Trump BIGGEST Hypocrite EVER

Golfing with the PM of Japan where they smoothed things over is hypocritical? Maybe he didn't think golfing in DC was a good plan?
Just don't try and defend this one, it's plain as day hypocrisy, there will be a lot of it. There was no foreign diplomat or business being done with Rory, and Trumps spokeswoman ms huckleberry lied about it then got her foot stuck in her mouth. The circus continues
The circus is in your head. You spin anything to the negative and give no benefit of doubt.
I have no problem with presidents playing golf or doing whatever they want to do to unwind. They have a tough job and maintaining balance is important. But there is clear hypocrisy with how trump critiqued Obama for playing golf, then stating that if he was Prez he wouldn't play golf because he wouldnt have time with all the work, then he plays 6 times in his first month. No spin, that's all fact. It's ok to laugh at this one, it's better than wasting your energy trying to defend it.
Golfing with the PM of Japan where they smoothed things over is hypocritical? Maybe he didn't think golfing in DC was a good plan?
Just don't try and defend this one, it's plain as day hypocrisy, there will be a lot of it. There was no foreign diplomat or business being done with Rory, and Trumps spokeswoman ms huckleberry lied about it then got her foot stuck in her mouth. The circus continues
The circus is in your head. You spin anything to the negative and give no benefit of doubt.
I have no problem with presidents playing golf or doing whatever they want to do to unwind. They have a tough job and maintaining balance is important. But there is clear hypocrisy with how trump critiqued Obama for playing golf, then stating that if he was Prez he wouldn't play golf because he wouldnt have time with all the work, then he plays 6 times in his first month. No spin, that's all fact. It's ok to laugh at this one, it's better than wasting your energy trying to defend it.
I don't need to defend it. I'm not responsible for what another human being does. I don't know the details and lefties don't care for anything other than what makes their enemies look bad. Golfing is what power player across the world do and Florida, the sun and some golf probably sounds better to foreign dignitaries for a visit than frigid DC. I don't know the particulars because I don't care, it's your panties getting knotted up, not mine.
I guess the same can be said for all who complained about Obamas travels but don't care about Trumps. Right? Would they be snowflakes as well?


Many Liberals are still ignorant about the definition of 'snowflake'. I already posted the link and article on this a while back, but let me explain again --

'Snowflake' is a term created / adopted BY DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who were 'too sensitive', were 'offended too easily', and who could not 'cope with reality' very well.

So only if liberal / Democrats were complaining about Obama's travel costs can they be true 'snowflakes'.
Golfing with the PM of Japan where they smoothed things over is hypocritical? Maybe he didn't think golfing in DC was a good plan?
Just don't try and defend this one, it's plain as day hypocrisy, there will be a lot of it. There was no foreign diplomat or business being done with Rory, and Trumps spokeswoman ms huckleberry lied about it then got her foot stuck in her mouth. The circus continues
The circus is in your head. You spin anything to the negative and give no benefit of doubt.
I have no problem with presidents playing golf or doing whatever they want to do to unwind. They have a tough job and maintaining balance is important. But there is clear hypocrisy with how trump critiqued Obama for playing golf, then stating that if he was Prez he wouldn't play golf because he wouldnt have time with all the work, then he plays 6 times in his first month. No spin, that's all fact. It's ok to laugh at this one, it's better than wasting your energy trying to defend it.
I don't need to defend it. I'm not responsible for what another human being does. I don't know the details and lefties don't care for anything other than what makes their enemies look bad. Golfing is what power player across the world do and Florida, the sun and some golf probably sounds better to foreign dignitaries for a visit than frigid DC. I don't know the particulars because I don't care, it's your panties getting knotted up, not mine.
Slow down tiger and reread my last statement. I don't care if he plays golf. But there is undeniable, laughable hypocrisy when you look at his criticisms of Obama, his statement that he wouldn't play if he was Perez, and then his current actions. Get it?
I guess the same can be said for all who complained about Obamas travels but don't care about Trumps. Right? Would they be snowflakes as well?


