can leave,but the State is still going to be crowded....
I live one I know who is 40 or older was born here except my wife....people come from all over the world and all over the US for work...if it was what you guys claim, I wouldnt see millions of people here, and every restaurant, store, business is booming.
if it was what i claim?....i said the place is to crowded,am i right or wrong?...
what's funny about this millionth topic about California....The racists and the dumbos all come out here to bash california, but then they use technology from California, Produce from California, entertainment from California, tax dollars from California :abgg2q.jpg:
i bet they are using more things made in China....
Mad2 in China by Californian do I know I have many clients who manufacture there and sell here.
so they were still made in China ....right?......
The national forest which bordered a bunch of million dollar luxury homes.
The owners lobbied the state gov. NOT to clear the undergrowth b/c there was a chance that the 'ten toed polka dot salamander' might be affected.
Even Jerry Brown agreed the Cal. gov. had fucked up by not brush clearing.
Fucking wise up!

Please stop with the lies. Clearing the underbrush had NOTHING to do with the California wild fires. Governor Jerry Brown looked at Trump like he had grown two heads when he suggested it.

The President of Norway publically mocked and laughed at Donald Trump for this ridiculous suggestion.

Oh so under brush doesn't burn??

If there is no under brush the fire had a hard time spreading.

As for Brown?? He, like you, doesn't know how fire travels.

You really should educate yourself before you end up sounding like a fool.

No, it is you who is being the idiot here. There are 45 million acres of federally owned land in California. How much money would it cost to clear the underbrush from 45 million acres of land? How long will it take to clear underbrush, and how many people will it employ? Since this is not something that can be done by machines, how much money is the federal government prepared to spend doing this?

Please remember that one of the FIRST things that President Trump did is to cut the budget of the US Forestry Service by 1/3, so how do you propose that the US Forestry Service undertake to clear the brush from that 45 million acress of federally owned land in California.

And here's another dose of reality, Ms. Smartass: Underbrush is the fastest growing stuff in the forest. If you cut it in the spring, you'll have to cut it again in the summer. And again next spring too.

And California is just one state.

So it was only Federal land that burned and all those houses that were destroyed were on Federal land??

I think not.

The fire started on federally owned lands, and most of the property that was burned was owned by the government. Fire is no respecter of property boundaries, and it's not spread by underbrush, underbrush is actually a way of slowing a fire, when you don't have drought conditions.

Canada is home to the largest temperate rainforests on the planet, so we do know a little bit about forest management. Some of us actually live in those forests, and have vacagtion homes there. Nobody clears underbrush as a fire hazzard. We clear it for esthetic purposes, or to get around our properties more easily, but fire management is done by not starting fires - not campfires.

Green and growing plants and underbrush are slower to burn. It is only when there are drought conditions, and the grasses are dried out with heat and drought, that the underbrush becomes fuel to a fire. It was the drought conditions caused by climate change that created the conditions for this year's fires in California.

Conservatives are desperate to continue to deny the negative impact of climate change, which they've denied for years, and this argument is your last dying gasp of ignorance and stupidity in the modern day "flat earth society" that is the climate change denialists stance.

You really are showing your stupidity in each and every post. You really should shut up!
Idiot conservatives have no idea of the meaning of the term "sanctuary cities". They think it's places where illegal immigrants can commit crimes with impunity. Not places where they can REPORT crimes committed against them with no fear of deportation.

Sanctuary cities means that if you get arrested, they will not notify federal authorities (ICE) when they release them back into their happy hunting, killing raping and robbing playgrounds that their cities and states have become.
Here's an economic reality for the rest of the country to swallow.

Without California you would all starve.

Without California's tax base, industries, wealth, educated professionals created in the UC schools, you would become a third world country overnight.

Shit, almost forgot the Port of L.A. Cut of access to that and the U.S. goes dark.

New York and Texas are like The Flash and Batman... without Superman (CA) the JLA is toast.

Just say thank you, bitches.

The U.S. needs Ca more than CA needs the U.S.

Georgia gets it. Why do you think they allow Hollywood to shoot all their movies in the Peach state for free?

This is some funny shit. I hear people with less than 60 in IQ actually believe it. That's below full retard.

I always find it laughable when someone who blindly supports Trump calls other people "retarded". It's like Stevie Wonder saying he pays no attention to Ray Charles because the Ray is blind as a bat.

Considering he has been dead for 15 years, why would Stevie care?
Donald Dumbass also forgot that approximately 60% of all forests are on federally owned lands.
Which fires killed dozens of people?
Oh ya, State and local controlled lands.


Trump blames California for wildfires, but many of the worst have been on federal land

Even the Camp Fire, which has become the most destructive fire in the state's history, started either on or very close to the national forest before spreading to private property to the west.

You don't even know which way the wind blows in California?
California is the most mismanaged state in the U.S. It is utterly criminal what the Democrats have done to that once great state. Glad I got out of there when I did. Now, even major industry is leaving, and taking its jobs with it due to the extremely high taxes, high energy costs, and other high costs of doing business.
Yeah. The entertainment industry is bringing their wackos to New Mexico...oh Joy.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

Yet another Trumpette so duped as to think the CA fires were CA's fault.

Being a sancuary State does not mean taking care of anyone.

I wish the fuck you God damn assholes would learn what a sanctuary city is.

