trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
The 1st originally was only specifically applied to the federal government, but the 14th then required all individual rights to be protected by government.
How do you think state and local gun control laws have been struck down, like McDonald vs Chicago?

Twitter can not harm the dissemination of political beliefs in general, and specifically NOT in the public internet, which is under the 1st amendment since it is federally created, operated, and owned.

Fucking retard, posting on Twitter is not a right.

And moron, the government does not own the Internet.

Oh, you care about ethics now, do ya?

How about the "ethics" of a President undermining our democracy with lies?

4 years of "Show me where that's illegal!". But NOW you care about Twitter's ethics.

Hahahaha ooooooookay!
Biden is the one undermining democracy, NAZI.
Trump is not trying to convince Twitter of anything, but is only trying to get his message to other Twitter participants, and Twitter has no basis for interfering in that.
Their basis is that the means by which Trump is communicating is utilizing their resources.

Let’s say I wish to get my message to people driving by your house, so I put a sign with my message in your front lawn.

You taking down the sign would be interference. Is that legal or not?

Constitutional Standards: Injury in Fact, Causation, and Redressability.

The Court ... has now settled upon the rule that, “at an irreducible minimum,” the constitutional requisites under Article III for the existence of standing are that the plaintiff must personally have:
1) suffered some actual or threatened injury;
2) that injury can fairly be traced to the challenged action of the defendant; and
3) that the injury is likely to be redressed by a favorable decision.
Misinterpret often? There is nothing there that shows Trump cannot sue.
No one ever attacked the VP, and the VP said he never felt attacked.
No one attacked Pence because he was scurried off for his own safety. You're unbelievably stupid.

Regardless, those people forced their way inside the Capitol chanting, "hang Mike Pence!"

Why do you think they were saying that? What did Mike Pence do to earn their ire?
And of course that is the rub, in that Twitter has not banned anyone else, even though many have crossed the line into promoting criminal acts.
In fact, anyone promoting US troops being deployed without local permission, anywhere except where the UN has agreed to, is in violation of the law and should legally be censored.
Twitter has banned others, so your claim is based on a false premise.
  • Thanks
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He can do it because his daughter is not a legal adult with a full set of rights.
Nope. He can do it because it's his house, his rules. If his daughter wants to live there, she has to abide. That's the case regardless of her age.
We will shortly run out of oil/gas, so using up our gas/oil when its cheap, makes no sense.
We should be importing exclusively and ban and domestic production, UNTIL the global shortage raises the prices.
There is no "middle east mess".
It has nothing to do with us and is fine all by itself.
The only problem is we dliberately lied about Saddam having WMD so that we could illegally invade and topple his government.
That was likely done because he was compensating victims of illegal Israel collective retaliation against the families of activists.

Rigby5: "We will shortly run out of oil/gas."

What is today stupid day on the site? How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?

You are smarter at least than both antontoo and dblack since you did in fact understand the discussion. Those princes of stupidity didn't even understand that.

But if you're going to make shit up, I feel no need to address it
That's as dumb as saying making a phone call is not a right.

Free speech is a right. A phone is no more of a right than is a megaphone. As in, being denied a phone doesn't suppress your free speech.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?
Wrong. Just go to the Fox News, or any of it's hosts websites. Their terms of service specifically say what political things you can't post, with the violators being banned.

Contempt of Host/Contempt of Friend/Contempt of Moderator:

You are welcome to disagree with Sean Hannity’s views and discuss differing opinion, but personal attacks against our host will not be tolerated. Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Oliver North are close, personal friends of Sean Hannity and they are afforded the same protection.

We have a Terms of Service describing your (and our) behavior and rights related to content, privacy, and laws. To use this service, you must agree to abide by our TOS.

Foxnews doesn't claim to be a neutral platform and aren't immune from lawsuits like Google, Facebook and Twitter, Genius. What point do you even think you just made?

Today is seriously stupid day on US Message board. Oy vey

Free speech is a right. A phone is no more of a right than is a megaphone. As in, being denied a phone doesn't suppress your free speech.
Just like being "denied" health insurance doesn't violate your right to health care.

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