Trump: Being woke means 'you're a loser'...Antifa should be prosecuted for murder, but the justice system only goes after Republicans

His DOJ would not do it. Trump was continually sabotaged and second guessed by un-elected assholes.

Trump was continually sabotaged by people who know the law and knew that there was no evidence of anything Trump claimed. All of the shit Trump said the Democrats did, never happened, he just made it up. Just like Republicans investigated the Clintons based on rumors Republicans started.

In order to prosecute someone, there has to be an actual crime, not something Donald Trump claims happened.
Trump was continually sabotaged by people who know the law and knew that there was no evidence of anything Trump claimed. All of the shit Trump said the Democrats did, never happened, he just made it up. Just like Republicans investigated the Clintons based on rumors Republicans started.

In order to prosecute someone, there has to be an actual crime, not something Donald Trump claims happened.
There was plenty of evidence. You are just ignorant.
Maybe because not being a Democrat American Marxist Trump upholds the constitution allowing the states to exercise their constitutional rights. I understand democrats think as fascists hence you do not understand that each state is free to govern as they wish. The Federal Government does not interfere in the states affairs.

Your thinking is fascist.

Fascism is a racist, anti-democratic right wing authoritarian form of government based on a strong man dictator in leadership.

The ONLY American political party that fits that description is the Republican Party. Anti-Fa, who Trump hates as his opposition stands for "Anti-Fascism". If Anti-Fa is the enemy of Republicans, Republicans are fascists.
Fascism is a racist, anti-democratic right wing authoritarian form of government based on a strong man dictator in leadership.

The ONLY American political party that fits that description is the Republican Party. Anti-Fa, who Trump hates as his opposition stands for "Anti-Fascism". If Anti-Fa is the enemy of Republicans, Republicans are fascists.

Fascism is racist? If that is true, the Democrat party has a long history of hatred and bigotry. We can go back to the original slave holders of the south, Democrats that fought against the northern republicans, Democrats sought to keep slavery.

After the Civil War, it was the Democrat politicians who wrote and upheld the Jim Crow laws

Democrats opposed the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's, voting against the civil rights act.

Democrats are a party that keeps african americans in poverty, subjugation, so that the Democrats can "own" african americans in a modern political since. Always promising to free them poverty but somehow never accomplishing that goal.

Racist Democrats, Like Biden's good friend Senator Byrd who was a leader of the KKK

Biden himself who opposed busing african americans to better schools.

Biden how supported segregation.

Democrats are the racists in this society. Remember when Democrats put the Japanese Americans in concentration camps?

Democrats own racism, today, yesterday, and tomorrow. You lose that point.
Trump is a jerkoff who thinks it's still 2005 & he's calling into Howard Stern's show.

If you met Trump in a restaurant & listened to one of his rants for 5 minutes you'd walk away thinking he was released from the nearest psyche ward one year too early without his meds.

Be that as a may, it doesn't change the fact he is right.
Fascism is a racist, anti-democratic right wing authoritarian form of government based on a strong man dictator in leadership.

The ONLY American political party that fits that description is the Republican Party. Anti-Fa, who Trump hates as his opposition stands for "Anti-Fascism". If Anti-Fa is the enemy of Republicans, Republicans are fascists.
Trumps republican party is a conservative party. Fascism was always a creature of the left, of the Socialists. Democrats own Socialism 100%.

And who dictated that we leave Americans behind in Afghanistan, the strong man dictator biden.

Who dictates that we will be vaccinated, the strong man dictator biden.

That is two points you can not make.
Fascism is also forcible suppression of opposition, that is exactly who Antifa is.

antifa/Anti-Fascism, Green Clean Renewable Energy, fuck you and your names that have no basis in reality. People are onto your fascist antics.
Fascism is a racist, anti-democratic right wing authoritarian form of government based on a strong man dictator in leadership.

The ONLY American political party that fits that description is the Republican Party. Anti-Fa, who Trump hates as his opposition stands for "Anti-Fascism". If Anti-Fa is the enemy of Republicans, Republicans are fascists.
Fascist is the illegitimate administration. Anti Fa are thugs working for progressives.
Trump had 4 years to prosecute a member of "antifa". Yet he did nothing. Tell me again the name of one of the supposed "antifa" leaders? LOL!

No, I mean the scum that controls our government. They break any law they wish.

And now we see why Trump wasn’t reelected.

Trump campaigned on Draining the Swamp of those sorts of people. Instead, he tried to take control of it. A lot of people, including me, refused to vote for him in 2020.