If that's the case, you have nothing to worry about.
California is the most mismanaged state in the U.S. It is utterly criminal what the Democrats have done to that once great state. Glad I got out of there when I did. Now, even major industry is leaving, and taking its jobs with it due to the extremely high taxes, high energy costs, and other high costs of doing business.
Who are you lying to ?
I live here and is the best state one can be at is not for the lazy nor the racists that I agree.
And I wish it true that industries are leaving so we dont have too much traffic and housing market slows down.....stop lying dude.
industries can leave,but the State is still going to be crowded....
I live one I know who is 40 or older was born here except my wife....people come from all over the world and all over the US for work...if it was what you guys claim, I wouldnt see millions of people here, and every restaurant, store, business is booming.
if it was what i claim?....i said the place is to crowded,am i right or wrong?...
Yes...but you also said industries are leaving....yes some are, aand more are popping....this place is buzzing, the GDP of California outperformed the US one. Even the unemployment rate is better than the US average and way better than most red states.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

Yet another Trumpette so duped as to think the CA fires were CA's fault.

Being a sancuary State does not mean taking care of anyone.

I wish the fuck you God damn assholes would learn what a sanctuary city is.

If that's the case, you have nothing to worry about.
I am not worried. I was commenting on your ignorance.
Idiot conservatives have no idea of the meaning of the term "sanctuary cities". They think it's places where illegal immigrants can commit crimes with impunity. Not places where they can REPORT crimes committed against them with no fear of deportation.

Sanctuary cities means that if you get arrested, they will not notify federal authorities (ICE) when they release them back into their happy hunting, killing raping and robbing playgrounds that their cities and states have become.

They are still punished for thir crimes the same as anyone else.

Thet would e released after they served their sentences.
Idiot conservatives have no idea of the meaning of the term "sanctuary cities". They think it's places where illegal immigrants can commit crimes with impunity. Not places where they can REPORT crimes committed against them with no fear of deportation.

Straw man. No one ever said they could "commit crimes with impunity". The only crime sanctuary cities let them commit with impunity is the crime of BEING HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. If those cities didn't allow that, they wouldn't be committing any of their other crimes AT ALL.
we don't have an immigration clause in our Constitution, it is an express establishment clause for naturalization, every time we have to argue this with the right wing.
California is the most mismanaged state in the U.S. It is utterly criminal what the Democrats have done to that once great state. Glad I got out of there when I did. Now, even major industry is leaving, and taking its jobs with it due to the extremely high taxes, high energy costs, and other high costs of doing business.
Who are you lying to ?
I live here and is the best state one can be at is not for the lazy nor the racists that I agree.
And I wish it true that industries are leaving so we dont have too much traffic and housing market slows down.....stop lying dude.
industries can leave,but the State is still going to be crowded....
I live one I know who is 40 or older was born here except my wife....people come from all over the world and all over the US for work...if it was what you guys claim, I wouldnt see millions of people here, and every restaurant, store, business is booming.
if it was what i claim?....i said the place is to crowded,am i right or wrong?...
Yes...but you also said industries are leaving....yes some are, aand more are popping....this place is buzzing, the GDP of California outperformed the US one. Even the unemployment rate is better than the US average and way better than most red states.
no i said they CAN leave and it will still be crowded...and yea the unemployment rate is great in the wealthy coastal counties....however 27 other counties are not jumping for joy....
Who are you lying to ?
I live here and is the best state one can be at is not for the lazy nor the racists that I agree.
And I wish it true that industries are leaving so we dont have too much traffic and housing market slows down.....stop lying dude.
industries can leave,but the State is still going to be crowded....
I live one I know who is 40 or older was born here except my wife....people come from all over the world and all over the US for work...if it was what you guys claim, I wouldnt see millions of people here, and every restaurant, store, business is booming.
if it was what i claim?....i said the place is to crowded,am i right or wrong?...
Yes...but you also said industries are leaving....yes some are, aand more are popping....this place is buzzing, the GDP of California outperformed the US one. Even the unemployment rate is better than the US average and way better than most red states.
no i said they CAN leave and it will still be crowded...and yea the unemployment rate is great in the wealthy coastal counties....however 27 other counties are not jumping for joy....
You mean the red counties ?
And do you have to stick to your false claims ? All I see is a boom economy for the last 8 years and people still moving in by the thousands.
industries can leave,but the State is still going to be crowded....
I live one I know who is 40 or older was born here except my wife....people come from all over the world and all over the US for work...if it was what you guys claim, I wouldnt see millions of people here, and every restaurant, store, business is booming.
if it was what i claim?....i said the place is to crowded,am i right or wrong?...
Yes...but you also said industries are leaving....yes some are, aand more are popping....this place is buzzing, the GDP of California outperformed the US one. Even the unemployment rate is better than the US average and way better than most red states.
no i said they CAN leave and it will still be crowded...and yea the unemployment rate is great in the wealthy coastal counties....however 27 other counties are not jumping for joy....
You mean the red counties ?
And do you have to stick to your false claims ? All I see is a boom economy for the last 8 years and people still moving in by the thousands.
are those so called red counties part of the state or not?....and my false claims? many times i have posted that unemployment chart from the state of California?....yet you just ignore it...why?....27 counties are higher than the state avg....half of them are twice the state avg...
Nah! I’m very proud, blessed and successful here in California. I will not dare living any where else.

Business leaving California has been going on BUT ......

We are the 6th largest economy in the world. Other states can not even come close.. Business are booming all over that I can’t complain. With the largest populations at 4.1% unemployment. Awesome.

The WELL TO DO (wealthy) are still doing very well in California. It has become like Venezuela. The elite, well off are fine. The poor get public support, and the Middle Income Earner gets pushed out.

Well who is forcing the middle income earner to subsidizer low wage earners? The federal government which thinks that increasing earned income credits

The best way to stop allowing our tax dollars to subsidize private business so they don't have to pay a living wage is to raise the federal minimum wage up to a living wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been allowed to increase since the bush boy years.

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