Many Liberals are still ignorant about the definition of 'snowflake'. I already posted the link and article on this a while back, but let me explain again --

'Snowflake' is a term created / adopted BY DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who were 'too sensitive', were 'offended too easily', and who could not 'cope with reality' very well.

So only if liberal / Democrats were complaining about Obama's travel costs can they be true 'snowflakes'.
You are sounding awfully close to that definition right now
Got it. You think normal Americans are whiny bitches... definitely true in some circles... I guess we all live In our own reality.
Dude, you are SERIOUSLY confused today.

NO, I think SNOWFLAKES are whiny, seditious, sore-loser, immature, butt-hurt bit@hes who call for military coups and assassinations.

Normal Americans don't do that.
Got it. You think normal Americans are whiny bitches... definitely true in some circles... I guess we all live In our own reality.
Dude, you are SERIOUSLY confused today.

NO, I think SNOWFLAKES are whiny, seditious, sore-loser, immature, butt-hurt bit@hes who call for military coups and assassinations.

Normal Americans don't do that.
We just had 8 years of whiny righties and many are keeping it up crying about snowflakes. So the non democrats who act the same way as your snowflakes, once called RWNJs, can be called fluffballs. Don't be a fluffball
We just had 8 years of whiny righties and many are keeping it up crying about snowflakes. So the non democrats who act the same way as your snowflakes, once called RWNJs, can be called fluffballs. Don't be a fluffball
Snowflake, if you think anyone acted the last 8 years the way the snowflakes have the last 6 months, you - like Hillary and every other snowflake - are bat-shit crazy. Again, NORMAL PEOPLE don't call for MILITARY COUPS and ASSASSINATIONS OF PRESIDENTS, like the snowflakes have done.
We just had 8 years of whiny righties and many are keeping it up crying about snowflakes. So the non democrats who act the same way as your snowflakes, once called RWNJs, can be called fluffballs. Don't be a fluffball
Snowflake, if you think anyone acted the last 8 years the way the snowflakes have the last 6 months, you - like Hillary and every other snowflake - are bat-shit crazy. Again, NORMAL PEOPLE don't call for MILITARY COUPS and ASSASSINATIONS OF PRESIDENTS, like the snowflakes have done.
I think many LWNJs are taking things way too far and I don't make excuses for their actions. I think when those on the right whine and complain and obsess over what the crazies on the other side are doing, they stoop down to their level.

I remember people burning effigies of Obama on a rope, Texas succession talks, an obstructionist congress who's goal was to block Obama, and a tea party movement that held many protests... its part of our democracy and there will always be those that go to far on both sides. Get over it. Focus on the grown ups that can actually have an intelligent conversation and debate.
Snowflakes complaining about Trump having played 6 rounds of golf...

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Hahahaha....You assholes NEVER can defend this fat-assed pig when we corner him. You just attack the messenger. Cowards.

A messenger needs a message in order to be a messenger.

That's just another attack on the messenger, coward.
Defend Trump's hypocrisy. Or find another thread to blow your methane.

There is no hypocrisy to defend.
It is spelt out pretty clearly in the op

For one with that odd sort of skewed POV.
Hahahaha....You assholes NEVER can defend this fat-assed pig when we corner him. You just attack the messenger. Cowards.

A messenger needs a message in order to be a messenger.

That's just another attack on the messenger, coward.
Defend Trump's hypocrisy. Or find another thread to blow your methane.

There is no hypocrisy to defend.
It is spelt out pretty clearly in the op

For one with that odd sort of skewed POV.
How is it an odd POV? Its pretty elementary.

- Trump criticizes Obama for playing golf (tweets are posted in OP)
- During the campaign, Trump says he would be to busy working to play golf if he were president
- Trump wins election and golfs 6 times in his first month

Nothing partisan, skewed, or spun about that and it fits the definition of hypocrisy. I could say he lied if I really wanted to but it's getting tiresome calling him on all his bs.

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