For years, and I mean a lot of years, we have seen our Government descending into Dictatorship territory. To stop it, we had a chance in 2016. One person who didn’t want the power, didn’t want a bigger more powerful government. At least according to his campaign.

Now, I honestly believe it is too late. The only choice is which flavor of authoritarian dictatorship we end up with. RW Dictatorship, or LW.

Trump was the last chance in 2016. Now, it is too late, we’re doomed.
And now we see why Trump wasn’t reelected.

Trump campaigned on Draining the Swamp of those sorts of people. Instead, he tried to take control of it. A lot of people, including me, refused to vote for him in 2020.

For years, and I mean a lot of years, we have seen our Government descending into Dictatorship territory. To stop it, we had a chance in 2016. One person who didn’t want the power, didn’t want a bigger more powerful government. At least according to his campaign.

Now, I honestly believe it is too late. The only choice is which flavor of authoritarian dictatorship we end up with. RW Dictatorship, or LW.

Trump was the last chance in 2016. Now, it is too late, we’re doomed.
Trump was re-elected. Biden is illegitimate.
Trump was re-elected. Biden is illegitimate.

I am one of those people who really loves Truth. And I can’t find any proof to support your assertion. In fact, I can’t come up with a reasonable scenario that would allow the election to be stolen.

Let’s say you’re a prosecutor. You have a ton of evidence. The picture you paint for the Jury has to account for all the evidence. Any you ignore, will be used by the Defense to show you have the story wrong.

In this case, the Jury is the American Public. You are trying to convince them the election was stolen. You come up with proofs, and those proofs are discredited. In the meantime you’re ignoring other evidence. One of my favorites, and often linked, but never addressed is this.

The increase in Democratic votes in 45 states. You can’t blame bogus absentee ballots in all 45 states. The number of people involved becomes too large to keep it a secret. It would include Republicans and Democrats. Conservatives and Liberals joined together to take the election from the Republicans? Nah, it just wouldn’t work.

You can’t blame Dominion. They only provided machines to 28 states, which means you have states like Texas, as Red as they come, with an increase in Democratic Vote percentage and the desire to expose the vast conspiracy.

Wouldn’t they expose it within their own state? Where they have jurisdiction instead of demanding the SCOTUS toss the results from other states? I mean, if they could expose it in their own state, they would go a long way to proving the assertions wouldn’t they?

Georgia. Again run by Republicans. Wouldn’t it be good for Republicans to prove that this happened? But they didn’t, and the investigations ended up showing nothing. Just the usual idiot who voted for wives or husbands, mothers or fathers. And were caught. Unless you are asserting that millions of these idiots existed without any evidence to support the assertion, you’re out of luck.

So what scenario can you come up with to explain the increase in Democratic Votes in 45 states? Interestingly enough California wasn’t one of the 45 states. It showed a strong shift to Republican. Texas was one which shifted to the blue. Georgia of course was one too.

Remember, you can’t leave evidence on the table. Dazzle me.
I am one of those people who really loves Truth. And I can’t find any proof to support your assertion. In fact, I can’t come up with a reasonable scenario that would allow the election to be stolen.

Let’s say you’re a prosecutor. You have a ton of evidence. The picture you paint for the Jury has to account for all the evidence. Any you ignore, will be used by the Defense to show you have the story wrong.

In this case, the Jury is the American Public. You are trying to convince them the election was stolen. You come up with proofs, and those proofs are discredited. In the meantime you’re ignoring other evidence. One of my favorites, and often linked, but never addressed is this.

The increase in Democratic votes in 45 states. You can’t blame bogus absentee ballots in all 45 states. The number of people involved becomes too large to keep it a secret. It would include Republicans and Democrats. Conservatives and Liberals joined together to take the election from the Republicans? Nah, it just wouldn’t work.

You can’t blame Dominion. They only provided machines to 28 states, which means you have states like Texas, as Red as they come, with an increase in Democratic Vote percentage and the desire to expose the vast conspiracy.

Wouldn’t they expose it within their own state? Where they have jurisdiction instead of demanding the SCOTUS toss the results from other states? I mean, if they could expose it in their own state, they would go a long way to proving the assertions wouldn’t they?

Georgia. Again run by Republicans. Wouldn’t it be good for Republicans to prove that this happened? But they didn’t, and the investigations ended up showing nothing. Just the usual idiot who voted for wives or husbands, mothers or fathers. And were caught. Unless you are asserting that millions of these idiots existed without any evidence to support the assertion, you’re out of luck.

So what scenario can you come up with to explain the increase in Democratic Votes in 45 states? Interestingly enough California wasn’t one of the 45 states. It showed a strong shift to Republican. Texas was one which shifted to the blue. Georgia of course was one too.

