trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
Really, then why can I tell my daughter to "shut up".

First of all it is your house, second is you have a right to privacy and silence, and your daughter is not representing any political beliefs most likely.
Freedom of political expression does not mean any one person has to be forced to listen to it.
It just means you can't interfere with people hearing it who want to listen to it.
Trump is not trying to convince Twitter of anything, but is only trying to get his message to other Twitter participants, and Twitter has no basis for interfering in that.
First of all it is your house, second is you have a right to privacy and silence, and your daughter is not representing any political beliefs most likely.
That's not what you said
Each state has its own laws, but the principle of the 1st amendment applies to all individuals due to the 14th amendment.
I violate my daughters first amendment rights all the time. I can do that because it doesn't apply to individuals, just federal state and local governments.
Thee would be nothing worse than election fraud, so if Trump suspect election fraud, this claim is well protected.
It is not calling for any illegal criminal act, but the delay of election results certification until any claims of fraud have been investigated.
It is an opinion.
I do not know what it is based on.
I do not believe it, but is it not illegal nor can legally be censored.
Thee would be nothing worse than election fraud, so if Trump suspect election fraud, this claim is well protected.
If I suspect somebody of molesting my daughter, do I get to shoot them?

P.S. to mirror the Trump case, I have no actual proof.

Even these people, who were incited to assassinate Pence based on Trump's condemnation of his VP for not handing him the election, laugh at you for being such a fucking imbecile...

There is absolutely no one who could possibly have seen anything as an actual threat to Pence.
Hanging politicans in effigy is a long standing political tradition.

Each state has its own laws, but the principle of the 1st amendment applies to all individuals due to the 14th amendment.
That is not what state lawyers are taught, but federal lawyers are.
Fucking retard, the 1st AND 14th Amendments apply to the government.

The government cannot suppress your free speech unless it's inciteful to physically harm others; Twitter, not being the government, can.

The government cannot treat people differently under the law; Twitter, not being the government, can.

If I suspect somebody of molesting my daughter, do I get to shoot them?

P.S. to mirror the Trump case, I have no actual proof.

And who are you claiming Trump shot?
If you suspect someone molested your daughter, you most certainly do have the right to stop them from being made guardian of your daughter until the investigation of allegations are concluded.
There is absolutely no one who could possibly have seen anything as an actual threat to Pence.
Hanging politicans in effigy is a long standing political tradition.

Some of Trump's thugs broke into the Capitol where Mike Pence was working and threatened to kill him. Denying that's an actual threat is denying reality.

And why did they do that?
Child porn is a crime. No one disputes that websites are obligated to censor that.

What a fucking dumbass. Do you NAZIs have any arguments that haven't already been shot down 1000 times already?

do you get paid by your handlers every time you post NAZI?

The example of child porn is an example of how platforms like Twitter and FB are regulated differently than providers like ATT or Verizon.

The former are liable to what is posted on their sites but the latter are not held liable if you text it over their network.

Now, go pick up your bonus check for you 100th NAZI today.
Thee would be nothing worse than election fraud, so if Trump suspect election fraud, this claim is well protected.
It is not calling for any illegal criminal act, but the delay of election results certification until any claims of fraud have been investigated.
It is an opinion.
I do not know what it is based on.
I do not believe it, but is it not illegal nor can legally be censored.
That, along with other comments about Pence not going along with Trump's illegal coup, incited others to attack the VP.
Fucking retard, the 1st AND 14th Amendments apply to the government.

The government cannot suppress your free speech unless it's inciteful to physically harm others; Twitter, not being the government, can.

The government cannot treat people differently under the law; Twitter, not being the government, can.


The 1st originally was only specifically applied to the federal government, but the 14th then required all individual rights to be protected by government.
How do you think state and local gun control laws have been struck down, like McDonald vs Chicago?

Twitter can not harm the dissemination of political beliefs in general, and specifically NOT in the public internet, which is under the 1st amendment since it is federally created, operated, and owned.
I agree. Twitter and all the other social networks don't like right wing anything. All they want to post is left shit.

Twitter sure didn't mind the notoriety of Trump using them when he was POTUS.
Oh, you care about ethics now, do ya?

How about the "ethics" of a President undermining our democracy with lies?

4 years of "Show me where that's illegal!". But NOW you care about Twitter's ethics.

Hahahaha ooooooookay!
Yes always, and, show me where I mentioned anything about Joe Biden. However, deflection noted. BTW… always concerned with a companies ethics. Nothing new.


You're not usually a comoplete idiot. We all have our days. This is yours.

Here's a rule with reading posts.

I said that about supporting Trump.

That meaning the bull shit he laid out is a NON SEQUITOR
Well, hell. MAYBE I GOT IT WRONG. Let's start over. Here's what you said:

We're so far from fighting for liberty now. Democrats aren't kidding, they want this to be a one party country and they are not pulling any punches in their quest to get it.

When someone is trying to destroy you, fighting for liberty means defending yourself, not discussing the theoretical limits of government in a libertarian utopia

So, what did you mean by that? Because it sounds to me like you're arguing that there's war going on (the democrats are trying to destroy you!) and that we don't have the "luxury" of individual rights or limited government.

But here's your chance to correct me. What did you really mean?
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That's not what you said

I violate my daughters first amendment rights all the time. I can do that because it doesn't apply to individuals, just federal state and local governments.
Believe it or not, Republicans used to understand this. Back when some of them were conservatives.

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