Remember, you can’t leave evidence on the table. Dazzle me.
Those numbers are fraudulent because the election was fraudulent. Case closed. You will not tell me anything different.
Those numbers are fraudulent because the election was fraudulent. Case closed. You will not tell me anything different.

I understand. You have faith. Faith is the basis for a belief. One that can’t be proven. I have faith in God. I can’t prove that God exists. I believe it.

That is the difference between Faith and Knowledge. Faith may turn out to be true, I’ll find out in due time if God truly exists. I believe that He does.

But Knowledge is demonstrable. We can prove it. You don’t care about proof. You believe and that is all there is to that.

Sadly, you will spend the rest of your life miserable. Desperate to prove your belief is true. Denouncing and belittling those who don’t share your belief. Finding solace with the few who do share it. Sad little men who refuse to deal in reality.

I say that despite my own belief being unprovable. You see, I believe in something far greater than we are. Far more powerful, wiser, and more compassionate. It gives me strength to endure life’s trials and tribulations.

You believe in a conspiracy that doesn’t exist. Nothing I say can convince you. You won’t question your beliefs. You won’t challenge them, and when asked to prove them you just say you won’t even consider the alternative.

I believe in God. You believe in man. I believe in the Divine. You believe in the evil.

That is why I say I understand, and I feel sorry for you. I know I shouldn’t show pity, but I do pity you. Your rage will only grow. And God forbid it causes an imbalance in your personality, you may one day take extreme action trying to prove it and will be just another news story of a disturbed man doing something stupid to prove a crazy ideal. Or to fight an imaginary evil.

I fear that one day you’ll be in the press like this poor soul.

He had faith, a belief. He believed he was doing something good, something necessary. Sadly there was some truth to his beliefs. And that was Pedophile Island and Epstein. But his actions are lost in that, and he is probably out of Prison now, with a life that will never be restored. He took matters into his own hand, to prove his belief was true.

I hope you don’t end up the same way. A name, and incident in the news, to show how irrational the RW is.
I understand. You have faith. Faith is the basis for a belief. One that can’t be proven. I have faith in God. I can’t prove that God exists. I believe it.

That is the difference between Faith and Knowledge. Faith may turn out to be true, I’ll find out in due time if God truly exists. I believe that He does.

But Knowledge is demonstrable. We can prove it. You don’t care about proof. You believe and that is all there is to that.

Sadly, you will spend the rest of your life miserable. Desperate to prove your belief is true. Denouncing and belittling those who don’t share your belief. Finding solace with the few who do share it. Sad little men who refuse to deal in reality.

I say that despite my own belief being unprovable. You see, I believe in something far greater than we are. Far more powerful, wiser, and more compassionate. It gives me strength to endure life’s trials and tribulations.

You believe in a conspiracy that doesn’t exist. Nothing I say can convince you. You won’t question your beliefs. You won’t challenge them, and when asked to prove them you just say you won’t even consider the alternative.

I believe in God. You believe in man. I believe in the Divine. You believe in the evil.

That is why I say I understand, and I feel sorry for you. I know I shouldn’t show pity, but I do pity you. Your rage will only grow. And God forbid it causes an imbalance in your personality, you may one day take extreme action trying to prove it and will be just another news story of a disturbed man doing something stupid to prove a crazy ideal. Or to fight an imaginary evil.

I fear that one day you’ll be in the press like this poor soul.

He had faith, a belief. He believed he was doing something good, something necessary. Sadly there was some truth to his beliefs. And that was Pedophile Island and Epstein. But his actions are lost in that, and he is probably out of Prison now, with a life that will never be restored. He took matters into his own hand, to prove his belief was true.

I hope you don’t end up the same way. A name, and incident in the news, to show how irrational the RW is.
Do everyone a favor and save the babble.
I'd love to see Biden and Kamelface voted out of office.

But to do that, we need an intelligent, decent, honest, conservative candidate, imo. Trump is none of those things, and I (an Independent) would never vote for him. Period.

I liked trump's approach to illegal immigration. But in most other ways, Trump and his cabinet made the White House smell like a garbage scow on a 110 degree day.

Thankfully, the Republican party can, and must, do much better, in selecting candidates. That means avoiding nutty candidates like Trump and the 'conspiracy' loving clowns.
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Antifa is anti Fascist.. Why didn't Trump prosecute them?
Did they not teach you basic civics in school.
The presidency has no powers to charge people criminally. It is upon local prosecutors in each jurisdiction to do that and since most of them a woke fucktards you have your answer.

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